
Elisabete Martins

Dear Colleagues/Caríssimos Colegas,

The call for papers for EDULOG’s International Conference on “Economic development in Southern European Regions: Policies and higher education”, that will take place in Porto, on the 25th and 26th of May 2017, has been postponed to the 31st of January:

As you already know, EDULOG will be hosting for the first time a Conference dedicated to the link between human capital, higher education (innovation) and regional development, focused on the four Southern European countries, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

You can find the overall description of the Conference in our website, where you can also register for the event:

More details will be regularly updated online.

Papers that investigate and/or analyse the following themes are welcome:

§The success or lack of success of policies implemented in the lagging regions of the four countries.

§Theory-based evaluations or quantitative counterfactual evaluations.

§Theories behind the success or failure of policy efforts in this type of regions.

§New policy perspectives or objectives, which should be implemented.

§The interrelation between national and European regional policies and how they can be coordinated and made more complementary.

§Prospective and policy components on the link between human capital, higher education (innovation) and regional development will be particularly welcome.

§Reports from on-going projects on Smart Specialisation Strategies.

I do apologise for any potential cross-posting, and do look forward to welcoming you in Porto.

Please do not hesitate to share this with your colleagues and partners and you can find two documents attached to this email, which can be freely used for the event communication purposes.  

If any questions persist, feel free to contact me.

Kind wishes,

Wendeline van der Feltz

EDULOG Secretary General

Local organizing committee

Monday, 16 January 2017 15:41

International Award in Local Development

I am sending to your information the website of the International Award for Local Development.



Of particular relevance is the call for proposals which is available in several languages ​​here:



The different awards will be delivered at an International Conference in Faro (Portugal) in the second half of May.


This conference will have a series of parallel sessions with the possibility of presentation of recent research and best-practices.

Dear NECTAR friends 

The 2017 NECTAR conference on "Transport in a networked society" has extended the deadline for submitting abstracts till January 30th.

Madrid will host this conference during the 31st of May till the 2nd of June 2017.

Find more details in the updated call for papers or at the conference website:

Kind regards


Ana Condeço-Melhorado

NECTAR Secretary

Call For Paper

Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters
IF: 0.133; 2014/2015

Submissions Welcome for CEPAL Review Special Issue (December 2016)

CEPAL Review journal is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international journal publishing original and high-quality articles covering a wide range of topics in engineering, science and technology. Published papers in CEPAL Review will be indexed in very important Indexing & Abstracting databases such as Social Sciences Citation Index, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and etc. The journal welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions. Articles submitted should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication any place else and should report original unpublished research results.

  • Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
  • All articles are sent for blind peer review, with a very fast and without delay review procedure (within approximately two week after the submission).
  • Authors have to read through the author guidelines carefully before beginning the submission process.
  • Submissions are accepted through the online submission system Or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Learn more and read existing OnlineOpen papers in CEPAL Review

Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

  • Arts and Literature, Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Medicine and Physics, Management and Economic, Humanities, Linguistics, Philosophy, All scientific fields.


Dr. Osvalado Sunkle

 Managing Editor

 Dr. Migoel Tores

can choose to make your article freely available online in a subscription journal with our Open Select option. To learn more, click here.

3rd European Congress of Local Governments to be held  27-28th March, 2017 in Krakow (attached the outline and the promotional video).


The conference will be organized jointly with the City of Krakow.

Wednesday, 04 January 2017 14:31

AESOP Newsletter 12/2016 - December 31

Call for hosting the 2019 AESOP Congress

The call for hosting the 2019 AESOP Congress is now open.

All institutional AESOP Members are warmly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for the submission of the bids is 31st January 2017.

The decision will be made by the Council of Representatives at the meeting which will take place in March 2017 in Warsaw.

12th AESOP HEADS OF SCHOOLS MEETING in Warsaw - 31 March - 2 April, 2017

1st announcement


Planning Education in a Digital World

Warsaw, 31 March - 2 April, 2017

Department of Spatial Planning and Environmental Sciences

Warsaw University of Technology

Quality Recognition Project - Applications are open

The applications for Quality Recognition are open.

The AESOP QR is awarded to single programmes (eg. BA or Msc) that fulfill the European standards of quality of planning education recognized by the AESOP charter and complemented by an effective internationalization record. It is valid for a period of 6 years.

Call for Abstracts - 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon

The Scientific Committee and the Local Organising Committee of the 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon


SPACES OF DIALOG FOR PLACES OF DIGNITY: Fostering the European Dimension of Planning

invites and encourages AESOP community to submit abstracts.

The abstract submission deadline is 09th January 2017.

Detailed information on Abstracts & Full Paper Submissions can be found in here.

Call for Abstracts - 2017 AESOP Congress in Lisbon

The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies

Published at: 20 December 2016

Editors: Dorina Pojani (University of Queensland) and Dominic Stead (TU Delft)
Publisher: Springer

This edited volume discuses urban transport issues, policies, and initiatives in twelve of the world’s major emerging economies – Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, and **Vietnam **

The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies

2 Positions as Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Stockholms University

Published at: 19 December 2016

1) Senior Lecturer in Human Geography with focus on Urban and Regional Planning

2) Senior Lecturer in Geography, especially Human Geography

Department of Human Geography

Application deadline: March 15, 2017

Professor of Spatial Development

Published at: 16 December 2016

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering of ETH Zurich invites applications for the position of a: Full Professorship in Spatial Development

The closing date for applications is 15 March 2017

4th joint meeting on research methodology in the field of planning and urban studies

Published at: 7 December 2016

"How do researchers generate and defend ideas in the planning field?"

January 26-27|2017

University of Florence (via della Mattonaia, 6 | 50121 Firenze – Italy)

 4th joint meeting on research methodology in the field of planning and urban studies

PhD position: small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Brussels' construction sector

Published at: 7 December 2016

PhD position within the interdisciplinary research project BUILDING BRUSSELS. BRUSSELS CITY BUILDERS AND THE PRODUCTION OF SPACE, 1794-2016

Deadline: 15.01.2017

Abstract and full paper submission of AESOP Annual Congress '17 Lisbon

Published at: 7 December 2016

Dear Members of the TG PSUC, dear all, We would be happy if you would consider submitting an abstract to the Track 4. Urban design, public spaces...

Abstract and full paper submission of AESOP Annual Congress '17 Lisbon

Defragmenting and Activating Public Spaces in Unstable Urban Settings. Beirut, 9-11 November 2016

Published at: 6 December 2016

A three days meeting of the AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (AESOP TG PSUC) was organized and hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Art and Design at the Notre Dame University – Louaize in Beirut, Lebanon.

Defragmenting and Activating Public Spaces in Unstable Urban Settings. Beirut, 9-11 November 2016
This email has been sent automatically by our website. Please do not answer to it. For any clarification, please refer to the contact details below.

Prof. Paulo Pinho
AESOP Secretary General

University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering,
Dept. Civil Engineering, Division of Spatial and Environmental Planning
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: AESOP.SG,

Content is copyright of AESOP, 2017. All rights reserved
Wednesday, 04 January 2017 14:30

NARSC Newletter December 2016 Now Available

The December 2016 issue of the newsletter of the North American Regional Science Council is now available online at

Monday, 26 December 2016 04:26

Books - 2017

Editors: Poot, Jacques, Roskruge, Matthew (Eds.)

Provides an understanding of population change and dynamics across the Asia–Pacific region, with a specific focus on regional dynamicsOffers new insights into the demographic challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in terms of migration, ageing and uneven population distribution and growth. 

Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 1

Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration


Editors: Jackson, Randall, Schaeffer, Peter (Eds.)

Identifies trends and future developments in the areas of innovation, regional growth and migration. Covers research areas such as mobility, regional forecasting, and regional policy, and includes expert contributions on disasters, resilience, and sustainability. Builds on recent methodological and modelling advances, as well as on extensive policy-analysis experience.

Regional Research Frontiers - Vol. 2

Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences


Editors: Jackson, Randall, Schaeffer, Peter (Eds.)

Identifies methodological advances as well as trends and future developments in regional systems modelling and open science. Covers research areas such as interindustry modelling, computable general equilibrium models, exploratory spatial data analysis, geographic information science, spatial econometrics. Builds on recent methodological and modelling advances, as well as on extensive policy-analysis experience.

Monday, 26 December 2016 02:35

Books - 2016

Handbook of Social Capital and Regional Development


Edited by Hans Westlund and Johan P. Larsson

The role of social capital in regional development is a multifaceted topic which is studied all over the world using various methods and across numerous disciplines. It has long been evident that social capital is important for regional development, however, it is less clear how this works in practice. Do all types of social capital have the same effects and are different kinds of regions impacted in the same way? This book is the first to offer an overview of this rapidly expanding field of research and to thoroughly analyse the complex issue of social capital and regional development.

Economic Effects of Public Investment

An Emphasis on Marshallian and Monetary External Economies


Authors: Kohno, Hirotada

Argues for the importance of measuring incidence-basis indirect economic effects, showing that dynamic and spatial simulation models currently popular in regional science are useful. Clarifies intrinsic points of contradictory conclusions by H. Mohring and J. Tinbergen with the introduction of generation-basis and incidence-basis economic effects. Shows that the argument by J. Tinbergen is correct within a real setting in which the Marshallian type of external economies exists.

Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling


Editors: Patuelli, Roberto, Arbia, Giuseppe (Eds.)

Presents a joint treatment of spatial econometrics and spatial interaction modelling. Evaluates the suitability of spatial econometrics for the use of areal data in flow-data modeling. Includes empirical applications from tourism, interregional trade and migration, as well as residential relocation.

Regional Development in Rural Areas

Analytical Tools and Public Policies


Authors: Torre, André, Wallet, Frédéric

This book intends to provide analytical and policy tools for investigating the question of the development of rural and peri-urban areas. The aim is to shed some light on this topic and in particular to contribute to a better understanding of the link between issues of regional or territorial development and issues of rural development. The text addresses the question of the disputed notions and definitions of rural development in rural and regional studies, examines the literature of regional and territorial development and the policies of regional development and planning. It also presents scenarios for the future of rural areas, with a focus on European territories.

Impact Assessment in Tourism Economics


Editors: Matias, Álvaro, Nijkamp, Peter, Romão, João (Eds.)

This book presents a series of studies on the socio-economic impacts of tourism, with a special focus on the determinants of tourism competitiveness at the destination level. The authors offer a systematic overview of this important issue, presenting relevant empirical studies from different parts of the world, based on modern theoretical approaches and adequate analysis tools, in the context of their policy or managerial implications.

Monday, 26 December 2016 04:35

Books - 2015

The Regional and Urban Policy of the European Union

Cohesion, Results-Orientation and Smart Specialisation

9781783479504 4

By Philip McCann

The regional and urban development policy of the European Union, or more precisely, EU Cohesion Policy, is undergoing change. This development is driven by the enormous transformations in European regions and by shifts in thinking and analysis. The issues raised by the changes to regional and urban development policy in Europe span many academic disciplines and build on different research methodologies. A broad approach is required in order to address these issues and this book explicitly incorporates insights from a range of different disciplines. After examining the major regional and urban features of the European economy and discussing the analytical underpinnings of the current re-design to EU Cohesion Policy, the book also aims to provide a road map of the various EU regional and urban data-sources which are available to researchers and policy-makers. This book is aimed at all economists, geographers, regional scientists, spatial planners, transportation scientists, sociologists, urban studies researchers, environmental scholars, political scientists and policy-analysts who are interested in regional and urban issues.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy

Knowledge, Technology and Internationalization


Edited by Charlie Karlsson and Sofia Wixe

Innovation and entrepreneurship are the prime drivers in the global economy. This scholarly book identifies some of the key forces behind innovation and entrepreneurship at the same time as it closes the gap between science and technology R&D, innovation, entrepreneurship, productivity growth, and internationalization. The expert contributions explore the underlying forces and add substantial theoretical and empirical knowledge to the current state-of-the-art in several research fields including the economics of innovation and entrepreneurship, regional economics, economic geography and international economics.

The Rise of the City

Spatial Dynamics in the Urban Century



Edited by Karima Kourtit, Adam Mickiewicz, Peter Nijkamp and Roger R. Stough

This book examines urban growth and the dynamics that are transforming the city and city regions in the 21st century focusing specifically on the spatial aspects of this process in the “Urban Century”. Forces that are driving city growth include agglomeration spillovers, concentration of innovation and entrepreneurship, diversity of information and knowledge resources, and better amenities and higher wages. These benefits produce a positive reinforcing system that attracts more people with new ideas and information, fuelling innovation, new products and services and more high-wage jobs, thereby attracting more people. Such growth also produces undesirable effects such as air and water pollution, poverty, congestion and crowding. These combined factors both impact and change the geography and spatial dynamics of the city. These transformations and the public policies that may be critical to the quality of life, both today and in the future, are the substance of this book.

Regional Science Matters

Studies Dedicated to Walter Isard


Editors: Nijkamp, Peter, Rose, Adam, Kourtit, Karima (Eds.)

​This volume is a collection of fresh and novel contributions to regional science. They commemorate the scientific inheritance of the founding father of regional science, the late Walter Isard. All papers are written by well-known scholars in the field and serve to highlight the great importance of regional science theory and methodology for a better understanding of current spatial and environmental problems throughout our planet. The book showcases a multidisciplinary panorama of modern regional science research and presents new insights by applying regional science approaches.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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