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Friday, 28 April 2017 10:20

Extension of deadline for abstract submission | 24th APDR Congress, July 6-7 2017, Covilhã, Portugal



We are pleased to announce that the deadline of abstract submission has been extended up to May 5 in response to numerous requests and due to the increased interest in the 24th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, from July 6 to July 7, 2017.


Special Sessions
SS01 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting, rethinking
SS03 - Cultura e desenvolvimento regional: As contribuições da arte, do folclore e de outras mani-festações artísticas para o progresso regional
SS04 - Mega-events legacy on hosting cities
SS05 - Segurança e desenvolvimento regional: Correlações económicas, culturais e políticas com progresso regional
SS06 - Creative tourism in small cities and rural areas
SS07 - Territorial innovation models, smart specialisation and public policies
SS08 - Support of higher education institutions to regions’ intellectual capital: Is it true?
SS09 - Vine and Wine Economics
SS10 - Entrepreneurship, gender, and regional development
SS11 - Knowledge cities: Updating the state of the art
SS12 - Desenvolvimento Regional e Governação Integrada em Territórios de Baixa Densidade
SS13 - Social entrepreneurship, social innovation and regional development
SS14 - Air Transport and Regional Development
SS15 - Knowledge, Creativity and New Urban Dynamics: What Opportunities for Low Density Regions?
SS16 - IC: Critical perspectives


Regular Sessions:
RS01 – Models for Regional Development
RS02 – Regional and Local Development Policies
RS03 – Regional Intellectual Capital
RS04 – Financing of Economic Growth
RS05 – Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Ecosystems
RS06 – Regional and Local Public Finance
RS07 – Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics
RS08 – Infrastructure, Transportation Networks and Regional De-velopment
RS09 – Labour Markets and Development
RS10 – Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
RS11 – Quality of Life and City Planning
RS12 – Services, Tourism and Sustainable Regions
RS13 – Education, Innovation and Territory
RS14 – Rural Development and Agrarian Economy
RS15 – Regional and Urban Planning and Regional Development
RS16 – Sports and Regional Development
RS17 – Low Density Regions and Development
RS18 – Bartolomeu Award

NEW Deadline for Abstracts submissions: May 5, 2017. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website: https://events.digitalpapers.org/apdr2017/


All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2017/


Looking forward to meeting you in Covilhã!

The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR
24th APDR Congress

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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