RSPP Special Issue Award

RSPP Special Issue Award

RSPP Special Issue Award

For the Best Special Issue Editors in Regional Science Policy and Practice

RSPP Special Issue Award aims to stimulate the quality of an enlarged editorial team focused in the edition of Special Issues.

RSPP Special Issue Award prizes the special issues with more than seven papers, published two years before based on their citations per paper and the judgement of a jury composed by three Fellows, the President and the Immediate Past President.

Winners 2024

Following the rules of the RSPP Special Issue Award the recipients of the RSPP Special Issue Award in 2024 based on the special published in 2022 and approved by the Jury composed by by Hans Westlund, Eduardo Haddad, David Plane, Bruce Newbold, Philip McCann and Neil Reid are:


karimaPeterNijkLouafi Bouzouina, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp for the Special Issue 1 “Covid-19, Transport and Mobility” with 11 papers and 73 Cite Score citations (ratio 6,60) in August 2024. 

Winners 2023

Following the rules of the RSPP Special Issue Award the recipients of the RSPP Special Issue Award in 2023 based on the special published in 2021 and approved by the Jury composed by Hans Westlund, Eduardo Haddad, Gordon Mulligan, David Plane and Phillip McCann are:

Neil Reid 1

1st Place

Neil Reid for the Special Issues on “Effects and Policies of Covid-19” with 8 papers and 44 Cite Score citations (ratio 5,50) in September 2023. 

2nd Place

Eveline S. van Leeuwen and Solmaria Halleck Vega for the Special Issue “Voting and the rise of populism: Spatial perspectives and applications across Europe” with 10 papers and 50 Cite Score Citations (ratio 5,00) in September 2023.

116 postiglione

3rd Place

Paolo Postiglione for the Special Issue “New directions for regional analysis: Methods and applications” with 11 papers and 49 Cite Scores citations (ratio 4,45) in September 2023.

1. Goal

The Award recognizes annually the RSPP Special Issue, published two years before that, having obtained high citations per article, clearly demonstrated the use of advanced replicable methods, rooted in the regional science and with effective evidences for policy makers on emerging topics related to human interaction within space.

2. The Award

2.1 The award recognizes and honours editors of RSPP special issues that manage to select, with a rigorous blind review process, a set of complementary and original contributions on emerging topics of human interaction within space. The editor in chief cannot receive the award.

2.2 The Prize is annual and awards the best Special Issue with more than seven papers, published two years before on Regional Science Policy and Practice.

2.3 The Award selects one Special Issue per year and, exceptionally, two that will divide the award equally.

2.4 The Award involves the payment of 750 €, one plaque and certificates for the editors of the Special Issue.

3. Jury and Process for Recommending the Award

3.1 In September of each year, the Editor in Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice ranks the Special Issues of two years before according to the total number of citations per number of papers of the Special Issue.

3.2 The Editor-in Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice send the ranks of the Special Issues for appraisal to the jury composed by three Fellows, the President of RSAI and the immediate past President of RSAI;

3.3 The Editor-in-Chief of Regional Science Policy and Practice will inform the Executive Director of RSAI of the decision of the Jury, and the Executive Director of RSAI will inform the recipient(s) of the Award.

3.4 The Awardee(s) will be invited to attend one of the Supra-Regional (NARSC, LACRSA, ERSA, PRSCO) meetings or the RSAI World Congress to receive the Award.

3.5 The first RSPP Special Issue Award will be granted based on the Special Issues published in 2021.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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