SPECIAL ISSUE ON Entrepreneurial ecosystems in a digital economy
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)
Guest Editor
Luísa Cagica Carvalho (Open University and CEFAGE – University of Évora - Portugal)
The research on entrepreneurial ecosystem proposes distinctive perspectives. According with Isenberg (2011), firstly, the explicit focus is on entrepreneurial activity and especially on high growth firms. Second, the emphasis is on local and regional environments and the conditions required to generate and support ambitious entrepreneurship. Third, it emphasises the interactions between framework conditions and local/regional geographical environments.
These several perspectives allows the inclusion of different topics, such as, ‘regional development and smart cities’, ‘innovation’, ‘cluster’ policies’, ‘technology transfer’, ‘business incubators’, ‘entrepreneurial universities’, ‘triple helix’, ‘academic spin-offs’, ‘creative territories’, ‘digital ecosystems’, etc.
The debate around the topic ‘entrepreneurial ecosystems’ is on agenda, some questions asking for an answer:
- Is an entrepreneurial ecosystem born or made?
- Which indicators are suitable to measure entrepreneurial ecosystems?
- It’s possible (or not) identify types or archetypes of Entrepreneurial ecosystems?
- Which public policies could approaches for develop entrepreneurial ecosystems?
- Which entrepreneurial opportunities and challenges becomes with digital economy?
Several researchers worldwide have been studying the subject of the entrepreneurship and contributions are multidisciplinary and diverse, as well as their topics of interest.
The Special Issue Entrepreneurial ecosystems aims to create a space for reflection and discussion on topics of entrepreneurship and ecosystems in a regional context considering its impact on the development of territories and on innovation and technology transfer. Various approaches to the subject will be presented allowing the discussion of papers that propose innovative solutions, strategies and promote sustainable development and competitiveness of the territories.
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited to) the following:
1. Public policies to promote entrepreneurial ecosystems
2. Regional development, smart cities and ICT
3. Cluster’ policies and digital entrepreneurship
4. Business incubators and e-incubation
5. Entrepreneurial universities and elearning
6. Triple helix
7. Academic spin-offs
8. Creative territories
9. Digital ecosystems
10. Entrepreneurship, innovation and creation of regional value: Cases sectors / companies with regional impact - industry, services, agriculture - encompassed by level of technology, business size, industry structure, property type.
11. Internationalization of entrepreneurial ecosystems
12. Business Models
13. E-Business Models
14. Barriers and challenges of e-entrepreneurship and innovation
15. Case studies on e-entrepreneurship and innovation
16. Role of internet and other ICTs in e-entrepreneurship and innovation
17. Other topics considered relevant
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this special theme issue on Entrepreneurial ecosystems in a digital economy on or before 30th May 2017. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication. INTERESTED AUTHORS SHOULD CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
ABOUT International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEE)I:
The mission of the International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) is to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of electronic entrepreneurship and innovation. Emerging e-entrepreneurship and innovation theories, technologies, applications, and challenges are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a timely fashion. This journal develops a comprehensive framework of e-entrepreneurship and innovation by taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding e-entrepreneurship and innovation and its implications on entrepreneurship, businesses, and economies.
All inquires should be should be directed to the attention of:
Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Guest Editor
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All manuscript submissions to the special issue should be sent through the online submission system:
"2nd International Conference on
“Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development”
Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices
June 22-23, 2017
University of Aveiro, Portugal
SLERD Conference website
The 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development aims at promoting reflection and discussion concerning R&D work, policies, case studies, entrepreneur experiences with a special focus on understanding how relevant are the smart learning ecosystems (schools, campus, working places, informal learning contexts, etc.) for regional development and social innovation and how the effectiveness of the relation of citizens and smart ecosystems can be boosted. This forum has a special interest in understanding how technology mediated instruments can foster the citizen’s engagement with learning ecosystems and territories, namely by understanding innovative human-centric design and development models/techniques, education/training practices, informal social learning, innovative citizen-driven policies, technology mediated experiences and their impact. This set of concerns will contribute to foster the social innovation sectors and ICT and economic development and deployment strategies alongside new policies for smarter proactive citizens.
The three main macro-topics of interest in SLERD 2017 concerning Smart Learning Ecosystems and their role in the development of smart cities and regions are:
• understanding influences, relations and models
to include
- vision, strategies and processes
- interplay between formal and informal learning
- new educational models
- continuity-discontinuity of time, technology, place/space, process
- sharing & participatory practices
- use of public space & goods (services)
- dual education and other mixed educational approaches
- open access to any resource and disparity
- capacity building and social capital
- cultural influences
- monitoring and benchmarking of smartness of learning ecosystems
- orchestration: complexity and its government
- challenges by smart cities and regions to smart learning environments
• abilities, skills and competences
to include
- general frameworks
- design, data and other relevant literacies
- relation with digital skills & competences
- strategies to foster acquisition included gamification: pedagogical, social challenges
- monitoring, evaluation and awareness
- literacies, skill and competences of smart citizens
• techno ecoystems
to include
- open & big data management and their application in education
- interoperability of data & services
- safety & security
- privacy
- trustability
- IoT, ubiquitous and wearable technological supports
- geolocalized information
- mediation role of technologies
The Conference is supported by ASLERD and organized by the University of Aveiro, Portugal and will feature:
• Interactive paper presentations
• Round Tables
• Interactive talks with regional authority on Smart City, smart citizens
• Competition on : Improving the Smartness of the Campus (reserved to undergraduated and post-graduated students)
Important dates:
• Deadline: February 24, 2017
• Notification to the authors: March 24, 2017
• Camera ready paper: April 21, 2017
• Conference: June 22-23, 2017
Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Series
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
that will be indexed by SCOPUS, EI-Compendex and Springerlink
Extended version of selected papers will be also included in a special issue of IxD&A Journal (ISSN 1826-9745, e-ISSN 2283-2998):
N.35 winter 2017
(indexed by SCOPUS and Emerging Sources of Web of Science)
Authors’ guidelines & link for submission
The manuscripts should be submitted either in .doc or in .pdf format.
All papers will be blindly peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Authors are invited to submit
• short papers (6-8 pages) and/or
• full papers (9-12 pages).
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) aims to hold a world congress at least once every four years. Unfortunately, the last two planned congresses – in Bangkok in 2014 and in Istanbul in 2016 – had to be cancelled due to security concerns in the host cities at the time. RSAI considers world congresses an important instrument for furthering its mission of global advancement of regional analysis and related spatial and areal studies for the benefit of society. RSAI therefore calls for proposals to host a world congress in 2018. Potential hosts are RSAI Supra-Regionals, Sections or Members that have a proven track record of hosting conferences and related events. A world congress may be held concurrently with another event or as a standalone event. Proposals must be submitted by Friday December 16, 2016, 23:59 GMT. Proposals are evaluated by a Committee of RSAI Council. Based the Committee’s recommendation, Council will make a decision by Friday January 20, 2017, 23:59 GMT. This document outlines the application process, organisation and expected outcomes regarding the 2018 world congress.
28 October 2016
The World Congress of the RSAI was initiated in 1980, at a time when the organization had already established a tradition of annual supra-regional conferences in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim through the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) respectively. The purpose of the world congress is twofold: firstly, to create an opportunity for bridging the networks established by the supra-regional organisations (which since 2016 also includes the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Science Association, LACRSA), and, secondly, to provide a scientifically and socially attractive event for first entry into the RSAI networks for postgraduate students and scholars from parts of the world where the supra-regionals and their constituent sections have little or no representation.
RSAI congresses until 2012 have been held four-yearly since 1980 (with the exception of the one held in Israel in 1989 rather than 1988). The years and venues have been:
1980 1st – Cambridge Mass. (Harvard University), USA
1984 2nd – Rotterdam (Erasmus University), Netherlands
1989 3rd – Jerusalem (Kibbutz Ramat Rachel), Israel
1992 4th – Palma de Mallorca, Spain
1996 5th – Tokyo (Rissho University), Japan
2000 6th – Lugano, Ticino, Switzerland
2004 7th – Port Elizabeth, South Africa
2008 8th – Sao Paulo, Brazil
2012 9th – Timisoara, Romania
In 2012 Council appointed a working party, chaired by the then RSAI President Jean-Claude Thill, to review the world congress policy. The working party made a number of recommendations, including holding the world congress every two years. Consequently, a 2014 world congress was organised to be held May 26-30 in Bangkok, Thailand. However, this congress had to be cancelled due to a military coup taking place just before the congress dates. Similarly, a 2016 world congress was organised to be held April 25-28 in Istanbul, but had to be postponed initially – and subsequently cancelled – due to safety concerns linked to terrorist activity in Turkey. It is clear that this very unfortunate sequence of events was impossible to foresee during planning of the last two congresses, given that both host cities had a longstanding reputation of being safe destinations for global events.
To meet its objectives and to ensure that its membership receives the services it expects from the organization, RSAI is now committed to running a successful world congress in 2018.
Criteria for a successful 2018 world congress
1. Most importantly, the world congress should aim to have significant participation from members of Sections of all four supra-regional organisations – ERSA, LACRSA, NARSC and PRSCO.
2. The conference should also endeavour to attract regional scientists resident in countries in which no RSAI Section has yet been established. Subsidies may be available to selected applicants for participation through RSAI’s “Building Bridges” programme.
3. RSAI’s long-run objective is to organise a world congress with 1000 participants or more at least once every four years. However, given the limited planning time available of 12-20 months before the 2018 congress, there is no expectation of such a large congress in 2018 (although proposals with that goal will be considered). Instead, the event is expected to attract 300-500 participants.
4. The 2018 World Congress may be held as a standalone event. Alternatively, proposals may suggest to organise it jointly or “back-to-back” with another event. Such a joint or back-to-back event could be an RSAI Section meeting, a supra-regional congress, or an event held jointly with other organisations with similar objectives or networks.
5. The proposed dates of the congress must be such that they do not clash with other events that aim to attract the same regional science community, unless a joint conference is envisaged.
6. The conference should be held at an easily accessible location in a globally accessible city.
7. Accommodation should be available at the conference venue (when the conference is held at a hotel or convention centre). Alternatively, a range of affordable accommodation should be available within 15 minutes walking from the venue.
8. The congress should include plenary sessions of interest to the global scientific community. The overall conference theme and the selection of keynote speakers should reflect this. Of course, local perspectives and concerns may be interwoven with global perspectives and concerns.
9. Proposals should include initiatives to encourage participation from developing countries and from other countries in which no RSAI Sections have yet been established. RSAI can assist financially in meeting this objective through its “Building Bridges” programme but other funding initiatives (e.g. subsidies for participating postgraduate students) are also encouraged.
10. The programme should include one or more workshops for professional development of emerging scholars and postgraduate students, who may not be in a position to contribute a full paper to the formal scientific programme.
11. The working language of the congress is English but proposals may include arrangements for simultaneous translation of plenary sessions where this is deemed to be desirable.
12. Proposals should include a risk assessment regarding contingencies that could impact on the viability and success of the congress. Ways in which potential risks can be managed should be outlined.
Conference Organisation
1. RSAI establishes a 2018 World Congress Executive Committee (WCEC18) which will have oversight over all aspects of the world congress. In accordance with Article 5, Section 3 of the RSAI Constitution, this committee is chaired by the RSAI Executive Director. Other members of WCEC18 are the chair of the Local Organising Committee (see below), the President of RSAI, who chairs of the Scientific Programme Committee (see below), and two other Council members. WCEC18 co-ordinates the various tasks and has overall responsibility for the scientific and financial success of the congress.
2. WCEC18 will establish a Scientific Programme Committee (SPC), which will be chaired by the President of RSAI. Besides the chair, the five-person SPC will consist of one senior scholar from each of the four supra-regionals. SPC will select offered papers and ensure the scientific quality of the programme. This committee may call upon a much larger number of RSAI scholars to assist in selecting papers for presentation.
3. The RSAI Supra-Regional, Section or Member submitting the world congress proposal will appoint a Local Organising Committee (LOC) and appoint its chair. The LOC is responsible for all logistical aspects of the congress and arrangements with local suppliers. The RSAI Office and the LOC will draw up a full budget for the congress and recommend a schedule of registration fees to WCEC18.
4. RSAI Office will provide the website on which all congress information can be found and downloaded, and the portal through which abstracts, papers, registrations and the programme can be managed.
5. For the services it provides, RSAI Office charges a commission equal to 20% of all registration fees received. The remaining registration revenue is transferred to the legal entity representing the LOC. Any anticipated sponsorship monies will be included in the budget.
6. The RSAI supra-regional, section or member institution which makes the world congress proposal underwrites the financial viability of the congress. The disbursement of any funds held by the LOC after the congress has been held is a matter of negotiation between the parties concerned, with negotiations being co-ordinated by WCEC18.
7. All arrangements for the organising of the World Congress will be formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU will be signed by the President of RSAI, the Executive Director, the Chair of the LOC and the person representing the legal entity through which the LOC operates.
Application Process
1. Proposals should address each of the 12 criteria for hosting the 2018 world congress outlined above. However, it is understood that some of the information provided by the congress proposers (such as names of suggested keynote speakers, sponsorship, etc.) will be tentative at the time the proposal is submitted.
2. Proposals should include a list of the key people involved in organising the congress, a draft congress plan (including dates, location and schedule), a detailed draft budget (including a schedule of registration fees) and a suggested range of accommodations and charges.
3. The acceptance of a proposal by RSAI Council does not constitute a binding agreement between the two parties. The subsequently drawn up MOU, which is guided by the proposal, will constitute a binding agreement.
4. Proposals should be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday December 16, 2016, 23:59 GMT.
5. A decision regarding the 2018 World Congress will be made by Council on or before Friday January 20, 2017, 23:59 GMT.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) seeks candidates for the position of editor-in-chief of the official journal of the association, Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP). RSPP is an international journal that publishes high quality papers in applied regional science that explore policy and practice issues in regional and local development. It welcomes papers from a range of academic disciplines and practitioners including planning, public policy, geography, economics and environmental science and related fields. Papers should address the interface between academic debates and policy development and application. RSPP provides an opportunity for academics and policy-makers to develop a dialogue to identify and explore many of the challenges facing local and regional economies.
Candidates should be RSAI members with a wide knowledge of urban and regional phenomena as well as distinguished records of scholarly contributions internationally. Candidates should also possess strong intellectual vision, leadership and organizational abilities, and experience relevant to editing a journal in the field of regional science. The appointment will start in early 2017 and continue for a three-year renewable term.
The editor’s primary responsibility is to continue to enhance the journal’s quality, reputation, and scholarship. The editor will be expected to strengthen the journal’s competitive position in support of RSAI’s worldwide mission.
The editor will recommend an international team of associate editors and a book review editor to help administer the peer review process, promote excellence in content and advance editorial initiatives.
The RSPP editor reports to RSAI through the RSAI Council.
Detailed information on responsibilities and on the process for applying for the editor-in-chief position is available below.
Letters of interest must be received by December, 19th 2016.
Specific duties of the Editor-in-Chief and journal editorial office include:
Application process:
Interested individuals should submit an application package that includes:
A succinct letter of interest and qualifications, containing an indication of the editorial team;
A vision statement for the next three to six years of publication of RSPP.
A curriculum vitae;
The names and contact information of three references.
All requested information should be submitted by e-mail as a single PDF file to Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., copying Elisabete Martins, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in the e-mail.
RSAI Dissertation Award
Review panel
Professor Eveline Van Leeuwen from VU University Amsterdam; Professor Turała Maciej from University of Lodz, Poland; and Professor JiYoung Park from University at Buffalo
Michiel van Meeteren
Graduated from Ghent University, Belgium
Title: From Polycentricity to a Renovated Urban Systems Theory: Explaining Belgian Settlement Geographies
Advisor: Ben Derudder
Zhaoya Gong
Graduated from University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Title: Multiscalar Modeling of Polycentric Urban-Regional Systems: Economic Agglomeration, Scale Dependency and Agent Interactions
Advisor: Jean-Claude Thill
Elco Koks
Graduated from VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Title: Economic Modelling for Flood Risk Assessment
Advisor: Jeroen Aerts
Special Issue Editorial
Special Issue Paper
Special Issue Paper
Special Issue Paper
Special Issue Paper
Special Issue Paper
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Call for abstracts for the II International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge entitled «Mediterranean Cultures and Societies: Knowledge, Health and Tourism»,which will be held on 4-5 May 2017, at the University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
We welcome the submission of abstracts to the overall theme of the conference or to one of the topics below:
- Europe and the Mediterranean
- History, cultures and heritage
- Knowledge and education processes
- Migrations and interculturality
- Political trends
- Mediterranean diet and well-being
- Tourism and leisure
- Identity, body and sexuality
- Media and communication
- Art and literature
- Other topics
The abstracts should be submitted no later than November 30, 2016 in electronic form to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For additional information please see the CFP attached or visit conference’s website:
Please feel free to forward this information to any colleagues you feel may be interested in this Conference. Thank you.
Best regards,
The Organizing Commission
II International Conference ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge
Mediterranean Cultures and Societies. Knowledge, Health and Tourism
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.