
Elisabete Martins

Thursday, 23 February 2017 12:38

AESOP PhD Workshop, Aveiro, 5 - 8 July 2017

Dear Colleagues, 

The University of Aveiro, Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences is proud to host the 2017 AESOP PhD Workshop, from the 5th to the 8th of July, in a joint endeavour with the University of Lisbon, where the AESOP 2017 Congress will take place.

The AESOP PhD Workshop is an annual event for PhD students guided by high level academic mentors, a unique opportunity to share and discuss research ideas, findings and methodological approaches in an informal atmosphere.

This year the aggregating theme will be “Spaces of dialogue for places of dignity: challenges for planning research”, inspired on the Lisbon AESOP Congress title.

We kindly ask you to share this announcement with PhD students who might be interested in participate in this event.


The University of Aveiro is delighted to organize for the second time the AESOP PhD workshop - after the successful edition of 1998.

More information can be found here.

With my best regards on behalf of the LOC,

Paulo Silva
(Chair of the PhD Workshop LOC)

Gran Sasso Science Institute - Urban Studies and Regional Science Area

Expression of Interest for Faculty Positions

Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) is a new Center for Advanced Studies and PhD School established in L’Aquila (Italy).   The Urban Studies and Regional Science Area of GSSI invites expressions of interest for permanent positions – at the level of Full or Associate Professor – and for tenure track positions (equivalent to Assistant Professorships) from highly qualified candidates with a background in Urban Studies and/or Regional Science. Preference will be given to candidates in the following areas: migration studies, local and regional development (also in relation to inner areas), resilience & natural disasters, policy evaluation, knowledge economy (including creativity, entrepreneurship, human and social capital, innovation), branding & tourism development, informality and normative, regulatory and institutional matters related to urban issues. Candidates must have a proven record of achievements, a clear potential to promote and lead research activities, and a specific interest in teaching at the graduate and postgraduate level to a group of particularly skilled students selected at international level.


Applicants should submit their expression of interest in the form of: 1. Letter briefly describing the reasons for wanting to join the GSSI Faculty and for which position level they apply 2. Curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications 3. Brief research statement. Applications (and questions regarding the application process) must be submitted in electronic form to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Please note that this is not a permanent job vacancy advertisement. The expressions of interest received will contribute to the decision of the Gran Sasso Science Institute whether or not to open official calls, their number and the selection procedures.


1- Teaching load One graduate course per year, seminar activity and tutoring of PhD students. All activities (teaching, seminars, tutoring, etc.) are in English.

2- Salary The amount of salary will be determined on a personal basis, according to the Italian Law.  Indicative figures of the gross amount for starting (minimum) salary are:

  • Professor (prima fascia) € 72.431
  • Associate Professor (seconda fascia) € 50.831
  • Assistant Professor, tenure track (ricercatori TD – B) € 34.898 (up to € 40.540)
  • Assistant Professor, no tenure track (ricercatori TD – A) € 34.898

Net income may vary case by case, after income taxes, local taxes, retirement plan, health care deduction and tax exemptions depending on the family structure. In the case of professors tenured abroad since more than three years in the corresponding level it will be possible a partial recognition of past services depending on legal constraints to be satisfied.

2017 AEITINTERNATIONALAnnual Conference
Infrastructures for Energy and ICT:
Opportunities for Fostering Innovation
Cagliari, Italy 20/22 September 2017


Deadlines for Technical Papers
Submission extended abstracts: April 20th 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 31st 2017
Submission of full papers: July 20th 2017


In recent years, we are seeing a growing synergy between the infrastructures for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, telecommunications networks, and computing technologies that provide for the intelligence of the whole system. The ever-increasing dependence on electricity for carrying out daily activities, increasingly run by smart devices, and the need for an intelligent management of the power grid in the presence of a distributed generation from renewable sources, both are creating a tight interdependent system. Cloud computing, big data, large bandwidth interconnections support modern knowledge-based society paradigms. The AEIT 2017 conference will be an important opportunity to point out the challenges that our country needs to face in order to stimulate innovative entrepreneurial initiatives, and increase the country's competitiveness. The conference will host both technical and scientific contributions. It will showcase Italian and international research activities in the fields of electricity, automation, telecommunications and information technology, that form the solid foundation on which to build innovative actions. It will also be the venue for hosting panels and speeches from national and international stakeholders for discussing the strategies to increase the competitiveness of Italian companies, and lay the foundations for the creation of new initiatives. Cagliari will be the ideal setting for this debate, thanks to the presence of innovative companies, and one of the pilot cities for the laying of optical fiber as an enabling infrastructure.

Contributions are encouraged in the following areas:
Energy Efficiency
Transmission, Distribution, Utilization of Energy
Cyber-Physical Systems
Internet of Things
Smart Grids
Smart Cities
Energy Storage & Local Networks
Renewable Energy Sources
Computer Security
Mobility and Electric Transport
Service continuity and Safety management (Energy, IT, Healthcare)
Measurements and Diagnostics
Power Electronics
Electric Propulsion
Nanoelectronics, Bio&Optoelectronics, components
IOT: MEMS & Smart Sensors: real time data flow

Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts on the above topics. All contributions must be in English.
Authors will submit an Extended Abstract (2 pages - two column format) via EDAS, using the template that will be available at the Conference website no later than April, 20th 2017
Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their contribution by May, 31st 2017
Full Papers (6 pages - two-column format - using the template that will be available at the Conference website) will be submitted by July, 20th 2017
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a peer review process.
Requested Technical Co-Sponsorship to IEEE and Publication of Contributions in IEEE Xplore®
Papers have to be compliant with the following criteria:
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication or conference
The contributions shall be written in ENGLISH
The contributions shall be 6 pages in A4 format (including abstract, tables, figures and references)
The contributions shall be prepared in electronic format using the template
A copyright and consent form, properly filled and signed, must be submitted

AEIT Ufficio Centrale
Via M. Macchi 32 - 20124 Milano
Tel. +39 02 87389965
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web Site: <<>>

The ERSA call for submissions was very successfull with over 800 submissions until now!

For those who want to join ERSA 2017 in Groningen but did not had time to submit, we'll give you until the 28th of February to submit your abstract and become part of it!

Go to to submit your abstract or paper.

Dear colleagues,

For your information and for colleagues that investigating in the proposed areas.

There is still a few days left before the deadline for proposals submission !!!

Your proposals are welcome!

Best regards,

Conceição Rego

First conference of the Latin American and Caribbean RSA 2017 Congress announcement

Please find attached the announcement of the 1st Congress of LACRSA, to take place in São Paulo, October 11-13, with pre-congress workshops starting Oct 9.

Please visit for information.

The 10th edition of the Spatial Econometrics Advanced Institute, The Summer School of the Spatial Econometrics Association will be held at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome (ITALY) May 15th - June 9th

(Instructors: Giuseppe Arbia, Anil Bera, Ingmar Prucha, Badi Baltagi)

Details at

Deadline for applications:  Mar, 31st, 2017

The 11th World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association will be held in Singapore, hosted by the School of Economics, Singapore Management University

Details at:

  • Conference Dates: Jun 13, 2017 to Jun 15, 2017
  • Deadline for paper submissions:  Feb 28, 2017
  • Deadline for participant registration: Monday, May 15, 2017
  • Keynote speakers: Peter Robinson (LSE), Jushan Bai (Columbia University), and Lung-Fei Lee (Ohio State University)
  • Invited Speakers: Anil Bera (UIUC), Badi Baltagi (Syracuse University), and Ingmar Prucha (U. Maryland)
  • Young researcher paper competition sponsored by the Spatial Econometrics Association.
  • Crash introductory 2-days course on Spatial Econometrics, Singapore, June 16th and 17th (Instructors: Giuseppe Arbia, Anil Bera, Ingmar Prucha, Badi Baltagi).


University of Porto, 12th May 2017

Planning for Climate Change: Political Climate and Policy Changes

Banner 10th CITTA Conference

Theme of the conference

Over the last decades, climate change has evolved from an issue of interest to some natural scientists primarily, into one of the top priorities on the global policy agenda. Yet, domestic political institutions and policy-maker's normative commitments continue to play a key role in countries’ decisions to mitigate, to plan for and to adapt to the effects of climate change. Therefore, the extent to which the international political climate frames the nature of national policies for climate change is still very much on the agenda, but with new nuances and facets. The CITTA 10th Annual Conference on Planning Research tackles this timely issue by discussing the challenges that communities and governments face when it comes to planning for climate change.

In Spring 2017, C-MAT, the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management of the University of Antwerp, will be hosting its specialisation courses to both students and professionals. All courses are offered in either one- or two-week blocks. Upon successful completion of a course, participants receive official academic credits and a certificate.
Updated course schedules are now online!
Courses in March with regard to the port and maritime sector
Port Economics and Business* 20th – 31st March 2017 (Course schedule)
Courses in March with regard to the air transport sector
Airport Management 13th – 24th March 2017 (Course schedule)
Research and methodological courses in March
Transport Modelling 20th – 31st March 2017 (Course schedule)
More information about all specialisation courses is available on the C-MAT website. Registration is possible on the specialisation course website.
Full-year programme
C-MAT is also offering a full-year programme. The C-MAT advanced master in Maritime and Air Transport Management prepares its graduates for the challenges faced by the transport sector today. In the programme, students can opt amongst other for courses in transport research, maritime transport and air transport.
Applications for academic year 2017-2018 are possible now.
*Port Economics and Business sponsored by PSA Antwerp

C-MAT - Centre for Maritime & Air Transport Mamagement

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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