Apreciado colega, querido amigo,
Está abierto el plazo para el envío de abstracts para la XLIII edición de la Reunión de Estudios Regionales y el XIII Congreso de Ciencia Regional de Andalucía organizado por las Asociaciones Española y Andaluza de Ciencia Regional y que se celebrará en el Campus de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) los días 15, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2017.
En esta edición, el lema es "Comercio internacional y empleo: Una perspectiva regional". Las sesiones del Congreso tratarán además un conjunto amplio de temas agrupado en 16 áreas temáticas y sesiones especiales. Además, en esta edición contaremos con la presencia como conferenciantes del Prof. Ferran Sancho (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) y el Prof. Michael Lahr (Rutgers Economic Advisory).
El envío de resúmenes para el Congreso, con una extensión de no más de 300 palabras, estará abierto hasta el próximo día 13 de mayo de 2017, y se enviará a la Secretaria de la AECR (Conxita Rodriguez i Izquierdo) a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) con el modelo que os adjuntamos. En la línea del pasado congreso, se aceptará la presentación de resultados de trabajos de investigación en curso para los que no exista aún un artículo completo. Para que el Comité Científico pueda considerar la aceptación de dichos trabajos se requerirá el envío de un abstract ampliado, con una extensión mínima de 1.500 palabras. Os adjuntamos los dos tipos de abstracts para que los tengáis a mano y más información sobre el Congreso.
Las comunicaciones que sean inéditas, hayan sido realizadas por investigadores de edad no superior a 33 años y se presenten dentro del marco de las sesiones paralelas, pueden optar al Premio de jóvenes investigadores Juan Ramón Cuadrado. El jurado encargado de otorgar el premio es el Comité Científico de la XLIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. Los autores firmantes de la comunicación premiada recibirán un documento acreditativo del premio y un obsequio.
Los doctorandos que se encuentren en las primeras etapas de sus tesis doctorales y los estudiantes de máster orientados hacia la investigación disfrutarán de una cuota de inscripción reducida para poder acceder a las sesiones paralelas del Congreso y participar en las sesiones especiales para jóvenes investigadores. En estas sesiones podrán realizar una breve presentación de sus ideas de investigación, preferiblemente en forma de póster.
Esperamos vuestra participación y veros pronto en Sevilla.
Un cordial saludo,
El Comité Organizador
Valued colleague, dear friend,
Abstract submission for the XLIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales and the XIII Conference on Regional Science of Andalusia, organized by the Spanish and Andalusian Regional Science Associations (AECR- AACR), is open. The Conference will take place at the Campus of the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville), from the 15th to the 17th of November, 2017.
The motto for the Conference is "International trade and employment: a regional perspective". Conference sessions will include also a wide range of topics, grouped in 16 subject areas and special sessions. We are pleased to announce that Prof. Ferran Sancho (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) and Prof. Michael Lahr (Rutgers Economic Advisory Service) will join the Conference as Keynote Speakers.
Abstracts, with an extension of no more than 300 words, should be sent before May 13th, 2017, to the AECR Secretary (Conxita Rodriguez i Izquierdo) to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the attached template. This year you can submit the results from ongoing research even if there is not a complete paper available yet. The Scientific Committee will consider for acceptance the submission of long abstracts, with a minimum extension of 1,500 words. Templates for both types of abstracts, as well as further information for the Conference, are attached for your convenience.
Unpublished papers written by researchers of age not higher than 33 years and presented at the parallel sessions are eligible for the Juan Ramón Cuadrado Young Researchers' Prize. The jury that will grant the Prize is the Scientific Committee of the XLIII Reunión de Estudios Regionales. The authors of the paper awarded with the Prize will receive an accreditation for the award and a gift.
PhD students in the first stages of their dissertations and Master students with a research orientation will enjoy reduced registration fees that will allow them access to the parallel sessions at the Conference, and also to participate in the Young Researcher Sessions. There, they will present briefly their research ideas, preferably through posters.
We are looking forward to your participation and we hope we will have the opportunity to welcome you at Seville.
The Local Organizing Committee
UTS Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (CPDRF) are awarded to outstanding early career researchers who wish to develop their research, teaching and learning, management and communication skills to become the next generation of leading academics at UTS.
The Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG) is seeking expressions of interest from suitable candidates in the fields of urban and regional development.
The CPDRF scheme offers:
• a four-year combination research and teaching appointment
• Academic Salary Level B, Step 2 ($99,924 base salary as of 1 May 2017) plus 17 per cent employer-provided superannuation contribution
• research project funding of up to A$50,000
As well as further opportunities to:
• access international researcher development funds, and
• convert to a continuing academic position following the fellowship period
• Postdoctoral fellows will be expected to engage in high quality research projects, produce high quality outputs, and contribute to existing and emerging teaching and learning areas relevant to UTS.
Expressions of Interest close at 12 noon AEST Friday 26 May 2017. The three-stage application process involves expression of interest (EOI), invited full application and interview.
Further information is available at: https://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/future-researchers/future-research-staff/chancellors-postdoctoral-research-0-2
In the first instance, please contact Lee Pugalis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Best regards
Lee Pugalis
Professor of Urban Studies
Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG)
University of Technology Sydney
The last few decades have seen the world experience a decrease in between-country income inequality accompanied by an increase in within-country income inequality. This is associated with the rapid development of emerging economies. There is also pronounced variation in inequality between regions within countries. High inequality has raised the issue of social justice in many countries.
Theories explaining the increase in income inequality, particularly in emerging countries, can be found in the literature. One of the early theories was Kuznets Hypothesis arguing that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between economic growth and income inequality. Another area of the literature has focused on social injustice as the cause of income inequality. The central argument proposes that lack of equal access to education, medical service, and energy among others, induces inequality within countries.
This special issue wishes to discuss the elements that explain the increase or decrease in income inequality. We are calling for all empirical analyses, independent of place or time, which can help the understanding of the complex issues of income inequality.
Authors are kindly invited to send their 500-1,000 words abstract by the 15th of June 2017 to the editor of this special issue. It would be appreciated if the authors of selected papers could present their abstracts in the Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) International Institute in Manado, Indonesia, on 17-18 July 2017. There will be up to two special sessions dedicated for this special issue. We expect to receive the full papers by 31st of October 2017. The authors of these selected papers will have to work for the regular review process of the journal (Regional Science Policy & Practice - RSPP).
Coordinator of this Special Issue Editor:
Budy P. Resosudarmo (Associate Professor at the Australian National University)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Master Class will enable 30 PhD students and early-career researchers to be selected and have the chance to participate in the 5th edition of this Master Class to be held between 8 and 12 October 2017.
The Master Class is a unique format to connect young researchers and will include presentations of papers by the participants as well as lectures and panel debates with policy makers, EU officials and senior academics to improve understanding of and research on EU Cohesion Policy.The EWRC is the biggest event world-wide on regional and urban development.
Applications must be accompanied by abstracts of papers to be developed on one of these themes:
1) Resilient regions and cities: What local and regional strategies have proved successful in addressing the economic crisis and providing resilience? What lessons have regional and local authorities learned from the crisis and how has EU Cohesion Policy contributed to these lessons?
2) Governance of regional local development: How does EU Cohesion Policy influence “good governance” and innovation in the public sector?
3) Sharing knowledge across borders: How does EU Cohesion Policy facilitate learning between regions and cities and what are future directions in this respect?
Interested PhD students and early career researchers are requested to submit applications by the deadline of 9 May 2017, 3pm BST.
Please note that the organisers will cover travel and accommodation expenses of all participants.
More info: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/regions-and-cities/2017/index.cfm
Greetings from St. Peter’s Engineering College. We are happy to inform you regarding our International Conference on "Current Research on Human Rights and Social Justice (CRHS-2017)”. In the course of 26th to 28th October. All the approved papers are planning to submit in Springer Journal of "Global Social Welfare".
Deadline for Abstract/Full Paper Submission: 20th May 2017.
For more details: http://ow.ly/4HZI30bfulA
We are pleased to announce that the deadline of abstract submission has been extended up to May 5 in response to numerous requests and due to the increased interest in the 24th APDR Congress, to be held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, from July 6 to July 7, 2017.
Special Sessions
SS01 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting, rethinking
SS03 - Cultura e desenvolvimento regional: As contribuições da arte, do folclore e de outras mani-festações artísticas para o progresso regional
SS04 - Mega-events legacy on hosting cities
SS05 - Segurança e desenvolvimento regional: Correlações económicas, culturais e políticas com progresso regional
SS06 - Creative tourism in small cities and rural areas
SS07 - Territorial innovation models, smart specialisation and public policies
SS08 - Support of higher education institutions to regions’ intellectual capital: Is it true?
SS09 - Vine and Wine Economics
SS10 - Entrepreneurship, gender, and regional development
SS11 - Knowledge cities: Updating the state of the art
SS12 - Desenvolvimento Regional e Governação Integrada em Territórios de Baixa Densidade
SS13 - Social entrepreneurship, social innovation and regional development
SS14 - Air Transport and Regional Development
SS15 - Knowledge, Creativity and New Urban Dynamics: What Opportunities for Low Density Regions?
SS16 - IC: Critical perspectives
Regular Sessions:
RS01 – Models for Regional Development
RS02 – Regional and Local Development Policies
RS03 – Regional Intellectual Capital
RS04 – Financing of Economic Growth
RS05 – Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Ecosystems
RS06 – Regional and Local Public Finance
RS07 – Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics
RS08 – Infrastructure, Transportation Networks and Regional De-velopment
RS09 – Labour Markets and Development
RS10 – Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
RS11 – Quality of Life and City Planning
RS12 – Services, Tourism and Sustainable Regions
RS13 – Education, Innovation and Territory
RS14 – Rural Development and Agrarian Economy
RS15 – Regional and Urban Planning and Regional Development
RS16 – Sports and Regional Development
RS17 – Low Density Regions and Development
RS18 – Bartolomeu Award
NEW Deadline for Abstracts submissions: May 5, 2017. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website: https://events.digitalpapers.org/apdr2017/
All information at the congress website: http://www.apdr.pt/congresso/2017/
Looking forward to meeting you in Covilhã!
The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR
24th APDR Congress
Two Special Academic Sessions (SASs):
Session I: 14.00 – 15.30
Room: Urban Planning 50118
Session II: 16.00 – 17.30
Room: Urban Planning 50120
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
See attachments
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.