
Elisabete Martins

Only 10 days left to submit your papers to the 4th Geography of Innovation ConferenceBarcelonaJanuary 31st-February 2nd, 2018, organized by the AQR research group, at the University of Barcelona, in partnership with EuroLIO.

The call for papers is still open but the deadline is approaching (10 September 2017)!!

(call for papers here; pdf version here)

We welcome submissions of Full Papers and Extended Abstracts in a wide range of topics at the cross-roads between economics, innovation and geography, including 30 Special Sessions organized by world leading academics in the field! Among them, we would like to remind you about a session on Measuring Innovation Clusters, sponsored by the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Gillian Bristow (Cardiff University), exploring the complex interrelationships between innovation and the economic resilience of regions.
Frank Neffke (Harvard University and Harvard Kennedy School), who will discuss the links between human capital and related diversification.
Michael Storper (UCLA and LSE), discussing on the intertwined geographies of innovation, inter-regional inequalities, and social inequalities today
Reinhilde Veugelers (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), on the rise of China in science and innovation, and what are the challenges/opportunities this brings for Europe and other Western economies


Papers and Extended abstracts Submission: June 1st to Sept. 10th, 2017

Acceptance Confirmation: October 2nd, 2017

Registration Opens: October 2nd, 2017

Registration Closes: November 24th, 2017

Congress Opens: January 31st, 2018

Tweet about this event share on Twitter and follow us on Twitter to stay tuned on all #GEOINNO2018-related issues! 


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Do not wait until the last minute to submit!

Apologies for multiple posting. Do not hesitate to contact us for more details. And have a good summer break!

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona!

Best wishes,
Rosina Moreno, Ernest Miguelez and Jordi Suriñach, on behalf of the 4th Geography of Innovation Conference GEOINNO2018 Organizing Committee

Regional Science Policy & Practice


Cover image for Vol. 9 Issue 2

June 2017

Volume 9Issue 2

Pages 61–140







Issue information (pages 61–62)

Version of Record online: 29 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12080



The determinants of foreign direct investment in sub-Saharan Africa: What role for governance? (pages 63–81)

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Gilles Cols

Version of Record online: 29 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12093


Spatial dimensions of Antonio Gramsci's contribution (pages 83–99)

Nuno Ornelas Martins

Version of Record online: 10 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12092


Regional perspectives on general aviation and reliever airports: A case study of the Phoenix metropolitan area (pages 101–120)

Tony H. Grubesic, Kurt Fuellhart, Fangwu Wei and Kevin O'Connor

Version of Record online: 29 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12091


Beyond the Paris Agreement: Climate change policy negotiations and future directions (pages 121–140)

S. Niggol Seo

Version of Record online: 26 JUN 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12090

24 August 2017 Issue n° 7

The biggest event in Regional Science

Five days left!

Meet 800 participants from all over the world

during 230 parallel sessions on the state of the art in research
in Regional Science

Key moments to come...

Opening Ceremony, Tuesday, 29 August

Tony Venables
, full professor at the University of Oxford, will hold a Keynote Lecture on 'Urbanisation in Developing Countries'. Philip McCann will reflect on this keynote speech.

Young Scientist Sessions, Wednesday, 30 August

  • Presentations sessions of talented researchers.
  • The ERSA Epainos 2017 Award for young scientists
    Will be awarded  to the best paper presented at the ERSA congress by a young researcher on Friday September 1st during the Closing Ceremony..

Policy Day, Thursday, 31 August

  • Keynote speakers:

Marc Lemaître, Director-General of the department for regional and Urban Policy, DG REGIO, European Commission

Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Special Advisor, Centre for Entrepreneurship, OECD

Pim van Ballekom, Vice-president of the European Investment Bank

  • The OECD semi-plenary session

'Growth and well-being through better policies and governance' will be attended by high-level policy makers such as Jozias van Aartsen, Tony Lloyd and Mark Frequin.

  • The workshops

We have four interesting workshops around prominent policy themes like 'Growing inequalities and their regional implications', 'What works for competitiveness' and 'Local Policy and Happiness'.

ERSA Prize Winner, Friday, 1 September

The ERSA Prize in Regional Science 2017 has been awarded to Professor Roberta Capello, Full Professor of Regional Economics at Politecnico di Milano, School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering.

The awarding ceremony will take place on Friday September 1st during the Closing Ceremony.

More information

See you in Groningen!

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C-MAT offers a comprehensive one year Master of Science in Maritime and Air Transport Management (60 ECTS) which prepares its graduates for the challenges faced by the transport sector today.
Application for academic year 2017-2018 is still possible for European candidates until the end of August 2017 by using the Application tool.
We also still have grants available for students!
In the first semester of the programme students have the option to choose between Management Fundamentals and Research Fundamentals. The option Management Fundamentals is designed for students who want to upgrade their knowledge and abilities in transport business and economics to become top-notch executives. It mainly prepares them for a management career in the maritime or air transport sector. The option Research Fundamentals on the other hand offers students a more methodological and quantitative training. Students receive an excellent preparation for a career in for example consulting, policy or research in the maritime or air transport sector. Moreover, this option can lay the groundwork for further academic pursuits such as a PhD.
In the second semester, students then make a choice between a major in Air Transport or Maritime Transport. In this way, students can even more tailor their programme to their specific interests and background.
During the course of the programme students become truly submerged in industry practice thanks to numerous excursions, company visits and a master’s thesis in collaboration with industry actors.
For more detailed information visit our C-MAT website

Geography and Urban Studies
Journals in geography and urban studies
Wiley is pleased to announce the new journal Impact Factors in geography and urban studies. Thank you to our authors, editors, referees, readers, and society partners for your invaluable contribution to the success of our journals.

We are pleased to offer you free access to highly cited articles contributing to the 2016 Impact Factor, published in leading geography and urban studies journals.

Read top cited research and new Impact Factors in geography and urban studies
  • 24 ranked journals in geography and geography, physical
  • Global Ecology and Biogeography ranked number two in the category geography, physical, with an Impact Factor of 6.045
  • The Geographical Journal is now ranked 7th with an impact factor of 3.102
  • International Journal of Urban and Regional Research increased Impact Factor of 2.181
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Papers in Regional Science


Volume 96, Issue 3 Pages 449 - 672, August 2017

Cover image for Vol. 96 Issue 3


The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library


You have free access to this content Issue information (pages 449–450)
Version of Record online: 10 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12265


  Economic crisis and regional resilience: Evidence from Greece (pages 451–476)
Elias Giannakis and Adriana Bruggeman
Version of Record online: 23 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12206
  Crime and regional economic growth in Mexico: A spatial perspective (pages 477–494)
Víctor Hugo Torres-Preciado, Mayrén Polanco-Gaytán and Miguel A. Tinoco-Zermeño
Version of Record online: 18 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12205
  Subway capitalization effect in Beijing: Theory and evidence on the variation of the subway proximity premium (pages 495–518)
Xiyan (Jamie) Wang
Version of Record online: 23 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12203
  Spatial dependence and heterogeneity in the location processes of new high-tech firms in Nanjing, China (pages 519–535)
Yingcheng Li and Kai Zhu
Version of Record online: 16 DEC 2015 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12202
You have free access to this content What types of people sort to which public services? (pages 537–553)
David M. Brasington
Version of Record online: 9 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12210
  Determination of neighbourhood housing amenities: Asymmetric effects of consumers’ choices and multiple equilibria (pages 555–570)
Takaaki Takahashi
Version of Record online: 9 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12213
  A long-run analysis of push and pull factors of internal migration in Italy. Estimation of a gravity model with human capital using homogeneous and heterogeneous approaches (pages 571–602)
Romano Piras
Version of Record online: 29 FEB 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12211
  Mapping the occupational segregation of white women in the US: Differences across metropolitan areas (pages 603–625)
Olga Alonso-Villar and Coral del Río
Version of Record online: 12 JAN 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12209
  The effect of state and local taxes on economic growth: A spatial dynamic panel approach (pages 627–645)
Jerome Segura III
Version of Record online: 22 APR 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12221
  SAM updating using multi-objective optimization techniques (pages 647–667)
Casiano A. Manrique-de-Lara-Peñate and Dolores R. Santos-Peñate
Version of Record online: 2 DEC 2016 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12260


  Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation. Richard Shermur, Christophe Carrincazeaux and David Doloreux (eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. 2016. 482 pp. ISBN 978 1 78471 076 7. (pages 669–670)
David B. Audretsch
Version of Record online: 10 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12301
  Cities in Global Capitalism. Ugo Rossi. Cambridge: Polity, 2017. Series: Urban Futures. 213 pp. Paperback: €20.43. Hardcover: €63.92. E-book: €17.99. ISBN – 13: 978-0-7456-8967-8(pb). (pages 670–672)
Trevor J. Barnes
Version of Record online: 10 AUG 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12309

Lead Organizer: Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois, USA and Nankai University, China


We are planning a series of special sessions at the World Congress to highlight the work of younger scholars (under 40 years of age). A maximum of forty presentations will be accommodated. There is no limitation on topics but the presentation should highlight innovative methodology, or new applications, creative use of data and important policy relevance. Sessions will be chaired by senior RSAI colleagues who will also serve as session discussants. The final session, to which all participants are invited, will focus on general comments and feedback and suggestions for preparation for publication.


Please submit your paper for consideration to Geoffrey Hewings (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in the following format:




Title of Paper:

Abstract of Paper

A Maximum of three summary statements (one sentence each) highlighting the value added of the paper.


The deadline for submission is November 30, 2017.


The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) is a small research and outreach unit located in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education within Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences.   Our mission is to work on a range of issues with land grant universities and other partners in the Northeast as well as nationally in support of rural development.

The NERCRD seeks applications for a one-year post-doc position, with good chances of renewal subject to funding.  The post-doc will be responsible for conducting economic and statistical analyses on a wide range of rural development topics, as determined by the Center’s emerging needs and priorities.  There is a strong expectation that this research will contribute both to the science base as well as to informing U.S. rural economic development policy.   A part of the research portfolio will include assessing the impacts of different federal policies over time and space. Importantly, the opportunity exists to work with Penn State’s Census Data Center.  Examples of topics to be studied range from policy impact assessments (including the impact of farm subsidies and extension education); determinants of poverty including the roles of automation and global competition; and the interdependence of rural and urban areas, as well as agricultural and non-agricultural industries; to the determinants of health and well-being, including addiction and drug overdoses.

Qualifications: The candidate will have extensive training in state-of-the-art economics or a related field and econometric analysis, including spatial statistics, as well as excellent communications and writing skills.  In addition, he or she will have extensive experience with a variety of statistical packages.  The candidate needs to be able to both work well independently and also to function effectively in a team setting.

To apply send a statement of interest in the position, two writing samples, and names of and contact information for three references to Stephan Goetz at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

December 8-10, 2017, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
Renmin University of China
The Regional Science Academy (TRSA)
Regional Science Association International (RSAI)


Registration Form 


See attachment for more information

Edited by Maria Giulia Pezzi (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy), Alessandra Faggian (Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy) and Neil Reid (University of Toledo, USA)

Discussing the linkages between local entrepreneurship and tourism provides an intriguing starting point for a wider reflection on the role of existing policies and of emerging practices in fostering local development in peripheral areas.

Peripheral areas can be considered as areas relatively far from urban hubs providing essential services, typically suffering from de-anthropisation and marginalisation, though provided with a wide range of environmental, cultural and social resources.

In this sense, the investigation of the linkages between local entrepreneurship and tourism in peripheral areas, and of the role of existing policies and of the arising bottom-up practices in fostering local development, is aimed at deconstructing basic dichotomies often emerging when dealing with such issues, i.e. rural-urban and/or centre-periphery relationships, innovation vs tradition, authenticity vs mise en scene, agency vs inertia, social, cultural, economic mobility vs immobility etc. Moreover, focussing attention on the possible compliance or conflicting strategies of local actors with existing policies allows the possibilities arising from the analysis of local entrepreneurs as agents of change to be taken into consideration

In focusing on relevant case studies we are able to shed light on local entrepreneurship in peripheral areas in relation to tourism. Representative topics shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Theoretical and practical approaches to the concept of peripherality in relation to tourism entrepreneurialism and the emergence of peculiar tourism-niches (e.g. food tourism in rural areas);
  • The role of local entrepreneurship in the development of tourism in peripheral areas as a form of resilience to the implications of (economic) marginality;
  • Migrants’ forms of agency and their impact on local entrepreneurship in peripheral areas in relation to the leisure market (i.e. leisure migrants);
  • The possible ways in which different takes on tradition and innovation can influence territorial marketing strategies in peripheral areas;
  • The “tourismification” and/ or “touristification” (Salazar 2009) of material and immaterial heritage in peripheral areas as a possible consequence of local entrepreneurship;
  • Key factors in the development of a tourism-led local entrepreneurship in peripheral areas;
  • Challenges of tourism promotion and local development: the urban- rural nexus;
  • Competitive strategies among local entrepreneurs in rural/peripheral area tourism.

We welcome submissions of relevant case studies analyses from economics, regional sciences, anthropology, sociology, geography, and critical tourism/leisure studies.

Submission Process

Abstracts of max 300 words, written in English, should be submitted for selection to Maria Giulia Pezzi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by August 31st, 2017. Please CC Alessandra Faggian (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Neil Reid (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Acceptance will be notified by September 15th, 2017.

Full papers to be submitted by December 20th, 2017

The special issue is expected to be published by June 2018.

The following information should be included with the abstract:

– Title of submitted paper

– Name(s) of Author(s), affiliation, email

– Professional background/current position

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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