
Elisabete Martins

If you are a student and would like to enter your paper into one of the two NARSC student paper competitions please note that the August 1 deadline for submitting your paper (and associated support materials) is fast approaching. There are two student-paper competitions - Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition and Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition. More details about each competition, including submission rules, can be found here -

If you have questions about the Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition, please contact Professor John Miron  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you have questions about the Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition, please contact Professor Daoqin Tong at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.
The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at:
The current vacancy is with the Demography, Migration and Governance Unit, of the Space Security and Migration Directorate. This Unit carries out research in support of EU policies on migration and is responsible for the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography.
The European Commission Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) is a Commission's independent body – steered by all the relevant services – tasked to provide solid scientific evidence for the development, implementation and evaluation of migration and demographic policies, not only in the framework of the migration and refugee crisis, but also in managing migration and addressing the demographic decline in the medium to longer term.
The KCMD is there to support and help to anticipate trends, and it serves the objectives of the European Agenda on Migration. The three pillars of the KCMD are: 1) Building the evidence base, conducting analysis and foresight; 2) Exploiting the knowledge base and facilitating uptake by stakeholders; 3) Partnerships and networking to extend the knowledge base. The JRC is responsible for its daily activities.
The successful candidate will contribute to on-going underpinning lines of research in the framework of the work undertaken by the KCMD. This research will concern the use of novel and alternative data sources to fill existing gaps of information relevant for migration and mobility. The successful candidate will be requested to handle, pre-process and analyse large amount of data covering, among others, the following:
 development and testing of a model to predict migration flows and stocks on the basis of international air passengers’ data;
 analysis of public perceptions on migration on the basis of data specifically collected from Twitter for the purpose;
 analysis of international mobility and ethnic segregation on the basis of mobile phone data.
The candidates should have completed post-graduate level studies in the field of data science, computer science, statistics or relevant discipline. They need to have either a PhD degree or at least 5 years of relevant working experience after their master's degree and a good publication record.
The job requires capacity to clean, pre-process and analyse large volumes of data. A good knowledge of programming in Python, R and data analytics software is required.
Experience in developing models and in data-driven research in the fields of human mobility and migration or public perceptions will be considered an asset.
The candidate will be expected to co-author technical reports and scientific publications, in addition to servicing requests for analysis.
Good knowledge of oral and written English (B2 level), communication and presentation skills are necessary.


See attachment

As the science and knowledge service of the Commission, the mission of DG Joint Research Centre is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.
The JRC is located in 5 Member States (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain). Further information is available at:
The current vacancy is with the Demography, Migration and Governance Unit, of the Space Security and Migration Directorate. This Unit carries out research in support of EU policies on migration and is responsible for the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography.
The European Commission Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) is a Commission's independent body – steered by all the relevant services – tasked to provide solid scientific evidence for the development, implementation and evaluation of migration and demographic policies, not only in the framework of the migration and refugee crisis, but also in managing migration and addressing the demographic decline in the medium to longer term.
The KCMD is there to support and help to anticipate trends, and it serves the objectives of the European Agenda on Migration. The three pillars of the KCMD are: 1) Building the evidence base, conducting analysis and foresight; 2) Exploiting the knowledge base and facilitating uptake by stakeholders; 3) Partnerships and networking to extend the knowledge base. The JRC is responsible for its daily activities.
The successful candidate will be expected to conduct research in the area of labour economics and migration and in particular to:
 draft policy briefs synthetizing the existing literature and knowledge on the integration of migrants in the labour market;
 clean and process microdata from international labour and social surveys;
 perform statistical and econometric analysis;
 formulate policy advice in the area of legal migration and the integration of migrants.
The candidate will be expected to co-author technical reports, scientific publications and policy briefs.
The job requires an advanced university degree in economics and either a PhD degree or a minimum of 5 years of professional experience after having completed university studies in labour economics with background on quantitative methods and econometric models.
Key requirements are excellent drafting skills in English (C2 level) not only for academic papers but also for
communication material targeted at a policy audience. Oral English C1 level.
The candidate should have proven track record in applied labour economics research and publications in international peer-reviewed journals.
Desirable requirements are expert knowledge and experience in the use of statistical and econometric software (e.g. R, SPSS, STATA).
Experience of working on issues related to migration would be desirable.


See attachment

Dear colleague:

We have just published a new issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (Issue Nº 37). It is now available both on line and print version.

About Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research:

The founding aim of Investigaciones Regionales–Journal of Regional Research was to create a prestigious journal through which to disseminate quality research carried out in the broad academic and professional field of regional, urban and territorial studies. The review process of the papers submitted to the Journal follows international standards.

Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional Research is ranked as Q2 by Scimago JRC (Scopus), in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases (Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCO, ProQuest, EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, Redalyc, Latindex, Fuente Académica, …).

The Journal has a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming submissions from fields such as Economics, Geography, Sociology, Land Planning and Political Science, whose scientific focus, originality and added value contribute to the dissemination of new ideas and methodological approaches, strengthening and improving the quality of the publication, via its email.

The contents of this issue are:


  • ¿Por qué incumplen fiscalmente las Comunidades Autónomas?- Santiago Lago Peñas, Xoaquín Fernández Leiceaga, Alberto Vaquero
  • Relevancia, pertinencia y socialización del conocimiento, ¿cómo contribuyen los investigadores a la innovación de Ensenada, México?- Mayer Cabrera-Flores, Santos López Leyva, Arturo Serrano Santoyo
  • El efecto de la distancia económica sobre la colaboración científica entre universidades. Evidencia para las regiones del sur de Europa- Ana Fernández Pérez, Esther Ferrándiz León, M.ª Dolores León Rodríguez
  • Métodos de entropía cruzada generalizada: una aproximación a la medición del Producto Interno Bruto para los municipios del Valle del Cauca - Colombia- Paola Andrea Garizado Román, Esteban Fernández Vázquez, Henry Duque Sandoval
  • Los factores explicativos del abandono temprano de la educación y la formación en las regiones españolas- Siro Bayón-Calvo, Helena Corrales-Herrero, Olga Ogando Canabal
  • The uneasy coexistence of the Spanish foral and common regional finance systems- Antoni Zabalza, Julio López-Laborda

Surveys and debates:

  • Instituciones y crecimiento económico: ¿consenso en la literatura?- Yakira Fernández-Torres, Juan Carlos Díaz-Casero, Julián Ramajo-Hernández

European Regional Policy:

  • Marco jurídico y principales instrumentos de la cooperación transfronteriza institucional en Europa- Eusebio Medina García

Books reviews:

  • Cities as Political Objects Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation- Juan R. Cuadrado Roura

To contact Us and Submit Manuscripts:

Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yours sincerely,

Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research


The National University of Villa María, Córdoba and the Argentine Regional Science Association (SAER) invites you to participate in the 7th Annual Meeting to be held on 23 and 24 August 2017 in Villa María, Córdoba.
The 7th annual conference will cover a wide range of topics on Regional Economics and Local Productive Development, including:

  • The debate about the future of the local productive profile
  • Financing of development programs
  • Local development entrepreneurs and best practices
  • Macroeconomics and local and regional development
  • Bioeconomy and regional impact

Previous Seminars have attracted speakers from different countries. We welcome scholars, researchers, students as well as corporation and government executives. We will also host special panels on regional topics. You can either present your research work or just attend. There will be a session of work and/or thesis in progress.


Submissions (extended abstracts up to 1,000 words or full papers) should include title,
keywords, JEL classification, author(s)’ full name(s), affiliation, address, email and phone of
the (responsible) author. Submissions (in pdf file format only) must be made by email only to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Submission of papers or extended abstracts: July 20th, 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: July 30th, 2017
  • Submission of final papers/work in progress: August 12th , 2017

The organizers will invite participating authors to be discussants of a paper

RSPP Annual Paper Award

For the Best Paper in Regional Science Policy and Practice

Winners 2017


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Akihiro Otsuka and Mika Goto (2015) - Estimation and determinants of energy efficiency in Japanese regional economies. Regional Science Policy & Practice 7 (2), 89-101

“The paper contains a full empirical attempt to model and a significant regional issue of policy and practice concern: the spatial patterns of energy efficiency across the prefectures of Japan.  Useful findings of the study are clearly spelled out for policy-makers.  The paper is itself a model of how regional science methods can be harnessed for making contributions to policy and practice.  As such, is a most meritorious demonstration of the underlying concept for our relatively new journal and thus highly deserving of receiving the award. Identification and estimation of variables that are understood and can be used by policy-makers.”



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Roberto Camagni and Roberta Capello (2015) - Rationale and design of EU cohesion policies in a period of crisis. Regional Science Policy & Practice 7 (1), 25-4

“A great literature review and an important (continuing) EU issue. A reflective and policy-prescriptive paper focused on EU regional policies in the context of a period of economic downturn.  Broad-ranging, the paper marshals a variety of data to buttress its argument.  A nicely done contribution. A prospective paper with great impact well rooted theoretically and with sound methods.”


Friday, 14 July 2017 13:11

Nominations for Councilor-at-large

Dear members of RSAI,

Taking into account that nominations for Councilor to be elected at-large shall be made by the Council after solicitation of suggestions from the members of the Association we inform that the proposals for councilor-at-large can be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the 20th of August 2017. Suggestions shall include a CV and a photo.

The election of four councilor-at-large for the period 2018-2020 will be done electronically by RSAI members along September 2017.

Best regards,

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

Executive Director



Call for Special Session Proposals


Special Session Proposal Format
Proposals for special sessions should include:

  • The special session title
  • The name(s) of the organizer(s), with affiliation(s) and email(s) (identifying the chair)
  • The aim and scope of the special session (500 words)

Special session proposals should be sent by August 30, 2017 to the secretariat of the Congress at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Abstracts Submission Process
Authors submit abstracts for special sessions through session Organizers.
The organizers of the special session should ask for:

  • title;
  • authors(s);
  • affiliations and emails (indicate the presenter and corresponding author);
  • three keywords;
  • abstract (400-500 words).

Abstract submission deadline: November 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance of abstract: January 12, 2018

After the abstract submission deadline the organizer(s) should send all the submissions to secretariat of the Congress at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The secretariat will insert the data in the CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and give full access to the organizer for the management of the abstracts.


Call for Abstracts

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Regional Science Association of India invite regional scientists, economists, economic geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 12th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International, with the main theme "Spatial Systems: Social Integration, Regional Development and Sustainability". The Congress will be hosted by the Regional Science Association of India.

We invite formal paper presentations (deadline of November 30, 2017). Organizers of special session are also welcome. The abstract submission portal is now open. Full information on the venue, abstract submission, registration, schedule of events, accommodation and travel information is posted at


About the Focal Theme

Across the world, communities are striving to achieve an ecologically and socially secure future. The intricately linked ideas of sustainability and integration are the key to achieving our development goals. As regional scientists, our common pursuit of a sustainable future may be attained with more efficient understanding of the ‘region’ as a spatial unit. Keeping this objective in mind, the theme of the 2018 Congress highlights the importance of analyzing spatial systems as not just physical space or social space, but shared space. The sub-themes will be aimed at providing a platform for debates and discussions around the key issues of contemporary regional science and carve out the way to future research agenda.


Sub themes

  • Big Data for Regional Science
  • Cooperation and Development
  • Environmental Issues
  • Infrastructure, Transportation and Accessibility
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Location of Economic Activity
  • Methods in Regional Science and Urban Economics
  • Migration and Labor Markets
  • Real Estate and Housing
  • Regional and Urban Policy and Governance
  • Regional Finance, Investment or Capital Markets
  • Rural Development
  • Social Integration
  • Spatial Planning
  • Spatial Systems in Transitional economies
  • Tourism

We look forward to welcoming you in the dazzling city of Goal in May 2018.

With warmest regards,

The Organizing Committee

Appel pour les propositions de résumés et des sessions spéciales


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer l’organisation du second congrès internationaldeL’Association Marocaine des Sciences Régionales (AMSR) qui se tiendra à Rabat, Maroc, du 11 au 12 Octobre 2017.  Ce congrès est organisé en partenariat avec l’Institut National d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme (INAU), l’Association Internationale des Sciences Régionales (RSAI), l’Association Européenne des Sciences Régionales (ERSA) et l’Académie des Sciences Régionales (RSA).

Thème de la conférence : L’Ambition de la Durabilité à l’Aune de la Complexité des Territoires et de la Société des Risques.

Le Congrès se déroulera en sessions plénières, conférences, tables rondes et  sessions parallèles. Les sessions parallèles concerneront: i) les résumés soumis aux sessions ordinaires (SO) et les résumés soumis aux sessions spéciales (SS). Les sessions peuvent se dérouler en anglais ou en français.

Les sessions thématiques sont:

A - Mondialisation et intelligence territoriale

  1. Mondialisation et intelligence territoriale
  2. Mondialisation des marchés, des cultures, des modes de vie et des sociétés.
  3. Mondialisation de la communication et révolution des NTIC.
  4. Impact de la technologie numérique dans l'espace.
  5. Acteurs territoriaux et défis de la société de l’information

B - Résilience et gestion du risque

  1. La durabilité face à l’instantanée (gestion des risques) et à l’incertain (aléa) contemporains.
  2. Durabilité et indicateurs du développement durable.
  3. Risques et la modification des qualités intrinsèques des territoires.
  4. Atténuation et adaptation aux changements climatiques.
  5. Risques naturels et climatiques.

C - Politique et gouvernance territoriale

  1. Développement durable et action publique territoriale.
  2. Politique et gouvernance du développement régional.
  3. Evolutions du territoire et notion de métropolisation.
  4. Revitalisation des territoires abandonnés.
  5. Pauvreté, genre, migration et vitalité territoriale.

D - Economie verte et complexité des socio-écosystèmes

  1. Empreinte écologique.
  2. Croissance verte.
  3. Biodiversité, écosystèmes et services écosystémiques.
  4. Agriculture, pêche et sécurité alimentaire.
  5. Nexus: eau, agriculture et énergie.


Date limite pour les soumissions de résumés: 13 Aout 2017. Les résumés doivent être soumis par voie électronique, en utilisant la plate-forme disponible sur le site de la conférence:

Date limite pour les propositions de sessions spéciales: 30 juillet 2017. Les propositions doivent être envoyées au secrétariat du Congrès (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Plus d’informations sur le site du congrès:


Dans l’attente de vous rencontrer à Rabat!

Abdellatif Khattabi

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Tel: +212 6 07 07 07 54

NEREUS lança Programa de Extensão “Nereides”

Fonte: Site Nereus (

O Núcleo de Economia Regional e Urbana da USP (NEREUS) lança, na próxima semana, um programa de extensão com o objetivo de qualificar recursos humanos na área de Economia Regional e Urbana. Trata-se de uma das iniciativas para celebrar os 15 anos do grupo de pesquisas vinculado ao Departamento de Economia da USP. Inspirado nos Programas de Mestrado Interinstitucional (Minter) e Doutorado Interinstitucional (Dinter) da CAPES, o foco do Programa Nereides será no treinamento de pesquisadores vinculados a instituições de ensino e pesquisa, localizadas em regiões, no território brasileiro ou no exterior, afastadas de centros consolidados em ensino e pesquisa.

No entanto, a escala do Programa Nereides será bem mais modesta e as atividades serão focadas na realização de minicursos nas instituições participantes. Contando com o trabalho voluntário de professores e pesquisadores do NEREUS, os principais objetivos do programa são (i) treinar pesquisadores na utilização de métodos quantitativos de análise regional e inter-regional, e (ii) promover a colaboração entre pesquisadores envolvidos nas atividades da pós-graduação do IPE-USP e das instituições receptoras.

De acordo com o professor Eduardo Haddad, idealizador desta iniciativa, os minicursos serão desenhados de acordo com as necessidades dos pesquisadores. O formato é bastante flexível, mas o padrão são eventos de dois ou três dias, com apresentação de métodos específicos e sua aplicação com informações para a região onde o curso ocorrer. A utilização de dados para a realidade local permitirá que os participantes se apropriem mais efetivamente das ferramentas disponibilizadas. Inicialmente, planejamos a realização de duas versões anuais do minicurso, uma em cada semestre, sempre em instituições diferentes. Dentro do espírito da solidariedade interinstitucional, base do Nereides, os custos envolvidos são apenas os custos de mobilidade dos ministrantes dos cursos, arcados pelos parceiros locais.

Outro aspecto importante será a participação efetiva dos alunos do NEREUS nos treinamentos. Os minicursos serão ministrados por professores vinculados ao Departamento de Economia da USP, sempre com a participação de um aluno de pós-graduação que auxiliará os participantes durante as sessões aplicadas. Esta parceria permitirá ao pós-graduando aprimorar sua formação para atividade didática e conhecer novas realidades institucionais.

O primeiro minicurso ocorrerá em Teresina entre os dias 18 e 20 de julho de 2017 e será promovido pelo Conselho Regional de Economia e pelo Departamento de Ciências Econômicas da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) em parceria com a FEA-USP. O “Curso de Métodos de Análise Regional e Inter-regional” será ministrado pelo professor Eduardo Haddad e pelo doutorando Vinícius de Almeida Vale. Com ênfase em análise exploratória de dados espaciais e em modelos inter-regionais de insumo-produto, os participantes terão acesso a um banco de dados com o foco no Piauí, incluindo uma matriz inter-regional de insumo-produto para o Estado, desenvolvida especialmente para esta versão do curso.

De acordo com Prancacio Carvalho, professor do Departamento de Economia da UFPI e responsável direto pela parceria, esta iniciativa procura expandir as relações interinstitucionais e capacidades em Economia Regional para o corpo docente do DECON, técnicos do Conselho Regional de Economia – Piauí, outros professores da UFPI e alunos do curso de Economia. Além disso, fundamenta o apoio do IPE-USP ao desenvolvimento do Mestrado em Economia na UFPI.

Mais informações sobre o minicurso podem ser encontradas aqui.

Data do Conteúdo: 
quinta-feira, 13 Julho, 2017

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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