How to recover/heal communities, wellbeing and create resilient places from the ashes of wildfires?
Regional Science, assumed as Territorial Medicine, has to react and think about Forest Fires that are increasingly occurring and hurting particular places around the world: California, Norwest of Iberia and Southeast Australia.
Our hope is that the interdisciplinary and open approach of regional science, its methodological capability and its multi scale and diverse spatial scope can contribute to help the cure of unhealthy and suffering places and their peoples.
The journal Regional Science Policy and Practice in collaboration with the Portuguese Regional Science Association and other journals and associations that want to join the initiative, promote a seminar on Forest Fires at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra on December the 20th of 2017.
The idea is to stimulate the production of scientific papers to publish in a special issue of the journal Regional Science Policy and Practice and other publication (books, articles). The attitude is to overcome the phase of identification of the causes and causers of forest fires that is done and should be included in the literature review.
Beyond that, the aim is to collect scientific contributions that can help the cure of the territory acknowledging that places are the cumulative outcome of the will and action of many agents in their institutional, economic and environmental context recreated through time and space; which resilience, sustainability and development is constantly tested by disruptive phenomena.
The call for abstracts to the Symposium are open and your participation is very welcome!
Deadline for Abstracts submissions:30th November 2017
All information at the event website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Coimbra!
Organizing Committee
Dear all,
The new RSAI Newsletter November 2017 can now be found under
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
Please find attached a call for papers for the conference on "What centralities outside metropolises? The future development of small European cities as a key issue for territorial equity " to be held on March 22nd and 23rd 2017 in Lamballe. This conference is organized by the scientific interest group "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in Rennes", the scientific interest group "Institut d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme de Rennes" (IAUR), the research laboratory ESO Rennes from Rennes 2 University, the Chair "Territoires et Mutations de l'Action Publique" of Sciences Po Rennes, with the support ofthe Western Institute of Law and Europe (IODE) (UMR CNRS 6262) from the University of Rennes 1 and the city of Lamballe.
We hope that this message will capture your interest and thank you for forwarding it to your networks. The participation of practitioners is expected and welcome. Despite our best efforts, this message may reach you several times. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Best regards
On behalf of the organisation comittee
We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.
Péter Járosi: Modelling Network Interdependencies of Regional Economies using Spatial Econometric TechniquesDOI: 10.15196/RS07201
Zsuzsanna Zsibók: Continuing divergence after the crisis: long-term regional economic development in the United Kingdom DOI: 10.15196/RS07202
Adam Drobniak: Economic resilience and hybridization of development – A case of the Central European Regions DOI: 10.15196/RS07203
Robert Guzik–Arkadiusz Kołoś–Krzysztof Gwosdz: Interconnections in public transport as a method for delimiting urban functional areas and the settlement hierarchy DOI: 10.15196/RS07204
Teodora Brandmuller – Gunter Schäfer – Petri Ekkehard – Oliver Müller – Valeriya Angelova-Tosheva: Territorial indicators for policy purposes: NUTS regions and beyond DOI: 10.15196/RS07205
Péter Kovács – Gábor Bodnár:Examining the Factors of Endogenous Development
in Hungarian Rural Areas by Means of PLS Path Analysis DOI: 10.15196/RS07206
László J. Kulcsár – David L. Brown: Population Ageing in Eastern Europe: Toward a Coupled Micro-Macro Framework DOI: 10.15196/RS07207
Gábor Dudás – György Vida – Tamás Kovalcsik – Lajos Boros: A socio-economic analysis of Airbnb in New York City DOI: 10.15196/RS07208
Petra Szűcs – Miklós Lukovics – Kézy Béla: Opportunities for walkability in Szeged and Valencia DOI: 10.15196/RS07209
Gábor Valkó – Mária Fekete–Farkas – Ildikó Kovács: Indicators for the economic dimension of sustainable agriculture in the European Union DOI: 10.15196/RS07210
Zoltán Egri: Regional health inequalities in the European macroregion from the East Central European perspective DOI: 10.15196/RS07211
György Csomós: Visualising cities’ international scientific collaboration: a spatial scientometric approach based on Scopus data DOI: 10.15196/RS07212
Ph.D Funding Opportunities at Michigan State University
Faculty in the Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences are now accepting applications for Ph.D. study in the areas of urban/economic geography and health/medical geography. Applicants with an interest in water and a background in statistical and geographic analyses and software are especially welcome. Funding is available on a competitive basis.
Specific focal areas/skills encouraged:
1. Statistical analysis using Stata, SAS and/or R
2. Geospatial statistical analysis using ArcMap, Geoda, SaTScan, QGIS
3. Economic analyses of water availability and/or affordability
Water-health nexus with an emphasis on equity and environmental justice
The department is one of the largest geography departments in the United States and Michigan’s only geography PhD program. In 2017, the department received a national top-ten research ranking. MSU is also a Big Ten Academic Alliance Member which gives students the opportunity to take a wide range of courses at other Alliance universities.
If interested, please send a curriculum vitae (CV) and a writing sample by December 1, 2017.
Prospective urban/economic geography students should contact Dr. Elizabeth Mack at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ( Prospective health/medical geography students should contact Dr. Amber Pearson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (
Interested applicants must apply and be admitted to the Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences ( The deadline for applications is December 31 to be considered for full funding and to be admitted Fall of 2018. Application instructions may be accessed via this link: ( International applicants please note: The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required for entry into US graduate programs. Other requirements can be found by visiting the website above.
Innovation processes in rural areas
Livia Madureira This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - CETRAD, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
André Torre This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - INRA, University Paris Saclay.
Call for papers for a special issue of Regional Science Policy and Practice until January 15, 2018
One often consider that rural territories are not innovative. Innovation would be mainly reserved for urban spaces and in particular for big cities, as revealed by the concentration of high tech firms and clusters in an urban environment. However, this preconceived idea meets two important limits. The first one is the existence of a very successful and very innovative farming sector, to the point that agriculture only employs nowadays an increasingly small number of workers, due to technical progress, in particular in Europe and in the USA, as well as in BRICs like Brazil for example. Agriculture and forestry are also the stage for intensive agro-ecological knowledge creation towards more sustainable farming processes and practices, involving both scientists and farmers. The second is that numerous innovations are emerging in rural areas highlighting non-technological types of innovation, like organizational innovations (new forms of networks between actors, direct marketing and local markets…), social innovations (cooperatives, services to the population…) and institutional innovations (Leader Programs, local charters…) along with product (superfoods, healthcare services and renewable energy) and technological innovations (the methanation for example).
This special issue aims to make the state of the art about innovations in rural areas, by describing various experiences, and by giving solid references onto the level of rural innovation and the characteristics of the latter, which bring new knowledge about innovation and support to policies to enhance it on rural territories.
Dear member,
Journals and societies are in a position to make a significant contribution to enabling access to the data underlying the articles we publish. The sharing of data enables others to reuse experimental results and supports the creation of new work built on previous findings, improving the efficiencies of the research process and supporting the critical goals of transparency and reproducibility. The RSAI would like to hear from you how data should be shared within the regional science community.
Please share your views with us by completing this short survey. It has four questions only and will not take longer than three minutes to complete
Link to survey:
8th International Conference on Biofuels, Bioenergy & Bioeconomy December 04-05, 2017 | Sao Paulo, Brazil Theme: Global scenario of Bioeconomy in the context of biofuels and bioenergy |
Assistant Professor in Housing and Property Management
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Department of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management
We are seeking an academic year, tenure-track assistant professor with expertise in housing policy, affordability and econometrics for a position in Housing and Property Management. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to engage in transdisciplinary research, curriculum and/or outreach initiatives with other university faculty working in Housing, Property Management and the Intelligent Infrastructure for Human-centered Communities Destination Area.
Destination Areas:Virginia Tech is building transdisciplinary teams to tackle the world’s pressing problems through research, education, and engagement. Destination Areas provide faculty and students with new tools to identify and solve complex, 21st-century problems in which Virginia Tech already has significant strengths and can take a global leadership role.
Intelligent Infrastructure for Human-centered Communities: This Destination Area focuses its attention on the ways that people interact with one another and with their environment. Interest areas include smart, healthy, and sustainable cities and communities; transportation systems; human safety, health, and wellness; integrated energy systems; network science and engineering; public policy; and cyber-physical systems.
The successful candidate’s scholarly work and teaching should address housing policy issues, broadly defined from an economic, environmental, financial and/or social perspective. We are interested in candidates who approach their work in an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary manner, utilizing mixed research methodologies. A preference exists for candidates whose research, teaching and community engagement interests intersect with one or more of the areas of strength within the AHRM Department, including multifamily/rental housing, lifespan housing, housing for specialized needs, affordable housing and environmentally sustainable housing options. A passion for undergraduate teaching is important.
Responsibilities include:
Qualifications include:
The starting date for the position is August 10, 2018. The applicant must have an earned doctorate degree in a housing or property management related field by the position starting date. Review of applications will begin February 1, 2018. The review will continue until a suitable candidate is appointed from a diverse pool of applicants. Salary is dependent on qualifications.
To Apply
To apply, go to posting #TR0170158and complete the on-line application. You will be asked to supply brief demographic information and to upload a cover letter (describing qualifications and relevant experience in teaching and research or creative scholarship), your vita, and provide contact information for three (3) references. If you have specific questions about the position, please contact Dr. Kathleen Parrott, Chair, Search Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . If you are an individual with a disability and desire accommodation, please contact Dianna Givens at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Virginia Tech does not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, or veteran status; or otherwise discriminate against employees or applicants who inquire about, discuss, or disclose their compensation or the compensation of other employees, or applicants; or any other basis protected by law. ( For inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies, contact the Office of Equity and Access at 540-231-2010 or Virginia Tech, North End Center, Suite 2300 (0318), 300 Turner St. NW, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Virginia Tech’s Dual Career Program is available for faculty with a spouse or partner considering employment at the University. Further information is available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 540-231-9331.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.