Job no: 518670
Work type: Fixed Term
Location: Canberra / ACT
Categories: Academic
The ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP) leads intellectual engagement with the Asia-Pacific region through research, teaching and contributions to public debate, and seeks to set the international standard for scholarship concerning the region.
The Crawford School of Public Policy is Australia’s premier public policy school, with recognised world-class expertise and experience in economics, political science and public administration, environmental management and development, and on key Asia-Pacific countries. It is part of the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific (CAP) that leads intellectual engagement with the Asia-Pacific region, and seeks to set the international standard for scholarship about the region.
Crawford houses the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics (ACDE), renowned for its work on theoretical and applied problems of international economics and development, with emphasis on the countries of Southeast, Northeast and South Asia, and the Southwest Pacific. It is also home to the ANU Indonesia Project, a long-standing, major international centre for research and graduate training on the economy and society of Indonesia. The Project monitors and analyses economic development in Indonesia, informs the Australian and Indonesian governments, businesses and the wider community of these developments, and stimulates research on the Indonesian economy and development.
Crawford School is seeking to appoint a high-performing mid to late career academic at either level C or level D to play a major role in the ANU Indonesia Project and make significant contributions in research, education and service.
This appointment is being offered as a full-time, fixed term contract of three years.
For more information, please contact A/Professor Blane Lewis, E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The University actively encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. For more information on employment opportunities, contact our Indigenous Employment Consultant on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ANU values diversity and inclusion and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to those of all backgrounds and identities. For more information about staff equity at ANU, visit
Female applicants are under-represented at senior levels in Crawford School and are strongly encouraged to apply.
In order to apply for this role please make sure that you upload the following documents:
Applications which do not address the selection criteria may not be considered for the position.
Advertised: 27 Nov 2017 09:00:00 AM AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Applications close: 26 Jan 2018 11:55:00 PM AUS Eastern Daylight Time
The deadline for abstract submission for the 2018 RSAI World Congress Goa, India is until 21 January 2018.
You can follow updated information at the congress website: or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Special Sessions
Regular Sessions
RS01 - Big Data for Regional Science RS02 - Cooperation and Development RS03 - Environmental Issues RS04 - Infrastructure, Transportation and Accessibility RS05 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship RS06 - Location of Economic Activity RS07 - Methods in Regional Science and Urban Economics RS08 - Migration and Labor Markets |
RS09 - Real Estate and Housing RS10 - Regional and Urban Policy and Governance RS11 - Regional Finance, Investment or Capital Markets RS12 - Rural Development RS13 - Social Integration RS14 - Spatial Planning RS15 - Spatial Systems in Transitional economies RS16 - Tourism |
We look forward to welcoming you in the dazzling city of Goa in May 2018.
With warmest regards,
The Organizing Committee
Research Awards – Young Investigator Training Program 2018 Policy Evaluation and Young Investigators: Building a Network of Excellence Throughout the World. The Gran Sasso Science Institute – GSSI Social Sciences ( is part of the CERUP network ( promoting this call for applications and is one of the Italian institutions that will host the awarded researchers.
Overall, 9 research grants (3.000 Euro for researchers from European institutions and 4.000 Euro for those from non-European institutions), financed by the Associazione di Fondazioni e Casse di Risparmio Italiane SpA (ACRI), will be awarded to selected researchers who will:
- participate in the international conference CERUP 2018 “Challenges in Evaluating Regional and Urban Policy”, that will take place in Rome from 8 to 9 March 2018.
- spend a one-month visiting in one of the leading Italian departments that agreed to participate in the network (please see the list in Annex 1 in the call)
Applicants need to meet the following criteria:
- research focus on regional and urban sciences and methodologies applied to the impact of evaluation of public policies
- aged up to 40 years
- affiliation to foreign institutions (outside Italy) to promote international collaborations and encourage mobility of young scholars.
The deadline for application is the 22nd January 2018. Please make sure you state on the application your preferred hosting institution (e.g. GSSI).
All application and selection details are included in the attached call and can be found at this link:
Regional Science Policy & Practice© RSAIVolume 9, Issue 3 Pages 141 - 228, August 2017 |
The latest issue of Regional Science Policy & Practice is available on Wiley Online Library
Issue Information (pages 141–142)
Version of Record online: 28 DEC 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12081
Economic impacts of cancelled recreational trips to Northwest Florida after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (pages 143–164)
Christa D. Court, Alan W. Hodges, Rodney L. Clouser and Sherry L. Larkin
Version of Record online: 23 OCT 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12099
Demographic transitions in South African cities: An analysis of household structures in the City of Tshwane (pages 165–181)
Daniël Jacobus Roux and Hermanus Stephanus Geyer
Version of Record online: 28 DEC 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12103
The implementation of smart specialization strategy in Greece: Re-balancing governance between the central state and the regions (pages 183–199)
Charalampos Chrysomallidis and Aggelos Tsakanikas
Version of Record online: 17 SEP 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12095
EU structural interventions and individual wages in Poland: Empirical evidence for 2004–2006 financial framework (pages 201–216)
Andrzej Cieślik and Bartłomiej Rokicki
Version of Record online: 24 NOV 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12100
Fostering a resilient regional economy in the SADC through regional integration (pages 217–228)
Ockert Pretorius, Ernst Drewes and Mariske Van Aswegen
Version of Record online: 28 DEC 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12102
Dear Colleague
We are writing to invite you to contribute to a special issue of Research Policy titled “Citizens of Nowhere? Migration, Research, and Innovation” (call for papers attached and here).
This special issue aims to bring together scholars working on migration, innovation or development, and with an interest in the economics and management of knowledge diffusion, the relationship between innovation and development or the emerging role of organizations such as multinational companies and higher education institutions in structuring scientists’ and engineers’ migration flows (more details in the call for papers).
We believe that the proposed topics may fit with your research interests and/or of scholars in your personal network. Please do not hesitate to diffuse or to contact us for further information.
Submission opens 1 June 2018 and closes 30 September 2018.
On behalf of:
Stefano Breschi
Cornelia Lawson
Francesco Lissoni
Andrea Morrison
Ammon Salter
Research Policy Special issue guest editors
On behalf of the Faculty of economics, business and tourism in Split and The Regional Science Academy, we are very excited to invite you join us in Split, Croatia from June 18th till June 22nd 2018, for the first EFST Summer school titled From Smart to Intelligent Cities.
The EFST Summer school titled From Smart to Intelligent Cities supported by Regional Science Association International represents an unique opportunity to learn and discuss about structures, actors, processes and challenges of the regional and urban development, smart city management and touristic development in dialogue with leading international academic experts and practitioners.
Target Audience:
The Summer School has been tailored to upper-year undergraduates, graduate students, PhD students and professionals from all over the world with an interest in different aspects of urban and regional development, smart city management and tourism. We encourage the participation of students in other applied fields who want to improve their knowledge in the field as well.
There are three courses in this Summer School on “FROM SMART TO INTELLIGENT CITIES
Important dates:
We would be grateful if you could share the announcement within your network and forward the information below on to anyone who you feel may be interested in attending the EFST Summer school.
To apply or for further details go to our website:
If you have any questions, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We look forward to your submission and welcome to a beautiful Split in June 2018!
Best regards,
Vinko Muštra
Chair person of the Programme committee
Marina Tudor
Programme coordinator
Dear NECTAR colleagues,
To end this year, we are announcing two call for papers (attached):
1) The NECTAR Cluster 2 (Social and Health Issues) is organizing an international workshop in Utrecht (Netherlands), in June 6-8, 2018. Deadline for receiving abstracts: January 31, 2018.
2) The NECTAR Cluster 6 (Accessibility) is organizing a workshop in Lyon (France), in June 18-20, 2018. Deadline for receiving abstracts: February 15, 2018.
We wish you happy holidays!
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR Secretary
Dear Colleagues,
the Department of Social Sciences and Economics of Sapienza University of Rome (DISSE) and the Department of Political Science of University Roma Tre (DISCIPOL) and the Regional Science Association of Italy (AISRE) organize the first international conference: “Challenges in Evaluating Regional and Urban Policy”, CERUP 2018.
The conference will be hosted by the Sapienza Conference Centre, on 8-9 March 2018.
GIUSEPPE ARBIA, Professor of Economic Statistics, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome
MARTIN HUBER, Professor of Applied Econometrics, University of Fribourg
Both theoretical and applied contributions are welcomed on the following main topics: counterfactual evaluation methods, spatial econometric methods for impact evaluation, policies for urban and regional economic growth, policies for economic and social resilience.
We encourage scholars to submit a paper (a complete draft, preliminary paper) about their original research by January 11st, 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in order to present in a paper session.
Only for poster presentation, an abstract (maximum 600 words) must be submitted for review by January 11st, 2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The abstract should be submitted as a word document and should include the title, the authors and describe: background, aim of the research, methodology, results, relevance to the conference theme.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by February 8th.
Further information will be made available on the CERUP2018’s website:
Kind regards,
Guido Pellegrini and Marusca De Castris
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Estimados compañeros:
Os recordamos que el “Call for Experiences” de las XIV Jornadas sobre Docencia de Economía Aplicada finaliza el 12 de enero de 2018.
Se invita a todos los profesores a que envíen trabajos en los que expliquen los métodos innovadores que han aplicado a su labor docente en las diferentes materias que integran el área de Economía Aplicada así como los Trabajos Fin de Grado (en formato poster) defendidos en los últimos dos cursos y con una calificación igual o superior a 8.
El envío habrá de realizarse a la dirección de correo electrónico This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; en el archivo habrá de constar título del trabajo y nombre, filiación y dirección de correo electrónico del autor o coautores (y del director/tutor en el caso de los TFGs). Los trabajos estarán sujetos a un proceso de evaluación y selección por parte del Comité Científico. La notificación de los trabajos aceptados tendrá lugar el 29 de enero de 2018 y las Jornadas se celebrarán el viernes 9 de febrero.
Se concederá un Premio a la mejor comunicación en cada una de las dos categorías de trabajos considerados: a) Ponencia, efectivamente presentada, sobre experiencia docente innovadora y b) TFG en formato póster. El primero de los premios estará dotado con 300 euros y el segundo con 200 euros. Asimismo, podrán concederse hasta dos Accésit, sin dotación económica, a los trabajos que queden en segundo lugar.
En la web de la Asociación ( está disponible el programa así como otra información relevante como boletín de inscripción, cuotas, procedimiento para el envío de experiencias docentes y fechas de interés.
Esperamos contar contigo en las XIII Jornadas sobre Docencia de Economía Aplicada.
Un saludo afectuoso
Dear colleague:
We have just published a new issue of the journal Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research (Issue Nº 39). It is now available both on line and print version.
The journal is Scimago JRC (Scopus) and indexed in other scientific and academic international databases (Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), EBSCO, ProQuest, EconLit, RePec, DOAJ, Redalyc, Latindex, …).
This is the contents:
Title: ‘Clusters, Industrial Districts and Strategy’
The Journal has a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming submissions from fields such as Economics, Geography, Sociology, Land Planning and Political Science, whose scientific focus, originality and added value contribute to the dissemination of new ideas and methodological approaches, strengthening and improving the quality of the publication, via its This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To contact us and/or to submit manuscripts:
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yours sincerely,
Journal of Regional Research - Investigaciones Regionales
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.