International Conference
The Economy as a Spatial Complex System (ESCoS 2018) – II CICSE Workshop
June 21-22 2018, Naples (Italy)
The University of Naples “Federico II” in partnership with CICSE and ISSM-CNR is organizing the International Conference “The Economy as a Spatial Complex System” (ESCoS) to be held in Naples (Italy), June 21-22, 2018.
Aim of the Conference: The objective of ESCoS 2018 (http://conference-escos.com/) is to bring together economists, regional scientists, mathematicians, econometricians, statisticians and social scientists (sociologists, political scientists), who share the view that the economy is a complex system with a spatial dimension, to present and discuss their recent work which may have a theoretical or an empirical perspective or aim to develop advanced mathematical, computational or empirical methods for analysing complex systems (nonlinear dynamics, social network analysis, game theoretical models, agent based models). A combination of invited and submitted papers will be chosen for the final programme.
Conference Topics: We welcome submissions in a wide range of topics that include, but are not limited, to: Multiregional New Economic Geography models; Regional policies and regional inequalities; Trade agreements and their impact on the economy; Regional development and growth; Spatial econometrics methods; Location choices and factor mobility; Social and industrial interactions; Financial networks; Labour markets and migration; Mathematical and computational methods for the analysis of Complex Spatial Economic Systems.
Keynote speakers:
➢ Kristian Behrens (University of Québec at Montréal);
➢ Maria Durban (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).
Key deadlines
➢ Abstracts Submission (between 300-400 words): January 31st;
➢ Notification of Acceptance: February 15th;
➢ Registration: February 15 th - April 30th;
➢ Papers Submission: May 30th.
Please submit your abstract and paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Publishing opportunities A selection of papers presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of Spatial Economic Analysis and of Metroeconomica. Papers that will be published in both special issues will meet Journals’ standards, and will be refereed and go through the Journals’ usual review process.
Scientific Committee
Gian Italo Bischi, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; Spiros Bougheas, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom; Salvatore Capasso, CNR-Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Society, Italy; Pasquale Commendatore, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Laura Gardini, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; Alan Kirman, University of Aix-Marseille, France; Michael Kopel, University of Graz, Austria; Ingrid Kubin, Vienna; University of Economics and Business, Austria; Tönu Puu, Umeå University, Sweden; Neri Salvadori, University of Pisa, Italy; Luis Miguel Varela, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
We would appreciate it if you circulate this Call for Papers on to other colleagues.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; For more information: http://conference-escos.com/
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
An International Journal
Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized towns/communities
Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized towns/communities
Over the last decades, the economic development of and, in particular, entrepreneurial
dynamics in small and medium-sized towns (SMSTs) have mostly gone unnoticed (BELL and JAYNE 2009; Lorentzen and van Heur 2012; Schneidewind et al. 2006). In the meantime, scholars and policy-makers highlighted the role of metropolitan regions as engines of growth just like the traditional geographic and urban studies have emphasized (Hall and Pain 2006; Thierstein et al. 2008). This is a significant omission because non-metropolitan areas account for a sizable share of population in many countries (Mayer and Knox 2010; Hamdouch, Demaziere, and Banovac 2017).
SMSTs as well as special cases such as small island communities increasingly represent
an important spatial type. As spatial inequalities are increasing, these small towns/communities play an important role in linking core and periphery. Yet there has not been much scholarly attention on entrepreneurial dynamics and questions around their specific nature. While geographers and planners have analyzed rural and mountain communities in terms of their entrepreneurial potential (Anderson 2000; Baumgartner, Pütz, and Seidl 2013; Carter 1998; Mayer and Meili 2016), they have largely missed to focus on small towns/communities. Two special sessions at recent conferences (AAG, EUGEO) were devoted to the topic of entrepreneurship and SMSTs/communities.
Aim and scope of the special issue
The goal of the planned special issue is (a) to highlight cutting-edge research in the field of entrepreneurship and SMSTs/communities, and (b) to reflect potential implications of the findings for current discussions around regional development policies. The special issue thus will comprise cutting-edge contributions of leading scholars in the field of entrepreneurship, urban and regional development, and geography.
The focus of the papers will be on various aspects of entrepreneurial dynamics in small
communities and in particular on the following:
• The role of entrepreneurs as change agents and the ways they are engaged in the
• The role and function of higher education institutions in small towns
• The ways in which small and medium-sized towns respond to challenges such as industrial
decline and change
• Special cases such as small island communities and their unique economic structures
• Other topics
Planned timeline
• November-December 2017: Open call for papers by the journal
• End of February 2018: Papers submitted to guest editors
• End of September 2018: Contributions ready for the journal
Interested authors should submit full papers to both Heike Mayer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
and Yas Motoyama (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by 28th February 2018. The documents should be in MSWord files and must contain a cover page with (a) the paper title, (b) author names, (c) titles and affiliations, and (d) email addresses.
For further questions about this issue, please contact
Heike Mayer University of Bern This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yas Motoyama University of Kansas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear colleague:
The XXI Applied Economics Meeting will be held at the Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid, Spain) on June 7-8, 2018. The program will consist of contributed and invited papers. It is hoped that the research presented will represent a broad spectrum of applied economics and econometrics.
All relevant information regarding the Scientific Committee, conference program, venue, registration, accommodation, social events and technical conference support will be made available through the following web site:
Prospective contributors are invited to submit electronically the final version of their papers before March 1st, 2018by using the Conference Maker:
A program committee will select the papers for the conference.
We are also very pleased to announce that there will be a new edition of the Young researchers ALdE Prize awarded at the Applied Economics Meeting. This prize is donated by ALdE and amounts 1,000 euros for the best paper; it also includes one Special mention that will have an economic payment of 500 euros. The authors must state their willingness to participate by following the full rules, which are available on the website.
Young researchers are also encouraged to apply for ALdE 2018 Travel Grants, whose full rules are also available at the website.
Mariam Camarero Josefa García Grade
Head of the Scientific Committee Head of the Local Committee
Dear Colleague,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the 8th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science that will take place on 14th – 17th March, 2018.
The main objective of the annual Winter Seminar is to bring creative academic debate on actual issues of regional science and practice of regional policy by an attractive environment and relaxed atmosphere.
Information, memories and photos from the past conferences can be found on www.ersa.sk.
One-page abstract should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until December 31, 2017. Location will be announced shortly. Conference language is English.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: December 31, 2017
Participation fee payment: January 31, 2018
Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2018
Winter Seminar: March 14 - 17, 2018
The participation fee is 85 EUR for RSAI members and 105 EUR for non-RSAI members. The participations fee includes the conference proceedings, 1x lunch, 2x dinner, closing reception with dinner on Friday and coffee breaks.
Instructions for the payment:
Domestic payments:
• Account number: 0174473633 / 0900
• Specific symbol: Name of the person for who the payments was made;
Payments from abroad:
• Bank: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s., Blagoevova 9, 851 04 Bratislava
• IBAN: SK1509000000000174473633
• Specific symbol: Name of the person for whom the payments was made
Please feel free to share this invitation among your colleagues and networks.
Looking forward to meet you at the 8th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science!
Yours sincerely,
Winter Seminar´s Organizing Committee
ERSA Slovak Section - Society for Regional Science and Policy
Department of Public Administration and Regional Development
Faculty of National Economy, University of Economics in Bratislava
Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava, Slovakia
Dear NECTAR colleagues,
Please find enclosed a call for papers to the workshop organized by NECTAR Cluster 5 (Leisure, Recreation and Tourism) which will be held at the University of Salento, Italy on May 24-25, 2018.
Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., before January 31, 2018.
Best regards,
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR Secretary
The Indiana Business Research Center seeks applications for a one-year post-doc position, with good chances of renewal subject to funding and satisfactory performance. The post-doc will be responsible for conducting economic and statistical analyses on a wide range of regional economic development topics, as determined by the Center’s emerging needs and priorities. There is a strong expectation that this research will contribute both to the disciplines associated with regional science as well as to the regional economic development project currently funded by the Economic Development Administration at the Department of Commerce.
A part of the research portfolio will include assessing the impacts of different economic policies over time and space. The researcher is expected to help advance Regional Economic Development (RED) as an emerging field of research and discipline in its own right and gain a greater understanding about how regions grow, adapt to shocks and how agents within a regional system respond to information and incentives. The empirical research portfolio will include several regional science disciplines, including entrepreneurship, economic resilience, inclusive growth, access to financial capital together with the determinants of poverty including the roles of automation and global competition, and the interdependence of rural and urban areas.
Qualifications: A PhD is required, ideally in economics, regional science or a related discipline. The candidate will have extensive training in state-of-the-art economics or a related field and econometric analysis, including spatial statistics, as well as excellent communications and writing skills. In addition, he or she will have extensive experience with a variety of statistical packages. The candidate needs to be able to both work well independently and also to function effectively in a team setting.
The Kelley School of Business, one of the nation’s premier business schools, is based on Indiana University campuses in Bloomington and Indianapolis. Founded in 1925, the Indiana Business Research Center is the state’s leading provider of economic and demographic data and analysis. The center has won numerous awards for its informative publications and websites. More information about the IBRC may be found at www.ibrc.indiana.edu.
Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application at http://indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/4887. Candidates should direct any questions to Roxanne Marotz, Indiana Business Research Center, 1309 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications received before December 6, 2017 will be given full consideration; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.