Call for papers | FIRST WORKSHOP ON URBAN AND REGIONAL ECONOMICS, June 27,28,29, 2017, Bogotá, Colombia
Giving the increasing importance of the cities as employment and sustainable living cores within a regional environment, and all the challenges on these areas for policymakers and citizens; the department of economics of the Ponticia Universidad Javeriana and the Banco de la República de Colombia will host their rst workshop on urban and regional to be held in Bogota the 27, 28 and 29 of June 2017. The workshop aims to provide researchers with a space for presenting and discussing research on urban and regional economics.
Gilles Duranton (UPenn), Nathaniel Baum-Snow (U. Toronto), Esteban Rossi Hansberg (Princeton), Klaus Desmet (SMU), Alex Anas (University at Bualo), Erick Verhoef (VU Amsterdam), Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez(UAB) are some of the special guest that have conrmed attendance.
The conference will consider the following topics: location theory, environment and the city, urban spatial structure, policies for competitive cities and regions, regional labor markets, congestion pricing, transport economics, urban inequality and segregation and gender aspects in urban areas, urban economic growth and development. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.
The program will include key note presentations from invited speakers and policy makers.
Accepted papers will be presented in parallel sessions. We will assign one discussant to every paper in its field of expertise, so each person accepted will have the responsibility to present and discuss one paper.
We encourage PhD students and scholars to submit papers or extended abstract ( 400 words) about their original research by April 16th, 2017 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Notifcation of acceptance will be sent by May 1st
Registration will be open after May 2nd. There will be a registration fee. Participants and attendees should cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.
All inquiries please direct to the organizing committee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Program committee:
David Castells-Quintana, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ana María Díaz, Pontifcia Universidad Javeriana. Paula Herrera-Idárraga, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Luis Carlos Reyes, Pontifcia Universidad Javeriana. Andrés Rosas, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Guillermo Sinisterra, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library |
The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health [ICERP2017] is going to be held in Shenzhen, China during Oct. 20th - 22nd, 2017.
TPC Members
Prof. Yu-Lin (Eugene) Song
Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan
Prof. James Harold Clarke
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Prof. Yanhuai Ding
Institute of Rheology Mechanics, Xiangtan University, Hunan, China
Fore more, pls refer to the website:
Contribution & Publication
1. All submissions will be reviewed by 2-3 experts
2. All accepted papers will be published by the Atlantis Press
3. The Atlantis Press will also submit the conference proceedings to be indexed in EI & CPCI
If you are interested, just deliver your paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and join us.
Collecting paper will continue until May 7th, 2017, please seize this opportunity to have a try.
If you miss the deadline, pls call the committee: 0086 150 1277 1094
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Human Geography (Urban Geography and Applications of Big Data)
School of Geography
Location: Brayford
Salary: From £32,004 per annum
Lecturer salary from £32,004, Senior Lecturer salary from £37,075 and Reader salary from £48,327
Closing Date: Sunday 23 April 2017
Interview Date: Tuesday 16 May 2017
Reference: COS397
The School of Geography would welcome applications from candidates with an interest inUrban Geography and applications of Big Data. One appointment will be made to either Reader, Senior Lecturer or Lecturer level.
More information at:
Dear colleagues!
The Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies, the School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, V.N. KarazinKharkivNationalUniversity (Ukraine) invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference of students, post-graduate students and young researchers «Region-2017: Human-Geographical aspects» (20-21 April, 2017)and to publish your manuscripts in the scientific journal «Journal of human geography», included in the scientometricbases Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Services. The deadline for submitting papers for conference participation – March 27, 2017, deadline for publishing in the journal – April 15, 2017.
The information letter on the conference is in the attached file. Requirements to manuscripts publication you can find in the web-site of the journal and in the attached file
If you have any questions, please, write to the following e-mails:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – on the publishing manuscripts to the journal.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – on participation in the conference.
Staff of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies,
School of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism,
V.N. KarazinKharkivNationalUniversity
Тел.: +38 (057) 707-52-74
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call for Abstracts
Special Sessions
SS01 - Entrepreneurship in sustainable and creative territories
SS02 - Asymmetries in metropolitan areas: measuring, correcting, rethinking
SS04 - Mega-events legacy on hosting cities
SS06 - Creative tourism in small cities and rural areas
SS07 - Territorial innovation models, smart specialisation and public policies
SS08 - Support of higher education institutions to regions’ intellectual capital: Is it true?
SS09 - Wicked problems and integrated governance
SS10 - Entrepreneurship, gender, and regional development
SS11 - Knowledge cities: Updating the state of the art
SS12 - Desenvolvimento Regional e Governação Integrada em Territórios de Baixa Densidade
SS13 - Social entrepreneurship, social innovation and regional development
SS14 - Air Transport and Regional Development
Regular Sessions:
RS01 – Models for Regional Development
RS02 – Regional and Local Development Policies
RS03 – Regional Intellectual Capital
RS04 – Financing of Economic Growth
RS05 – Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and Ecosystems
RS06 – Regional and Local Public Finance
RS07 – Sectoral Policies and Regional Dynamics
RS08 – Infrastructure, Transportation Networks and Regional Development
RS09 – Labour Markets and Development
RS10 – Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
RS11 – Quality of Life and City Planning
RS12 – Services, Tourism and Sustainable Regions
RS13 – Education, Innovation and Territory
RS14 – Rural Development and Agrarian Economy
RS15 – Regional and Urban Planning and Regional Development
RS16 – Sports and Regional Development
RS17 – Low Density Regions and Development
Deadline for Abstracts submissions: April 28th, 2017. Abstracts should be submitted electronically, using the platform available on the Conference website:
All information at the congress website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Covilhã!
The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR
24th APDR Congress
Dear colleague,
please let me invite you, to take part at the 6th Central EuropeanConference
„Engines of regional and urban development“
20-22 September 2017, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
Keynote speakers
Prof. Daniela L. Constantin, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Manfred M. Fischer, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Prof. Peter Nijkamp,Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Netherlands
Assoc. prof. John Östh, University of Uppsala, Sweden
Key topics
Engines of development; creative and smart urban and rural development; resilience and vulnerability of cities and regions; centralization and peripheralization of regions
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: March 31st 2017 on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Call for special session deadline: March 31st 2017 on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Notification of acceptance of abstract: April 30th 2017
Registration from: May 1st 2017
Paper submission deadline: June 30th 2017
The conference proceedings will be submitted to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science) and other more attractive publishing opportunities will be known soon.
All the information concerning the Conference are available here:
We would be very thankful if you can spread the information about the conference among your colleagues.
We are looking forward to meeting You in Banská Bystrica.
On behalf of organizing team,
Kamila Borseková, Anna Vaňová, Katarína Vitálišová
There are two upcoming conferences and events that may be of interest to regional scientists:
1). American Community Survey Data Users Conference
Registration is open for the 2017 American Community Survey Data Users Conference! The conference will be held on May 11-12, 2017 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Madison Building located at 600 Dulany Street in Alexandria, Virginia (a five-minute walk from the King Street Metro station). Space at the conference is limited and registration is on a first come/first served basis. There is no registration fee for the conference but participants are responsible for covering their own expenses, including travel, hotel, and meals. The deadline for registration is Friday May 5th at
2). Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 48th Annual Conference
June 7-9, 2017 ~ Toledo, Ohio
Call for Papers
Please join us for the 48th annual conference of the Mid-Continent Regional Science to be held at the Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel in Toledo, Ohio. The program committee welcomes papers on a wide range of topics relating to applied economics, planning, geography, business, public administration sociology, and political science.
The deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2017.
Hotel Information: The Renaissance Toledo Downtown Hotel is undergoing a complete renovation. Everything will be new. The Renaissance is downtown near the river walk, and many restaurants and cultural attractions. The conference-lodging rate is $149/night single and double. To receive this rate, reservations must be made by May 6, 2017.
2017 M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition
The deadline for submission is April 1, 2017
The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association announces the Student Paper Competition for our 2017 conference (June 7-9) in Toledo, Ohio. All students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs as of January 1, 2017 are eligible. Student papers dealing with all aspects of regional development, including cultural, physical and economic processes, are welcome. The first place winner will receive $1,000 and the M. Jarvin Emerson Award. The winning entry will also be published in the Association’s journal, The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. Only papers authored solely by students (i.e., no faculty co-authored papers) will be eligible for the competition and resulting publication.
North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Graduate Student Travel Grants to the MCRSA Conference in Toledo, OH – June 7-9, 2017
The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Michigan State University is partnering with the MCRSA to strengthen research capacity in the North Central Region. We’re doing so by offering a limited number of MCRSA conference travel grants to graduate students from NCRCRD member institutions. Students can request up to $500 to pay eligible travel-related expenses. Only M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students from NCRCRD-member institutions are eligible for these awards.
Information about the MCRSA annual conference is at:
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. Volume 10 Number 1 is now available online.
In this issue
Original Paper
Site selection for catch crop processing facilities
Masayuki Matsuoka, Takanori Masuda, Takahito Hase, Masato Yamada & Taku Fujiwara
Original Paper
On farm non-agricultural activities: geographical determinants of diversification and intensification strategy
Fabio Boncinelli, Fabio Bartolini, Leonardo Casini & Gianluca Brunori
Original Paper
Multinomial logit estimates of household location in the Chicago metropolitan area
William Sander & William A. Testa
Original Paper
Weighting schemes in global VAR modelling: a forecasting exercise
Florian Martin & Jesús Crespo Cuaresma
Original Paper
What comes first, residential or commercial development? Measuring the causal links for a Canadian city over a century
Jean Dubé, Charles-David Babin, Jean-Christophe Dubé, Hemza Lekkat, Alexandre Potvin & Olivier Ringue
Original Paper
The spatial autocorrelation problem in spatial interaction modelling: a comparison of two common solutions
Daniel A. Griffith, Manfred M. Fischer & James LeSage
Original Paper
Distance decay for supply and demand potentials
Börje Johansson & Johan Klaesson
Original Paper
Relating cost-benefit analysis results with transport project decisions in the Netherlands
Jan Anne Annema, Koen Frenken, Carl Koopmans & Maarten Kroesen
Original Paper
On cartel detection and Moran’s I
Johan Lundberg
Do you want to publish your article in this journal?
Please visit the homepage of Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences for full details on:
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.