
Elisabete Martins

São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Climate Change: Scientific basis, adaptation, vulnerability and mitigation

03-15 July 2017, São Paulo, Brazil

Application deadline: 31st March 2017

Goal: To provide graduate students with advanced knowledge on climate change science and related topics: Observations and future projections; impacts; vulnerability; adaptation and mitigation; and the Paris Agreement: How to reach the 1.5ºC target, including aspects of public policy. Participants will discuss with renowned scientists important themes of the three IPCC Assessment Report 5 Working Groups, in a multidisciplinary and multicultural context. The program will include theoretical classes, work in groups, a poster session, science-policy discussions, and visits to key institutions in the State of São Paulo conducting climate change research with policy applications.

Audience: This School is for graduate students and early career scientists. Priority will be given to candidates currently enrolled in graduate programs (Masters/MSc and Doctoral/PhD courses). About 100 students, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries, will be selected to participate in the School. A limited number of travel grants is available.

The School is organized by the INterdisciplinary CLimate INvestigation cEnter (INCLINE) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), and sponsored by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa/University of São Paulo (PRP/USP), IAI and Santander.

For more information, see the flyer and full announcement attached. 

Website of the School:

All information concerning the School is also available at the INCLINE website at and at the IAI website at

Dear Colleagues,

We have already seven submissions for the Special Session Walled Territories accepted for the ERSA Congress 2017 in Groningen. There is an extension of the Call for submission until the 28th of February. We think this is a very important topic for the world today that deserves more deep thoughts and analysis from regional science and the authors are invited to submit their work to a special issue of Regional Science Policy and Practice.  


You have until the 28th of February to propose an abstract and a few months to develop the theme. The territorial illnesses of the world are nearby to be better understood. There are market and policy failures; but there are also science failures mostly when we are distracted from the reality.


Write your title, aims, methods and hypothesis in the abstract. There are loads of data to be treated and, we are sure, very effective results to be discussed, improved and publicised.


We can create a great year of 2017.


Andrea Szekely and Tomaz Dentinho

We would like to offer your attention the latest issue of our journal Regional Statistics!


The cognitive and geographical structure of knowledge links and how they influence firms’ innovation performance – Tom Broekel – Ron Boschma

DOI: 10.15196/RS06201

An improved radiation model and its applicability for understanding commuting patterns
in Hungary – Levente Varga – Géza Tóth – Zoltán Néda

DOI: 10.15196/RS06202

Commuting patterns in Romania: Case study on Cluj County – József Benedek
– Iulia Hărănguș – Titus Man

DOI: 10.15196/RS06203

The Transport in Our Time-Budget – Tamás Fleischer – Melinda Tir  

DOI: 10.15196/RS06204

Migration settlement networks in the Carpathian Basin, 2001–2011
– Áron Kincses – Lajos Bálint

DOI: 10.15196/RS06205

Estimates of Net Capital Stock and Consumption of Fixed Capital for Australian States and Territories, 1990–2013 – Serguei Mikhailitchenko

DOI: 10.15196/RS06206

Characteristics of transit tourism in Hungary with a focus on expenditure
– Áron Kincses – Géza Tóth – Mihály Tömöri – Gábor Michalkó

DOI: 10.15196/RS06207

The uneven transformation of consumption spaces and the rise of new marginalities
in Hungary – Erika Nagy – Gábor Nagy – Gábor Dudás

DOI: 10.15196/RS06208


Brand wars in cyberspace: a GIS solution – Ákos Jakobi – Hajnalka Lőcsei

DOI: 10.15196/RS06209

The world’s economic centre of gravity – Géza Tóth – Zoltán Nagy

DOI: 10.15196/RS06210

We suggest the Facebook page of the journal as well:

Friday, 10 February 2017 14:43

TIMTED 2017 Conference | Call for Papers

Call for Papers


The authors may send full papers or extended abstracts which will first be evaluated by the Conference reviewers. Extended abstracts of 1600 to 2200 words will have the same structure as full papers: introduction, literature review, methodology, results and conclusions.

For the papers accepted in the conference there is the possibility of publication in three journals: Scientific Annals of Economics and BusinessTimisoara Journal of Economics and Business and Journal of Heterodox Economics. These papers will be reviewed according to the internal review criteria.

During the conference we will benefit from the presence of Professor Alistair Anderson PhD, Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Journal, indexed ISI (Impact Factor 1.629). Prof. Anderson will select some of the papers presented at the conference if these are adequate to the journal.

A maximum of two papers may be submitted to the conference by every participant, as sole author or co-author.

Only original papers are accepted, on subjects related to the topics below. Although these are the proposed topics, the conference welcomes papers focusing on other topics in economics and business. However, when choosing the title, it is recommended to consider the following areas or topics:

  1. Accountancy and Audit

  • Corporate reporting
  • Auditing and corporate governance
  1. Economics

  • Cyclicality, competitiveness and growth. Sustainable regional development
  • Competition and cooperation. Game theory
  • Modeling economic processes
  1. Finance

  • Corporate finance
  • Public choice
  • Financial markets and Banking
  1. Management

  • Management in the digital era
  • Strategic and compared management
  • Organizational management in the hospitality industry
  1. Marketing

  • Strategic and relationship marketing
  • Consumer behavior and experiential marketing
  • Digital marketing and social media
  1. Business Information Systems

  • Business Information Systems in organizations
  • Big data, data mining, Business Intelligence

The official language of the conference is English.

The two-day conference programme will include a plenary session, parallel sessions, coffee breaks, a conference dinner, and a guided tour of the beautiful city of Timisoara and its surroundings.

For any questions or inquiries please send us an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


RSAI-GSSI Summer School of Advanced Economic Geography 

Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences Unit

July 2-8, 2017, L’Aquila (Italy)

Next July 2-8 2017, the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), Social Sciences Unit, in cooperation with the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), will organize the RSAI-GSSI Summer School of Advanced Economic Geography in L’Aquila.

The event is intended to provide a unique opportunity to investigate leading-edge theoretical and methodological issues and to discuss ongoing research by young promising scholars in the field. Besides a substantive training through advanced classes, the school will also provide the students with the opportunity to present their work to the other participants and instructors to receive feedback to further advance their research. Moreover, the students will have the chance to meet and exchange ideas with the 40 Ph.D. candidates currently enrolled in the “Urban Studies and Regional Science” program at GSSI and 7 postdocs, in a young, international and stimulating environment. 

This doctoral program focuses on key topics related to urban and regional systems with seminars run by the members of the international teaching committee (, but also by world-renowned scholars and leading experts visiting the GSSI from all over the world (including the United States, Australia, Italy, Spain, France, UK, Sweden and Israel).

The residential school will offer 10 scholarships to 2nd or 3rd year doctoral students for an intensive, one-week program with in-depth classes in spatial analysis and economic geography complemented by more formal sessions on leading-edge theoretical and methodological issues and research-practice, skills-based sessions on journal publishing and successful grant applications. 

The meeting will feature contributions from internationally renowned Professors.

Below a short description of the contents of each class.

  1. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Categorical Data

Antonio Páez -Associate Professor at the School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University (Canada), co-editor of Papers in Regional Science.

The objective of this module is to introduce students to recent developments in the spatial analysis of categorical data. Categorical data is found in many areas of interest to regional scientists: in the study of travel patterns, industrial location, and population segregation for instance. The students will learn to employ an array of techniques to assess spatial patterns of co-location and clustering, to compare categorical maps, and to assess the spatial fit of limited dependent variable models. Software packages will be introduced, along with examples for hands-on practice.

  1. Spatial Analysis and Visualization for Economic Geography

Rachel Franklin -Associate Director of Brown’s Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences initiative, Brown University (USA).

This module introduces students to fundamental aspects of spatial data, analysis, and visualization within the subfield of economic geography. Students will learn the basics of working with Geographic Information System (GIS) software to visualize information and to calculate measures such as distance or density. The second portion of the module will cover measures of spatial clustering, visualization of clusters, and exploratory spatial statistics. Hands-on tutorial exercises will accompany all lecture materials. 

  1. Discrete Choice Modeling in Regional Science (using STATA)

Alessandra Faggian - Professor of Applied Economics, Director of Social Sciences, Gran Sasso Science Institute, NARSC President, Co-Editor Papers in Regional Science.

The objective of this module is to introduce students to the use and recent developments in discrete choice modeling with a focus on applications in the regional science field. Discrete choice modeling is widely used especially when dealing with individual microdata (and micro- econometric techniques). The module has a very practical, hands-on approach and Stata labs will be an integral part of the course. 

  1. Academic Writing and Publishing

Giulia Urso -Post-Doctoral Researcher, Social Sciences, Gran Sasso Science Institute

This course introduces how to approach academic writing, exploring the differences among styles and practices required from scientific papers (also in the light of the international journal ranking systems), books, book chapters, working papers, and conference papers. After providing tips on how to frame the most effective publication strategy, choosing among these publication options along the research path, the course will enter the details on how to structure and write these formats.


The Residential School format is a 6-day meeting. It includes time for research and discussion – combining conventional classes, “practicals” and seminars where the participants can present their current research projects. “Off-program” conversations, favoring informal knowledge exchange (during lunch, social events and the field trip), will also be an integral part of the event.

More specifically, the program of activities includes:

-       five mornings (Mon-Fri), devoted to classes from each of the featured contributors;

-       five afternoons (Mon-Fri), focused on labs and two student’s presentation. Large time for deliberation, reflection, sustained discussion and feedback will be foreseen;

-       one social dinner;

-       one half-day visit of the city of L’Aquila.

Participants will be offered:

-       free participation (no fees);

-       shared accommodation and meals;

-       travel reimbursement up to:

€200 for Italian students

€300 for European students

€500 for students coming from the rest of the world

How to apply

The deadline for applications is March 27, 2017.

Complete application should include:

  1. CV
  2. Title of the research project and an extended abstract (1500 words including contribution, theoretical framework, empirical approach and/or first results)
  3. One reference letter from Ph.D. thesis advisors/supervisors 

Applications must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following email subject: “Application RSAI-GSSI Summer School” 

Applications that are not complete will not be considered.

Selected candidates will be notified by April 7, 2017. Final ranking will be also published on GSSI website.

RCANS 2017 (6th Regional Committee on Neogene Atlantic Stratigraphy), 10-13 July, 2017, Ponta Delgada, AZORES


Dear Colleagues: It is with great pleasure that the Organizing Committee announces the RCANS 2017 (6th Regional Committee on Neogene Atlantic Stratigraphy), to be held 10-13 July 2017 at the University of the Azores (Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores).

Please consult the Congress webpage at:

The Organising Committee welcomes all interested researchers to take part in this exciting event with state-of-the art communications that intends to bring together an international team of experts in a pleasant atmosphere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, at the volcanic oceanic Azorean island of São Miguel!

Important datesThe Congress will be organized in accordance with the following schedule:

  1. 1 January to 15 April 2017 - Submission of abstracts
  2. 1 January to 15 April 2017 - Registration and Field trip bookings (at standard rates)
  3. 30 April 2017 - Deadline for formal notification of acceptance of abstracts
  4. 16 April to Congress - Registration and Field trip bookings late paid rates
  5. 10-14 July 2017 - Congress sessions
  6. 14-15 July 2017 - post-Congress field trip to Santa Maria Island

Scientific Programme

The scientific programme comprises 9 sessions (6 within the framework of the 6th RCANS and 3 within the framework of the 3rdAtlantic Islands Neogene and Quaternary International Congress – 3rd AINIC). In brackets, find the name of the chairman/coordinator of each section:

6th RCANS:

1) Neogene high-energy events in the Atlantic (Pedro Costa, FCUL, Portugal);

2) Neogene sea-level changes and its record in the Atlantic coasts;

3) Tectonic evolution of the Atlantic Domain during the Neogene (João Duarte, FCUL/IDL, Portugal);

4) Geological evolution of oceanic islands (Ricardo Ramalho, Univ. Bristol, UK & FCUL/IDL, Portugal);

5) Atlantic rocky and sandy coastlines during the Neogene (Markes Johnson, Williams College, USA);

6) Palaeogeography and palaeoecology of the Atlantic margins during the Neogene (Ilde Armenteros, Universidad Salamanca, Spain).

3rd AINIC:

7) GIS and remote sensing applications for the Atlantic Quaternary: case-studies (Artur Gil, cE3c/Univ. Açores);

8) Palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology of MIS 5e and MIS 11 deposits in the Atlantic coasts (Sérgio Ávila, CIBIO-Açores/Univ. Açores, Portugal);

9) Terrestrial ecosystems in the Atlantic during the…

Thursday, 09 February 2017 10:29

Spatial Data Analysis in Practice - PHD course

Spatial data analysis in practice involves an encompassing set of skills that includes manipulation of spatial data, exploration of spatial statistics techniques and use of Geographic Information Systems.In this course students are trained to become users of spatial data analysis techniques.  Students will gain a broad knowledge of the diversity of current approaches, which methods are at hand and examples of applications using spatial data analysis in different fields. The 2017s course counts with two renowned scholars:

  • Prof Robert Haining, University of Cambridge, UK, author of “Spatial Data Analysis”, Cambridge press and
  • Prof Luc Anselin, Director, Center for Spatial Data Science, The University of Chicago, USA (, responsible for the development of software such as Spacestat, Geoda and PySal.

Spatial data analysis involves exploratory and confirmatory analyses that facilitate and enhance decision making with spatial data. This includes techniques that help visualize data, identify patterns and processes, detect outliers and anomalies, test hypotheses and theories, and generate new spatial data and knowledge. It is therefore not a surprise that spatial data analysis is an emerging field, with advancing technologies and evolving applications that are fundamental for a number of sciences, geography, architecture & urban planning, transportation, criminology, demography, epidemiology and economics, just to name a few. Mobile data and services, from apps, allied to GIS, provide the necessary setting for enhanced analysis of patterns and process over time and space.

For more details, see attached the course description or contact the head teacher.


Call for papers | FIRST WORKSHOP ON URBAN AND REGIONAL ECONOMICS, June 27,28,29, 2017, Bogotá, Colombia


Giving the increasing importance of the cities as employment and sustainable living cores within a regional environment, and all the challenges on these areas for policymakers and citizens; the department of economics of the Ponticia Universidad Javeriana and the Banco de la República de Colombia will host their rst workshop on urban and regional to be held in Bogota the 27, 28 and 29 of June 2017. The workshop aims to provide researchers with a space for presenting and discussing research on urban and regional economics.


Gilles Duranton (UPenn), Nathaniel Baum-Snow (U. Toronto), Esteban Rossi Hansberg (Princeton), Klaus Desmet (SMU), Alex Anas (University at Bualo), Erick Verhoef (VU Amsterdam), Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez(UAB) are some of the special guest that have conrmed attendance.

The conference will consider the following topics: location theory, environment and the city, urban spatial structure, policies for competitive cities and regions, regional labor markets, congestion pricing, transport economics, urban inequality and segregation and gender aspects in urban areas, urban economic growth and development. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.

The program will include key note presentations from invited speakers and policy makers.


Accepted papers will be presented in parallel sessions. We will assign one discussant to every paper in its eld of expertise, so each person accepted will have the responsibility to present and discuss one paper.


We encourage, PhD students and scholars to submit papers about their original research by March 15, 2017 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Notication of acceptance will be sent by May 1st


Registration will be open after May 2nd. There will be a registration fee. Participants and attendees should cover their own travel and accommodation expenses.


All inquiries please direct to the organizing committee: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Program committee:
David Castells-Quintana, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ana María Díaz, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Paula Herrera-Idárraga, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Luis Carlos Reyes, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Andrés Rosas, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana. Guillermo Sinisterra, Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración.

  February 2017  

BNP Paribas Fortis Chair @ European Shipping Week

On 28 February, during the EU Shipping Week, the BNP Paribas Fortis Chair Transport, Logistics and Ports hosts an event on the topic ‘Ship finance in the Basel IV era’ in Brussels. Contributions by the Royal Belgian Shipowners’ Assocation, a French and and Italian shipowner, and the Universities of Athens and Antwerp have been confirmed. The event is accessible to all, free of charge, but requires registration.

Read more and register now!


Antwerp Rail School 2017: registrations open

TransportNET, in co-operation with Ricardo Rail, is proud to host the 5th edition of the Antwerp Railschool, taking place from 6-10 March 2017 at the University of Antwerp. Speakers from the TransportNET universities and other organisations will contribute through conceptual, framework and process inputs, whilst well-known rail (supporting) organisations will give practical, in-depth insights into their strategic decision-making.

Read more and register now!


Industry renewal - PhD defense Ties Vanthillo

On 8 March 2017 at 3pm, Ties Vanthillo will publicly defend his PhD thesis on ‘The role of strategies in shaping conditions for localised renewal of industries and regional development’. Everyone can freely attend this defense, upon registration by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read more


European Transport Conference: call for abstracts

For the second year running, the ETC Conference will be held in Barcelona. The conference attracts transport practitioners and researchers. At ETC, they can find in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport.

Read more


Territorial development contracts: lecture

On 9 March 2017, the University of Antwerp’s Urban Studies Institute will host a lecture by Prof. Lee Pugalis on ‘Profitable deals for whom? An anatomy of territorial development contracts and place-based deal-making’.

Participation is free, but registration is required


Lezing rond parkeren en mobiliteit

Op 23 maart 2017 geeft Prof. Giuliano Mingardo (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) bij TPR een lezing rond 'Fabels en waarheden over parkeren, mobiliteit en retail'. Deelname is gratis, maar wel enkel na inschrijving.

Deelname is gratis na inschrijving


Miscellaneous presentations by TPR

Thierry Vanelslander presented at the New Year’s event of Port of Ghent.
Edwin van Hassel and Thierry Vanelslander, together with Tom Pauwels, presented the interim results of their review of the Flemish Freight Transport Model

Publications of TPR


Upcoming external events where you can meet TPR


Air Transport & Regional Development Winter School

COST Action - Bergamo
3 February 2017 Issue n° 2

Call for Abstracts and Paper

 Submit now

Deadline: 10 February

57th ERSA Congress

Social Progress for Resilient Regions

                                                         Only 7 Days to Submit

The 57th ERSA congress offers 34 special sessions and 20 General Themed sessions; covering a wide range of crucial and hot topics in the field of Regional Science. Furthermore, the program offers a key note lecture by Tony Venables (on the 29th of August)! A new addition to the program is the policy day (on the 31st of August) where present day social issues can be discussed with policy makers, representatives from EU, OECD & EIB and the academic community together.

Whether you are a senior scholar or a young scientist: Groningen is the place to be! 

Join us and contribute to the largest event in Regional Science. 

Be part of it!

Follow the road to ERSA2017 on  Twitter  and Facebook


About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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