Graduate students enrolled in Ph.D. programs in North America are encouraged to apply for the Twenty-First Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship in Regional Science, administered by the North American Regional Science Council of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC-RSAI).
Dear NECTAR colleagues,
Due to the travel restrictions and general uncertainty related to covid-19, the organizers of the workshop "Smart Transport for Sustainable Tourism" have decided to postpone it to September 12-14 (Évora, Portugal).
See the new call attached.
Best regards
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR Secretary
Call for Papers and Special Session Proposals
The APDR invite regional scientists, economists, economic geographers, urban planners, policy makers, and researchers of related disciplines to participate in the 29th APDR Congress with the theme "Islands and peripheral territories: challenges in a moving geography and changing "climate" patterns" that will be held from 29 to 30 of June, 2022, at University of Madeira (Colégio dos Jesuítas), Funchal, Madeira.
Islands economies (and peripheral areas in general) have been coping with a number of challenging issues, notably the overdependence on a few key sectors such as the tourism industry and an oversized and over subsidized public administration sector. To a certain extent, islands economies can be considered as a success story, because they succeed in defined the parameters of the overall image and political discourse being conveyed abroad by the local government and ONG at the international fora. However, the current trends in terms of climate change, natural disasters, and reduced mobility, change of the epicentre of the global economy from the North Hemisphere to the Pacific Basin and anti-globalization voices put the current narrative under pressure. A new paradigm is needed to provide a new understanding to the challenges faced by such regions. The overall aim of this conference is to bring ideas, theoretical approaches and examples of potential solutions.
The call for papers and Special Session Proposals are open and your participation is very welcome!
Regular Sessions:
Deadline for Special Session proposals: March 13, 2022. Proposals should be sent by email to the secretariat of the Congress (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Deadline for Abstracts submissions: May 8, 2022. Authors should submit their abstracts through online submission system by following the link
All information at the congress website:
Looking forward to meeting you in Funchal!
The Organizing Committee and the Board of APDR 29th APDR Congress
Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)
Call for papers for RSPP Special Issue on Pathbreaking trajectories: Socio-economic and Institutional de-peripheralization of marginal areas
In recent decades, economic and political inequalities between different macro-areas of the world have increased. Moreover, spatial inequalities within macro-areas have also grown. In this scenario, the relations between economy-politics-society at the local level have become more kaleidoscopic and entropic than in the second half of 20th Century.
Against this background, new scholarly and policy attention has been devoted to peripheral, marginal, or ‘left-behind’ areas, i.e., those territories in which the economy is struggling, institutions are producing vicious lock-in type cycles, social elites are strengthening themselves through extractive and appropriative orientations towards public goods, and de-anthropization and depopulation are growing. At the same time, it becomes urgent to investigate further the reverse processes, i.e., under what circumstances peripheral areas can extract themselves – at least partly – from their marginality.
The time is, indeed, ripe to solicit a comprehensive and in-depth international examination of a counterintuitive and unexpected puzzle: what are the economic, social and institutional mechanisms that make it possible for peripheral areas to regain centrality and vitality unexpectedly, even in a short time span?
This special issue aims to collect contributions concerning these unexpected phenomena of pathbreaking trajectories that is the economic and institutional de-peripheralization of marginal areas. To this end, we intend to bring together scientific contributions from interconnected research fields mainly related to geography, sociology, political science and public policy, political economy, and anthropology – shedding new light on the processes that the de-peripheralization of marginal areas rely upon. This reasoning is based on a general assumption according to which simple geographic features do not determine per se socio-spatial divisions and peripheralization. Peripheral areas are not natural; they emerge as a result of (not neutral) processes that imply hierarchical and power relationships. This has been emerging in a contradictory scenario. The world is increasingly global, but balkanized nonetheless; suffice it to say that new fractures between Northern and Southern Europe have occurred, intersecting with those between East and West Europe; North America-Central America; Rural and urban China, etc.
In other words, peripheral spaces are produced; they can be the outcomes of more or less intentional construction processes pertaining to institutional and political assets, relational patterns and social norms, and the unequal allocation of economic resources. It therefore becomes essential to observe how and if multidimensional socio-economic changes may occur within peripheral areas deconstructing their marginality. In the literature, the attempt of demarginalization of peripheral areas have been often analyzed with respect to top-down initiatives; that is initiatives coming from political center(s) and directed towards peripheries (i.e., development aid programs, exogenous investments, national and international cooperation to support disadvantaged places, etc.). By contrast, this Special Issue intends to systematize and promote those studies that assume an internal point of view to peripheral areas, focusing on autonomous dynamics that are mainly endogenous to those contexts.
Strictly speaking, we invite papers including, but not limited to, contributions on the following aspects:
We invite papers from a range of perspectives, different disciplines, and from around the world. Contributions combining empirical investigations well framed in clear conceptual frameworks are well- suited for the Special Issue. Comparative papers suggesting some policy orientations will be also highly appreciated.
Authors are invited to submit an abstract by the 15th of April 2022 to Luca Storti (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Giulia Urso (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Neil Reid (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Abstracts should be between 250 and 500 words in length. We will inform everyone on or around May 1, 2022, as to whether their abstract has been accepted for the special issue. Full papers are expected by 1st December 2022, and publication expected in fall 2023, following the peer review process.
to:, at the submission add in the cover letter that is for the Special Issue on: Pathbreaking trajectories: Socio-economic and Institutional de-peripheralization of marginal areas
Join us for the 61st Annual Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association at the Sheraton Austin Hotel at the Capitol April 7-9, 2022
Submit Individual Abstracts and Organized Sessions by February 1st at
Upcoming Deadlines
Early Bird Registration Discount: February 1st
Moriarty Graduate Student Paper Award: February 15th
William H. Miernyk Research Excellence Medal: February 24th
Additional information can be found at 2022 SRSA Conference Website
We are so excited to share the good news with you: RSAI is organizing its first film festival! If you are a Regional Science enthusiast, join the “Space Odyssey International Film Festival” and share your passion to our discipline. Choose one of the four awards categories to address to a wide audience of non-specialists different aspects of Regional Science:
My research in Regional Science: Let us learn about your research! You could focus on the results of a specific paper, your thesis or dissertation, or even an ongoing research project or idea. Why not telling us about your preferred method and how you use it to understand regional science topics? It is your call!
What is Regional Science?: Can you answer this question by explaining to a broader audience what Regional Science is about? Or do you prefer addressing it to an initiated community? In any case, there are many people eager to learn what we do. Let them know!
Regional Science applications in the Global South: Spatial, interregional, and regional analytic approaches can be used and, if necessary, adapted, to realize much more probing attacks on regional and spatial problems in the developing world. Can you share specific case studies and/or applications of Regional Science methods to countries/regions in the Global South?
Regional Science sections and centers around the globe: Are you a proud member of a national section? Are you part of a research group engaged in the field of Regional Science? Why don’t you share the information about your section or research center? We bet many people in our community would benefit from that!
Below you can find the rules for participation in the film festival “Space Odyssey” and all the details about registration, requirements, participation and awards. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Awards categories: (i) My research in Regional Science; (ii) What is Regional Science?; (iii) Regional Science applications in the Global South; (iv) Regional Science sections and centers around the globe
My research in Regional Science: Let us learn about your research! You could focus on the results of a specific paper, your thesis or dissertation, or even an ongoing research project or idea. Why not telling us about your preferred method and how you use it to understand regional science topics? It is your call!
What is Regional Science?: Can you answer this question by explaining to a broader audience what Regional Science is about? Or do you prefer addressing it to an initiated community? In any case, there are many people eager to learn what we do. Let them know!
Regional Science applications in the Global South: Spatial, interregional, and regional analytic approaches can be used and, if necessary, adapted, to realize much more probing attacks on regional and spatial problems in the developing world. Can you share specific case studies and/or applications of Regional Science methods to countries/regions in the Global South?
Regional Science sections and centers around the globe: Are you a proud member of a national section? Are you part of a research group engaged in the field of Regional Science? Why don’t you share the information about your section or research center? We bet many people in our community would benefit from that!
“Space Odyssey” is the first International Film Festival organized by the Regional Science International Association (RSAI), which asks all participants to tell creatively their research, discovery, or new ideas related to the field of regional science.
The participants shall create a film of a maximum duration of 4 minutes and 55 seconds. All audiovisual techniques are accepted: from cartoon to keep/stop motion, from an amateur film (shot with the phone) to a professional movie.
The submission of the films starts on 15 February 2022 and ends at midnight on 15 June 2022. From 15 April 2022, in chronological order, the films will be uploaded to the platform channel “Space Odyssey - RSAI” before verification by the Organizing Committee.
The film festival is open to students, graduates, researchers, professionals, and regional science enthusiasts of all ages, who may participate individually or in groups. All participants more than 35 years old must be members in good standing of one of the RSAI national associations. Those willing to participate that are not yet members can join RSAI through its universal membership (please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). No membership requirement applies for participants less than 35 years old.
Each participant makes the RSAI and all those who help organize and conduct this competition festival, free from any liability, civil or criminal, related to the video film production and publishing. Each participant responds directly to any claim or request for damages by third parties concerning production, publishing, or distributing the video film.
By participating in the competition and submitting the videofilm, each participant confirms full and unconditional legal and material ownership of the same and the ownership of all the relevant authorizations given by all persons who, for whatever reason, are portrayed in the film clips.
Each participant can submit only one film. Participants must submit their films through the online registration platform (available soon), by midnight on 15 June 2022, CET. Primary and secondary school students and university and graduate students will have to declare their status in the registration form. The films published on the platform channel will be introduced and closed with an image of the festival, which will contain the logos of RSAI and its supranationals, and any sponsors.
By 15 July 2022, the selected finalist films will be announced for evaluation by the public. The Panel of Judges (see point 7), after verification of the voting process, will award the prizes during the Award Ceremony at the 61st ERSA Congress in Pecs, Hungary, 23-26 August 2022.
The films will be used on the internet or in other public screenings and events, and it is advised to submit an HD version (1920x1080).
Films will adopt an aspect ratio 16:9. Allowed formats are: .MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI, .WMV; Admitted Frame rate: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, o 60; Audio codec: AAC-LC. The recommended video BitRate is 12 Mbps; The recommended audio BitRate is 384 Kbps.
The films can be submitted in any language. English captions must be provided in all films.
All prizes are awarded to the film independently from the number of authors. The prize for the best films Space Odyssey 2022, in each category, consists of US$ 500. In addition to the money prizes, there is a two-year free annual membership to RSAI (for all winning authors) and a congress fee waiver (one by winning film) to be used in 2023 for one of the RSAI congresses organized by one of its supranationals (NARSC, ERSA, PRSCO, LARSA). The possible mentions do not include a money prize.
Films that are found not eligible to be published or for which the authors have misconduct will be excluded or removed from the dedicated channel at any time.
Whenever the film on the paltform channel receives comments containing abusive or discriminatory content or which may offend or damage the reputation of others, the comments will be removed and blocked.
At any time, without that participants can make any claim, demand, or compensation, the RSAI reserves the right:
The evaluation procedure for awarding the prizes involves three stages: the first by the Organizing Committee, the second by the general public, and the third by a Panel of Judges. The members of these boards will not receive any remuneration for their activities.
All films will be evaluated for conformity to the festival requirements and suitability for online publication at the sole discretion of the Organizing Committee. Participants will be informed by email about the main steps of the video management: reception, non-conformity to requirements, requests for modifications/supplements.
In addition, the Organizing Committee will verify the absence of abusive or discriminatory content or that may offend or harm the reputation of others; irrelevant to the subject of the Video Film Festival (off-topic); promotion or supporting illegal activities or any form of crime; defamation or threats.
It will also verify the absence of personal attacks of any kind or any direct or indirect abusive comments directed at any ethnic group, political or religious minorities or specific or able to harm in any way the rights of every single individual; as well as the absence of details in the promotion of products or services, sexual content or sexual content links, trade promotion, and comments that present sensitive data in violation of the Privacy Act.
The Panel of Judges will validate the conformity of the voting process, confirming the selected films by the general public in each category and award the prizes.
During the Award Ceremony, the audience will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite candidate among the four winning films. The votes will be computed together with online votes to select the Jury Prize. The winner will receive an additional certificate.
Participation in the Film festival implies the transfer of usage rights of the RSAI for any online and offline promotional purposes, including events, exhibitions, and conferences, related to the theme of regional science.
More specifically, the transfer of use and property rights involves the authorization to use the audiovisual material produced and involves the grant of a license, unlimited in time in favor of the RSAI, the product material and is inclusive, but not limited to, the following rights and powers: the right of publication, the right of reproduction and with any audiovisual support, correct transcription, editing, adaptation, processing and/or reduction, the right of communication and distribution to the public or in spheres and spaces open to the public non-profit, the right to publish in electronic format via the public network, the institutional intranets and social networks.
The Film Festival participants guarantee as of now:
The films will not be returned and will be made available, in full or in part, by citing the authors as promotional materials of regional science culture and projections in the RSAI supranational and national sections, events fairs, and conferences.
Dear RSAI members,
I hope this email finds you well.
The new year starts with yet another initiative from the Association, promoted by its President, Prof. Eduardo Haddad. The RSAI is happy to announce the first edition of the RSAI Film Festival!
If you are a Regional Science enthusiast, join the “Space Odyssey International Film Festival” and share your passion to our discipline. You can choose one of the four awards categories to address for a wide audience of non-specialists different aspects of Regional Science:
My research in Regional Science: Let us learn about your research! You could focus on the results of a specific paper, your thesis or dissertation, or even an ongoing research project or idea. Why not telling us about your preferred method and how you use it to understand regional science topics? It is your call!
What is Regional Science?: Can you answer this question by explaining to a broader audience what Regional Science is about? Or do you prefer addressing it to an initiated community? In any case, there are many people eager to learn what we do. Let them know!
Regional Science applications in the Global South: Spatial, interregional, and regional analytic approaches can be used and, if necessary, adapted, to realize much more probing attacks on regional and spatial problems in the developing world. Can you share specific case studies and/or applications of Regional Science methods to countries/regions in the Global South?
Regional Science sections and centers around the globe: Are you a proud member of a national section? Are you part of a research group engaged in the field of Regional Science? Why don’t you share the information about your section or research center? We bet many people in our community would benefit from that!
Check the rules of the Space Odyssey here.
We look forward to watching your movies soon,
Kind regards,
It is a pleasure to inform you that the issue n. 60 (January 2022) of our journal (Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais / Portuguese Review of Regional Studies) is now available online. I also want to inform you that the journal has now a new website.
You can accede to the issue and the new website using the following link:
As we can check, this issue is entirely devoted to the Pandemic CONVID-19 Impacts and has as Guest-Editors María de la Cruz del Río Rama, José Álvarez García and Amador Durán Sánchez, from two universities in Spain.
Thank you for contributing to the success of the journal. We will go on counting on you!
Best regards,
J. Cadima Ribeiro
Editor-in-Chief of RPER
We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.
Judit Kapas: Has COVID-19 caused a change in the dynamics of the unemployment rate? The case of North America and continental Europe
Katalin Antalóczy – Imre Birizdó – Magdolna Sass: Local investment promotion in a Hungarian medium-sized town and the implications of the COVID pandemic
Evelyn Calispa Aguilar: Regional systems of entrepreneurship in 2017–2018: An empirical study in selected regions of South America
Loránt Pregi – Ladislav Novotný: Impact of migration and natural reproduction on the development of the Slovak–Hungarian ethnic boundary in eastern Slovakia, 1991–2018
Kostas Rontos –Michail Papazoglou – Maria-Eleni Syrmali – Adele Sateriano: Towards the eastern gate to Europe: Factors shaping perceptions and attitudes towards migrants in Lesvos Island (Greece), 2016
Dávid Sümeghy: Halo effect of diversification and polarization, and the role of relative deprivation based on the 2018 Swedish parliamentary elections results
Ngo Thai Hung: Return equicorrelation and dynamic spillovers between Central and Eastern European, and World*1stock markets, 2010–2019
Mohammad M. Jaber: Analysis of selected economic factor impacts on CO2 emissions intensity: A case study from Jordan, 1990–2015
Join us to our social networking sites:
Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)
Call for papers for RSPP Special Issue on Population imbalances in Europe
Edited by
Prof. Rubén Garrido Yserte (University of Alcalá, Director)
Prof. Juan R. Cuadrado Roura (University of Alcalá, Jean Monnet Chair)
Associated to Papers presented in the
SETTLE International Congress: “Population imbalances in Europe”
This Congress is part of an ERASMUS+ entitled: “Population imbalances in Europe: challenges of urban concentration versus rural depopulation” (SETTLE). It will be held on-site on 27th, 28th and 29th April 2022 at the University of Alcala (Spain); organized by the Jean Monnet Chair “Economic Policy and European Union” and the Institute for Economic and Social Analysis (IAES). The SETTLE Congress is open to researchers, academics, students, public authorities and professionals. Attendance is allowed with or without the presentation of a paper or a poster. Registration is free up to 125 participants, and includes the right for attending, presenting papers and receiving the congress papers, as well as the meals during the Congress. Among them, travel and hotel expenses will be funded up to 40 participants on restrictive and justified terms, imposed by the project regulation (the project counts on the financial support of the European Commission). Thus, the economic need, the interest of the paper and the order of reception will be considered. In this sense, posters will be less valued for allowing travel and expenses funding but will be equal considered for the right of attending and meals.
Paper proposals consisting of a summary of around 100 words must be submitted before 5th February, 2022. Accepted languages for papers writing and presentation are Spanish, English and French. Writing font is Calibri 11, 1.15 pp. Papers will be circumscribed geographically to Europe-27 and neighbor countries (though others can be included if they have an influence in the European region or can be compared to it in terms of population subjects). Focus can stem from Economics, Geography, Environmental Science, Law, History or any enabling discipline. Suggested topics are:
After the assessment of the Scientific Committee, accepted papers will be informed by end February. The final delivery for accepted papers will be 29th March 2022, for their inclusion in an electronic diffusion support. Selected papers will be published in two peer review journals: ‘RSPP’ - Regional Science Policy and Practice (ESCI and SJR) and ‘ICE’ - Información Com. Española. Both publications follow strict criteria of quality for publication.
Paper proposals should be sent to the Congress Desktop: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Scientific Committee local coordination team:
SETTLE Scientific Committee and Network
Congress Secretary:
Instituto Universitario de Análisis Económico y Social - IAES (University of Alcalá)
Submission of complete papers to:, at the submission add in the cover letter that is for the Special Issue on: Population imbalances in Europe
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.