Regional Science Policy & Practice Pages: 1723-1976 December 2021 Issue Edited by: Yuri Mansury, Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Nij Tontisirin |
Free Access
Pages: 1723 | First Published:14 December 2021
New landscape of data and sustainable development in Asia
Yuri Mansury, Sutee Anantsuksomsri, Nij Tontisirin
Pages: 1724-1728 | First Published:14 December 2021
Katsuhiro Sakurai, Hiroyuki Shibusawa
Pages: 1729-1749 | First Published:04 August 2020
Carlos Mendez, Felipe Santos-Marquez
Pages: 1750-1777 | First Published:27 August 2020
Hao Huang, Jianyi Li
Pages: 1778-1804 | First Published:14 July 2021
The impact of Industry 4.0 on the Indonesian economy: A general equilibrium assessment
Arief Anshory Yusuf
Pages: 1805-1824 | First Published:04 August 2021
Neoliberal urban sustainability in Old Kolkata, India: Case studies of contested developments
Lakshminarayan Satpati, Anwesha Haldar
Pages: 1825-1841 | First Published:02 August 2020
Takahiro Akita, Awaludin Aji Riadi, Ali Rizal
Pages: 1842-1865 | First Published:02 August 2020
Open Access
Try Thuon
Pages: 1866-1887 | First Published:08 February 2021
Roni Armis, Hidehiko Kanegae
Pages: 1888-1910 | First Published:19 February 2021
Land property rights and food insecurity in rural Cambodia
Kimlong Chheng, Budy P. Resosudarmo
Pages: 1911-1929 | First Published:06 April 2021
Placemaking as an urban development strategy for making the Pattaya Innovation District
Suwadee T. Hansasooksin, Nij Tontisirin
Pages: 1930-1950 | First Published:02 February 2021
Rethinking Chinese politics By: Joseph Fewsmith. Cambridge University Press. US$25.99, Pb, 217 pp, ISBN 978–1–108‐92,660‐7, DOI:
Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
Pages: 1951-1953 | First Published:07 October 2021
Five new contributions to urban studies
Gordon F. Mulligan
Pages: 1954-1973 | First Published:24 November 2021
Pages: 1974-1976 | First Published:14 December 2021
Marco Valeri
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2022
Interested authors should email their abstracts (500 words) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Notification of abstract acceptance: 30 January 2022
This book is scheduled to be published by Springer
This call for book chapters aims to provide a comprehensive collection of chapters including new insights for traditional paradigms, approaches and methods, as well as more recent developments in research methodology in family business in tourism and hospitality. The aim of the special issue is to verify whether, in the tourism sector, the “family business model” is an important development opportunity and, in particular, if it is an innovation driver, for this industry development. In this context, the authors will investigate personal and family needs and preferences alongside the relationship between family business model, growth and profit maximization and the development of tourism businesses through innovation drivers.
In the tourism industry, most enterprises are characterized by small size and family ownership (Getz and Carlsen, 2000; 2005). Between the family and the firm, an exclusive entrepreneurial culture develops (Astrachan, 2003; Peters and Kallmuenzer, 2018), potentially making transgenerational entrepreneurship the main economic engine in the tourism sector (Puzi and Ismail, 2017). Influenced by the family conflicts, local culture and commercial interests, the management of this type of business involving family members has become increasingly more complex over the years (Ismail et al, 2019). This highlights that the development of a family business is influenced by three factors: the family, property and the business system adopted (Gersick et al., 1997; Peters and Buhalis, 2004). These characteristics of family business are connected to the family’s life stage and its culture. Human, social and financial capital represent the natural resources owned by the family business (Ireland et al., 2003). Human capital includes elements, such as reputation, skill and intuition, which reflect the influence of the founder of the family business. The exploitation of resources in the family business approach is different from that in the non-family business approach (Sirmon and Hitt, 2003).
These exclusive resources reflect the fact that the family acts as owners; therefore, the intangible familiarity factor is the element that differentiates the family business from other non-family businesses (Arteaga et al., 2018) and can represent a competitive advantage; however, at the same time, by having a suffocating effect (Craig and Lindsay, 2002), family-related skills and resources could inhibit growth (Camisón et al., 2016). Regarding market performance, family businesses have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are represented by personal relationships with corporate stakeholders (Mustakallio et al., 2002) and strong social values (Peters and Kallmuenzer, 2018), highlighting the positive relationship between family involvement and performance (Allouche et al., 2008; Lindow et al., 2010; Block et al., 2011; Chu, 2009; Miralles-Marcelo, Miralles-Quirós and Lisboa, 2014; Wagner et al., 2015). In contrast, the disadvantages are often related to the nature of relationships often characterized by the lack of professionalism of family members (Chaudhry and Crick, 2004; Crick et al., 2018) and to the absence of a business strategy or a vision (Legohérel et al., 2004; Pikkemaat and Zehrer, 2016). Therefore, business development and family history are two related concepts that influence each other. A family business is governed by the objective of pursuing the vision of a business, which is owned by a dominant group and is under the control of family members, such that the business is sustainable across generations of the family (Chua et al., 1999). In a family business, the important elements are the following: the same family members’ exercise of control of the family business; the pre-eminence of family benefits; and the production of sustainable income for future generations (Jaskiewicz et al., 2015). Furthermore, for the survival of the family business in tourism, innovation in response to a constantly changing environment is required, and shared products are offered by many actors (Sundbo et al., 2007; Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Letonja and Duh (2015) believe that “the survival of family businesses across generations depends upon different factors, including their ability to renew through innovation” (Letonja and Duh, 2016; Prevolsek et al., 2017). However, in the tourism sector, the owner often runs the business himself, or the business is run by a few close family members (Getz and Carlsen, 2000; Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Therefore, ownership and management are often coincident. Therefore, family involvement is very strong, and consequently, a strong innovative element is expected to emerge within family businesses. In addition, by implementing innovative strategies, tourism companies create a more sustainable environment, as they recognize innovation as an essential and promoting engine for sustainable development in tourism (Arcese et al., 2020; Elmo et al., 2020).
In tourism, compared to general management, innovation is a more complex dimension. In tourism, innovations consist of product, service, management, marketing, process or institutional innovations (Legohérel et al., 2004; Hall and Williams, 2008; Hjalager, 2010; (Kallmuenzer and Peters, 2018a). Innovation in tourism is more limited in family businesses than in non-family businesses. The factors that determine whether a family business will innovate are either economic factors, such as financial restrictions, or non-economic factors, such as risk aversion, the maintenance of traditional products, family conflict and closure to external information by investors (Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). In the same way, family businesses may give up on implementing sustainability practices, as their implementation often requires innovation and high risk (Memili et al., 2018; Elmo et al., 2020). Some studies in the literature, i.e., Craig and Moores (2006) or Bergfeld and Weber (2011), show that innovation is a factor in ensuring long-term survival (Craig and Moores, 2006; Hauck and Prügl, 2015).
The heterogeneity of family businesses can be explained by socio-emotional and non-economic factors (Chrisman et al., 2012; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). Moreover, some studies show the decreasing propensity for innovation of family businesses (Litz and Kleysen, 2001; Craig and Moores, 2006; Beck et al., 2011; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). In other studies, such as Westhead et al (2002) or Hauck and Pru (2015), once structures and processes are acquired and consolidated, family businesses reduce their ability to react to external changes (Westhead et al., 2002; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a). Generally, these companies are more hostile towards innovative processes precisely because they tend to want to maintain the status quo of the acquired elements (Vrontis et al., 2016). Other interesting aspects of family businesses concern their relation to the innovation and succession process. It is possible to argue that the involvement of the successor in a business can act as a “catalyst of change”, that is, as an opportunity to innovate (Kotlar and De Massis, 2013; Hauck and Prügl, 2015a).
All theoretical and methodological (both qualitative & quantitative) approaches are equally appreciated, and we particularly welcome multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions that covers different issues relevant to strategic management, operations or marketing, and provides evidence based on the theme of special issue
Each chapter submitted to this edited book is subject to the following submission and review procedures:
Marco Valeri received PhD in Strategic Management and Organizational Behavior from "Tor Vergata" University (Italy). He is a Senior Lecturer in “Knowledge Management” and Senior Lecturer in “Corporate Social Responsability, BA (Hons) in Global Management and International Business – NCIUL – London. He is a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior (Master Degree and Doctoral Course), Faculty of Economics, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome (Italy). He is Visiting Professor at Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya 47500, (Malaysia). He’s teaching and consultancy fields include: strategic management, leadership development, hotel/lodging management, cross-cultural management, international hospitality management. His research areas include competitive advantage, sustainability and green practices, strategy implementation, knowledge management, family business and tourism hotel/lodging management, crisis management, destination marketing, information technology and developing countries, network analysis. He was a visiting professor in several Universities: University of Eichastaett – Ingolstadt (Germany), Universitè Jean Moulin, School of Management – Lyon, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Faculty of Economics – Lebanon, University of Pannonia, Faculty of Business and Economics – Hungary, University of West Attica, Faculty of Business and Economics – Greece, TBS Business School, Faculty of Business and Economics – Toulouse, Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave (IPCA) – Portugal, Adiyaman University, Tourism Faculty - Turkey, University of Oradea, Faculty of Economics - Romania , Joji Ilagan International School of Hotel and Tourism Management – Philippine, Bahria University, School of Management – Pakistan, Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering & Technology (JMIT), Radaur – India, University of Delhi, Shivaji College, Department of Commerce – India, Jagran Lakecity University, School of Hospitality & Tourism, Bhopal – India, University of Mumbai, Saket College of Arts, Science and Commerce – India, Taylor’s University, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, School of Hospitality, Tourism & Events – Malaysia (in top 20 in the World in the subject of “Hospitality and Leisure Management). He serves on the Editorial Boards of several academic journals covering tourism and hospitality management. He is member of several editorial board of international tourism journals, reviewer and editor of several handbooks on entrepreneurship, tourism and hospitality management (Emerald Publishing, Springer and IGI Global). He received the award as Outstanding Reviewer in the 2021 Emerald Literati Awards, selected by the editorial team of Journal of Family Business Management (Emerald Publishing).
For any further inquiry about this special issue, please contact the Volume Editor (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Silver medal for Karima Kourtit
Karima Kourtit (Faculty of Management Sciences, Open University) recently received a silver medal as an outstanding paper award for an article published in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (APJRS) (published by Springer-Verlag)[1]. This prize is awarded annually to the author of a research paper who has made significant contributions to the advancement of the field of regional science. She was invited to receive this award – called the Oishi Yasuhiko Award – in person at an official ceremony of the Japan Section of Regional Science Association International (JSRSAI) in Japan, but unfortunately this was not possible due to the corona rules.
Karima Kourtit is a researcher at CAROU (the Centre for Actionable Research at the Open University) and responsible for the ‘Smart Cities and Data Analytics’ programme. She is also Executive Director of The Regional Science Academy, and in that position she participates in many international research networks. The article for which she received a
silver medal is a solo article on the new methodology of digital data analysis in the context of urban planning. Her study is based on 'smart city' initiatives and focuses on the question of the optimal use of digital data. In the age of big data, a systematic decomposition approach – based on cascade principles of complex urban systems – is needed to create order in a chaotic and disordered data structure.
Such a decomposition presupposes a series of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that are ordered according to hierarchical management and policy principles. In principle, by using such ordered data interactively, a 'smart city' has the chance to develop into an 'intelligent city'. Such a city is capable of becoming a 'digital winner' among the smart cities.
[1] Kourtit, K. City intelligence for enhancing urban performance value: a conceptual study on data decomposition in smart cities. Asia-Pac J Reg Sci5, 191–222 (2021).
Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) is one of four schools at Jönköping University. We offer an international and team-oriented workplace with competitive education programmes across bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, as well as a thriving research environment and many opportunities for personal development. Our mission is to advance the theory and practice of business and economics, with specific focus on entrepreneurship, ownership, and renewal. Our guiding principles are international at heart, entrepreneurial in mind and responsible in action. JIBS is accredited by both EQUIS and AACSB.
Our offer to you
JIBS offers its academic staff opportunities to develop in a truly international environment, which attracts talented researchers and motivated students from all around the world. JIBS provides an atmosphere that values high-quality teaching and research, and it is internationally accredited for the quality of its programs. The Discipline of Economics at JIBS is expanding, providing unique possibilities for new colleagues to contribute to the development of the discipline.
We seek a qualified candidate for a permanent full-time position as Assistant Professor in Economics starting as soon as possible. We seek a candidate with wide teaching experience. In terms of research, we seek a candidate that can perform excellent research and is able to strengthen our research environment here at JIBS. It is meritorious if the candidate has a research interest in entrepreneurship, business renewal, innovation, regional economics, and/or spatial dynamics. The research is highly encouraged to target high quality journals but also influence practitioners. Candidates should have excellent communication skills, as well as a clear vocation for academia.
Job description
The holders of the position will be a part of the Discipline of Economics at JIBS, positioned at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Statistics. The work tasks comprise teaching activities at bachelor’s and master’s level, research and other services to JIBS that are related to the position. The position is teaching oriented, and teaching is distributed over the different parts of the academic year, covering a range of topics of economics, and performed primarily in English. The holder of the position is expected to be an active researcher and to contribute with new knowledge that strengthens the JIBS brand. The candidate is expected to apply for externally funded research grants. A high priority of the faculty of Economics, Finance and Statistics at JIBS is to have a strong academic and collegial milieu, so regular attendance at the workplace is an important element of the position.
You hold a PhD degree in Economics (or equivalent academic competence) or will have such a degree by the time of hiring. You have documented teaching and research experience and have taken a course in teaching and learning in higher education (or are willing to take such a course within the first two years of employment). You have a well-defined research interest. Furthermore, you have proven abilities to interact with business and/or society and have demonstrated an ability to plan, organize and prioritize work efficiently. You are fluent in written and spoken English and have excellent communication skills. It is meritorious if you have:
In the selection process, we will put emphasis on the person’s ability to take initiatives, be autonomous and flexible as well as having the ability to co-operate with colleagues. The criteria to be an eligible candidate include the completion of a PhD in economics or a closely related field (including dissertation) at the time of hiring. If the PhD is not completed by the time of application, the expected date of completion must be verified by the Dean/MD at the institution granting the PhD degree. You should be willing to contribute to a dynamic academic environment by spending most of your working time at JIBS and be willing to get established in Jönköping.
For full eligibility requirements, see "Appointment Procedure at Jönköping University".
The position is permanent and full-time, starting as soon as possible or as agreed upon.
Deadline for applying is 9th of January 2022.
Your application should include:
Type of employment | Permanent position |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | According to agreement |
Salary | Monthly salary |
Number of positions | 1 |
Working hours | 100% |
City | Jönköping |
County | Jönköpings län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | 2021/5387-211 |
Contact |
Lina Bjerke, +46 36-10 10 00 |
Union representative |
Barbara Eklöf, ST, +46 36-10 10 00 Thomas Cyron, Saco-S, +46 36-10 10 00 |
Published | 10.Dec.2021 |
Last application date | 09.Jan.2022 11:59 PM CET |
We have issued the 51st volume of Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, including a diverse list of articles, including multiple disciplines and orientations, following the philosophy of the journal of accommodating papers with the diversity of disciplines within Regional Science.
The work authored by Francisco Yépez Muñoz, Luis Palma Martos and Noemí Pulido Pavón opens the current issue with the title “Rethinking Andalusian RIS3 Strategy Design through Regional Benchmarking”, within the papers devoted to European Policy. According to the authors, research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) has played a key role in the European Union regional policy in the 2014-2020 programing period. Regional benchmarking exercises are encouraged by the European Commission to provide a better vision of the position of the region and detect its strengths and weaknesses. In this work the authors intend to reinforce the SWOT analysis included in the RIS3 strategy of Andalusia 2014-2020 using the benchmarking methodology proposed by the European Commission. This exercise allows to outline new proposals for action and a qualitative methodology that could be useful in the design of RIS3 strategies in the period 2021-2027.
The next article is titled “The influence of agglomeration on growth: A study of Argentina”, being authors Alberto José Figueras, Daniela Cristina, Valeria Blanco and Iván Martín Iturralde. This paper analyses the influence of agglomeration on economic growth in the Argentinian provinces for the period 1981–2007 using fixed effects and GMM estimation for panel data, and estimation technique considered for controlling for potential simultaneity bias. The authors find evidence of a link between agglomeration and growth in the Argentinian provinces, suggesting that the Williamson hypothesis is in place.
Jhon James Mora Rodríguez writes the paper titled “Spatial social effects on the decision to participate in the youth labor market in a developing country”. The point of departure assumes that globally, many public policies seek to improve the results in participation, employment, and unemployment of the youth in the labor market. Evidence shows that education, age, sex, income conditions of the household, and working conditions affect labor market participation. However, how the behavior of the closest individuals affects the decision of the younger individuals to labor participation in a developing country is a matter of discussion. Using GPS location for 1094 young people, I estimate a spatial model for individual decisions to participate in the labor market in Colombia. Results show that the nearby individual’s similar decision regarding labor participation affects the youth’s decision to participate or social effects in youth labor participation
The objective of the paper “Special employment centers, Profitable or social objective? An study of their economic and financial situation” is to find differences in the core economic indicators of the special employment centers depending on, if they were created to obtain profit, or with social goals. The authors, José Manuel Santos Jaén, Esther Ortiz Martínez, Salvador Marín Hernández, have created a database with 166 financial statements of the special employment centers from the Region of Murcia for the period 2012-2016. They do a descriptive analysis of these data using the core economic and financial ratios. The obtained results allow to conclude that the different orientation of the special employment centers doesn´t have direct effects on the profitability, but there are significant differences in their liquidity and solvency depending on the CEE type.
The next paper is authored by David Giner Sánchez and Marco Antonio Celdrán Bernabeu and is titled “The Smart scenario and its derivatives in the online marketing strategy of tourist destinations. The case of the Valencian Region”. The technological revolution has shaped a renewed tourism scenario characterised by an intensive use of technology throughout the travel cycle, which is evolving towards a context of smart management in which technologies associated with social media stand out, due to their influence on the strategy and operations of online marketing at the destinations. The new patterns of behaviour of supply and demand associated with social media now determine the image of destinations and influence their competitiveness, thus placing social media at the centre of marketing management of the entities responsible for promoting and managing the destination. Social media and the technologies that support it represent the main way to bring destinations closer to the smart destination model. This research approaches the current tourism scenario in order to understand its influence on the online marketing processes developed by tourist destinations. Specifically, and for a group of destinations in the Valencian Community, an applied analysis is carried out based on a social media measurement index.
Two papers are related to cases of study focused in Portugal. Carlos Gonçalves, Monique Borges and João Marques publishes the work “Post-crisis Resilient Governance in Centro region (Portugal) after 2017 wildfires”: governance systems, when addressing post-disaster action, play an important role in minimizing the community’s vulnerability in future disruptive events. The literature describes how post-disaster actions towards resistance-resilience measures are often implemented, shifting to adaptive-resilience approaches as a second concern, and disregarding resilience-transformative strategies. Two consecutive wildfires in the Centro Region (Portugal), in 2017, cut off access to the Services of General Interest (SGIs) and knocked off-balance the socioeconomic territorial structure and identity (the main impact was 116 mortal victims). In this paper, the media coverage of the phenomena during the 12 months following the disaster is analysed using a sample of 150 news articles published in two newspapers. The public discourses are indicative of the overall importance given to the impact and to the responses based on resistance-resilience measures. Moreover, the theoretical and practical challenges for the policy design and organization of the governance systems in post-disaster contexts is discussed
Next, we find “The forestry products value chain and the costs of reshaping it: Multi-regional impacts of shrinking the pulp and paper industries in Portugal”, by Luis Cruz, Pedro Ramos, Eduardo Barata and João-Pedro Ferreira. Forestry industry macroeconomic assessments typically concentrate on the production, harvesting, and earliest processing of wood products, underestimating the full range of forests impacts in regional economies. This work proposes a broader concept – forestry products value chain – that ponders the contribution of the downstream activities relying (directly and indirectly) on Silviculture and Forestry products. The paper adopts a methodology based on a Multi-Regional Input-Output framework. We apply this approach to the Portuguese economy. Results clarify the role of eucalyptus in “Pulp”, “Paper and Cardboard” and “Paper and Cardboard Articles”. Finally, the projected wider macroeconomic consequences from a reduction of these productions is evaluated
The last paper “Value Capture Instruments: evolution of the Participation in Land Value increments in Colombia 1997-2017” is signed by Yency Contreras Ortiz. This article analyzes the concept of value capture, the typologies of existing instruments and it examines the opportunities and regulatory and operational restrictions of “participation in capital gains” as one of the main bets in regards in Colombia. Using qualitative and quantitative tools, the results of the regulation and implementation of the instrument are shown in 20 years of formal existence for 444 municipalities in the country. It is evident that although a significant number of municipalities incorporate the tax in their territorial regulations, despite its potentialities this instrument has not been consolidated as an important source of financing. Small and medium municipalities have most mobilized such participation in the context of their urban growth transformations and the territorial planning decisions.
The volume closes with two reviews. The first one introduces a data set, “The Social Explorer”, a free and open access platform that allows an agile and interactive approach to geo-referenced data from Spain of sociodemographic, economic, political and environmental interest. In this review, signed by Amalia Gómez Casillas on behalf of the team of the Social Explorer, a brief presentation of it is made. And last, Ángeles Sánchez Díaz describes a collective volume “World Economy: Deconstructing Global Capitalism. Economy and Business”
To contact Us and Submit Manuscripts:
Investigaciones Regionales – Journal of Regional Research
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article will be sent through the portal Open Journal System (OJS) of the Spanish Repository of Science and Technology (RECYT):
ISSN: 1695-7253 E-ISSN: 2340-2717
Dear RSAI members,
it gives me great pleasure to announce that at the latest RSAI Council meeting, held electronically on Nov. 11, 2021, two importand decisions were made.
First, the Council elected Prof. Hans Westlund (KTH Stockholm) as President Elect of the RSAI. Hans will become Vice President as of January 2022, and will work along Prof. Eduardo Haddad, current RSAI President, for the benefit of the Association. Good luck Hans!
The Council also elected a new Editor-in-Chief of Papers in Regional Science, our flagship Journal. After nine years of service, Prof. Roberta Capello (Politecnico di Milano) steps down, and Prof. Rosella Nicolini (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona) begins a three years term as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. To Roberta goes the Association’s gratitude. Over the past nine years, PiRS grew steadily in terms of quality of scientific output and impact as testified also by its Impact Factor. To Rosella, the Association’s best wishes to walk on these steps of excellence, and to further enhance the journal’s positioning in the field.
I also take the chance to welcome Prof. Tomaz Dentinho (University of the Acores) as Councillor-At-Large of the RSAI. Tomaz was elected with an online ballot, that also involved other excellent candidates. This is another example of the active role played by RSAI members in the life of the Association.
Thank you all in advance for your attention,
Kind regards,
Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director
Hans Westlund
Dr. Hans Westlund is born in 1957. Since 2007, he is Professor in Regional Planning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, and Professor in Entrepreneurship, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping, Sweden. He received a PhD in Economic History from the University of Umeå, in 1992.
His involvement with Regional Science activities and institutions is multifaceted and long-lasting. He acted as Chairman of the Local Organisation Committee for the European Regional Science Association's (ERSA) legendary 50th Anniversary congress, in Jönköping 2010. 2006-2014 he served as Member of the European Organising Committee of the European Regional Science Association. Since 2005, he has also been member of the board of directors of the Western Regional Science Association, for which he served as president 2013/14 and became lifetime Fellow 2018. He has served as Councillor-at-large of the Regional Science Association International, RSAI and he has been chairing ERSA’s Epainos Prize Committee and the WRSA’s Tiebout Prize Committee.
Beyond Regional Science, he is member of the Swedish Prime Minister’s National Innovation Council; co-editor of the Springer book series Advances in Spatial Science; member of the China Urban Science Research Association’s Resilience City Expert Committee; and member of the International Geographical Union’s Commission for Agricultural Geography and Land Engineering.
Among all his commissions, he has been a member of the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation´s Sector Committee for Research on the Civil Society; chairman and founder (together with Professor Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Kyoto University) of the International workshop “Social Capital and Development Trends in Japan´s and Sweden´s Countryside”; member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry's Committee for Rural Development; and member of the Swedish research council Formas’ Scientific Council. Together with co-author Tigran Haas, he was given the Routledge Best Book Award 2018 for the book In the Post-Urban World, which also has been translated to Japanese.
His research interests include urban and regional development, social capital, innovation, entrepreneurship, and peripheral and rural regions.
Rosella Nicolini
Prof. Nicolini is Associate Professor of Applied Economics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she also act sas Coordinator of the PhD program in Applied Economics. Rosella received a PhD in Economics from the Université catholique de Louvain, 2000. Her PhD thesis entered the final draw for the annual prize of the EU’s Committee of Regions.. In 2007, she was recipient of the XI Premi Catalunya d'Economia. Her involvement in Regional Science activities and institutions has been continuous. Since 2018, she acts as Councilor-at-large of the RSAI. She i salso currently ERSA secretary, and previously served as Associate Editor for Papers in Regional Science. She is also Associate Editor of the RERU; and member of the Editorial Board of RSPP and Investigaciones Regionales. In the past, she was visiting professor at Boston University, at the University of South Wales (Sydney) and at Gretha (Bordeaux).
Her research focuses on the determinants of location (for both consumers and firms) from a regional perspective. She has authored and co-authored articles published in the major journals in the field (Regional Studies, Journal of Urban Economics, PIRS, Journal of Regional Science, International Regional Science Review, Spatial Economic Analysis).
Tomaz Dentinho
Prof. Tomás Ponce Dentinho has a Degree in economics from Universidade Católica Portuguesa (1975-1980); Three years of the Agronomy course and two years of the Course in Landscape Architecture at the Technical University of Lisbon (1976-1979); Master in economics, specializing in regional economics, from the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the Technical University of Lisbon (1985-1987). PhD from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (1990-1994). Postgraduate studies in Environmental Economics from the Harvard Institute for International Development (1999).
Tomaz has been Professor at the University of the Azores since 1987. Coordinator of the Master in Nature Management and Conservation (2000-2018). Coordinator of the PhD in Interdisciplinary Landscape Management (2008-2018). Representative of the Association of Higher Planning and Planning Schools (AESOP) at the University of the Azores.
He is a member of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR), the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Portuguese Association for the Development of Operational Research (APDIO).
He was President of the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (2008-2015), Member of the Council of the Regional Science Association International and Executive Director of the Regional Science Association International (2011-2018) having brought the headquarters of this association to Portugal in July 2011. He acted as Editor-in-Chief for Regional Science Police and Practice since 2017.
His research focuses on regional economics, urbanism, operational research, environment and agriculture.
Dear RSAI members,
I hope this email finds you all well.
I am writing you to let you know that, give the relevance of the bottom-up process of the activation of the three new RSAI committees, and to canvass enough good candidates to fill all positions, we decided to extend the deadline for proposing candidatures to Dec. 15. A public ballot among RSAI members will then be organized, with the possibility to vote open until Dec. 22, 2021. Winners of these elections will be shortly disclosed, and I'll be happy to get in touch with the new committee members, so that they can start working on their duties as of Jan. 1, 2022.
Thank you very much again for your support,
Kind regards,
Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director
The aims and rules for each of the three committees (Diversity and inclusion; Communication; and Honors) are presented in the attached power point. For each committee, we would like to ask your candidatures to be presented within Dec 15, 2021 at the latest by submitting a 2-page CV to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., specifying for which committee your candidature is meant.
Papers in Regional Science Pages: 1335-1657 December 2021 |
Free Access
Pages: 1335-1336 | First Published:01 December 2021
Open Access
Fernando Bruna, Juan Fernández-Sastre
Pages: 1337-1354 | First Published:06 August 2021
Skill relatedness, structural change and heterogeneous regions: evidence from a developing country
Jefferson Ricardo Bretas Galetti, Milene Simone Tessarin, Paulo Cesar Morceiro
Pages: 1355-1376 | First Published:06 July 2021
When, where, and for what industries does broadband foster establishment births?
Chloé Duvivier, Emma Cazou, Stéphanie Truchet-Aznar, Cédric Brunelle, Jean Dubé
Pages: 1377-1401 | First Published:24 June 2021
Open Access
Does urbanization matter in the expenditure‐happiness nexus?
Cristina Bernini, Silvia Emili, Federica Galli
Pages: 1403-1428 | First Published:04 November 2021
Open Access
Are old regions less attractive? Interregional labour migration in a context of population ageing
Paula Prenzel
Pages: 1429-1447 | First Published:25 June 2021
Kuan-Ming Huang, Xiaoli Etienne
Pages: 1449-1479 | First Published:01 July 2021
Open Access
Diana Gutiérrez-Posada, María Plotnikova, Fernando Rubiera-Morollón
Pages: 1481-1500 | First Published:05 August 2021
Open Access
Collected worker experiences, knowledge management practices and service innovation in urban Norway
Sverre J. Herstad, Marte C. W. Solheim, Marit Engen
Pages: 1501-1525 | First Published:07 August 2021
On urban sprawl: Closed city, open city or does it even matter?
Jeffrey A. DiBartolomeo, Geoffrey K. Turnbull
Pages: 1527-1543 | First Published:11 August 2021
Open Access
Reducing automation risk through career mobility: Where and for whom?
László Czaller, Rikard H. Eriksson, Balázs Lengyel
Pages: 1545-1569 | First Published:19 August 2021
No time for crime? The effect of compulsory engagement on youth crime
Nikhil Jha
Pages: 1571-1597 | First Published:09 June 2021
Open Access
Juan Manuel Valderas-Jaramillo, José Manuel Rueda-Cantuche
Pages: 1599-1624 | First Published:30 June 2021
Modelling heterogeneous preferences for nature‐based tourism trips
David Boto-García, Antonio Alvarez, José Baños
Pages: 1625-1653 | First Published:06 August 2021
Pages: 1655-1657 | First Published:01 December 2021
Dear TRSA members & friends:
Tomorrow will be the start of the First Global Regional Development conference on: “SUSTAINABLE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, DIGITAL CITY RESILIENCE AND SUCCESSFUL LOCAL LEADERSHIP”, to be held in Shenzhen Greater Bay Area, China, from December 3-5, 2021.
You are cordially invited to participate online in this prestigious and international event, which is co-organized with The Regional Science Academy and Tsinghua University, Beijing. The hybrid form (rather than an online meeting) has been chosen due to the current corona regulations in many countries,
with a large group of Chinese scholars meeting physically in Shenzhen and a scattered group of overseas participants meeting in their home office.
We are pleased to inform you that Professor Paul Romer, Nobel laureate in economics, will give a keynote lecture and join the interesting Round Table discussion on Friday, December 3, 2021 at 22.00 (Beijing time), while also Sameh Naguib Wahba, Global Director for Urban and Territorial Development, Disaster Risk Management and Resilience of the World Bank, and many other well-known speakers, will join.
We have great pleasure in sending you herewith the final programme. It promises to become an exciting event with a great audience. Despite the corona limitations, the conference promises to become a scientific highlight which will set the tone for innovative thinking on new regional and urban development concepts and practices. We all look forward to meeting you tomorrow and to continue our cooperation in the coming years.
We will be pleased and honoured to have you with us in this First Global Conference.
Cordially yours,
Karima Kourtit, also on behalf of Peter Nijkamp and Chinese hosts.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.