The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), in collaboration with the Northeastern Regional Science Association (NERSA), and Cornell AAP NYC, is pleased to announce that the inaugural NARSC/NERSA summer school will be held on the Cornell Tech Campus on Roosevelt Island in New York City from June 26th to July 1st 2022.
The thematic focus of this year’s summer school will be “An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Adaptation Plans for New York City’s Waterfront.”
This Summer School will provide an immersive experience for 12 to 15 Ph.D. students, or post-doctoral researchers who have completed their doctoral studies within the last five years, to work together in interdisciplinary teams to examine aspects of implementing the “New York City Comprehensive Waterfront Plan” and the “Financial District and Seaport Climate Resilience Master Plan” in the Lower Manhattan Waterfront. Tutorials on theories and methods relevant to this work will be provided. Participants will be expected to study background materials prior to the summer school and collaborate with other participants after the event to complete a project report and scholarly papers for presentation at the November 2022 NARSC meetings in Montreal and submission to a regional science journal for publication in a special issue.
Call for Applications April 4th
Application Deadline May 1st May 8th
Notification of Acceptance May 15th
Registration Deadline May 25th
Fee Payment Deadline June 15th
Details on the prospective program, the application and admission process, registration fees, and Summer School staffing can be found at Scholarship funding is available.
NERSA Administration This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John Carruthers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kieran Donaghy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Shriya Rangarajan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Professor Tatsuhiko (“Tats”) Kawashima died on November 4, 2021. He earned bachelors and masters degrees in economics from the University of Tokyo and received the Ph.D. in Regional Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1969. He was then appointed Assistant Professor of Regional Science at Penn. He resigned from the position in 1973 to return to Japan as Assistant Professor of Economics at Gakushuin University. He was promoted to professor at Gakushuin in 1976. He took emeritus status in 2011. In addition to his research on regional economic development, Professor Kawashima engaged in humanitarian work installing clean water and sewage infrastructure in mountainous northern Thailand with his students, and he was a member of an advisory panel to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in Japan. He is survived by his daughter, Crown Princess Kiko and his son-in-law Prince Fumihito, and three grandchildren—the former Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Prince Hisahito.
The Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) invites applications for a position of Professor in Urban Economics. |
The complete job description and the application portal are available here: |
Founded in 1981, IDHEAP is the largest university and interdisciplinary training, research and expertise structure in Switzerland dedicated entirely and exclusively to the public and parapublic sector. |
Since 2014, the Institute has been part of the University of Lausanne, which has nearly 5,000 employees and 17,000 students. A leading international teaching and research institution, UNIL promotes excellence, personal recognition and accountability. |
If you have any questions, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.
Szabolcs Nagy – Mariann Veresné Somosi: The relationship between social innovation and digital economy and society
Eugenia Riaño – Antonio Rey – Martín Hansz – Fernando Massa: Montevideo journey-to-work flows, 2016: A doubly constrained gravity model with random effects
Pavol Ďurček – Gabriela Nováková – Ingrid Bučeková: Modelling the customer potential of retail food stores: A case study from the Turiec region in Slovakia, 2020
Elimdar Bayramov: Modelling travel intention in conflict-ridden destinations: the example of Turkey, 2020–2021
Ahmadov Vusal: Comparative study of labour market development in post-socialist Hungary and Azerbaijan since 1990
Dávid Hajdú – Gábor Koncz: Employment data of participants in supported adult training for jobseekers and their territorial pattern in Hungary, 2010–2020
Péter Kovács – Miklós Lukovics: Factors influencing public acceptance of self-driving vehicles in a post-socialist environment: Statistical modelling in Hungary
Sami Khedhiri: Comparison of SARFIMA and LSTM methods to model and to forecast Canadian temperature
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Job opportunity at the University of Coimbra – Faculty of Economics;
two positions of Assistant Professor in the field of Economics
Applications until 2022-04-08
More information at:
The OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, its Champion Mayor for Inclusive Growth Initiative and Trento Centre for Local Development, in collaboration with the SME Unit of the ILO Enterprises Department and the Ax:son Johnson Foundation, are pleased to invite you to the Second international conference on SMEs and the Urban Fabric
Register for in-person participation by 22 April 2022. |
Register now! |
The conference provides an opportunity for policy makers, academics and practitioners to gather and discuss how cities can be a vibrant place that supports their SMEs and entrepreneurs, what lessons can we take away from the COVID-19 pandemic for SME support, and what will the future hold for SMEs in cities. |
This conference brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to discuss ways in which policies, regulations and planning can help create an environment for thriving entrepreneurship and SMEs, while at the same time leveraging these entrepreneurs for local development. The agenda combines presentations of academic research with practical examples from different countries and cities. Every session will allow for open discussion with all participants and long hospitality breaks will provide room to exchange bilaterally with the speakers and other participants. The conference will also provide a dedicated space for participants to present their country’s, region’s or city’s efforts to provide a conducive environment for their SMEs and entrepreneurs or the measures taken to directly support them (please indicate your interest during registration). The space will allow for dialogue with participants during the coffee and lunch breaks and complements the main programme. Participants can also indicate their interest to present in the Policy Speed Session planned for the second day of the conference. The event will be in-person respecting all COVID-19-related health guidelines by the Italian authorities. For those unable to join in person, a partial live streaming of the event will be available upon registration. The main event language will be English. Italian/English interpretation will be available onsite for in-person participants.
OECD Trento Centre for Local Development |
Register now! |
The OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities provides comparative statistics, analysis and capacity building for local and national actors to work together to unleash the potential of entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises, promote inclusive and sustainable regions and cities, boost local job creation, and support sound tourism policies. | @OECD_local | Linkedin | CFE Newsletter | Cogito Blog |
Presenter: João-Pedro Ferreira (Food and Resources Economics Department, University of Florida, USA)
Presentation: Combining econometric and input-output methods to assess the regional impact of disasters: the case of red tides and tourism in Florida
Date: Thursday, 31 March 2022, at 16:30 (CET).
SHAIO members will receive the link to the event.
If you are not a SHAIO member, you must register in this
More information about the webinars can be found in our website:
We are happy to announce that the 15th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, hosted by the Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the University of Azores and organized by ACDA (Associação para a Ciência e Desenvolvimento dos Açores), will take place at Centro Cultural e de Congressos de Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores, Portugal, on July 8-9, 2022.
Keynote speaker
Isabel Horta Correia (CATÓLICA-LISBON, PT)
Submissions in all fields of Economics are welcome and should be made through Conference Maker, at until March 20, 2022.
Papers should be written in English. The title page should contain the following elements: name of the author(s), affiliation(s), presenter, address(es), email(s), title of the paper, abstract (up to 600 words), keywords and JEL classification codes. The Scientific Committee will not provide referee reports or any detailed feedback on the papers submitted to the conference.
Consultaccount Award for Best PhD Paper
The Portuguese Economic Journal is pleased to announce the Consultaccount Award for the best paper presented by a PhD student at its 15th Annual Meeting. The award consists of a certificate and a pecuniary prize in the amount of EUR 750.
All students currently enrolled at a PhD programme are eligible for this award. Candidates should clearly mention they are applying to the Consultaccount award on the cover page of their manuscript when submitting it to the conference. The Scientific Committee of the conference will select the winner, who will be presented with her/his award at the final plenary session of the conference.
Portuguese Economic Journal website
Key Dates
Paper submission: until March 20, 2022 (new date)
Communication of decisions: April 15, 2022
Early registration: until May 20, 2022
Deadline for presenters’ registration: May 31, 2022
Conference: July 8-9, 2022
Note: presenters should register by May 31 for their papers to be included in the final program.
Scientific committee
Monica Costa Dias (University of Bristol and Institute for Fiscal Studies, Chair)
Ana P. Fernandes (Dept of Economics, U. of Exeter)
Joana Resende (U. of Porto, Faculty of Economics)
João Correia da Silva (U. of Porto, Faculty of Economics)
João Duarte (NOVA School of Business and Economics)
João Granja (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
João Madeira (Dept of Economics and Related Studies, U. of York)
João Santos Silva (School of Economics, U. of Surrey)
José Tavares (NOVA School of Business and Economics)
Manuel Adelino (Fuqua School of Business, Duke U.)
Matilde Machado (Dept of Economics, U. Carlos III de Madrid)
Miguel Portela (U. of Minho)
Paulo Bastos (ISEG, ULisboa & World Bank)
Pedro Gomes (Birkbeck U. of London)
Sara Moreira (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern U.)
Susana Peralta (NOVA School of Business and Economics)
Local organizing committee
Tomaz Ponce Dentinho (University of Azores)
Elisabete Martins (ACDA)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Further information on registration, fees, venue, and accommodation can be found at the conference website:
XLVII International Conference on Regional Science (Reunión de Estudios Regionales – RER), which will take place at the Universidad de Granada on October 19, 20 and 21, 2022.
Dear colleagues,
The abstract submission for the XLVII Meeting of Regional Science and the XIII Andalusian Conference of Regional Science, organized by the Spanish and Andalusian Associations of Regional Science, is open. The Conference will be held at the University of Granada from 19th to 21nd of October 2022, with the organizative support of the Interuniversity Research Institute for Regional Development (IDR) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commision.
The main topic of this XLVII edition is: “Challenges, policies and governance of the territories in the post-covid era”. We focus on the main territorial challenges we face after the pandemic and on the need for coordination among the actors that design and implement policies. The pandemic has revealed the existence of inequalities and of severe differences across territories. It has risen asymmetries in factor endowment and unemployment and has altered the whole industrial structure, especially in peripheral areas. It has fostered migration and urban concentration processes, too. In sum, the pandemic has brought new economic, social and environmental concerns.
As in previous editions, the submission of results of on-going research without a full paper will be welcomed. To be considered by the Scientific Committee these submissions should have a minimum length of 1,500 words. Here you can find the templates and more information on the Conference.
Unpublished papers written by researchers under 33 years or who defended their PhD thesis during the two years prior to the Conference are eligible for the Juan Ramón Cuadrado Young Researchers' Prize. The jury of that prize will be the Scientific Committee of the Conference. The authors of the paper awarded will receive an accreditation for the award and a gift.
PhD students in the first stages of their dissertations and master's degree students with a research orientation will have reduced registration fees to facilitate their access to the parallel sessions of the Conference and their participation in the special session for young researchers. There they will have the opportunity to briefly present their research ideas.
The Organizing Committee invites you to propose Special Sessions for the Conference. Proposals can be made from now until May 15th and they will be published once they are approved by the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee. To make a proposal It is necessary to send the title of the session and the name of the coordinator or coordinators as well as a brief description to the Secretariat of the Conference: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It is recommended that a session has a minimum of four contributions. In the case of sessions with a high number of contributions, these will be scheduled in accordance with the coordinators criteria.
We are looking forward to having the opportunity to welcome you in Granada.
The Local Organizing Committee
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.