Awards & Prizes

Thursday, 09 June 2022 14:22

2022 RSAI Fellows and RSAI Newsletter (May 2022)

Dear RSAI members,

I hope this email finds you all well.

With the summer season about to start in the Northern Emisphere, the RSAI and its numerous sections all over the world keep running their daily activities.

It also gives me great pleasure to write you to deliver great news. The following four colleagues have been appointed Fellows of the RSAI: 

  • Prof. Genevieve Giuliano ( University of Southern California)
  • Prof. Budy Resosudarmo (Australian National University)
  • Prof. André Torre (University Paris-Saclay)
  • Prof. Frank Van Oort (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

The committee in charge of pre-selecting candidatures, made up by this year by Prof. Kyoshi Kobayashi (Chair), Prof. Janice Madden, and Prof. Alessandra Faggian, whom I'd like to thank, received several very good candidatures. The committee suggested to process five of them, and the four names above turned out to pass the threshold for being elected based on the votes by other Fellows. Congratulations to the new Fellows on their outstanding achievement! The RSAI will count on them for mentoring future regional scientists and supporting the growth of the discipline and the association.

Let me also take the chance to send you the latest issue of the RSAI Newsletter (download), skillfully edited by Martijn Smit (University of Utrecht) and Mina Akhavan (Politecnico di Milano). The Newsletter brings you the latest news about the Associations' activities, while also introducing Roberta Capello's experience as an RSAI Fellow, hosting a chapter in  Peter Batey's history of European Regional Science congresses, showcasing an interview to Andreas Diemer, who won the 2021 RSAI Dissertation award, and much more content. I am confident you'll enjoy the read.

Lastly, let me remind you all of the discounts for RSAI members to publish their articles, if accepted, in Open Access format on Papers in Regional Science and Regional Science, Policy and Practice. For the former, Authors face an APC of 3,550 USD/ 2,350 GBP/ 2,950 EUR for every accepted article, but this abates to 1,500 USD/1,000 GBP/1,250 EUR for RSAI members. For RSPP, APCs are equal to 2,550 USD/ 1,700 GBP/ 2,150 EUR for non-members, and 1,500 USD/1,000 GBP/1,250 EUR for RSAI members. This is yet another advantage from being a member of our association.

I thank you all in advance for your attention, and I look forward to seeing many of you soon at one of the many future RSAI events.

Kind regards,

Andrea Caragliu
Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics
Politecnico di Milano, ABC Department
RSAI Executive Director

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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