
Elisabete Martins

The Multinational in Geographic Space

Special Issue Editors: Ulf Andersson, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Ram Mudambi, Temple University, USA; Srilata Zaheer, University of Minnesota, USA

Reflecting the steady broadening of International Business research perspectives and the journal’s goal of better integrating such diverse approaches to the core subject matter of IB, The Journal of International Business Studies has just issued a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of JIBS on The Multinational in Geographic Space. Submissions are due by November 18, 2011. This Special Issue will improve our understanding of the spatial dimension of IB activity and the interaction of location with governance and organization aspects of MNE activity – building on insights from economic and human geography and regional science.

All manuscripts will be reviewed as a cohort for this special issue. Manuscripts must be submitted in the window between November 1, 2011, and November 18, 2011, at All submissions will go through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow the same norms and processes.

For more information about this Call for Papers, please contact the Special Issue Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Tuesday, 14 June 2011 10:53

II Workshop in Urban Dynamics in Chile

II Workshop in Urban Dynamics in Chile.

The Complex Engineering Systems Institute, ISCI, would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the second version of the workshop URBANICS.


URBAN DYNAMICS has received increased interest from geographers, economist, mathematicians and computer scientists, all contributors to the theoretical body to understand this subject, while modelers attempt to forecast the dynamics of the system by producing more complex applicable models. From both ends, the theoretical and the application side, there is a number of open and interrelated questions that make this field an attractive matter.
In 2010 we held the URBANICS I Workshop, a highly motivating event that concluded founding the Urbanics Network, whose members decided to have workshops every two years as a way to pursure research collaboration and discussions. In this coming event we expect to hear the advances in research and on ongoing collaborations, and to foster new ideas and additional agglomeration between participants.

The workshop aims to bring out discussion between scientists on: i) City Dynamics Theory; ii) Application Models and iii) Networks. The workshop allocates time for papers presentations, poster sessions and workshop style discussions on open topics that will be proposed to stimulate future research.
The workshop will be held on March 26-29, 2012, when the summer-autumn transition yields mild sunny and tranquil days.
The location this time is Termas de Chillán. This beautiful spa in the Andes was chosen carefully to combine the peaceful natural environment of the mountains, the quality of a spa and ski resort (sorry, skiing is not available at this time of the year) and a Convention Center (


See brochure


We organize a special High Level Session annex Panel ‘The Big Thinkers’ & ‘The Big Five’ in One Day. The main theme of this High Level Session annex Panel is focused on ‘The New Urban World’, by addressing the challenges of emerging urban systems from a trans-disciplinary perspective. The main idea is to explore an ‘The New Urban World’ vision by considering future urbanization patterns in Europe − and worldwide − as vehicles for new opportunities to realize smart transport systems and land use, eco-friendly mobility, sustainable energy supply, economic vitality, and broad social participation.

The special High Level Group Session annex Panel itself is a mix of invited plenary speakers and of informed ‘Big Thinkers’ among well-known experts from different parts of the world, in the field of new urban developments in various regions of our world. The session is based on a blend of speeches and interactive discussions. The group of ‘The Big Five’ (‘The Big Five’ metaphor refers to five of Africa’s greatest wild animals) will be drawn from RSAI Fellows. To keep a high profile for the High Level Session we plan to have this event in One Day, viz. on Wednesday, 31th of August. We will close the High Level Panel with a drink on the urban future.

For additional information about ‘The New Urban World’ in One Day, please do not hesitate to contact:

Karima Kourtit (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Mark Partridge (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

8th Annual Conference of Technipolicy Network

Open Innovation for Regional Development

26-28 September 2011, Tampere, Finland

As a result of globalizing trends, clusters are becoming more global as well. To stay competitive new strategies have to be utilized. One successful approach has been the use of openness between the various actors in the local systems.

This year’s conference of the Technopolicy Network will therefore be on Open Innovation for Regional Development to explore how this shift will impact your region and what you can do to profit from this change.

Check out the program here!

More info:  

Note: 100€ reduction in registration for RSAI members (have to put the membership code RSAI in the remarksbox indicated)

Unearthing New Layers

Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Queensland | 26th to 29th February, 2012

The International Geophysical Conference brings together a mix of domestic and international delegates from industry, government and education with interests in application of geophysics to minerals and petroleum exploration and engineering and environmental studies.

Important Dates

Registration of Interest to Submit: Now Open
Registration Opens: August 2011
Extended Abstract Deadline: 2 September 2011
Authors Notified of Acceptance: 14 October 2011
Author Registration Deadline: 15 November 2011
Early Bird Registration Closes: 15 November 2011

ASEG  2012 Conference
Managed by arinex pty limited

Postal Address:
GPO Box 128, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia 

Program Enquiries
Ph: +61 7 3226 2800

Registration Enquiries
Ph: +61 2 9265 0700
Fax: +61 2 9267 5443 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Western Regional Science Association (WRSA) will hold its 51st annual meeting 8-11 February, 2012 in Kauai, Hawaii. 

The paper submission deadline is October 15, 2011 and all papers should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More information is available at the WRSA website at

icon Call for Papers: WRSA | 51st annual meeting

Dear Sir/Madam

The Australia New Zealand Regional Science Association is pleased to announce that it is hosting its 35th annual conference in Canberra, Australia, at The Brassey conference centre from 6 to 9 December 2011.

The theme of the conference is Building Adaptive Regions. Details such as links for registration, submission of abstracts and booking of accommodation at the conference venue are on our website at

Please note that the final date for the submission of abstracts is 2 September, and the final date for early bird registration is 23 September.

After the great success of the PRSCO 2011 conference in Seoul, we are looking forward to welcoming people to our ANZRSAI 2011 conference. I warmly invite RSAI members to consider joining us in Canberra in December.

Best wishes

Paul Dalziel

ANZRSAI 2011 President

The 3rd International Conference of RSAI on Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development:

Sustainable Development and Policy Decision of Mineral Regions, Beijing, China, 30th March, 2012—1st April, 2012.

Conference Theme: Resource and Environment Capability and Sustainable Development of Regional Economy

Venue: Geosciences International Conference Centre, Beijing, China

Abstract Submission: by November 15th, 2011

Paper Submission: by December 15th, 2011

Paper Review: December 15th – December 30th, 2011

Review Results (Acceptance/Reject) Notification: January 15th, 2012

Date of Conference: 30th March, 2012—1st April, 2012

Contact Information

Abstract and paper submissions must be made electronically as attachments via:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The subject of the message containing the electronic submission should include a reference

to ”International Conference on Sustainable Development and Policy Decision of Mineral

Regions & the 3rd Annual Meeting of RSAI”.

Contact Person: Dr. Yan Jingjing, Prof. Gu Chunyan, Lecture Li Jie

Telephone: 86-13811204763, 86-13671378087, 86-10-82322518


The Complex Engineering Systems Institute, ISCI, would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the second version of the workshop URBANICS.

Second workshop on URBAN DYNAMICS, Chillán, Chile, March, 26-29, 2012

More information in:

Thematic Session: “Managing disruptions in sustainable supply chains”

4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (ILS 2012), 26th -29th August 2012 - Quebec (Canada)

In today’s economic context, supply chains are prone to high levels of turbulence and uncertainty since the customer order fulfillment process is no longer controlled by a single, integrated organization, but by a number of decentralized and independent firms very often located all around the world that collaborate together. This has contributed to enhanced risks and vulnerabilities (i.e. disruptions) in the supply chain. These disruptions come in a variety of forms: technological, natural disaster, terrorism, etc. On the other hand, together with the international community’s increased attention on environmental impact of production and service operations, consumer behavior has begun to change: consumers have started to assess the environmental impacts of the products and services they buy. Hence, an important way of progress for industrial organization is to adopt socially responsible and green supply networks. Under this context, logistics and supply chain management under sustainability constraints can be understood as a decision-making process in which social, environmental and economic goals have to be achieved simultaneously.

The purpose of this session is to advance knowledge and management practice on supply chain approaches to managing sustainability and responding to major disruptions. The discussion will be focused on strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Green supply chains: modeling and performance metrics
  • Social impact of logistics decisions: modeling and performance metrics
  • Integrated modeling of social, environmental and economic metrics for logistics and operations management
  • Modeling of sustainable issues in globalized supply chain management
  • Management of disruptions in supply chains
  • Re-location decisions due to major disruptions
  • Integrated analysis of sustainable SC performance under major disruptions
  • Applications on services and manufacturing
  • Case studies

Submission process

Authors should follow the instructions for authors on the Conference Website at:

Please indicate if your paper is to be considered for inclusion within this Thematic Session.

Important dates

Full paper submission (10 pages max): 30th November 2011
Notification of acceptance: 15th March 2012
Final Papers: 15th May 2012

Thematic session organizers

Jairo R. Montoya-Torres, Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Luisa Huaccho Huatuco, Leeds University Business School, UK (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Didier Anciaux, Université Paul Verlaine Metz, France (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Daniel Roy, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Metz, France (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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