The Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section invites the submission of abstracts for their 39th Annual Conference in Glasgow from August 25 to 27, 2010.
Call for Papers: RSAI-BIS conference 2010 (35.12 kB)
The following are suggested themes, but quality
papers in all areas of regional science are welcome.
· Regional Growth and Productivity
· Differential Regional Impacts of the
Current Economic Crisis
· Sustainable Regional Development
· Regional Energy Use and Environmental
· Patterns of Migration and
Implications for Regional Labour Markets
· Evaluating Regional Development
· Spatial Analysis and Geodemographics
· Multisectoral Modelling Approaches
· Innovation and Competitiveness
· Spatial Productivity Disparities
· Transport and Infrastructure
· Rural Economies and Communities
There will be Special
Session for early career / doctoral students with prizes for the best
conference paper and the best conference presentation by early career
Early career researchers are those engaged in or
having recently completed PhD study in regional science. Those applying
for the best presentation must be at a stage prior to a PhD viva date.
Applicants for the best conference paper must be within 3 years of their PhD
viva. If you are eligible and wish to be considered for these prizes
please bring this to the attention of the Secretary when you submit your
Please submit abstracts of up to 300 words by e-mail
to the Secretary at the address below as soon as possible and by February 12th
2010 at the very latest. Authors will be notified of the selection committee’s
decision in April 2009.
For any further information regarding the conference
please contact the Secretary: Dr Declan Jordan, Secretary RSAI:BIS, Department
of Economics, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
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« ________________________
Repositioning Europe in an era of global
15th -17th September 2010, Europahaus Vienna,
Urban &
_____________________________ |
To address these questions the Editors propose the
following broad themes but also welcome papers that cut across or go beyond
those specified:
Global Competitive Pressures and Regional Realignment
Changing Global Divisions of Labour and Regional Development
Financial/Economic Crisis and the Restructuring of Cities and Regions
Surviving/ Living through the Crisis / Uneven Impact of the Recession
European Borders and Boundaries, Inclusion, Exclusion and Identity
Geographical Peripherality and Regional Development
Creativity and Sustainability
Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Cities and Regions
Constructing Creative Cities and Regional Advantage
Gender, Diversity, Difference, Inclusions and Exclusion
Urban Change, Vernacular Cosmopolitanisms and Creative Subcultures
Mobility and Migration
Theories, Methods and Models of Development in an era of transformation
Pleanary Speakers include:
Ron Boschma (Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht)
Mick Dunford (University of Sussex)
Costis Hadjimichalis (Harokopio University)
Merje Kuus (University of British Columbia)
Frank Moulaert (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Andreas Novy (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)
Speakers from the City Hall in Vienna
Proposals for Papers
A one page abstract should be sent by 31st March 2010 to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Further details
Booking forms and further details can be obtained by contacting:
Kathy Wood, Department of
Geography, Durham University, Durham DH1 3LE, UK (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Tel: 00 44
191 334 1926
GIScience 2010
Sixth International Conference on Geographic Information Science
Zurich, Switzerland, September 14-17, 2010
Zurich, Switzerland will be the host city of the sixth international GIScience conference, continuing a highly successful series of biennial conferences that commenced in 2000. GIScience 2010 aims to bring together scientists from academia, industry, and government to discuss the state-of-the-art in geographic information science, and explore emerging research directions. The conference focuses on basic research findings across all sectors of the field and has two refereed submission tracks:
full papers and extended abstracts. Pre-conference workshops and tutorials (Sep. 14) and the main conference (Sep. 15-17) will take place at the University of Zurich, Irchel campus, featuring state-of-the-art conference facilities within a park-like setting. The conference site is located only 20 minutes from both downtown and Zurich Airport, and is easily accessible through public transport.
Fundamental research findings and emerging topics across all sectors of geographic information science (GIScience) are welcomed. The conference attracts leading researchers from all cognate disciplines to reflect the interdisciplinary breadth of GIScience, including (but not limited to) geography, cognitive science, computer science, engineering, information science, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, social science, and (geo)statistics.
Since GIScience 2010 focuses on advances in the fundamentals of geographic information science, submission of pure application papers is discouraged.
To accommodate the variety of publication cultures within an interdisciplinary research community, two refereed submission tracks are provided: full papers (NOW CLOSED) and extended abstracts.
Publication in separate Conference Proceedings Volume
Extended abstracts of 1500 words, describing work in progress, will be reviewed by at least three members of the international program committee and, if accepted, selected for oral or poster presentation. Extended abstracts must be written in English according to the formatting guidelines published at
and submitted using EasyChair:
If you have not previously used EasyChair, we strongly recommend registering with the system BEFORE the submission deadline.
A total of 4 half-day tutorials, an innovation for GIScience, and 4 workshops have been accepted by the Programme Committee. For detailed information, see:
The accepted TUTORIALS are as follows:
Development of Web GIS and Web Mapping Applications with QGIS mapserver
Organisers: Ionut Iosifescu, Marco Hugentobler and Lorenz Hurni
Geometric Algorithms and Efficiency for GIScience
Organisers: Marc van Kreveld and Bettina Speckmann
A Practical Introduction to Geospatial Visual Analytics
Organisers: Natalia Andrienko and Gennady Andrienko
GISolve Toolkit: Cyberinfrastructure-based Geographical Information Systems
Organisers: Shaowen Wang, Yan Liu
The accepted WORKSHOPS are:
Emerging Methods for Studying the Use of Spatial Technologies
Organisers: Amy Griffin, Scott Bell and Mary Hegarty
Role of Volunteered Geographic Information in Advancing Science
Organisers: Budhendra Bhaduri, Michael Goodchild and Daniel Getman
Linked Spatiotemporal Data
Organisers: Krzysztof Janowicz, Todd Pehle, Glen Hart and Patrick MauÈ
Workshop on Movement Pattern Analysis
Organisers: Roland Billen, Bjoern Gottfried, Alexander Klippel, Patrick Laube and Nico Van de Weghe
A DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM will also be hosted by GIScience on the 18th of September. More details are available here:
Registration open April 15, 2010
Extended abstracts due April 30, 2010
Extended abstract notification June 15, 2010
Earlybird registration closes June 30, 2010
Dear Friend of Regional Science:
Mark your calendars and save the dates for the 57th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International. This year’s meeting will be held at The Grand Hyatt Denver from Wednesday November 10th to Saturday November 13th, 2010 in Denver, Colorado.
The 2010 meetings promise to be bigger and better than ever. A new innovation introduced this year will be the opportunity to participate in poster sessions in addition, or as an alternative, to the regular paper sessions. We’re also working on optional sightseeing activities and training opportunities.
Start thinking about that paper and/or poster you’d like to present. The registration portal of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) will open in late April 2010. Always an important part of the conference, please think about organizing one or several themed sessions. Paper/poster abstracts and session proposals can be submitted any time from opening data through August 1, 2010.
Information about the 2010 Denver Conference is now available at the NARSC Website <>. But, check back often as we add new information about the conference and activities surrounding the conference.
If you would like to suggest session ideas or discuss issues related to the program or poster session, contact Program Chair Neil Reid, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +1.419.530.3593.
For issues related to local arrangements, contact John Leatherman, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +1.785.532.4492.
For sponsorship, exhibitor space, and overall arrangements, contact Jean-Claude Thill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dear colleagues,
I contact you to inform about the start of the process of the Call for Papers of the "Workshop on Economics of Education" which will be held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Barcelona (UB) the next September 20th 2010.
To find more information about it please check the attached pdf and the website of the event:
Workshop Economics on Education (24.2 kB)
Participants whose Papers have been accepted are exempt from the payment of the registration fee, for the other attendees the early fee costs 100EUR (before July 26th) and the late fee 150EUR (before September 12th).
Once we have the final program (in mid-June), you will find the form in our webpage.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Attached is a flyer outlining the 2010 Applied Geography Conference which will be held in Fort Worth, Texas on October 20-23, 2010.
The XXXVI Regional Studies Meeting organized by the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) will be held in partnership with the Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR) in the towns of Badajoz (Spain) and Elvas (Portugal). The main topic of this International Meeting on Regional Science is "THE FUTURE OF THE COHESION POLICY."
The meeting will begin with a workshop, whose topic is “Frontiers and Regional Development”, in Elvas (Portugal) on Wednesday, November 17, 2010. The meeting will continue with the lectures and the presentations of papers about the different subject areas, on Thursday 18 and Friday, November 19 in Badajoz (Spain).
The languages of the meeting will be English, Spanish and Portuguese and, at the moment, the confirmed speakers are Geoffrey Hewings (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA), Philip McCann (University of Reading, UK) and Diego Puga (IMDEA Social Sciences, Spain).
I attach the information leaflet (pdf) and, please, we ask you to include this information in your website and to circulate this document among partners and other databases that you have available as much as you can.
XXXVI Regional Studies Meeting 2010 (539.82 kB)
Conxita Rodríguez i Izquierdo
Secretaria AECR
C/ Córcega, 270 3º 6ª - 08008 Barcelona
Teléfono y Fax: 93-310.11.12
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Página Web:
This announcement contains
- the Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals, and
- the (detailed) Call for Workshop Proposals for ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010.
18th ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 (26.44 kB)
18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference
on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals
November 2-5, 2010
San Jose, CA, USA
The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2010 (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010) is the eighteenth event in a series of symposia and workshops that began in 1993 with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners carrying out research and development in novel systems based on geo-spatial data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of geographic information systems. The conference provides a forum for original research contributions covering all conceptual, design, and implementation aspects of GIS ranging from applications, user interfaces, and visualization to storage management and indexing issues. This conference is the premier annual event of the ACM Special Interest Group on Spatial Information (ACM SIGSPATIAL).
Researchers, students, and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions to ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
* Cartography and Geodesy
* Computational Geometry
* Computer Vision Applications in GIS
* Distributed and Parallel algorithms for GIS
* Earth Observation
* Geographic Information Retrieval
* Human Computer Interaction and Visualization
* Image and Video Understanding
* Location-based Services
* Location Privacy, Data Sharing and Security
* GIS Performance Evaluation
* Photogrammetry
* Similarity Searching
* Spatial Analysis and Integration
* Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Acquisition
* Spatio-temporal Data Analysis
* Spatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Spatial Data Quality and Uncertainty
* GPU and Novel Hardware Solutions for GIS
* Spatial Data Structures and Algorithms
* Spatial Data Warehousing, OLAP, and Decision Support
* Spatial Information and Society
* Spatial Modeling and Reasoning
* Spatial Query Processing and Optimization
* Spatio-temporal Data Management
* Spatio-temporal Sensor Networks
* Spatio-temporal Stream Processing
* Spatio-textual Searching
* Standardization and Interoperability for GIS
* Storage and Indexing
* GIS Architectures and Middleware
* Traffic Telematics
* Transportation
* Urban and Environmental Planning
* Visual Languages and Querying
* Wireless, Web, and Real-time Applications
Paper Format: Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at
Submission length is limited to 10 pages. In addition to the regular full-length papers, the Program Committee may accept some as poster papers which may be requested to be shortened. All submitted papers will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be considered for 'Best Paper Award'.
Ph.D. Dissertation Showcase Paper Format: Ph.D. students are encouraged to submit their Ph.D. research contributions and work-in-progress. Submission length is limited to 6 pages -- Add (Ph.D. Showcase) to the title. Student authors of the accepted papers will be given an opportunity to present a summary of their research at the conference. Successful Ph.D. showcase papers will appear in the ACM SIGSPATIAL Newsletter.
Industrial Paper Format: Authors are invited to submit industrial experience papers that describe their original industrial experiences, challenges, and applications to be presented during the conference. Industrial paper submission length is limited to 10 pages
-- Add (Industrial Paper) to the title. The accepted industrial experience papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings.
Demonstration Paper Format: Authors are invited to submit demo papers that describe their original demonstrations to be presented during the conference. Submission length is limited to 2 pages -- Add (Demo
Paper) to the title. The accepted demo papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings.
Submission: Submissions should be uploaded through the submission site at: One author per accepted paper, poster, Ph.D. Dissertation showcase, industrial paper, or demo is required to register and attend the conference and to present the accepted submission. Otherwise, the accepted submission will not appear in the published conference proceedings or in the ACM Digital Library version of the conference proceedings. All questions should be addressed to the Program Committee Chair.
IMPORTANT DATES (Research, Ph.D, and Demo papers)
Abstract Submission: June 17, 2010
Full Paper Submission: June 24, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: Sep. 2, 2010
Camera Ready Copy: Sep. 9, 2010
Conference Date: Nov. 2-5, 2010
ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 will also hold one day co-located workshops on the day immediately preceding the first day of the conference.
Hence, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 invites proposals for workshops to be submitted in pdf format to the Workshop Chair, Markus Schneider ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ), by May 15, 2010. The duration of a workshop is one day. Workshops will take place on November 2, 2010, at the location of the conference. The proceedings of the workshops are expected to be published jointly with the conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library. For details on how to prepare a workshop proposal and what the workshops entail, see, or read the special 'Call for Workshop Proposals' at the end of this 'Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals'.
Proposal Submission Deadline: May 15, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2010
Organization Committee
General Chairs
Divyakant Agrawal, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA Pusheng Zhang, Microsoft Corporation, USA
Program Committee Chairs
Amr El Abbadi, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Mohamed Mokbel, University of Minnesota, USA
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Shawn Newsam, University of California, Merced, USA John Krumm, Microsoft Corporation, USA
Yan Huang, University of North Texas, USA
Sponsors Co-Chairs
Erik Hoel, ESRI, USA
Cyrus Shahabi, University of Southern California, USA
Workshop Chair
Markus Schneider, University of Florida, USA
Registration Chair
Chengyang Zhang, University of North Texas, USA
Publicity Co-Chairs
Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA Chang-Tien Lu, Virginia Tech, USA
Proceedings Co-Chairs
Peer Kroger, University of Munich, Germany Andrew Danner, Swarthmore College, USA
Poster Co-Chairs
Mohamed Ali, Microsoft Corporation, USA
Jagan Sankaranarayanan, University of Maryland, USA
Nagender Bandi, Oracle, USA
Shiyuan Wang, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
18th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference
on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Call for Workshop Proposals
November 2, 2010
San Jose, CA, USA
The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS) traditionally holds one day co-located workshops on the day immediately preceding the first day of the conference. ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 aims to continue this practice and invites proposals for workshops to be submitted in pdf format to the Workshop Chair, Markus Schneider ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ), by May 15, 2010.
The duration of a workshop is one day. Workshops will take place on November 2, 2010, at the location of the conference.
The proceedings of the workshops are expected to be published jointly with the conference proceedings and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
Workshops will benefit from the registration process of ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010. All workshops will have a common continental breakfast and common morning and afternoon coffee breaks. The workshops focus on particular aspects of our field and are intended to enhance the conference experience for those attending the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. Thus, all workshop attendees must also register for the main ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference. The ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS conference sets the registration fees for the workshops which are the same for each workshop and are set at a minimum level to recover costs of room rental, refreshments, and AV.
No complimentary registration is provided to workshop organizers. If workshop organizers wish to have invited speakers, any additional financial support must come from funds that are raised by the workshop organizers.
One author per accepted workshop contribution (paper, poster, demo) is required to register for the workshop and the conference as well as attend the workshop to present the accepted submission. Otherwise, the accepted submission will appear neither in the published workshop proceedings nor in the ACM Digital Library version of the workshop proceedings.
Each workshop proposal must contain all pertinent information, including the following:
* workshop title
* short description of the topic and the format of the workshop
* explanation of why the proposed workshop is a good match with
* names and contact information of the workshop organizer(s)
* names of the members of the program committee (at least 50% must
be already known and confirmed at the time of the proposal)
* proposal for important dates (paper submission deadline,
notification deadline, etc.)
* expected number of participants
* in case of previous instances of the workshop, the historical
numbers of participants
* in case of previous instances of the workshop, the historical
submission and acceptance counts
The decision about acceptance/rejection of workshop proposals will be made by the Workshop Chair in consultation with the SIGSPATIAL Executive Committee and the General Chairs, taking into account venue capacity as well as viability.
Evaluation criteria include overall quality and the fit with respect to the expected ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2010 program. Note that proposals are especially encouraged on emerging topics that are relevant to spatial information systems and algorithms (including location-based services and geographic information systems). Notification will be given by June 15, 2010.
The organizers of successful workshops will be responsible for their own review process. Publicity will be handled jointly with the workshop organizers being responsible for the creation of a workshop website. The local arrangements chairs may require that all workshops adhere to a specific general timetable to facilitate catering.
Workshop organizers must inform the Workshop Chair of the numbers of submissions and acceptances as soon as these numbers become available. Workshops with fewer than 20 expected registrants may be canceled at the discretion of the conference organizers.
Proposal Submission Deadline: May 15, 2010
Send proposal to Workshop Chair: Markus Schneider
( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2010
23rd November 2010, the Square, Brussels
Dear participant of previous European Colloquia on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (or Theoretical and Quantitative Geography),
We are pleased to invite you to the 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG2011), which will take place in the campus of the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece from the 2th to the 5th of September, 2011.
The conference is formally organized by the Greek Society for Demographic Studies and hosted by the Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece.
Please find attached the first called for papers. Please also visit our website regularly for an up to date information about the conference. Facebook users will also find a group referring to this conference. Further details will follow later this year.
We wish you a nice summer and we are looking forward to receiving your abstract and meeting you in early September 2011.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.