
Elisabete Martins

Amplación del plazo de recepción de resúmenes a la XXXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales - Oviedo,  21 y 22 de noviembre de 2013

Extension of the deadline of the call for abstracts for XXXIX RER - International meeting - Oviedo 21th and 22th november - 2013: 


Queridos colegas:


Desde el comité organizador de la XXXIX Edición de la Reunión de Estudios Regionales hemos decidido fijar el 31 DE MAYO DE 2013 como FECHA LIMITE para la recepción de resúmenes.  


La fecha inicialmente propuesta era el 15 de mayo pero en algunos correos hemos cometido el error de indicar que era el 31. Disculparnos. Debido a esto prolongaremos la recepción de resúmenes hasta el 31 de mayo. Os ruego que hagáis el envío antes de dicha fecha dado que no habrá prologa posterior para que desde la organización tengamos tiempo de evaluar y distribuir adecuadamente los trabajos recibidos.


En la organización estamos satisfechos en cuanto al número de resúmenes ya recibido, que esperamos que se incremente en los próximos días. Es un gran logro mantener las cifras en las que nos veníamos moviendo en ediciones anteriores teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones de financiación que todos sufrimos. Estamos también muy satisfechos con las sesiones especiales de las que disfrutaremos. Creemos que nuevamente la RER será una extraordinaria oportunidad de poner en común nuestra investigación en Ciencia Regional. Por eso os animo a que remitáis los resúmenes dentro del plazo para acabar de confirmar un buen resultado del que todos nos beneficiemos. 


Recordar que disponéis de toda la información en la web del congreso:


Esperamos contar con vuestra presencia en Oviedo. Un saludo.

Comité Organizador de la XXXIX RER

Job Vacancy - Ecological or Environmental Economist



Please be informed that Grid-Arendal will start the recruitment process for the new position Ecological or Environmental Economist.
The expert will participate in the planning, development and implementation of various relevant activities that seek to promote a transition to a “green economy” in developing states and will work to integrate the notion of inter-connectedness of the human economy and natural ecosystems. Activity areas for this position are primarily (but not exclusively) focused on the thematic areas such as holistic valuation of ecosystems and their functions and services, human impact and resource use management, macro- to micro-level economic transition, social innovation and change management and sectoral assessments and solution implementation.
The ideal candidate is a proficient networker with top quality interpersonal, organizational and team-oriented skills, who can apply innovative and forward thinking approaches to the development of Grid-Arendal’s nascent green economy strategy across all its thematic divisions: Marine, Polar and Cryosphere, and Capacity Building and Assessments.
For more details about this position, please see attached the vacancy.
The deadline for submitting applications is 14 June 2013  (for both internal and external applications).


We are delighted to announce that Edward Elgar Publishing has won the 2013 award for Independent Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year at the annual industry awards hosted by the Bookseller in London on Monday 13th May. The Bookseller has been the leading British business magazine for the book industry since 1858.

The award recognises Edward Elgar Publishing's record print sales growth, global brand reach, high-class editorial and the quality of our design and production. The judges also highlighted our investments in digital publishing and the success of, our new content platform for libraries. The Bookseller noted that:

The ability of independents to respond nimbly to digital opportunities is particularly apparent in academic and professional sectors. But even by the high standards of innovation on this shortlist, the ambition of Edward Elgar Publishing is exceptional.

A well-established books and journals publisher with nearly 5,000 titles in print across fields including economics, business and law, it took the plunge into digital late last year with Elgaronline, a comprehensive platform of content with bundled purchase and subscription options.

Extending its reach and pushing it into competition with publishing heavyweights, Elgaronline quickly generated substantial revenues. The publisher is already close to its authors and retailers, and the innovative move also brought it nearer to the academic libraries that make up the majority of its end-users. For publishers who want to cut out the digital middlemen, theirs is a fine example to follow.

Judges called Edward Elgar “a small publisher with a very big reach”, and admired the drive behind the new online platform. “This is a really good, neat way of intermediation that helps its customers find the content they want as quickly as they can,” they said. “It is a big strategic change that takes a small player into the big league.”

We are delighted to receive the award. For further details please visit:

Kind regards,

Tim Williams

Managing Director
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

The Lypiatts, 15 Lansdown Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2JA | Tel: +44 (0)1242 226934 | A family business in international publishing

Edward Elgar Publishing Limited is registered in the UK at the above address. Registered number: 2041703

Elgaronline ebooks and journals - Be the first to get access to new research from Edward Elgar. Free trial access available for institutions and libraries 


Dear participant,


It gives me a great pleasure to inform you that the acts of international scientific meeting on the theme "New urban world future challenges the: which development model for the Moroccan city?" organized on October 1-2, 2012, are now available at IRES web site through the following link:


May I seize this opportunity to thank you all for your precious contribution to the success of this important meeting.


With my best regards


Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE

IRES’ Director General

ERSA Congress 2013

Registration is now open!

For extensive details on registration, please click here
- To benefit from advantageous Members’ rates, please make sure your RSAI membership is valid: RSAI Member Search Engine
- To become a member, please contact one of the ERSA sections’ representatives if you come from Europe, otherwise check on RSAI website


7th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations

January 16-18, 2014, Princeton University, USA


Submissions are invited for the seventh annual conference on the political economy of international organizations, to be held at Princeton University, USA, on January 16-18, 2014. The conference brings together economists and political scientists to address political-economy issues related to international organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the European Union, and also other international organizations that have as yet received less attention in the academic literature.


Submission of Papers

Both empirical and theoretical papers will be considered. Please submit full papers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for submission is 31 August, 2013. Decisions will be made by 30 September, 2013. This year’s special issue of the Review of International Organizations will be focusing on Dispute Settlement in International Organizations, edited by Christina Davis. Please indicate in your submission to the conference whether you are interested in also submitting to the special issue.

Conference Format, Attendance, and Registration

The number of participants will be limited to about 70, which allows for in-depth discussion of each paper. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the entire conference. There is no registration or conference fee. Travel and accommodation are at the expense of participants.


Conference Venue: Princeton University. The closest and most conveniently accessed international airport is Newark Liberty International.


Conference Website:


Program committee

Bernauer, Thomas (ETH Zurich, CIS)

Broz, Lawrence (University of California, San Diego)

Davis, Christina (Princeton University)

Dreher, Axel (Heidelberg University)

Hug, Simon (University of Geneva)

Kilby, Christopher (Villanova University)

Knack, Stephen (World Bank)

Michaelowa, Katharina (University of Zurich, CIS)

Milner, Helen (Princeton University)

Stone, Randall (University of Rochester)

Tierney, Michael (College of William and Mary)

Vreeland, James (Georgetown University)

Werker, Eric (Harvard Business School)

We look forward to your submissions.

Christina Davis (Princeton University)

Axel Dreher (Heidelberg University)

Katharina Michaelowa (University of Zurich, CIS)

Helen Milner (Princeton University)


for young planning professionals


DATE: Sunday 8th to Sunday 15th September 2013


PLACE: San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain



At a time of abrupt changes, when the old urban models are quickly becoming obsolete and inefficient, there is an opportunity to look into the future to envisage new strategies. We intend to work on the wounds inflicted on the city by the speculative urbanism: there is a need to bring into question the existing model of urban growth, working from the present situation towards new theoretical and practical visions to recycle our cities. This is the chance to put forward proposals to challenge the uncontrolled urban growth, to review the situation of the new suburban territories, and to regenerate the consolidated fabric of the inner city.

Instead of lame, simplistic, speculation driven solutions we need a multiple and diverse urbanism, capable to adapt to complex situations. New strategies may include reusing the city, rethinking the territory, generating activity, diversity, complexity and density.

New strategies may consider how to enhance participation of the citizens in the making of the city. Would it be possible an urbanism that deals in a more responsible manner with people needs?


Why Madrid?

The burst of the housing bubble in Spain has triggered a deep crisis regarding the city as project. Latent problems, such as the lack of a territorial model, the unsustainability of urban projects, the precariousness and the urban poverty, have emerged. The economic crisis and the different administrative problems have left behind ghost cities and abandoned extra-large urban projects. All these aspects are in the midst of the debate over flexibility in urban planning boosted by the process of revision of the current Madrid Master Plan, carried out by the local administration. The need of a coherent territorial model for the capital city, center of an extended metropolitan region, has become crucial. Issues such as suburban growth, mobility, landscape and natural resources, pose new challenges and raise important questions about the sustainability of the current model.


Working Scales

Participants will explore the possibilities of spatial planning in order to deal with the present day challenges affecting European cities within the context of deep economic crisis. Taking Madrid as a case study, the current urban problems are evident at least in three urban situations:

Border areas: The construction/development boom in Madrid took shape in a number of urban projects in the outskirts of the city. Often oversized and with deficient urban spaces, these projects remain in some cases uncompleted or largely uninhabited. In others they are just an enormous vacant land raising a big question mark on the future of the city. We propose to work, reflect and develop strategies against the backdrop of these territories. Can we work with the reality of these failed urban fragments? How can we deal with this no-man´s land that lies amidst a waste of infrastructures, new housing developments and old neighborhoods?

Inner fabric: After decades of urban improvement, the central area still keeps some patches of urban deprivation for which regeneration projects aiming to improve the existing conditions are needed. We propose a reflection on the problems and possibilities of the consolidated city. What new strategies can be implemented? How to preserve complexity and social mixture improving living conditions?

Urban voids: Within the compact city empty or underused areas are demanding planning references and urban design proposals to allocate strategic urban demands. The next development of the city will take place within its limits, but the time for the grand urban projects seems to be over. The idea is to locate potential sites of urban interest and work with them. Can we envision new approaches for the urban development of our cities, at the same time sustainable, exciting and responsible? Can we change the city from within?



Based on the case of the city of Madrid as an example of expansive urban growth, the summer school aims to recognize the economic, cultural, social and environmental assets and shortcomings of the recent urban planning practice in Europe, and to identify new planning visions for contemporary cities.

To meet this double objective the summer school reviews conceptual approaches and practical instruments. 
The conceptual approach, lead by tutors, lecturers and guests, provides a wide perspective that ranges from Madrid, giving an insight of the current urban status and the content of the new master plan ready to be approved, to a European vision provided by different case studies. The practical approach will give to the young professionals the opportunity to apply their knowledge in producing planning and design proposals for selected new urban pieces of urban or metropolitan interest, inner neighborhoods and urban voids.



Events take place at the Polytechnic School, which has facilities for lectures and workshops, working space and internet access, among other facilities. To favor their development some activities could be carried out in other selected venues.



Prospective participants – young planning professionals, graduated no earlier than in 2003 – can apply to the 4th European Urban Summer School via EUSS2013 website. The website application procedure is already open here.

Deadline of application will be 30th June 2013, 23:59 GMT. The selected participants will be notified by 14thJuly 2013. Deadline for transferring summer school fee: 21st July 2013. Transfer of the fee is a final confirmation of participation.

Experienced professionals and academics can apply to teach and tutor at the 4th European Urban Summer School. The organisers will cover the costs of travel and accommodation. 
Prospective tutors can apply by submitting a CV and a short outline of a lecture or workshop around planning, design or research that they could offer at the EUSS via email to the Head of EUSS 2013 and EUSS2013 Coordinator. There is no fee for tutoring. The application process will close on 7th July 2013. Selected tutors will be notified by 28th June 2013.





Deadline of application for participants: 30 June

Deadline of application for tutors: 7 July

Notification of accepted participants: July 14

Deadline for payments:  July 21

Notification of selected tutors:  July 28

EUSS: 8-15 September



As a touristic city Madrid offers a wide variety of accommodations at different rates. Participants will be offer help in booking their accommodation.

Head of EUSS 2013: Teresa Franchini (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Coordinator of EUSS 2013: Juan Arana (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



Representatives from involved planning organizations: Dominique Lancrenon (ECTP-CEU), Piotr Lorens (ISOCARP), Derek Martin (IFHP), Izabela Mironowicz (AESOP) 
Representatives from the hosting university: Federico de Isidro (Head of Polytechnic School San Pablo CEU University) and Teresa Franchini (Director) and Juan Arana (Coordinator)



The Directorate responsible for planning at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment (I&M) is encouraging young planning professionals to provide new ideas on the forms, methods and possibilities in spatial planning needed to face present-day challenges facing our human settlements. It is therefore using the European Urban Summer School (EUSS) as the main forum to organise an International Young Planning Professionals Award (YPPA), giving them the opportunity to present their proposals on planning methods, explaining why these ideas can be considered innovative and of a broader, more general application.

You can win your participation in EUSS 2013. Read more about YPPA 2013 here.

The Urban Studies Foundation is pleased to announce a major new funding opportunity for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships. Details of the award(s) can be found on the attached document and further particulars and the application form are available on the Foundation’s website at Applications should be submitted electronically to Ruth Harkin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 14 June 2013.

RSAI has the great pleasure to announce that Robert Stimson is the 2013 recipient of the Hirotada Kohno Award for Outstanding Service to RSAI. Congratulations!


Bob Stimson is a quantitative human geographer and regional scientist. He has been teaching and conducting research in universities since 1965. He retired from the University of Queensland in January 2011. Bob is one of the leading urban researchers in Australia and is well known internationally for his work in analytical human geography, human spatial behaviour, and regional economic development analysis and planning strategy. He has extensive experience consulting to public agencies at all levels of government and to The World Bank. Bob is a former President of the Regional Science Association International, the Australia and New Zealand Section of RSAI, and the Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development. He is a former President of the Western Regional Science Association (U.S.) and is currently Chair of the Applied Geography Commission in the International Geographical Union. Bob is an author of 47 books and monographs and more than 250 book chapters and scientific papers. For the period 2012-2014 he is Director of the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN), a $20million project funded by the Commonwealth Government, hosted at the University of Melbourne.



RSAI has the great pleasure to announce that the jury consisting of Masahisa Fujita, Jean Paelinck, Roberta Capello and Jouke van Dijk chose the article "Social networks and regional recruitment of foreign labour: Firm recruitment methods and spatial sorting in Denmark" by Torben Dall Schmidt and Peter Sandholt Jensen published in Volume 91, Issue 4, November 2012, Pages: 795-821 as the winner of the Martin Beckmann Prize as the best paper published in Papers in Regional Science in 2012.



 Torben Dall Schmidt  Peter Sandholt Jensen


Based on the criteria a. originality of the topic b. theoretical foundations c. appropriate methodology and d. empirical relevance the jury concluded unanimously that your paper was the best paper. It examines the interesting and complex issue of social networks in regional recruitment and inflows of foreign labor. Using both cross-section analysis and panel data analysis in Denmark, the paper successfully shows the importance of regional social networks and spatial sorting in the recruitment and inflows of foreign labor. The paper is innovative in empirical study on a new and complex issue of international importance.


Many congratulations to Torben Dall Schmidt and Peter Sandholt Jensen.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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