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Tuesday, 15 October 2013 09:12

Call for papers | 13th International Workshop on Spatial Econometrics and Statistics, 15-16 April, Toulon, France

13th International Workshop Spatial Econometrics and Statistics
15 and 16 of April 2014

The Laboratoire d’Economie Appliquée au Développement (LEAD) and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Toulon organize the 13th edition of the Spatial Econometrics and Statistics Workshop in Toulon, on the 15th and the 16th of April 2014.

The aim of this Workshop is to promote and develop scientific exchange between economists, econometricians, statisticians, mathematicians, urban planners and geographers on spatial econometrics and statistics and on their applications on regional and urban economics. This workshop strongly encourages exchanges between senior and junior researchers as well as Ph.D. students involved in spatial statistics and econometrics.


This 13th edition welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions with methodological advances in spatial econometrics and statistics. A particular emphasis will be given to particular issues and applications in the fields of urban economics, land use and climate or environmental change.

The invited speakers of the Workshop are:
Pr. James LESAGE, Texas State University, USA.
Pr. Raymond FLORAX, Purdue University USA & VU University Amsterdam, Holland.
Pr. Bernard FINGLETON, Cambridge University, United Kingdom.


Organizer: Alexandra Schaffar (LEAD, Université de Toulon)

Scientific Committee
G. Arbia (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), C. Baumont (LEG, University of Bourgogne), M. Catin (LEAD, University of Toulon), R. Chakir (AgroParisTech), N. Debarsy (LEO, University of Orléans), M. Dimou (LEAD, University of Toulon), C. Ertur (LEO, University of Orléans), J. Le Gallo (CRESE, University of Franche-Comté), J. Mutl (EBS Business School, Frankfurt), R. Guillain (University of Bourgogne), A. Pirotte (ERMES, University of Panthéon-Assas), M. Pfaffermayr (University of Innsbruck, Austria), C. Thomas–Agnan (GREMAQ, University of Toulouse).


Organisation Commitee (LEAD, Université de Toulon)
D. Brécard, M. Brunetto, M. Catin, M. Dimou, N. Péridy, C. Van Huffel

Completed papers or long abstracts (6 pages) should be submitted by uploading electronically, in pdf format, to the following address: http://sew2014.univ-tln.fr/


Submission deadline: 15th of January 2014.

Notification of acceptance of papers: 15th of February 2014

Contact : Alexandra Schaffar : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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