
Elisabete Martins

We would like to remind you of this year's 6th edition of the "Jean Paelinck" Seminar of Spatial Econometrics, October 18 and 19, 2013, in Madrid.

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to July 22, 2013. Abstracts have to be sent to the organizer: Coro Chasco, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For more information see:

The keynote Speakers are Giuseppe ARBIA (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ITALY), Bernard FINGLETON (University of Cambridge, UK) and Christine THOMAS-AGNAN (Université de Toulouse I, FRANCE).

A course in “Using the R package for spatial econometrics” will be proposed on Saturday, October 19, 14:30 h – 18:30 h. Instructor: Julie LE GALLO (Université de Franche-Comté, FRANCE).

Abierta la subida de papers a la XXXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales - Oviedo,  21 y 22 de noviembre de 2013

Queridos/as colegas,

Hemos recibido cerca de 270 resúmenes para participar en la XXXIX Reunión de Estudios Regionales que organizaremos en Oviedo. Esta cifra, una de las más altas de la historia de este congreso, es sumamente alentadora y refuerza nuestras ganas de ofrecer un marco para el desarrollo de esta reunión lo más completo posible.

Os recordamos que podeis remitir la comunicación completa en cualquier momento desde ahora hasta el 30 de septiembre. El envío se hace a través de la plataforma web del congreso ( Desde esta plataforma se enlaza también a la aplicación que permite realizar el pago mediante el procedimiento que os resulte más cómodo (el enlace a la aplicación es: Ante cualquier problema no dudéis en poneos en contacto con nosotros. Tan pronto como nos sea posible concretaremos el programa científico de las jornadas con las sesiones espaciales y conferencias plenarias que estamos preparando.

Aunque imaginamos que la mayoría reservara su viaje por cualquiera de los operadores virtuales os recuerdo que tenemos un acuerdo con la agencia de viajes Barceló de Oviedo para que os apoyen, si lo necesitáis, en la reserva de viaje y hotel (datos en: En unos días os trasladaremos una oferta que hemos negociado para nuestros congresistas de un extraordinario complejo hotel-spa ( situado a menos de 5 kilómetros de Oviedo para quienes deseéis pasar el fin de semana en Asturias.

Un afectuoso saludo, el comité organizador.

Dear Sir or Madam


It is our pleasure to inform you that the 5th Central European Conference in Regional Science – CERS will be held in Košice,Slovak Republic, between October 5 –8, 2014. 


The conference is being organised by the Faculty of Economics and Institute of Regional and Community Development at the Technical University of Košice, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Section of the European Regional Science Association and German Speaking Section of the European Regional Science Association.


The conference is devoted to representatives of universities, public and state administration, regional institutions, R & D centres and to all individuals or institutions interested in regional development.


More information about the Conference (e.g. conference topics, themes, keynote speakers, social activities) can be found at the conference website



The Call for papers and Registration will be available from November, 2013.


We look forward to your participation at the conference.


Best regards,


Oto Hudec

Vice-Dean of Faculty of Economics

TU Kosice, Slovakia

Regional Science research at the LSE is conducted in a wide range of academic departments, research institutes and centres. Its main homes are in the Department of Geography and Environment and in the Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC).  Research in Regional Science within both the Department and SERC has been concerned with issues of regional development, spatial inequality, innovation, agglomeration, labour market outcomes, urban economics, as well asproperty markets and real estate economics.  

There are around 20 faculty members involved in Regional Science research. They are at the centre of a larger group involving postgraduate researchers and PhD students. The research conducted at the LSE regularly appears in top international Regional Science, Economics, and Geography journals and its quality – as well as the standing of LSE researchers – has been recognized by numerous international awards and prizes.

Much of the research developed in Regional Science at the LSE has important policy implications. This is reflected in the key roles played by LSE researchers as advisers and consultants to numerous international organisations and government departments and the private sector. 

Programs and Degrees in Regional Science

Undergraduate Programme 

Graduate Programmes

PhD Programme 

 BScGeogEc LEDskyad REEFskyadv phds
BSc Geography with Economics MSc in Local Economic Development MSc in Real Estate Economics and Finance PhD in Economic Geography

Thesis on Regional Science in the last five years


Ivan PALAVICINI CORONA - Ph.D. - Local economic development in Mexico: the contribution of the bottom-up approach 

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Wai San WAN - Ph.D. - Global and regional sourcing of ICT-enabled business services: upgrading of China, Hong Kong and Singapore along the global value chain

Ian Gordon


Sylvia TIJMSTRA - Ph.D. - Spaces of regionalism and the rescaling of government: A theoretical framework with British cases

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Neil LEE - Ph.D. - Innovation, diversity and inequality. Papers in economic geography

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose


Nicolas DI BOSCIO - Ph.D. - Mining enterprises and regional economic development - an exploratory analysis of the SD model 

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose


Thomas FAROLE - Ph.D. - Community, Society and Adaptation: Assessing the Institutional Factors Behind Long--run Growth in the Regional Economy.

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Michael Storper

Achilleas TSAMIS - Ph.D. - Science and Technology Parks in the Less Favoured Regions of Europe: An Evaluation of their Performance and the Parameters of Success.

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Ioannis KAPLANIS - Ph.D. - Spatial Patterns of Employment Polarisation and Local Capital Spillover Effects in Britain

Steve Gibbons

Awards in Regional Science in the last ten years

EIB-ERSA Prize - 2009 – Paul Cheshire

Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement - 2011 – J. Vernon Henderson

RSAI Fellows - 2004 – J. Vernon Henderson

Geoffrey J.D. Hewings Award - 2009 – Henry Overman

AUGUST LÖSCH Prize - 2006 – Henry Overman -  joint with Gilles Duranton, for their work in the field of Regional Science, particularly on creation of clusters, i.e. on spatial location of industries. 


2009 - Guilherme Mendes Resende (2nd prize) - Multiple dimensions of regional economic growth: the Brazilian case 1991-2000 

2008 - Carlo Menon (1st prize) - The Bright Side of Gerrymandering: an Enquiry on the Determinants of Industrial Agglomeration in the United States

2007 - Roberto Picchizzolu (1st prize) - Entrepreneurial Risk and the Geographical Concentration of Industries: Evidence from the UK Manufacturing Sector

1997 - Stefano Magrini (1st prize) - On the Effect of European Integration on Economic Growth and Regional Disparities 

Regional Science Scholars’ 

Link Staff Department


Andrés Rodríguez-Pose


Vassilis Monastiriotis


Christian Hilber


Simona Iammarino


Thomas Kemeny

IbarraOlivo 238x250

Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo


Elisabetta Pietrostefani

REPEC Ranking

The LSE is widely regarded as one of the top institutions in a number of fields related to Regional Science. It is currently ranked 1st in REPEC in the fields of Economic Geography, Microeconomic European Issues, 2nd – behind the European Central Bank –in European Economics and in Urban and Real Estate Economics, and is among the top 10 institutions in the world in Development, Innovation, and Knowledge Economy.

Vernon Henderson and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose are ranked by REPEC in the top 5% of Economics authors of the world. They all feature, according to the same ranking, among the top 15 economic geographers. Furthermore Vernon Henderson is also among the top 15 researchers in urban and real estate economics and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose in microeconomic European issues.

L’équipe d’organisation du prochain colloque de notre association (50ème colloque de l’Association des sciences régionales de langue française : qui se tiendra du 8 au 11 juillet 2012 à Mons (Belgique) ont le plaisir de nous annoncer que le programme complet de la manifestation est maintenant en ligne à l’adresse suivante :


Vous trouverez également le programme en attaché et quelques informations pratiques (itinéraire) en allant à la rubrique "Infos pratiques "


J’en profite pour vous indiquer que vous obtiendrez les horaires de train pour vous rendre à Mons (notamment depuis Bruxelles) en allant sur le site de la SNCB en suivant le lien :

We would like to inform the international audience that the All-Polish Spatial Economy Society has republished, after a 100 years’ break, an outstanding scientific paper by a Polish scholar, Dr. Benon Janowski, entitled On distances as a factor of cultural development. A socio-natural study. It employs gravity and potential theory to analyse the economic and socio-economic theory of prices. The first edition was published in Polish in 1908 in Lvov, at that time under Austrian rule.





CCI27062013 00001 

The present hard-cover edition is available for 10€.

Contact Person: Michal Dziecielski, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Bank account:


Pl 32 1500 1054 1210 5009 1751 0000

Stowarzyszenie Gospodarka Przestrzenna

Dziegielowa 27

61-680 Poznan

Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:46

Books - 2013

The commercialization of academic knowledge is increasingly seen as a potential economic development model, particularly for improving the capabilities and economic performance of regions. This insightful volume investigates the emerging factors in knowledge commercialization from an international perspective and highlights research agendas and challenges to be met across academia, industry and government.

Regional Competitiveness and Smart Specialization in Europe

Place-based Development in International Economic Networks


Mark Thissen, Frank van Oort, Dario Diodato and Arjan Ruijs

Regions economically differ from each other – they compete in different products and geographical spaces, exhibit different strengths and weaknesses, and provide different possibilities for growth and development. What fosters growth in one region may hamper it in another. This highly original book presents an accessible methodology for identifying competitors and their particular circumstances in Europe, discusses regional competitiveness from a conceptual perspective and explores both past and future regional development policies in Europe.

Social Capital and Rural Development in the Knowledge Society


Edited by Hans Westlund and Kiyoshi Kobayashi

Social capital is often considered a key factor for local development. This book analyzes the role of social capital for rural areas’ survival and development in the current age of metropolitan growth – an era in which urban is the norm and where rural areas must adapt to this new situation and build innovative urban-rural relations.

The Geography of the Internet

Cities, Regions and Internet Infrastructure in Europe


Author: Emmanouil Tranos

This timely book presents a wide range of quantitative methods, including complex network analysis and econometric modelling, to illustrate how the Internet both follows, and at the same time challenges, more traditional geographies.

Regional Problems and Policies in Latin America


Editors: Cuadrado-Roura, Juan R., Aroca, Patricio (Eds.)

This contributed volume is the first book in English to offer a current and critical vision of regional problems and policies in the countries of Latin America. The book is in three main parts: a general overview of regional processes and trends in Latin America as a whole; country-level coverage of seven individual countries; and comparative analyses of common major problems such as migration, education, labor, poverty, decentralization, exports and foreign direct investments. Written by renowned academics and experts from the region, the book seeks to provide a better understanding of regional challenges and trends, regional disparities that exist in many Latin American countries and the increasing importance of metropolitan areas.

Metropolitan Regions

Knowledge Infrastructures of the Global Economy


Editors: Klaesson, Johan, Johansson, Borje, Karlsson, Charlie (Eds.)

Metropolitan growth has been dramatic in the past several decades, and today metropolitan regions are recognized as the main driving forces in national growth and development as well as in national and global innovation processes. The purpose of this book is to contribute to a better understanding of how metropolitan regions and their subsystems interact and compete, why they differ in their capacity to nurture innovation and growth, and how metropolitan policies must be designed to secure the region’s long-term vitality. To that end, it presents new contributions on theories of urban growth, institutions and policies of urban change, and case studies of urban growth prepared by international experts.

Geography, Institutions and Regional Economic Performance


Editors: Crescenzi, Riccardo, Percoco, Marco (Eds.)

The book aims to present “traditional features” of regional science (as geographical concepts and institutions), as well as relatively new topics such as innovation and agglomeration economies. In particular it demonstrates that, contrary to what has been argued by recent economics literature, both geography and institutions (or culture) are relevant for local development. In fact, these phenomena, along with the movement of goods and workers, are among the main reasons for persisting development differentials. These intriguing relationships are at the heart of the analysis presented in this book and form the conceptual basis for a promising institutional approach to economic geography.

Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:09

University of Groningen

Regional Science Groningen is a joint research and education group of the Faculties of Spatial Sciences and the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen. Chairman of the department of Economic Geography is Prof. Dr. Jouke van Dijk, who is also President of the European Regional Science Association for the period 2014-2018. The research group contains several of the most cited and leading academics in regional science. Groningen also hosts the 2017 ERSA congress.

Research in Regional Science within both faculties has been concerned with issues of regional development and globalization, wellbeing, entrepreneurship, migration and mobility, spatial inequality, innovation, agglomeration, regional labour markets, urban economics, input-output analysis, demography, as well as property markets and real estate economics.

Regional Science Groningen offers top study programmes in regional sciences. The Faculty of Economics and Business is both AACSB accredited as well as EQUIS accredited. The combination of the EQUIS and AACSB accreditations is only reserved for one percent of business schools worldwide. Recently, the Master in Real Estate Studies has been RICS accredited. The Master Economic Geography offers a special interdisciplinary track focused on Regional Competitiveness and Trade.

There are around 30 faculty members involved in Regional Science research. They are at the centre of a larger group involving postgraduate researchers and PhD students. The research conducted at the University of Groningen appears in top international Regional Science, Economics, and Geography journals and its quality – as well as the standing of University researchers – has been recognized by numerous international awards and prizes.

Much of the research developed in Regional Science at the University of Groningen has important policy implications. This is reflected in the key roles played by researchers as advisers and consultants to numerous international organisations and government departments and the private sector. 

Programs and Degrees in Regional Science

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Research program: towards Well-being, Innovation and Spatial Transformation (tWIST)
Research: Urban and Regional Studies Institute (URSI)

Phd: Graduate School of Spatial Sciences

Master degree programs

Bachelor degree programs

Research: SOM Research Institute

Phd: Graduate School of Economics and Business

Master degree programs

Bachelor degree programs

Thesis on Regional Science in the last five years


Fahmi, F. Z. - Ph.D. -Creative industries and regional economic development in Indonesia: Meanings, patterns and impacts

J. van Dijk & S. Koster

Modrego Benito, F. A. - Ph.D. - Entrepreneurial Regions: Causes and Consequences of the Spatial Variation of Entrepreneurship

P. McCann, M.R. Olfert & W.E. Foster

Daams, M. N. - Ph.D. - Rethinking the economic valuation of natural land: Spatial analyses of how deeply people value nature in rural areas and in cities

J. van Dijk, D. Strijker & F. Sijtsma


Suparman, Y. - Ph.D. - Controlling omitted variables and measurement errors by means of constrained autoregression and structural equation modeling: Theory, simulations and application tomeasuring household preference forin-house piped water in Indonesia

J. van Dijk, H. Folmer, A. van der Vlist

Crowley, F. - Ph.D. - Empirical explorations of firm innovation, government intervention and firm performance in European countries

P. McCann & J. van Dijk

Delfmann, H. - Ph.D. - Understanding entrepreneurship in the local context: Population decline, ageing and density

P. McCann, J. van Dijk & S. Koster

Chen, Q. - Ph.D. - The role of household consumption in the Chinese economy: Input-output analyses

E. Dietzenbacher & B. Los


Li, Z. - Ph.D. - Valuing the welfare effects of air pollution in the Jinchuan mining area

H. Folmer & J. Xue

Oumer, A. - Ph.D. - The role of economic integration for European cities and border regions

H. Garretsen, Harry, S. Brakman, Steven & M. Gerardus


Hoogstra, G. J. - Ph.D. - Location changes of jobs and people: Analyses of population-employment interactions and impacts of gender and geography

J. van Dijk & R.J.G.M. Florax

Bijker, R. A. - Ph.D. - Migration to less popular rural areas: the characteristics, motivations and search process of migrants

D. Strijker & T. Haartsen

Pei, J. - Ph.D. - Trade, growth, regions, and the environment: Input-output analyses of the Chinese economy

J. Oosterhaven & H.W.A. Dietzenbacher


Markantoni, M. - Ph.D. - Side activities by non-farmers: in search of personal and rural development

D. Strijker & S. Koster

Venhorst, V. - Ph.D. - Smart move? The spatial mobility of higher education: the spatial mobility of higher education graduates

J. van Dijk & L. van Wissen

Regional Science Scholars’

Link Staff  


Aleid Brouwer 


Jouke van Dijk


Arjen Edzes


Paul Elhorst


Henk Folmer


Sierdjan Koster 


Jan Oosterhaven


Frans Sijtsm


Dirk Stelder


Dirk Strijker


Viktor Venhorst


Arno van der Vlist

Thursday, 27 June 2013 16:07

University of Barcelona

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona concentrates a large number of spatial economists, working in several Research Groups and Departments and teaching a specialization in Regional and Urban issues in the Master in Economics Graduate Programme.

The Faculty enjoys the highest national and international academic recognition. The staff members working in Regional Science and Urban Economics publish in top ranked international journals, belong to Editorial Boards of international journals and lead Research Projects funded by Spanish and International Organisations. In the recent past it has hosted the Spatial Econometrics World Conference (2009) and the European Regional Science Association Conference (2011), one of the best ever organised according to many delegates. Together with the regular seminar series, the research groups of the Faculty organize regularly several International Workshops on Regional Science and Urban Economics.

Research in Regional Science and Urban Economics 

UB Economics


Master in Economics – specialization in Regional and Urban Economics

PhD Program in Economics

Research Groups


AQR Research Group



IEB Research Group 



CAEPS Research Group



Càtedra Pasqual Maragall on Territory andEconomics

Thesis on Regional Science in the last five years


OMAR GARCÍA LEÓN:  Tres ensayos sobre la movilidad laboral. Aspectos metodológicos y evidencia empírica

Director: Raúl Ramos Lobo

KAREN DAVTIAN: Essays on Macroeconomic Policies and Redistribution

Directors: Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre and Raúl Ramos Lobo

JESSICA ORDÓÑEZ CUENCA: Tres ensayos sobre Migración y Mercado Laboral en Ecuador

Directors: Raúl Ramos Lobo and Vicente Royuela


ESTHER GOYA CARRILLO: R&D Cooperation: Determinants, Persitence and its effect on Firms'Innovative Perfomance

Directors: Jordi Suriñach Caralt and Esther Vayà Valcarce

DAVID CASTELLS QUINTANA: Three Empirical Essays on Concentration of Resources and Economic Growth

Director: Vicente Royuela

CAROLINA HINTZMAN: Empirical Essays on Labour Productivity in EU Manufacturing

Directors: Josep Lladós Masllorens and Raül Ramos Lobo

ÓSCAR VILLAR: Crisis and Financial Contagion: New Evidences and New Methodological Approach

Director: Josep Lluis Carrion Silvestre


PAULA HERRERA IDÁRRAGA  Three Empirical Essays on Eduaction and Informality in the Labor Market of a Developing Country: The Colombian Case

Director Enrique López Bazo and Elisabet Motellón Corral

SANDRA NIETO VIRAMONTES Essays on Overeducation: Evidence from Spain

Director: Raúl Ramos Lobo


LEONARDO TARIFFI – PhD Ensayos sobre los determinantes reales del tipo de cambio

Director: Raúl Ramos

ERNEST MIGUÉLEZ– PhD Mobile knowledge through mobile people: essays on geographical labour mobility of inventors in Europe

Director: Rosina Moreno and Francesco Lissoni


SERGIO AFCHA - PhD Evaluación de las ayudas públicas a la I+D. Un análisis de los efectos de la adicionalidad de comportamiento

José García-Quevedo

CLAUDIA TELLO – PhD Essays on wage inequality and mobility in Mexico

Director: Raul Ramos

Students Awards in Regional Science in the last years

2016 - DAVID CASTELLS QUINTANA - Malthus living in slum: Urban concentration, infraestructure and economic growth in the Journal of Urban Economics

José Manuel Blecua Prize for the best paper in Social Sciences resulting from a PhD dissertation - 2016

2016 - DAVID CASTELLS QUINTANA -"Three Empirical Essays on Concentration of Resources and Economic Growth"

Extraordinary Prize of Doctors of the Faculty of Economic and Business of the University of Barcelona - 2015/2016.

2015 - SANDRA NIETO VIRAMONTES - Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data

María Jesús San Segundo prize to the best communication of young researchers at the XXIV meeting of the Spanish Economics of Education Association 2015

2015 - ERNEST MIGUÉLEZ - What attracts knowledge workers?  The  role  of  space  and  social  connections", published in the Journal of Regional Science.   

José Manuel Blecua Prize for the best paper in Social Sciences resulting from a PhD dissertation - 2015

2015 - ERNEST MIGUÉLEZ - Essays on the geography of innovation: knowledge workers’ mobility, networks  and spillovers”

9th Award of the Council of Doctors of the University of Barcelona

2014 - ERIKA BADILLO -  Are R&D collaborative agreements persistent at the firm level? Evidence for the Spanish case.

Càtedra University - Firm collaboration to promote Firm Innovation 

Additional Information

Students Graduated (at the Master or PhD Program) are actually working in prestigious Universities and Institutions in the World, such as McGill University, University of Oxford,  IRSTEA – Grenoble (France), EAFIT University (Colombia), Economics and Statistics Division, WIPO – Geneva (Switzerland), University of Groningen, etc. 

The Faculty in the rankings

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona is in top of the world institutions in Economic Geography, Urban and Real Estate economics, Transport Economics, Tourism Economics and Economics of Human Migration. Besides, several of the research groups and scholars are also within the main research institutions in Spain


To the 13th Ernestas Galvanauskas’ International Scientific Conference
dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences
28-29 November, 2013. ŠIAULIAI ARENA (J. Jablonskio str. 16, Šiauliai)


The aim of the conference is to bring together scientists, researchers, practitioners from the field of Economics, Management, Marketing, Finances and Accounting, Public Policy and Administration to discuss the contribution, role and decisions of different actors or stakeholders (business companies, government and local self-governments, non-governmental organizations) when developing the strong, competitive region.
Conference topics:
 Management of Economic Changes
 Trends of Labour Market Changes
 Current Issues of Business, Public Financial Management and Accounting
 Financial Markets and Institutional Management
 Legal Regulation of Economic-Social Environment
 Solutions of Public Policy and Administration
 Creativity and Value Innovations in Business
 Competitive Marketing Strategies
 Employees„ Competencies and Career Development
 Strategies for Sustainable Development
 Regional Management, Strategic Planning and Development


Languages of the Conference: Lithuanian, English, Russian.


You can participate at the conference:
 with presentation and submitting an article for publication;
 with presentation but without submitting an article for publication.
The duration of a presentation slot is 10 minutes.


Important dates:
 October 1, 2013. Deadline for online registration:
 October 1, 2013. Deadline for full article submission. Authors should email the full article, signed and scanned version of author‟s warranty statement and information about authors to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 November 19, 2013: Payment of participation fee.
 November 28, 2013: Conference plenary session, discussions in sections.
 November 29, 2013: Visits to the companies, social programme.


Participation fees (in Euros):
 For participant who has submitted the article – 43€. Participation fee covers publication of the article*, coffee breaks, lunch and a social programme.
 For participant who hasn‟t submitted the article – 18€. Participation fee covers coffee breaks, lunch and a social programme.
 There is no fee for the Conference listeners.
 If you would like to participate in the conference gala dinner (28th November), please transfer additional 15€ together with conference fee.
 The conference registration fee is not refundable or transferable.


* Publication policy:
If the article is prepared according the requirements (the length of the article must be 5-15 pages) it could be published in one of the following scientific journals:
 “Social Research” referred in the databases: CEEOL, EBSCO, Index Copernicus. Articles must be prepared in English.
 “Economics and Management: Current Issues and Perspectives” referred in Index Copernicus database. Articles may be prepared in Lithuanian, English or Russian.


Agnė Prakšelytė, tel.: +370 595 880, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Conference website:

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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