
Elisabete Martins

Tuesday, 03 September 2024 11:22

Call for RSAI Program Nurturing new talent 2025

Nurturing new talent 2025

The RSAI aims to continue promoting the development of Regional Science by nurturing new talent in 2025. The council has therefore pledged resources to co-finance workshops and summer institutes intended to provide substantive training to pre-doctoral researchers, including the presentation of their work and receiving feedback from senior scholars and their peers. It is expected that the selected workshops and institutes will have considerable international geographical coverage.

Organizers of workshops and summer schools fulfilling the above aims are encouraged to submit a two-page case for support, using the included template, within October 7, 2024 to the RSAI secretariat ( Individuals are encouraged to consult with their national and supranational sections to allow better coordination among different initiatives.

All applications will be reviewed by the Committee and will have to be formally approved by the RSAI Council. Their decision will be final.

Template nurturing talent application (Download)


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s available online.



Dear Readers,

We are pleased to say that the 3/2024 issue of Regional Statistics has been published and available online!


Rahma Fitriani - Eni Sumarminingsih - Luthfatul Amaliana - Nisa Dwirahma Widhiasih: A modified spatial cross-correlation measure for time-dependent spatial panel data

Jozef Palkovič: Measuring food security in European countries: limitations of the global food security index and its comparison with the DEA approach

Shyhrete Muriqi - Zsolt Baranyai - Maria Fekete-Farkas - Prespa Ymeri: Exploring the determinants of contract farming participation among farmers in Kosovo: an empirical analysis

Han-Sol Lee - Nataliya A. Tovma - Alexander M. Zobov - Nursultan B. Shurenov - Ekaterina A. Degtereva: Determinants for increasing the productivity of single-industry towns in Kazakhstan

Susana Callao - José I. Jarne - David Wroblewski: Surviving Covid-19: impact of the pandemic on earnings management – the case of European countries

Hasan Engin Duran - Burcu Değerli Çifçi - Berfin Karabakan - Fehmi Doğan: Socio-economic and development disparities over the long-run: exploring spatial heterogeneities in the case of Turkey

Imre Dobos - Péter Sasvári: Statistical analysis of QS World University Rankings 2021 university rankings using Scopus/SciVal databases

Abrar S. Ghaith: Population perceptions and views of community pharmacists during the Covid-19 pandemic: a comparative, cross-sectional study in Jordan and Kuwait


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Monday, 02 September 2024 14:44

Nominations now open for NARSC scholarly award

NARSC Update

Nominations Now Open for NARSC Scholarly Awards

The Honors Committee of the North American Regional Science Council is soliciting nominations for the following awards to be given at this year's annual meeting:

1.  Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement in Regional Science

The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement is named in honor of Professor Walter Isard, father of Regional Science, founder of the Regional Science Association, and a leading scholar in the worldwide Regional Science community. Established in 1994, the award pays tribute to North American regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers. The list of past winners of the Isard Award can be found here.  

2.  Boyce Award for Distinguished Service to Regional Science

This award honors Professor David Boyce, a prominent figure in Regional Science who promoted the Regional Science Association for a number of years and was instrumental in its long-term success. The award acknowledges the service contributions that North American members have made to Regional Science organizations. The list of past winners of the Boyce Award can be found here.  

3.  Hewings Award for Outstanding Achievement by a "Junior" Faculty

This award is named in honor of Professor Geoffrey J.D. Hewings who over the years introduced numerous graduate students to Regional Science and mentored them as young scholars. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by North American scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies (within ten years of receiving a Ph.D.). The list of past winners of the Hewings Award can be found here.

4. Roger R. Stough Outstanding Mentor Award

This award is named in honor of Professor Roger R. Stough. In addition to being a renowned scholar and contributor to the development of Regional Science, Roger was an outstanding mentor to dozens of graduate students and junior faculty members. This award recognizes regional scientists who have been exceptional mentors to students, junior faculty members and underrepresented populations and communities over a lifelong career. The list of past winners of the Stough Award can be found here.  

Please send your nomination(s) by October 4, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT to Genevieve Giuliano, at  Late nominations will not be accepted.


NARSC 2024 Registration

Register for NARSC 2024 using this link.

Remember to reserve your hotel room below. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. Remember, you help NARSC by staying at the host hotel, and you get more time to meet with your colleagues!


Position Openings

Remember to check the NARSC website for position openings.

The page is constantly being updated.

Tuesday, 13 August 2024 10:47

RSPP Special Issue Award | Winners 2024

RSPP Special Issue Award

For the Best Special Issue Editors in Regional Science Policy and Practice

RSPP Special Issue Award aims to stimulate the quality of an enlarged editorial team focused in the edition of Special Issues.

RSPP Special Issue Award prizes the special issues with more than seven papers, published two years before based on their citations per paper and the judgement of a jury composed by three Fellows, the President and the Immediate Past President.

Winners 2024

Following the rules of the RSPP Special Issue Award the recipients of the RSPP Special Issue Award in 2024 based on the special published in 2022 and approved by the Jury composed by by Hans Westlund, Eduardo Haddad, David Plane, Bruce Newbold, Philip McCann and Neil Reid are:


 Louafi Bouzouina, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp for the Special Issue 1 “Covid-19, Transport and Mobility” with 11 papers and 73 Cite Score citations (ratio 6,60) in August 2024. 

Monday, 12 August 2024 14:08

NARSC 2024 Student Paper Competitions

NARSC Update

NARSC Student Paper Competitons

NARSC Graduate Student Paper Competitions The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) Graduate Student Paper Competitions are held annually in conjunction with the North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI). These contests encourage the participation of young scholars by providing a forum for paper presentation and discussion by senior scholars in the field of regional science. Beginning in 2010, two separate competitions have been held for graduate student papers:

1.    Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition: Eligibility for the award is limited to current Masters and PhD students, and/or recent graduates who completed their degree after August 1, 2023. Co-authored papers are acceptable; however, all authors listed on a paper must meet the eligibility criteria above.

2.    Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition: Eligibility for the award requires that the paper’s “primary author” be a current Masters or PhD student, or a recent graduate who completed their degree after August 1, 2023. Papers with senior co-authors are acceptable; however, most of the substantive work and contribution of the paper must be directly attributable to an author who meets the eligibility criteria above.

The 2024 contest will be held in conjunction with the annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, to be held November 13 – 16, 2024 in New Orleans, LA.

Acceptance of the paper for full consideration requires the following: 

1.    Individuals must submit an abstract for the paper through the NARSC abstract submission page AND the relevant box should be ticked indicating the paper is being submitted as part of the student paper competition.

2.    Individuals should submit a digital copy of their paper to the appropriate competition chair, formatted using the Papers in Regional Science guidelines

3.    A cover letter from their academic advisor confirming the author(s) meet all necessary eligibility requirements for the competition selected.

For the Graduate-Student-Author Paper Competition, the cover letter should state that the graduate student(s) meets the eligibility criteria. In addition, the advisor should confirm that they will not be included in the authorship should the paper be published.

For the Graduate-Student-Led Paper Competition, the cover letter should state the approximate percentages of the substantive work (ideas, methods, and applications) and contributions that are directly attributable to the primary author (the student or recent graduate). In addition, the cover letter should state that the graduate student meets the eligibility criteria; and the advisor should agree to have the student remain as the first author should the paper be published.

Papers must be presented in-person at the annual North American Meetings of RSAI by the student author(s).


·         Abstracts are due on August 31, 2024.

·         The full paper and accompanying academic advisor’s cover letter are due on August 31, 2024.

Both the full paper, formatted using the Papers in Regional Science guidelines and the advisor’s cover letter should be submitted in electronic format to:

·         Graduate Student-Author Paper Competition: Chair: Christa Court, University of Florida Email:

·         Graduate Student-Led Paper Competition: Chair: Claudia Montanía Portillo, University of Arizona Email:

For each of the competitions, up to four finalists will be selected from all the submissions. Each finalist will present their papers in-person during a special session (one or two sessions, depending on number of finalists) at the annual North American Meetings of RSAI. All finalists should plan to attend the Awards Luncheon held on Saturday, November 16, 2024. 


NARSC Hotel Reservations

A block of rooms has been reserved at the The New Orleans Marriott (555 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70130).

A special conference room rate of $219 (plus taxes) has been negotiated with the hotel. You can book your room at the conference hotel using this link. By doing so, NARSC will get credit for your booking. 


Position Openings

Remember to check the NARSC website for position openings.

Monday, 12 August 2024 13:57

In Memoriam, Harry Kelejian, 1937-2024

Harry Kelejian photoWe are sad to relay news of the passing of our friend and colleague, Emeritus Professor Harry H. Kelejian. After earning his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1968, Harry Kelejian embarked on a distinguished academic career with great accomplishments. Subsequent to holding positions as an Assistant Professor at Princeton University and as an Associate Professor at New York University, he joined the Department of Economics at the University of Maryland as a Full Professor in 1974. Harry Kelejian greatly contributed to the success of the Department for more than three decades with his influential research, teaching, and service. He retired in 2008 and was awarded the status of Professor Emeritus. He maintained an active research agenda during all of his retirement. 

Harry Kelejian worked on a broad range of research topics in theoretical and applied econometrics. For the last three decades his work has focused on spatial and social network econometrics. He was among those econometricians who very early on recognized the importance of developing methods of inference for networks, and he shaped this developing interdisciplinary field with fundamental contributions. Over his career Harry Kelejian published over eighty articles. This includes six articles in Econometrica, seven in the Journal of Econometrics, two in the Journal of the American Statistical Association, four in the International Economic Review, as well articles in other leading journals which include the Review of Economic Studies, etc.  Harry Kelejian also published two textbooks, one of which was translated into three languages. His contributions have received more than 14000 citations, including two articles receiving more than 2000 citations, which attests to the importance and influence of his work. Harry Kelejian also served on a number of editorial boards of important journals and as guest editor of several volumes.

In recognition of his contribution to spatial econometrics Harry Kelejian was invited to be one of the founding members of the Spatial Econometric Association, and he was elected as a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International. Harry Kelejian has been a visiting professor at several universities and academic institutions abroad and a keynote speaker at international conferences, which further attests to his international visibility.

At the University of Maryland Harry Kelejian taught mostly graduate econometrics courses. He was a dedicated teacher, winning several teaching awards. Throughout his career he was also a dedicated Ph.D. advisor. At the University of Maryland he supervised 6 dissertations as the main advisor, and was an important advisor on a number of other dissertations.  At Princeton Harry Kelejian was the second reader on the dissertation committee of James Heckman, who received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2000. In an interview James Heckman states that “Kelejian taught me a lot of econometrics”. Harry Kelejian was also a fun and considerate colleague, and especially appreciated as an influential and very generous mentor and friend to the junior colleagues in his field.

Any former students and faculty who would like to know more about events to honor
Harry Kelejian should write to


Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkiye, Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage is looking for international Assistant/Associate/Full Professor candidates (Non-Turkish citizens) to be employed in research and teaching activities.

Candidates must have

1)  PhD degree related to Conservation of Historic Sites (Historic Urban Sites, Historic Towns and Cultural Landscapes)

2)  Strong record of international publications

Please send your CV to (Prof. Dr. Mine Turan, Department Chair) for an initial screening.

New Issue: Regional Science Policy & Practice

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Regional Science Policy & Practice

Regional Science Policy & Practice

Volume 16, Issue 9 , September 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100121

Regional Development in Central Asia: situation and challenges

The dark shadow of flexible citizenship: The social costs of translocalism and transnationalism. An anthropological case of chinese educational migration

Article Number 100050

Mingyue Yang, Ming He

Trust as a critical driver of customer loyalty in the pharmaceutical market: A study of Kazakhstan

Article Number 100021

E. Orazgaliyeva, A. Abuzhalitova, N. Sokhatskaya, M. Smykova, A. Kazybayeva

Current regulation of water relations in Central Asia

Article Number 100038

Kaiyrbek Orazaliev, Anar Mukasheva, Nursultan Ybyray, Talap Nurekeshov

Capital inflow and investment attractiveness of Central Asian countries (on the example of Kazakhstan)

Article Number 100039

Kulyanda K. Nurasheva, Ismailbek I. Shalabayev, Gulzhanar I. Abdikerimova, Darikul A. Kulanova, Aziza T. Mergenbayeva

Regional Development and Sustainable Peace

Researchers of Ukrainian universities in wartime conditions: Needs, challenges and opportunities

Article Number 100012

Natalia Tsybuliak, Hanna Lopatina, Liudmyla Shevchenko, Anastasia Popova, Sergii Kovachov, Yana Suchikova, Anatoli I. Popov

Rural-urban migration within Russia: Prospects and drivers

Article Number 100053

Anastasia Chaplitskaya, Gianmaria Tassinari, Wim Heijman, Johan van Ophem

Development, Inequality, and Innovation in European Regions over the Era of Downturns

Firm aggregations and firm performance: Evidence from network contracts

Article Number 100064

Andrea Caragliu, Paolo Landoni

Social economy and entrepreneurship in urban and local development - Theory, policy and practices of community engagement

Socio-ecological shocks, weak community support systems, and tragic responses of farmers – A modeling study on India

Article Number 100030

Abdul Shaban, Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, Bipin Das

Socially innovative experiments for transformative local development: Putting more-than-growth-oriented local interventions in spatial context

Article Number 100035

Johannes Suitner, Wolfgang Haider, Astrid Krisch

The impact of fair-trade certifications in social and solidarity economy organizations in Ecuador

Article Number 100055

Grace Carolina Guevara-Rosero, Katherine Monge, Henry Yánez, Marcela Guachamín, Javier Flor

Remarks on the location theories of startups: A case study on the Visegrad countries

Article Number 100063

Petra Kinga Kézai, Agnieszka Skala

The Cascadia Innovation Corridor: The role of social entrepreneurship in the making of a North American innovative cross-border region

Article Number 100067

Kathrine Richardson

Book Review

Welfare Goes Global: Making Progress and Catching Up

Article Number 100071

Mehak Majeed

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

New Issue: Papers in Regional Science

New issue available on ScienceDirect

Cover Image Papers in Regional Science

Papers in Regional Science

Volume 103, Issue 4 , August 2024

Editorial Board

Article Number 100041

Innovation, complexity, and economic evolution: From theory to policy. Pier Paolo Saviotti. New York: Routledge, 2023. 282 pp. Hardback £125.00. ISBN 9781032278148.

Article Number 100027

Muhammad Irsyad, Vikky Renaldi, Tri Wahyuningsih

The Colombian Economy and Its Regional Structural Challenges: A Linkages Approach

Article Number 100032

Afnei Ngan Billy Tumba, Resfita Dewi, Nurjana

State fragility, violence and trade: Dangerous trade routes in Colombia

Article Number 100024

Paul H. Jung, Jean-Claude Thill, Luis Armando Galvis-Aponte

Marshallian and Jacobian externalities in creative industries: Evidence from Chile

Article Number 100028

Daniel Goya

Regional disparities in the European Union. A machine learning approach

Article Number 100033

Massimo Giannini, Barbara Martini

A location analytics perspective of regional science at a crossroad

Article Number 100034

Alan T. Murray

Human capital and border effect: The case of Minho River area

Article Number 100035

Carlos M. Jardon, X. Martinez-Cobas, E. Shakina

‘Get back to where you once belonged’? Effects of skilled internal migration on Italian regional green growth

Article Number 100036

Adriana Pinate, Luca Cattani, Martina Dal Molin, Alessandra Faggian

Read the full issue on ScienceDirect

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 09:00

ERSA2024 Agenda is out!

Programme Overview

ERSA2024 Agenda


ERSA2024 Programme is out!

2-day session


26-27 August

3-day session


28-30 August

What's on the Agenda

> 8 Keynote Lectures

> A Keynote Address from EU Commissioner, Elisa Ferreira

> An Outstanding Roundtable of OECD

> A Special event for Paul Krugman

> 93 Special Sessions, 119 General Themes Sessions

> 7 Young Scientist Sessions and Epainos Paper election

> Over 850 Presentations from 55 countries around the world

Keynote Lectures Highlight

read more on keynote lectures

Paul Krugman's event

read more on Paul Krugman's event

Other Highlighted Sessions include

·     The New ERSA Journal "Global Challenges and Regional Science" 

·     Special Session 9th Cohesion Report European Commission (Terceira-S21)

·     TRSA: Special Academic Session & Great Minds Lecture In Regional Science

·     And many other sessions of high interest!

Not yet registered?

Join us as an attendee: ERSA Congress is open to anyone interested in attending.

ERSA Annual congress is the largest event of regional scientists and practitioners from across the globe! more

Be part of it! Register now!

Follow the event and start networking with fellow participants from around the world on X using #ersa2024

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda, visit our upcoming events page on our website.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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