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Monday, 10 February 2025 08:09

NARSC Update | Steven's Fellowship Deadline Approaching and Call for Papers

NARSC Update


Stevens Graduate Student Fellowship
Deadline February 15, 2025

Graduate students enrolled in Ph.D. programs in North America are encouraged to apply for the Twenty-Fifth Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship in Regional Science, administered by the North American Regional Science Council of the Regional Science Association International. This Fellowship, in support of dissertation research in regional science, is awarded annually in memory of Dr. Benjamin H. Stevens, an intellectual leader whose selfless devotion to graduate students as teacher, advisor, mentor, and friend had a profound impact on the field. Regional Science is a multidisciplinary field concerned with urban and regional phenomena. Regional Scientists apply theoretical and empirical frameworks and methods of the social and other sciences, as well as develop new ones specifically for regional analysis and policy.

Eligible students should have completed all degree requirements except for their dissertation by the time the Fellowship commences (typically on July 1). A requirement of the Fellowship is that the recipient have no duties other than dissertation research during the period of the Fellowship, although the recipient may hold other fellowships concurrently. Applications from students working in any area and any North American Ph.D. program are welcome as long as their dissertation research addresses a research question in Regional Science. Previous involvement with North American regional science organizations and journals will be looked upon favorably by the Selection Committee.

The Fellowship consists of a stipend in the amount of $36,000 (U.S.), paid over a twelve-month period. Applications for the 2025–2026 Fellowship are due by February 15, 2025.

Find additional information here.

Spatial Econometrics Association CFP
Rabat, Morocco

The organizing committee is delighted to invite researchers, scholars, and practitioners from across the globe to participate in the XIX World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association (SEA), taking place in Rabat, Morocco, on May 5–6, 2025. The event will focus on advancing knowledge and fostering collaboration in econometrics, spatial analysis, and theoretical and applied spatial statistics. The conference offers a unique platform for academics and professionals to showcase cutting-edge research, exchange innovative ideas,
and engage in thought-provoking discussions on contemporary challenges and emerging trends in spatial econometrics.

See the call here.

Economic Development

Quarterly CFP

Economic Development Quarterly (EDQ) is calling for high quality research manuscripts that address economic and workforce development policy and practice within the United States. The mission of EDQ is to promote research supporting the formulation of evidence-based economic development and workforce development policy, programs, and practice in the United States.

More information here.

NARSC Newsletter

Be sure and check out the NARSC December Newsletter here.

Remember to check the NARSC website for position openings. New positions are always being updated.

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About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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