Elisabete Martins

Lecturer in Transportation Planning
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
College of Social Sciences, School of Social and Political Sciences
Ref: 003593

Funded for 3 years

The University of Glasgow, established in 1451, is a member of the UK's Russell Group of leading universities. The University is committed to enhancing its position as one of the world's great broad-based research-intensive universities.

The Urban Studies subject area in the university is seeking outstanding candidates with a strong commitment to contribute to teaching and research in urban transportation planning. Urban Studies in Glasgow is widely recognised as a world-leading centre for innovative, interdisciplinary urban research with significant impact. The appointment will commence on September 1, 2013.

Applicants must demonstrate expertise and a strong commitment to undertake research in the theory, practice, methods and applications in transportation planning, and should be familiar with urban transportation modelling and/or policy analysis, and have a demonstrable interest in one or more of the following areas: socially-just, smart/intelligent, active and sustainable transportation systems. Attractive candidates would have a track record of peer-reviewed publications, presentations in international academic conferences, research funding, and teaching experience, or show great potential to excel in these areas. 

Candidates should have a Ph.D. with a minimum of 2 years' research experience at postdoctoral level or equivalent research profile (and expect PhD conferral by September 2013), in terms of publications and presentations, in the fields of urban studies, planning, geography, management, public administration, economics, or a related field.

Closing date: 12 May 2013.
Interview date: 30 May 2013

More details at 


Monday, 22 April 2013 09:44

Poste Enseignant géographie

Cher(e)s adhérent(e)s,

Hélène Courtet, nous informe qu'une offre d'emploi concernant un enseignant contractuel du 2nd degré en Géographie, est à pourvoir au sein de la Faculté de Lettres, Langues, Sciences Humaines & Sociales (LLSHS) à Lorient.

Vous trouvez sur le serveur internet de l'UBS :   http://www.univ-ubs.fr/recrutement-enseignants-contractuels-2nd-degre-127990.kjsp?RH=SIT_RH, l’ensemble des informations.

Ce poste est à pourvoir à compter du 1er septembre 2013, CDD d'un an à temps complet.

La date limite de réception des dossiers de candidature est fixée au jeudi 16 mai 2013 minuit(cachet de la poste faisant foi).

Cordiales salutations

Lise Bourdeau-Lepage
Professeure de géographie
Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 
18, rue Chevreul
69362 LYON Cedex 07

Thursday, 18 April 2013 15:40

How to Join

Membership of RSAI is normally obtained through membership of a local Section.

A member of a local section is automatically a member of RSAI, ie if the respective local section is recognized by RSAI.

RSAI comprises superregional associations which, in turn, comprise affiliated local sections/associations. The four superregional organizations recognized by RSAI are: 

  • The European Regional Science Association (ERSA), comprising sections in the European realm;
  • The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), comprising sections from North America;
  • The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO), comprising sections in Asia (East, South East and South), Australasia and the Pacific Rim facing parts of the Americas;
  • The Latin American and Caribbean Regional Science Association (LARSA), comprising sections from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Superregional organizations shall actively promote the establishment of affiliated sections/ associations within their territory of responsibility.

The membership of the section shall be renewed annually by payment of dues. This may be through a capitation levied on a section and/or collected through one of the superregional organizations established by the Association. If a member shall fail to pay dues within six months after the date of official renewal notice, the membership shall be considered terminated and the name shall be removed from the roster of members.

RSAI membership has its benefits and privileges, including:

  • Right to vote for representation of the Council of the Regional Science Association International
  • Eligibility for awards of RSAI
  • Discounted registration fees at conferences organized by RSAI, NARSC, ERSA, PRSCO, and LARSA
  • RSAI newsletter
  • Participation in and access to a worldwide network of 4500 regional scientists
  • RSAI Journals (PIRS & RSPP) - Members of the Regional Science Association International are eligible for a 20% discount on the article publishing charge.

In exceptional circumstances direct individual membership may be considered by the Executive Director (50€ year/per member), ie for example if there is no section in the country of the individual candidate member.

New Individual RSAI member appliance form: https://forms.gle/r3Mh4b5Wud7oXwFcA

 (it will be send an email directly from PayPal, up to 3 days after the submission of the form)

 For details on how to become a member, contact the Executive Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thursday, 18 April 2013 15:14

Membership Information

All RSAI members have 20% discount on the article publishing charge to publish in Papers in Regional Science (PiRS) and to the Regional Science Policy and Practice (RSPP): Journals of the Regional Science Association International.

RSAI NEWSLETTER, the newsletter of the Association, appears two times a year and contains information about upcoming conferences and meetings, recent publications and a periodic guide to graduate programs in regional science. Please send all electronic submissions of material for the RSAI Newsletter directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Participation in national and international meetings is encouraged; over twenty international, national and regional meetings are held each year. Two of the Association's superregional organizations, the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) and the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) hold annual meetings in November and August. The third superregional organization, the Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO), holds a meeting every two years. Every two years, a World Congress is held.

Each year, the Association conducts a competition for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of regional science. Winners are encouraged to present their work at one of the major international meetings.

In addition to the RSAI publications, members are offered an opportunity to purchase other regional science journals at reduced rates and participate in the national and international conferences at reduced rates.

RSAI membership has its benefits and privileges, including:

  • Right to vote for representation of the Council of the Regional Science Association International
  • Eligibility for awards of RSAI
  • Discounted registration fees at conferences organized by RSAI, NARSC, ERSA, PRSCO, and LARSA
  • RSAI newsletter
  • Participation in and access to a worldwide network of 4500 regional scientists
  • RSAI Journals (PIRS & RSPP) - Members of the Regional Science Association International are eligible for a 20% discount on the article publishing charge.
Thursday, 18 April 2013 11:57

Books - 2012

The Regional Economics Of Knowledge And Talent: Local Advantage in a Global Context


Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger R. Stough

This original and instructive new book defines and explores the concept of knowledge as the talent, skills, know-how and understanding embodied in individuals. The distinguished contributors advance the current research frontier in three novel directions which focus on: the role of human capital and talent for creativity, entrepreneurship and regional development; the role of institutions for the behaviour of firms and entrepreneurs; and the influence of the global context on the location, export and innovation behaviour of firms in a knowledge economy. They also address critical questions that underpin the emerging knowledge economy:

• Why does human capital and talent tend to agglomerate in large urban regions?

• How does this agglomeration affect the location of different types of economic activities?

• How does this agglomeration affect regional growth?

Presenting the state of the art in the field of knowledge economics, this book will prove a stimulating and challenging read for scholars and researchers with an interest in economics, business and management, and regional and urban studies.

Creative Knowledge Cities


Edited by Marina van Geenhuizen and Peter Nijkamp

This book adopts a holistic, integrated and pragmatic approach to exploring the myths, concepts, policies, key conditions and tools for enhancing creative knowledge cities, as well as expounding potentially negative impacts of knowledge based city policies. The authors provide a critical reflection on the reality of city concepts including university–city alignment for campus planning, labour market conditions, social capital and proximity, triple helix based transformation, and learning by city governments. Original examples from both the EU and US are complemented by detailed case studies of cities including Rotterdam, Vienna and Munich. The book also examines the reality of knowledge cities in emerging economies such as Brazil and China, with a focus on institutional transferability. Key conditions addressed include soft infrastructure, knowledge spillovers among firms and the connectivity of cities via transport networks to allow the creation of new hubs of knowledge-based services. Addressing new policy tools and developments in governance, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics, researchers and students with an interest in urban policy and planning, urban spatial economics, regional economics and urban sociology. In addition, practitioners within city and regional governments and agencies will find this book an invaluable reference tool.

Edited by Peter Nijkamp, Jacques Poot and Mediha Sahin

During the last few decades the world has experienced an unprecedented level of cross-border migration. While this has generated significant socio-economic gains for host countries, as well as sometimes for the countries of origin, the costs and benefits involved are unevenly distributed. Consequently, growing global population mobility is a hotly debated topic, both in the political arena and by the general public. Amidst a plethora of facts, opinions and emotions, the assessment of migration impacts must be grounded in a solid scientific evidence base. This analytical book outlines and applies a range of the scientific methods that are currently available in migration impact assessment (MIA). The book provides various North American and European case studies that quantify socio-economic consequences of migration for host societies and for immigrants themselves. With up-to-date and broad coverage, this detailed study will appeal to academic researchers in the social sciences, policy analysts at national and international level, as well as graduate students in economics and regional science.

Globalization Trends and Regional Development: Dynamics of FDI and Human Capital Flows


Edited by Roberta Capello and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

This timely book investigates the challenges that emerge for local economies when faced with the new globalization trends that characterize today's world economy. In this instance, globalization is interpreted as a process of internationalization of production and markets which can take various forms - such as increasing international trade or increasing foreign direct investments - all of which give rise to the growing integration and interdependency of European economies with regard to the other main world economies. The expert contributors use a fresh perspective in their analysis of globalization trends, emphasizing recent changes and providing an up-to-date picture of current developments in both foreign investments and the consequent migration of human capital. Qualitative rather than quantitative trends in human capital and financial capital flows are taken into account, with a particular focus on their impacts on regional growth perspectives. Highlighting the European economy's strengths and weaknesses in facing the challenges of the new globalization trends, this book will provide a stimulating read for a wide ranging audience encompassing scholars of regional science, regional economics, economic and regional geography, international economics and international business.

Networks, Space and Competitiveness: Evolving Challenges for Sustainable Growth


Edited by Roberta Capello and Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

In a period of increasing globalization and rapid growth in emerging countries, recognizing sources of regional competitiveness is of paramount importance. This timely and informative book identifies and analyses changes in the origins of regional advantage. The expert contributors illustrate that sources of regional competitiveness are strongly linked with spatially observable yet increasingly flexible realities, and include building advanced and efficient transport, communications and energy networks, changing urban and rural landscapes, and creating strategic and forward-looking competitiveness policies. They investigate long-term interactions between regional competitiveness and urban mobility, as well as the connections that link global sustainability with local technological and institutional innovations, and the intrinsic diversity of spatially rooted innovation processes. A prospective analysis on networks and innovation infrastructure is presented, global environmental issues such as climate change and energy are explored, and new policy perspectives - relevant world-wide - are prescribed. Networks, Space and Competitiveness will prove an invaluable resource for academics, students and researchers across a range of fields including international and regional economics, regional science, economic geography and international business.

Thursday, 18 April 2013 11:56

Books - 2011

Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth


Edited by Philip Cooke, Bjørn Asheim, Ron Boschma, Ron Martin, Dafna Schwartz, Ben-Gurion, Beer-Sheva and Franz Tödtling

Today, economic growth is widely understood to be conditioned by productivity increases which are, in turn, profoundly affected by innovation. This volume explores these key relationships between innovation and growth, bringing together experts from both fields to compile a unique Handbook.

New Directions In Regional Economic Development: The Role of Entrepreneurship Theory and Methods, Practice and Policy 


Edited by Sameeksha Desai, Peter Nijkamp and Roger R. Stough

The introduction of endogenous growth theory has led to new interest in the role of the entrepreneur as an agent driving technical change at the local regional level. This book examines theoretical and methodological issues surrounding the interface of the entrepreneur in regional growth dynamics on the one hand and on the other presents illuminating case studies. In total the book’s contributions amplify understanding of such critical issues as the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur’s role in transforming knowledge into something economically useful, and knowledge commercialization with both conceptual and empirical contributions.The emergence of endogenous growth theory has unleashed a flurry of new hypotheses and related inquiries that have in turn created an exciting dynamic in the conceptual, theoretical and empirical foundations of the field. A central feature has been the recognition that local initiatives matter in how regions grow and adjust to changes and shocks. Moreover, it is the role of technical change, driven by entrepreneurs, that motivates these initiatives. This volume begins by outlining and explaining the theory and method behind entrepreneurship and development. This is followed by specific case studies of practice and policy. These cases are region specific, offering the reader concrete, empirically based research results. Scholars and students in economics, entrepreneurship and public policy will find this volume a valuable tool in understanding the latest research in regional economic development.

Endogenous Regional Development: Perspectives, Measurement and Empirical Investigation


Edited by Robert Stimson, Roger R. Stough and Peter Nijkamp

Increasingly, endogenous factors and processes are being emphasized as drivers in regional economic development and growth. This 15 chapter book is unique in that it commences by presenting five disciplinary takes on endogenous development from the perspectives of economics, geography, sociology, planning and organizational management. Several chapters demonstrate how researchers have developed operational models to investigate the roles played by endogenous factors in regional economic development, including the role of entrepreneurial rents. Further chapters provide empirical investigations of endogenous factors in regional development at various levels of spatial scale – from the supra-region to the nation, city and small town – and in a variety of situational settings, including the European Union, Asia and Australia. The book is an invaluable up-to-date resource for researchers and students in regional science, and regional economic development and planning.

Spatial Scenarios In A Global Perspective: Europe and the Latin Arc Countries


Edited by Roberto Camagni and Roberta Capello

This up-to-date and insightful book presents post-crisis scenarios for European regions with new methodologies and tools to support quantitative assessment and foresight. The aim is to develop regional forecasting methodologies and tools, appropriate to the regional-local scale but consistent with a general EU-wide approach. This effort is particularly important in a period of economic crisis, as an economic downturn generates high uncertainty about the future of economic systems, and consequently will determine the new winners and losers in a globalized world. An interesting picture of diverse and alternative post-crisis territorial development paths is provided for a case study of the Latin Arc countries (Spain, France and Italy) and the Latin Arc Provinces Network, running along the Western Mediterranean coast. Policy suggestions for the case study area are then built on the scenario results. Spatial Scenarios in a Global Perspective will strongly appeal to regional economists, economic geographers and policy makers as well as students in regional economics, geography and international business.

Thursday, 18 April 2013 11:55

Books - 2010

Learning Remote Sensing


Authored by Kurt T. Rudahl, Sally E. Goldin

Geospatial knowledge has become important in almost every profession and in private life as well. Satellite images have become familiar due to their extensive use in the media and as background for mapping on the World Wide Web, and web-based software for viewing image data is also widely available. However, much more value can be extracted from image data than simple viewing software can provide. Unfortunately, the software for more advanced processing of remote sensing data tends to be both expensive and to require considerable expertise. "Learning Remote Sensing" offers a straightforward, hands-on treatment of the core concepts in remote sensing and raster GIS analysis. Readers with limited knowledge of physics or geography can use this book not only to acquire an understanding of remote sensing fundamentals but also to begin applying geospatial analysis to their own problems. With a target audience that includes undergraduate and graduate students, teachers (especially in secondary schools) and interested individuals, this is a practically-oriented textbook with example exercises that illustrate how the powerful analysis capabilities of Dragon and its free variant OpenDragon can be applied. The book is provides a single, concise, self-contained volume that combines basic theory with practice.

Edited by Maddy Janssens, Myriam Bechtoldt, Arie de Ruijter, Dino Pinelli,  Giovanni Prarolo, and Vanja M.K. Stenius

This is a very useful book on a very important subject. The preservation of the rich and diverse body of cultures that history and continued diversity provide is of great significance for humanity and the welfare of society. The failure to appreciate, and even to hate other cultures, is surely a threat to world peace and civilization. I particularly value the chapters that focus on policy and provide evidence indicating what policy approaches are effective and which are not.’

Entrepreneurship And Regional Development


Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger R. Stough

The world is experiencing the fourth globalization trend since the collapse of the Berlin Wall twenty years ago. This trend unlike previous ones is characterized by both broader global interconnection and deeper localization. In other words, the world is both flatter and spikier at the same time. The key to a successful development policy is to integrate these two seemingly counter intuitive trends. The solution to this is a more or less regional strategy with a very strong focus on entrepreneurship. While this approach is not new and is not the first, it is the best one that I have seen. The editors of this collection are some of the best informed, most careful and deep thinking scholars in the business and have produced a work worthy of their stature.

Making Strategies in Spatial Planning


Editors: Cerreta, Maria, Concilio, Grazia, Monno, Valeria (Eds.)

This book discusses strategic spatial planning with emphasis on the role of values and cognitions dynamics within the planning-evaluation interplay. In the book, values and cognitions dynamics are investigated as crucial aspects of planning practices devoted to the development of strategic actions strictly linked to spatial contexts. Different methodologies and approaches are examined to support collaborative decision making and to manage comprehensive and participatory knowledge throughout strategic planning processes. The discussion is carried out from both theoretical and practical points of view. The book also dissects the multiple meanings of strategic planning and its implication in terms of mobilization and creation of values and knowledge. Critical issues are examined in relation to both the dynamics of negotiation and construction of diverse values and knowledge in planning processes, and in relation to some experiences carried out in different urban contexts.

Residential Location Choice


Editors: Pagliara, Francesca, Preston, John, Simmonds, David (Eds.)

The effective planning of residential location choices is one of the great challenges of contemporary societies and requires forecasting capabilities and the consideration of complex interdependencies which can only be handled by complex computer models. This book presents a range of approaches used to model residential locations within the context of developing land-use and transport models. These approaches illustrate the range of choices that modellers have to make in order to represent residential choice behaviour. The models presented in this book represent the state-of-the-art and are valuable both as key building blocks for general urban models, and as representative examples of complexity science.

Multimedia Explorations in Urban Policy and Planning


Editors: Sandercock, Leonie, Attili, Giovanni (Eds.)

This book explores the potential of multimedia to enrich and transform the planning field. By ‘multimedia’ the authors refer to the combination of multiple contents (both traditional and digital: texts, still images, animations, audio and video productions) and interactive platforms (offline interactive cd roms, online websites and forums, digital environments) which are opening up new possibilities in planning practice, pedagogy and research. The authors document the ways in which multimedia can expand the language of planning and the creativity of planners; can evoke the lived experience (the spirit, memories, desires) of the mongrel cities of the 21stcentury by engaging with stories and storytelling; and can help democratize planning processes. The diverse contributions demonstrate multimedia’s potential for layered, complex and open-ended representations of urban life; for enabling multiple forms of voice, participation and empowerment; for stimulating dialogue and influencing policy; for nurturing community engagement and community development; for expanding the horizons of qualitative and quantitative research; and for transformative learning experiences. The book conveys an excitement about the ways in which multimedia can be used by activists, immigrant and indigenous communities, planning scholars and educators, wherever urban policy and planning strategies are being debated and communities are struggling to shape, improve or protect their life spaces. But the authors go beyond enthusiasm for the new, incorporating a critical stance about the power relations embedded in these new information and communication technologies; raising questions about audience and political intentions; and outlining ethical dilemmas around authorship and ownership, collaborative processes, and the politics of voice.

Spatial Planning and Urban Development


Authors: Palermo, Pier Carlo, Ponzini, Davide

Urban planning is a complex field of knowledge and practice. Through the decades, theoretical debate has formed an eclectic set of possible perspectives, without finding, in our opinion, a coherent paradigmatic framework which can adequately guide the interpretation and action in urban planning. The hypothesis of this book is that the attempts of founding an autonomous planning theory are inadequate if they do not explore two interconnected fields: architecture and public policies. The book critically reviews a selected set of current practices and theoretical founding works of modern and contemporary urban planning by highlighting the continuous search for the epistemic legitimization of a large variety of experiences. The distinctive contribution of this book is a documented critique to the eclecticism and abstraction of the main international trends in current planning theory. The dialogic relationship with the traditions of architecture and public policy is proposed here in order to critically review planning theory and practice. The outcome is the proposal of a paradigmatic framework that, in the authors’ opinion, can adequately guide reflections and actions. A pragmatic and interpretative heritage and the project-orientated approach are the basis of this new spatial planning paradigm.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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