II Congreso Internacional de Desarrollo Local
6 al 9 de noviembre de 2013
Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba
More information at: http://www.desarrollolocalcuba.com/index.php?module=default%2Fprincipal
The 2010 Housing Studies Association conference
14-16 April 2010
University of York
The Call for Papers for the 2010 HSA Conference in York is now open.
HSA 2010 Call for Papers (542.89 kB)
HSA 2010 Booking Form (96.66 kB)
We welcome papers covering any aspect of housing studies, including
policy and practice. We would particularly welcome papers that address
the conference theme of new directions in the face of economic and
political change. Please send a short abstract outlining your proposed
paper and giving full contact details for the corresponding author to:
Ed Ferrari, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The closing date for abstracts is 31 January 2010.
Please see the attached PDF flyer for more details about the conference.
The conference website will be updated with new information as it
becomes available:
Please also find attached a Booking Form. Please note in particular the
Early Bird booking deadline of 26 February 2010.
*** 2010 Early Career Housing Scholar stream ***
For details of the Early Career Housing Scholar stream, please LINK TO DETAILS
The International Input-Output Association (http://www.iioa.org/) announces that the 21st International Input-Output Conference will be held on July 9-12, 2013, in Kitakyushu, Japan.
The goal of the conference is to promote and stimulate the worldwide exchange of ideas among economists and between them and government officials, policy makers, engineers, national accountants and managers with interests in input-output analysis and related methods. In particular, the theme of conference is set as ‘Toward New Horizons of Innovation, Environment, and Trade” to highlight the current affairs of research activities and the hosting city’s history and planning.
Attached herewith please find the call for paper for IIOA2013. For more information, please visit the conference page on the IIOA website at: http://www.iioa.org/Conference/21st/
Best regards,
Yasuhide Okuyama, PhD
Co-Chair of the Local Organizing Committee for IIOA2013
Title : 9th International Workshop Spatial Econometrics and Statistics
Date : 24th and 25th of June 2010
Link : : http://www.univ-orleans.fr/leo/SEW2010
Contact details : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Description :
The 9th edition of the Spatial Econometrics and Statistics
International Workshop is organized in Orléans by the LEO (Laboratoire
d’Economie d’Orléans) at the Department of Law, Economics and
Management of the Université d’Orléans. This edition follows previous
workshops held in France: Besançon (2009), Paris (2008), Dijon (2007),
Grenoble (2006), Toulouse (2005), Strasbourg (2004), Dijon (2003) and
Toulouse (2002).
The aim of the workshop is to bring together economists,
econometricians, statisticians, and geographers to discuss the
state–of–the–art and future challenges as well as opportunities in the
fields of spatial econometrics and statistics. This workshop also aims
to reinforce and encourage exchanges between senior and junior
researchers involved in spatial statistics and econometrics.
Invited speakers: Giuseppe Arbia (University G. d’Annunzio, Italy –
President of the Spatial Econometrics Association), Lung-Fei Lee (Ohio
State University, USA) et James LeSage (Texas State University, USA).
Theoretical and applied studies with methodological advances in spatial
econometrics and statistics are welcome. We especially encourage
submission by junior researchers.
The following IGU Commissions, 'Applied Geography', 'GIScience', 'Dynamics of economic spaces' and 'Modelling geographical systems' are running a joint workshop on 'Applied GIS and spatial modelling' to be held at the Hilton Hotel, in Leeds, UK, May 29th-June 1st 2013.
Full details are available on the website below.
Papers are welcome on applied work in any area of quantitative human geography.
We look forward to seeing you there! (new deadline 31st January)
Green Growth and Global Recovery: A Regional Perspective |
The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) and Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) invites researchers, relevant institutions and organizations to organize special sessions at the 23rd Pacific Conference of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the 4th IRSA Institute to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, 2-4 July 2013. The Organiser(s) of a proposed Special Session should send an email with subject “Special Session” to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:
Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will select Special Session based on scientific quality and originality (notification of acceptance is 15 February 2013). Special Sessions are fully delegated to Special Session’s Organiser(s). Special Session’s Organiser(s) invite papers included for a specific Special Session.Presenter should submit their abstract and full paper via PRSCO 2013 online submission website at www.conftool.com/prsco2013 by 15 March 2013. Special Session's Organiser(s) will have a full access to review abstract and full paper. The papers are expected to be of very high quality, both with respect to scientific content and presentation, and they are expected to be of interest to a relative road audience. They should be available for download on the conference website. Special Session should include 4 papers for presentation. Special Session’s Organiser(s) must commit to attend the PRSCO 2013 conference, and to chair the specific Special Session. Participants in Special Sessions (Organiser(s), presenter and possible additional chairperson or discussant) have to pay the PRSCO 2013 conference registration fees. No discount on the registration fees can be provided. All participants must sign-up to our conference management system prior to registration at www.conftool.com/prsco2013 to get their ID number. |
Important Dates |
Plenary Speakers |
The Institute of Australian Geographers Annual Conference will be held at The University of Western Australia in Perth, 1-4 July 2013. Full details are available from the following link:
The call for abstracts is attached.
Dear All
The CALL FOR PAPERS is now OPEN to the ERSA Congress 2013 in Palermo.
ERSA Office
Submit a paper to the young scientists sessions at the ERSA2013 conference!
Are you an ambitious young scientist, under 33 years old that wants a good platform to present ideas and results and looks forward to receive comments from the best scholars in Regional Science? Then you should submit your paper to the ERSA Epainos sessions!
The Epainos sessions are organized according to the following two principles:
•Offering more time for each presentation, in particular to increase the amount of feedback a young scientist receives on her or his paper, and to provide more opportunity for other young scientists to participate in scientific discussions.
•Assigning specialist senior discussants, experts in the specific field, to each paper that is presented. They will be asked to provide a written version of their comments, with a level of dedication that is considered normal when writing referee reports for scientific journals.
Every participant of the Young Scientist Sessions competes for the Epainos Award, which is awarded to the best paper presented. The winner will be announced during the closing ceremony. The prize-winning paper will be considered for publication in the flagship journal of the Regional Science Association International, viz. Papers in Regional Science.
Each author will receive a detailed report on their paper. Papers that are not accepted for one of the Epainos sessions will automatically be scheduled in one of the R-sessions of the conference. There will also be a joint session for young scientists from the Urban Economics Association.
Eligibility: Each co-author should not yet have reached the age of 33 years on 1 September of the year of the conference and not have a senior faculty position (at the Assistant Professor / Lecturer level).
Important dates:
- 1st of March: full paper submission
- April; notification of acceptance
- 15th of July: final paper submission
See the ERSA website for more information about criteria and former price winners.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.