Dear Colleagues,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the Stavanger Innovation Summit. The conference will take place 15-16 June 2009 at the University of Stavanger in Norway.
Stavanger Innovation Summit, 15-16 June 2009, Norway (114.43 kB)
We will be gathering around the topic of innovation in Transforming City Regions. City regions are major drivers in the global economy, and are themselves transformed by globalizing forces. In this context city regions are making efforts to reinvent themselves as they try to take advantage of the knowledge economy.
This two-day conference aims to stage a dialogue between innovation researchers, managers and politicians. For researchers this will be an opportunity to present projects and results and interact both with peers and decision makers. Managers and political leaders will be able to learn from each other and familiarize themselves with the research frontier.
On the first day the conference we will focus on transformation processes in energy cities and their efforts to move towards a more carbon neutral future. What is the role of innovation processes and knowledge institutions? In the second section we turn to the role of culture in reinventing city regions. What are the effects on economic development, identity and image, and soft institutions like trust and collaboration?
The second day will be devoted to presentation of research, as well as keynote addresses from distinguished academics in innovation research. We aim to attract papers from researchers dealing with innovation and city regions, particularly in the areas noted in the < > call for papers section of the website.
While you are in Stavanger we will take you through nearby fjords and islands for an evening to remember. We will embark upon an hour-long fjord cruise, terminating on the wondrous island garden of Flor og Fjære, where we will enjoy the world's northernmost palm tree island and dinner.
Please visit us online to learn more about the < > programme and to < > register, and do forward this invitation to colleagues that may be interested. Further details are provided on our < > website.
We look forward to welcoming you to Stavanger in June!
The Valparaiso University School of Law and the National Consumer Law
Center (NCLC) invite proposals for papers based on a unique set of data
from the National Mortgage Data Repository (NMDR), a joint project
between NCLC and the University of Connecticut. Authors whose projects
are selected will be invited to present their work at a Spring 2010
symposium at Valparaiso.
Researchers whose proposals are selected will gain access to extensive
mortgage loan origination data from approximately 750 loan sets. These
data are drawn from loans made by 50 or more lenders in 10–15 states
(though the sample will overrepresent California, Massachusetts, and
New York) between the years 1994 and 2007. We encourage submissions
from academics, advocates, attorneys, and other practitioners.
Data Overview
All 750 loan sets will have document types 1–5 listed below. To receive
a complete list of data fields, send an email to
with the words “NMDR Call for Papers - Inquiry” in the subject line.
Other inquiries may be sent in the same manner.
1. Loan Application—Property zip code; existing liens; borrower income;
borrower total debts; borrower total assets; borrower race, ethnicity,
& sex
2. Truth in Lending Disclosure—Amount financed, annual percentage rate; estimated payment schedule over life of loan
3. Good Faith Estimate—Itemized estimated closing costs
4. HUD-1 or HUD-1A Settlement Statement—Itemized final closing costs, including broker fees
5. Loan Note—Principal; rate; rate adjustment terms (for ARMs); payment
schedule; payment options (for option ARMs); prepayment penalties
Data Sources and Sampling
Data was gathered from legal services and private attorneys’ client
files, and via public information requests to state government agencies.
Appropriate paper topics include, but are not limited to. . .
• Relationships between borrower’s stated income, stated assets and liabilities, and loan terms.
• Transparency of disclosure of balloon payments and other features.
• Trends in other types of debt paid down through home refinance loans.
• Cost of credit.
Proposal Requirements and Deadline
Proposals of up to 2 pages (single-spaced), along with the author’s
curriculum vitae, should be submitted by email to
with the words “NMDR Call for Papers - Submission” in the subject line.
All proposals must be received by midnight on March 31, 2009.
Acknowledgement of each submission will be sent (if you do not receive
an acknowledgement, please follow up at 617-542-8010).
Selection Process and Symposium
Authors whose projects are selected will be invited to present their
work at a symposium at Valparaiso University School of Law. The final
symposium date—currently to-be-determined—will be either March 26,
April 9, or April 16, 2010 (news of the specific date will be provided
to applicants as soon as it is set). Applicants must commit to
participating in the full symposium.
Accessing the Data
Authors will be notified of the results of the selection process by
Monday, April 27, 2009. The data—comprised of a set of relational
tables—will be shipped to researchers in an Access database during the
week of April 27.
International Workshop on Urban Modeling
Place: “Sala da Congregação”, Building FEA I, FEA/USP
Date: July 10, 2012
Coordination: Eduardo A. Haddad
Introduction and opening remarks
“Micro-macro synergy: linking individual behavior to macroeconomic processes in urban systems”
Eveline van Leeuwen, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“An index of accessibility for Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region”
Renato Vieira, FIPE, Brazil
“Recent developments of the interregional input-output system for Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region”
Eduardo Haddad, University of São Paulo, Brazil
10:50-11:10 – Coffee break
Research Project 1: “Housing prices and accessibility in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region”
Paula Pereda, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Weslem Faria, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Research Project 2: “Integrating GIS and input-output systems for assessing the impacts of floods in Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region”
Eliane Teixeira, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
“Home price indices: the FIPE ZAP real estate index for Sao Paulo”
Eduardo Zylberstajn, FIPE, Brazil
“Urban agglomeration and economic growth in Latin America”
Patricio Aroca, Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile
“Investigating demographic changes and their impacts on a metropolitan economy: ageing, immigration and changing ethnic compositions”
Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dear colleagues,
I would like to inform you that application is now possible for the ERSA/PREPARE summer school 2009 in Volos. For further information and a link to the application form please go to
Please, pass along this information to potentially interested colleagues.
Best wishes
Gunther Maier
Call for Papers for the
36th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association International
The conference will be held at the University of Wollongong, Australia, 4-7 December 2012.
The closing date for abstracts is 31 August 2012.
Further information is available at
For more information, please see attached file below
PRSCO 2009, 19-22 July 2009, Gold Cost, Australia (103.99 kB)
The Spatial Economics Research Centre is holding its first annual conference at the London School of Economics on 7th/8th May 2009, with the first half of the programme being devoted to selected papers by postgraduates working in this field.
Submissions (of 500 word abstracts) are invited now, to, for receipt by 3rd April. The selected presenters will be invited to both days of the conference, with financial support for travel/accommodation.
Details are on the attached flyer - please pass on to others who may be interested.
Dear colleagues,
The Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia would like to invite you to participate in the
which will be held in Belgrade from 22 - 25 May 2013. It is our intention to meet renowned guests, keynote speakers, scientists and experts, as well as to exchange new ideas, research results and experiences in the fields of spatial planning, economy, urbanism, and architecture, environmental science, and related fields. We would also like the young researchers, Ph.D. and undergraduate students to visit the Conference and take an active part in the Conference's topics.
Deadline for abstract submission: 26th October 2012
Conference Topics:
Please feel free to disseminate this information.
More information on Conference:
More information on IAUS:
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.