Elisabete Martins

The EU/US Policy Oriented ATLANTIS Project “PACTS” - “Policy Analysis for Complex Transport Systems” (www.pacts-eu-us.net) will organize a Summer Course, with the theme Policy Analysis of Complex Transport Systems, that will be held in Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal, from June 2nd to June 7th, 2012.

Important Dates


• April 15, 2011: Deadline for Registration and Scholarships Applications;
• Important Notice: the course is organized from Saturday to Thursday.


• website: www.pacts-eu-us.net
• e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download LEAFLET (PDF Document)


52nd European Congress of the Regional Science Association International
4th Central European Regional Science Conference


CALL FOR PAPERS : 10 January - 17 February 2012

Link to the ERSA Congress 2012 in Bratislava:


50th JSRSAI Anniversary, 1962-2012

JSRSAI Annual Meeting

Tokyo, Japan, 6th-8th October, 2012

Call for Papers

The 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan Section of the RSAI will be held in Tokyo, Japan from 6th-8th October, 2012. It is a great pleasure well come to you to the JSRSAI Annual meeting and to our 50th Anniversary celebration. The Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International was founded in 1962.We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for a paper presentation at the JSRSAI Annual Meeting. Any topic of regional science will be invited.

For more information, please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

49th JSRSAI Annual Meeting

Venue: Rissho University, 4-2-16 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8602
Date: 6th-8th October, 2012
Abstract Submission: 31st May, 2012
Chairperson: Prof. Akifusa FUJIOKA, Rissho University
Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to welcoming you in Tokyo, Japan.

Prof. Yoshiro HIGANO

President, JSRSAI

Download Call For Papers (PDF Document)

Sunday, 06 November 2011 22:00

August Lösch Prize 2012

August Lösch Prize 2012

The City of Heidenheim an der Brenz and the August Lösch Society jointly grant the prestigious August Lösch Prize 2012.
The prize was created in 1971 and first awarded in 1972 by the City of Heidenheim in honour of August Lösch (1906-1945), one of the founders of modern Regional Science, and a former citizen of Heidenheim.
The prize is intended to reward outstanding academic research in the field of Regional Science. The prize carries an award of Euro 4000. Joint recipients will share this amount.
The Society invites the submission of research work written in either German or English. The prize will be presented at a regional science conference to be held in Kiel in June 2012. Au-gust Lösch spent most of his academic career at the Kiel Institute, until his early death in 1945.
The winner, or winners, will be selected by an international committee headed by Johannes Bröcker, University of Kiel, Germany.

The deadline for submission is March 15th, 2012.

See invitation of submissions.

For further information please visit.



Galway, Ireland

28th to 30th August 2012


The RSAI British & Irish Section invites the submission of abstracts to be considered for the 2011 Annual Conference. Suggested themes for the conference are listed below, though quality papers in all areas of regional science are welcome.

  • Regional Growth and Productivity

  • Differential Regional Impacts of the Current Economic Crisis

  • Sustainable Regional Development

  • Regional Energy Use and Environmental Impacts

  • Patterns of Migration and Implications for Regional Labour Markets

  • Spatial Analysis and Geodemographics

  • Innovation and Competitiveness

  • Regional Policy in Ireland and the UK

  • European Regional Policy

  • Transport and Infrastructure

  • Rural Economies and Communities

The RSAI-BIS is also organizing a DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM for doctoral students in regional science on the day before the annual conference. Details are below.
During the Annual Conference, there will be Special Session for early career/doctoral students with prizes for the best conference paper and the best conference presentation by early career researchers. Early career researchers are those engaged in or having recently completed PhD study in regional science.  Those applying for the best presentation must be at a stage prior to a PhD viva date.  Applicants for the best conference paper must be within 3 years of their PhD viva.  If you are eligible and wish to be considered for these prizes please select these tracks when submitting your abstract online here.

Please submit abstracts of approximately 300 words online at http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=156 by February 29th 2012 at the very latest. Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision in April 2012.


For the second time, a Colloquium for Doctoral Students in Regional Science will be organised in conjunction with the Annual Congress of the Regional Science Association International – British and Irish Section. The 2012 Colloquium will take place on August 28th, just before the Annual Conference.

The Colloquium is particularly aimed at Doctoral Students in the first two years of their studies but all are welcome to attend. The Colloquium aims to provide an opportunity for doctoral students in Regional Science to discuss their research and work in progress with a distinguished faculty. Overviews of the current state of the research in regional science will also be included in the programme of the Colloquium. There will also be opportunities for doctoral students to interact informally both with each other and the faculty.

Attendance at the colloquium is free for doctoral students who are attending the annual conference. All participating Doctoral students are also required to register for the Annual Conference and are strongly encouraged to present papers at the conference. They are also eligible to apply for consideration for the early career researchers prizes.
The core faculty proposed for the Colloquium will be composed of leading researchers in the field.

Doctoral students who wish to attend the Colloquium should indicate this when submitting abstracts for the conference or by emailing the Secretary directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Participants will be required to submit a Research Summary (approximately 4 pages) by July 30, 2012  which will include a 100 word abstract. The summary should include, for example, the expected contribution, the research question(s) and its location within the literature, a brief overview of related work, the methodological approach, research conducted to date and results so far.
For any further information regarding the conference and/or colloquium please contact the Secretary: Dr Declan Jordan, Secretary RSAI:BIS, Department of Economics, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Web: www.rsai-bis.org


The 11th IRSA International Conference

Natural Resources, Environment and People’s Welfare in Decentralized Indonesia


Call for Papers

The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with Lambung Mangkurat University invites scholars, practitioners and graduate students to submit papers to be presented in the 11th IRSA International Conference. The conference will be held in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, on 9-11 July 2012 and theme of the conference is Natural Resources, Environment and People's Welfare in Decentralized Indonesia.

Potential topics to be discussed in this conference include, but are not limited to:

o natural resource and environmental management, forest and land use policy, mining development and implication, climate change policy

o fiscal decentralization, financing regional development, public-private partnerships, regional investment climate and competitiveness, regional bureaucratic reforms

o urban and regional transportation, regional and urban planning, regional modelling, agriculture and rural development

o poverty and inter-regional disparities, health and education services, clean/drinking water provision, energy and other regional Infrastructures Issues

o political economics of regional development, governance.

Extended paper abstract of about 250-400 words should be submitted online via http://irsa2012.irsa.or.id/. Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, and potential contribution to knowledge. Please provide keywords and JEL number. Abstract should be in English, as also the full paper.

Important deadlines:

Abstract submission: 1 April 2012

Abstract acceptance notification: 15 April 2012

Full Paper submission: 15 June 2012

Early bird registration: 30 June 2012

The Conference: 9 – 11 July 2012

The conference will have six prominent scholars and experienced practitioners as keynote speakers. Paper sessions are seminar-style with a discussant for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.


Conference Secretariat:

Faculty of Economics, Lambung Mangkurat University

Banjarmasin, Indonesia.

Phone/Fax: 0511-3305116

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Contact Person:

Muzdalifah SE, M.Si. (Secretary): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. M. Handry Imansyah (Chairman): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download Call For Papers (PDF Document)

Wednesday, 07 March 2012 11:56

August Lösch Prize: Final Call

Dear colleague,

As a final reminder, I would like to draw your attention again to this years granting of the August Lösch Prize by the city of Heidenheim.

Contributions are requested to be submitted to this mail-address before March 16th.

Link to further information:


Download Call (PDF Document)

CONFERENCE TITLE: Cities, Open Economies, and Public Policy

CONFERENCE DATES: August 16, 2012 – August 18, 2012

We would like to invite you to submit a paper for presentation at the RCEF 2012 conference “Cities, Open Economies, and Public Policy”.

The conference will be held at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada.

The Rimini Conference in Economics and Finance (RCEF) is a biennial conference series that alternates between Italy and Canada, but with a different focus each time. This year’s theme will draw researchers from urban economics, with a micro focus on long run development, trade, and the environment, and from international macroeconomics with a focus on business cycles, financial markets, and monetary policy. Intersecting these two fields will be researchers on public policy, that is, economists who study the levers that national governments typically wield: taxes, transfers, education, and labor mobility (migration and immigration). We also invite papers in other areas of economics, including general equilibrium, industrial organization, and quantitative methods.

The conference is organized by Canadian and Italian economists under the sponsorship of the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) but invites scientific contributions from all over the world. Authors should submit an extended abstract of up to 500 words. Please include with the submission JEL classification codes for the paper, keywords as well as JEL classification codes of the author(s) specialization field(s). Complete papers may be submitted but the extended abstract is required. In case of more than one author, please note the corresponding author. The submissions should be sent in PDF format to the address provided below.

Proposals for sessions, consisting of three papers, are particularly welcome. If you are interested in submitting a session please send the session topic, paper titles and names of authors and arrange for the abstracts to be sent to the address provided below.

Student submissions. We welcome paper submissions from graduate students. The registration fee will be waived for Canadian students whose papers are accepted.

The deadline for submissions is March 21, 2012. Authors will be notified by April 22, 2012 whether their papers have been accepted.

Fees. There are no submission fees. The registration fee for the conference is

Students                                                     CAD$50

RCEA Senior Fellows and Fellows                  CAD$140

Others                                                        CAD$200

Late Fee                                                      CAD$280

The late fee will be applied to all registrations received after May 14, 2012.

The fees include HST and all meals at the conference site, including (except for students) a reception on August 16 and a banquet dinner on August 17.

To submit a paper please use the conference website www.rcef.ca

Questions about the conference should be addressed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Ed Glaeser, Harvard University

Phil Oreopoulos, University of Toronto

Will Strange, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto


Werner Antweiler, University of British Columbia and RCEA

David Card, University of California

Marco Del Negro, Federal Reserve Bank-New York

Gilles Duranton, University of Toronto and RCEA

Gabriele Fiorentini, University of Florence and RCEA

Galina Hale, Federal Reserve Board-San Francisco

Luca Lambertini, University of Bologna and RCEA

Lance Lochner, University of Western Ontario and RCEA

Megan Macgarvie, Boston University

Enrico Moretti, University of California

Petra Moser, Stanford

Giovanni Peri, UC-Davis

Diego Puga, Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies

Matthew Turner, University of Toronto


Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (RCEA) (www.rcfea.org), the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis in Canada (www.rcea-canada.org), and Review of Economic Analysis (www.rofea.org).


* Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

* Canadian Labour Market and Skills Research Network (CLSRN)

* CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity, University of Western Ontario

* Department of Economics, University of Toronto

* Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis in Canada

* School for Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto

* Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, University of Toronto

* Cities Centre, University of Toronto

* Italian Cultural Institute


Dwayne Benjamin, (Co-chair of the Scientific Committee), University of Toronto and RCEA

Gianluca Clementi, New York University and RCEA

Kunal Dasgupta, University of Toronto

Gilles Duranton, University of Toronto and RCEA

Jerzy (Jurek) D. Konieczny, Wilfrid Laurier University and RCEA

Gary Koop, University of Strathclyde and RCEA

Angelo Melino, (Co-chair of the Scientific Committee), University of Toronto and RCEA

John Maheu, University of Toronto and RCEA

Peter Morrow, University of Toronto

Gianluigi Pelloni, University of Bologna and RCEA

Craig Riddell, University of British Columbia

Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph and RCEA


Dwayne Benjamin, (Organizing Committee co-chair) University of Toronto and RCEA

Jerzy (Jurek) D. Konieczny, Wilfrid Laurier University and RCEA

Angelo Melino, (Organizing Committee co-chair) University of Toronto and RCEA

Gianluigi Pelloni, University of Bologna and RCEA




5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor

of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck

NECTAR Cluster 6 on Accessibility



26–27 OCTOBER 2012, Coimbra, Portugal

This joint meeting on “Applied Research and Modeling Advances on Accessibility in Spatial Development” aims to gather interest in the areas of Spatial Econometrics, Accessibility and Spatial Development. It also aims to promote the link between Spanish and Portuguese in these research issues.

The research group Gaec (Grupo de Análisis Económico Cuantitativo) is organizing the 5th Seminar of Spatial Econometrics in honor of Doctor J.H.P. Paelinck, in Coimbra (Portugal). The workshop aims to provide a forum for debate between young and consolidated researchers and it is open to both theoretical and applied papers which deal explicitly with questions of spatial modeling and econometrics.

The 2012 Jean Paelinck Seminar is organized together with the NECTAR-Cluster 6 Meeting on accessibility. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research) is a Europe-based scientific association with a network culture. The primary objective is to foster research collaboration and exchange of information between experts in the field of transport, communication and mobility from all European countries and the rest of the world.

Considering the objectives of this joint meeting, the main thematic areas will be the following:

  • Accessibility and Transport Planning
  • Social and Cohesion Issues
  • New Issues in Accessibility
  • Accessibility, Land Use and Urban Planning
  • Spatial Econometric Modeling
  • Spatial Econometric Applications in Transport and Accessibility Studies

The authors should indicate in which type of session (Paelinck/NECTAR) they want to be included, also taking into account the six thematic areas above mentioned. The Scientific Committee will proceed with the final allocation according to the papers received and selected.

The workshop is structured on a series of invited lectures and open sessions. In this light, the received contributions will be selected by the Scientific Committee.

Organizing Committee:

• Anabela Ribeiro (University of Coimbra)
• Bruno Santos (University of Coimbra)
• Jesús Mur (University of Zaragoza)
• Fernando A. López (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Matías Mayor (University of Oviedo)
• Jorge Silva (University of Beira Interior)

Scientific Committee:

• Jean Paelinck (George Mason University)
• Jesús Mur (University of Zaragoza)
• Ana Angulo (University of Zaragoza)
• Coro Chasco (Autonomous University of Madrid)
• Esteban Fernández (Universidad de Oviedo)
• Karst Geurs (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, University of Twente)
• Javier Gutierrez Puebla (NECTAR Cluster 6 Member, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
• Julie Le Gallo (Université de Franche-Comté, CRESE)
• Fernando A. López (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Juan Carlos Martín (NECTAR Vice-Chair, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
• Matías Mayor (University of Oviedo)
• Antonio Páez (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, McMaster University)
• António Pais Antunes (University of Coimbra)
• Roberto Patuelli (NECTAR Treasurer, University of Bologna)
• Paulo Peixoto (University of Coimbra)
• Pedro Ramos (University of Coimbra)
• Aura Reggiani (NECTAR Chair, University of Bologna)
• Anabela Ribeiro (University of Coimbra)
• Manuel Ruiz (Technical University of Cartagena)
• Bruno Santos (University of Coimbra)
• Jorge Silva (University of Beira Interior)
• Javier Trívez (University of Zaragoza)
• Pierre Zembri (NECTAR Cluster 6 Coordinator, Cergy-Pontoise University)

Registration fee

Non NECTAR Members: The fee is 150€, including (1) conference dinner, (2) lunches and (3) coffe breaks.

NECTAR Members will not pay this fee (since they will pay a fee through NECTAR membership). Please visit NECTAR’s website at http://www.nectar-eu.org for further information.

Payments should be made to ACIV – Assoc.Des.Eng.Civil (see details bellow). After sending the proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., a receipt will be provided.

For Portuguese:

NIB 0035.0623.00000001903.10

For non Portuguese:

IBAN: PT50 0035 0623 0000 0001 9031 0
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Address: Polo II da Universidade, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
Beneficiary: ACIV
Address: Department of Civil Engineering FCTUC, Polo II da Universidade 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
VAT : PT 505 448 173

Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 10 July 2012.
  • Decision on the acceptance: 20 July 2012.
  • Deadline for full paper submission and registration: 22 September 2012.

Please submit your abstract with a minimal amount of formatting, i.e. no caps, bold or italics.

Abstracts should contain a maximum of 250 words.

Please include the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of the authors in the file.

Send your abstract as a Word or plain-text attachment to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1st Ibero- American Congress on Regional Development:

Global Standing and Strategies

and to the

17°     National Meeting on Regional Development in Mexico, AMECIDER 2012

 Mexico City


September 3-6, 2012



1. As Ibero-Americans, and especially as Latin Americans, we are very concerned about the rapid pace of negative and positive changes the world is witnessing in the process of globalization and in the shifting role of its regions and supra regions. Such concern includes the nature of the crisis that exploded in September 2008. Indeed, it directly hit the USA, but is expanding throughout the globe. Furthermore, there are other sources of general worry such as environmental pollution, natural and social disasters, as well as deep social inequalities, massive migrations, terrorism of all kinds, unemployed youth, etc.

2. As Latin Americans who share a large set of values, we wish to gather and start a process of deep thinking in the reactivation of our identity and knowledge as a large region of the planet.  We belong to a territory of people that needs to have a voice and say, and a strategy of its own, in the context of the world scenario.

3. On these issues we would like to confront ourselves, our history, and our knowledge, with the range of alternatives that the world can present to us. In our Congress, we wish to invite not only Ibero-Americans, but also European, Asian and North American colleagues to mutually share our views and to foster the discussion regarding our situation in the global era.

4. Our expectations are that the present Congress will take place on a regular basis every two years (even years, i.e., 2014, 2016, etc). It shall be organized by one of the Ibero-American sections of the RSAI with the help of RSAmericas and, of course, with the support –formal or informal- of AMECIDER. Thus, it may become a good way for Latin American sections to maintain close contact and we also hope to strongly contribute to the creation of new RSAI sections in the countries lacking them. However, there is also a huge potential to enlarge the overall presence of regional science in the continent. An event like this one could be prove a great stimulus in this regards.

In accordance with the above, we launch the following CALL FOR PAPERS:


The Mexican Association of Sciences for Regional Development (AMECIDER)


The Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

call scholars, students, public officers, entrepreneurs, civic and political organizations, and public in general interested in regional development issues, to the

1st Ibero- American Congress on Regional Development:

Global Standing and Strategies

and to the

17°     National Meeting on Regional Development in Mexico, AMECIDER 2012

Mexico City


September 3-6, 2012




It is of the utmost importance that we approach the idea of the present congress as the starting point of a series of congresses to be generated by this initiative. It should be flexible and adapted according to each specific circumstance. Yet its general approach is to be kept in order to really get deep-thinking into its key aims. Namely: (1) the standing of Ibero- America (regions and macro region) in the world, (2) the reactivation of our specificities and identities, (3) the pondering of medium and long term roles of its regions and the macro region in the era of globalization, (4) the establishment of a broad strategy for our macro and micro regions to a more effective role in the world context (economic, social, political and cultural).


The general profile will be given by focalizing and connecting all themes and approaches under strategic viewpoints. Such emphasis will be placed in all papers on one or more of the following five aspects and three perspectives:

a. Emphases:

1. Open macro regional or sub national approaches

2. Synthetic approaches supported by data and case studies preferred to purely analytical ones

3. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches

4. Bottom-up approaches (social networks, civic organizations, popular movements)

5. Approaches that crisscross East/West and South/North relations

b. Perspectives:

All five points suppose an explicit effort to be more directly connected with:

1. Public policies,

2. Tradition and/or knowledge innovation,

3. The determination to develop –and/or adapt- theories, methodologies and concepts more suited with Ibero-American realities.

It should be clear that the General Approach and Profile (A and B) are, together with quality, the main criteria for accepting papers in any of the Theme Subjects.

III. PLENARY PANELS (through international panellists especially invited for the purpose)

1. Scope and significance of Ibero-American region(s)

2. Standing of Ibero-America in the world context

3. Ibero-American specificities: basic traits, challenges and potentials of the region(s)

4. Long, medium and short term strategies for Ibero-America and its regions


A. THEME SUBJECTS (open to all accepted paper participants)

1. Ibero-American theories, methodologies and concepts for regional analysis in the face of globalization and the crisis

2. Regional blocs and regional agreements

3. Strategic potentials and opportunities for development

4. Biodiversity, energy types, and sustainable development

5. Finance and regional policy

6. Economic sectors and land use renewal

7. Urbanization and regional development

8. Population, poverty, and regional inequality

9. Democracy, social organization and politics

10. Technological innovation and endogenous development

11. Social constructions, history, and cultural, educational and gender diversity


1. Forum for dialogue between postgraduate programs linked to regional development.

- Addressed to postgraduate program coordinators, wishing to share and discuss their curricular programs, teaching, research lines and operational academic problems, as well as the impact on society.

- For more information, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Call for undergraduate students to participate in teams (maximum three students per team) in the 5th ebate-forum: “SALVADOR RODRIGUEZ Y RODRIGUEZ”. The aim is to foster research and academic debate among students.

- Participation is through collective essays dealing with the local, national or international perspective, referring to any of the Theme Subjects of the congress.

- The winning team will receive the “SALVADOR RODRIGUEZ” award.

- For participation requirements see AMECIDER’s web site.


A. Formalities

-      The maximum number of authors per paper is two. Any author may not register more than two papers,

-      Papers may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese,

-      The first page of the paper should contain the following identification information: title, thematic axis, name (s) of author (s), the utilized working method (either completed research or essay in progress). Font: Arial 11 points, 1.5 interlined space,

-      The second sheet of paper will contain: title and abstract (maximum of 300 words, ended with at least three key words in the three accepted languages; font: Arial 11 points and 1.5 interlines space. Footnotes must include the following information of the author (s): academic degrees, institution (s) of affiliation, telephone and e-mail, in font: Arial 9 points, single and justified interlined space,

-      The extension of the paper will be between 15 and 20 pages, charts, schemes and maps included,

-      The paper (s) must be products of research and must not be published anywhere before.

B. Technical Specifications

-      Use Word processor, which saves files with extension .doc

-      Margins of 2.5 cm., without headers or frames

-      All texts written in Arial font

-      No special spaces between paragraphs

-      The full text will be justified to 11 points, using upper and lower case letters, no indentation and interlined of 1.5 cm., except the following cases:

  • General title: capital centered bold letters of 14 points

  • Author (s) name (s) after the title, in bold italic letters to the right side

  • Subtitles in 12 points in bold letters to the left side

  • Footnotes in 9 points, single space and justified

-      References in Harvard style *2

-      The organizers will not check nor accept papers in the following cases:

  • Papers sent after May the 14th

  • Papers exceeded 20 pages

  • Those which do not contain abstract

  • Those which do not specify the thematic axis

  • Papers without the established accepted format.

All papers must be sent only to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the special attention to the Academic Commission, who will review the received papers and will decide on the acceptances for them to be part of the Congress and Meeting programmes.

*1.- There is a file example in the link: http://www.amecider.org.mx/modelo-de-ponencia, which you may unload so as you can get the necessary support for it.

*2.- Please see: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estilo_Harvard_de_citas

C. Important Dates

-      The reception of papers will be at the moment of the publication of this Call up to May the 14th, 2012.There will not be any date extension.

-      The acceptance or not acceptance letters, as well as the information on the programme of participation will be sent to the authors not later than June the 15th, 2012.

-      The preliminary academic programme will be published in our Web site on July the 1st, 2012.

D. Publications

All accepted papers are refereed and they will be presented and published in an electronic book with ISBN.

E. Registration fees

The registration fees are individuals for every participant (either authors, or attendants) and they cover the right to obtain a copy of the working papers, academic and socio-cultural events and diplomas of participation. There will not be any of them for those who not pay the fees.

The registration fees have three modes of themselves according to the following times and payment procedures:

Enrolment categories *3

Until July the 31st

Between August 1st-31st

In the moment of the academic event



Mexican Pesos *4

Authors (speakers)








Under graduated Students




*3.- Those AMECIDER’s members with their fees updated will be liable of a 20% discount in the registration fees.

*4.- In the case of payments or transference from abroad, the transaction will be in Mexican Pesos at the exchange rate at the moment of the payment. There will be discounts of 20% for the participants coming from Central America and The Caribbean countries.

Payment procedure:

-      Please do a bank deposit to the account number: 00161646540 of BANCOMER, payable to the: Asociación Mexicana de Ciencias para el Desarrollo Regional, A. C., with your name (s) as a reference.

-      Send by E-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) a digital image of such a deposit that includes the name (s) you wish to enroll.

-      For the case of undergraduated students, they must include in their deposit copy attached, their up-to-date ID copy from the school where they are enrolled. The original will be required at the moment of their registration in the very event.

-      For the cases of electronic transferences of payments, please do it to the same account number (00161646540 of BANCOMER), CLABE: 012 180 00161646540 9, adding your name and e-mail address as a reference for your immediate receive notice.

-      Deliver personally your original payment deposit or a print of your electronic transference at the registry desk in the moment of the Congress/Meeting.

-      The direct payment in the Registry Desk will be only in cash and in Mexican Pesos

-      The official invoices will be sent at request at the Registry Desk in the days of the academic event. They will be sent by e-mail not later than one week after the Congress/Meeting finishes. There will not be invoicing in the days of the academic event.




It is formed by the presidents or directors of each one of the convening and co-convening organizations (or the persons they delegate), plus the RSAI President and its immediate Past President.


It is designated by the AMECIDER.



Ø  AMECIDER’s web page: www.amecider.org.mx

Ø AMECIDER’s office: Phone number: +52 (0155) 56230100, Ext. 42449 (Mr. Ivan Sanchez); and e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Argentinean Society of Regional Economics (SAER)

Brazilian Association of Regional Science (ABCR)

Chilean Society of Regional Studies (SOCHER)

Colombian Association of Regional Studies (ASCER)

Coordination of Humanities (CH-UNAM)

Institute of Economic Research (IIEc-UNAM)

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR)

Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM-UNAM)

Regional Science Association of America (RSAmericas)

Spanish Association of Regional Science (AECR)

Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL)

University Programme of City Studies (PUEC-UNAM)

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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