Elisabete Martins

Dear NECTAR Friend:

In the framework of the next NECTAR Conference on  “Dynamics of Global and Local Networks”, which will be held in St. Miguel, Azores Islands (Portugal), 16-18 June 2013, Cluster 3 is organizing a Special Session on "Sustainable Logistics".

Please find attached the related call for papers. (DOWNLOAD CALL)

Note that accommodation for 2 nights (16-17/6/2013) will be offered to NECTAR-members (to one author per paper). Publications in terms of Special Issue (s) or Volume are also planned.

For any other info on this Special Session, please, do not hesitate to write to: Sandra Brito Melo <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >

Note that we are planning eight Special Sessions in total. See:


Note also that the airport at St Miguel is Ponta Dalgada (PDL). Concerning the flights, see:


Looking forward to seeing you in the Azores!

Kind regards,
Knut Sandberg Eriksen
NECTAR Secretary
Senior Research Economist
Institute of Transport Economics
Gaustadalleen 21
N-0349 Oslo
Tel:   +47 489 45 026
Fax:  +47 2260 9200
Mob: +47 977 57 714


2nd International Workshop on

Computational Transportation Science 2009 Call for Papers November 3, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA

icon 2nd IWCTS 2009 (31.04 kB) 

In the near future, vehicles, travelers, and the infrastructure will collectively have billions of sensors that can communicate with each other. This environment will enable numerous novel applications and order of magnitude improvement in the performance of existing applications. However, information technology (IT) has not had the dramatic impact on day-to-day transportation that it has had on other domains such as business and science. In terms of the real-time information available to most travelers, with the exception of car navigation systems, the transportation experience has not changed much in the last 30-40 years. During this same time, the miniaturization of computing devices and advances in wireless communication and sensor technology have been propagating computing from the stationary desktop to the mobile outdoors, and making it ubiquitous. Transportation systems, due to their distributed/mobile nature, can become the ultimate test-bed for this ubiquitous (i.e., embedded, highly-distributed, and sensor-laden) computing environment of unprecedented scale. Information technology is the foundation for implementing new strategies, particularly if they are to be made available in real-time to wireless devices such as cell phones and PDAs. A related development is the emergence of increasingly more sophisticated geospatial and spatio-temporal information management capabilities. These factors have the potential to revolutionize traveler services, and the provision and analysis of related information. In this revolution, travelers and sensors in the infrastructure and in vehicles will all produce a vast amount of data that could be interpreted and acted upon to produce a sea change in transportation.

The emerging discipline of computational transportation science
(CTS) combines computer science and engineering with the modeling, planning, and economic aspects of transportation. The discipline goes beyond vehicular technology, and addresses pedestrian systems on hand-held devices, non-real-time issues such as data mining, as well as data management issues above the networking layer. CTS applications will improve efficiency, equity, mobility, accessibility, and safety by taking advantage of ubiquitous computing.

The International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science invites submissions of original, previously unpublished papers on CTS issues. Position papers that report novel research directions or identify challenging problems are invited from industry as well as academia. Papers incorporating one or more of the following themes are especially encouraged:

* Uncertain information distributed among moving travellers/
vehicles and the infrastructure
* Information in pedestrian, biking, and other non-motorized
transportation applications
* Ride- and car-sharing using social networks
* Computation of costs of multi-modal travelling
* Information regarding transfers to alternate modes of transportation
* Data mining techniques for travel information
* Dynamic shortest path computations using forecasts
* Human-computer interfaces in intelligent transportation applications
* Privacy and security issues in transportation information
* Social and institutional information related to travel
* Real-time negotiation among travellers
* Mobile artificial-intelligence aspects related to transportation
* Sensor information related to transportation
* Wireless communication with travelers and vehicles

Submission Instructions
Authors should prepare an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of their full paper. Papers must be in English and not exceed 6 pages double column in ACM SIG format (US Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references. Position papers are limited 4 pages. Each submission should start with: the title, abstract, and names, contact information of authors, type of the submission (research paper or position paper). Authors are asked to register the titles and abstract of their papers in advance. To register or submit a paper, please visit https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/IWCTS09/
or see the workshop website for more details. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and the ACM digital library. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the workshop.

Important Dates:
Paper submissions due: July 31, 2009
Notification to the authors: September 14, 2009
Camera ready papers due: September 28, 2009
ACM GIS 2009 Conference: November 4-6, 2009
IWCTS Workshop: November 3, 2009

General co-Chairs:
Shashi Shekhar, University of Minnesota, USA
Glenn Geers, NICTA, Australia

Program committee co-Chairs:
Sangho Kim. ESRI
Betsy George, Oracle

Steering Committee:
Ouri Wolfson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Program Committee:
to be determined



2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks (LBSN 09)

Nov. 3, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA Held in conjunction with the 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems

icon LBSN 2009 (529.6 kB) 

Aim and Scope
Social networking services have become extremely popular in recent years, especially for young people. However, they are still rooted in the virtual world. People usually need to sit behind a desktop computer to upload photos, write blogs and communicate with friends. The development of wireless networks and location sensing technologies have made it easier to track and share personal location information on the fly. By adding a location dimension, we can bring social networking back from the virtual world into real life and allow real-life experiences to be shared in a more convenient way. We define Location Based Social Networks (LBSN) as social network services where people can track and share location related information with each other, via either mobile or desktop computers. As location is one of the most important aspects for peoples everyday lives, a lot of novel application scenarios can be supported by LBSN. For example, we can collect and share more trustworthy location recommendations within LBSN and use them to rank interesting locations, discover new places, people and activities.
The objective of this workshop is to provide a single forum for researchers and technologists to discuss the state-of-the-art, present their contributions, and set future directions in emerging innovative research for location based social networks.

Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following aspects of location based social networks:
* Spatial data mining and knowledge discovery
* Personal location/trajectory data mining
* Spatial query log mining
* Geo-tagged multimedia mining
* Opinion mining for location related information
* Spatial data indexing
* Hybrid index for spatial, textual and multimedia data
* Index for moving objects
* Location based social network analysis
* Geographical information extraction and retrieval
* Spatial data acquisition and pre-processing
* Spatial data visualization and computer human interface
* Location privacy, data sharing and security
* Navigation and traffic prediction
* Systems, architectures and middleware

We seek three kinds of submissions related to location based social networks:
* Full research papers V up to 8 pages
* Vision papers and short technical papers - up to 4 pages
* Demo papers V up to 2 pages
Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera ready templates available at:
Papers must be submitted electronically, via the submission website on or before the submission deadline. All accepted papers will be included in the ACM digital library.

Important Dates
Paper submission: Aug. 18, 2009
Notification of acceptance: Sep. 7, 2009 Camera-ready copies due: Sep. 28, 2009 Workshop date: Nov. 3, 2009

General Chair
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland (Australia)

Program Chair
Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia (China)

Demo Chair
Gang Guan, Microsoft Research Asia (China)

Program Committee
Xin Chen, NAVTEQ (USA)
Marek Kowalkiewicz, SAP Research (Australia) Wang-Chien Lee, Pennsylvania State University (USA) Iqbal Mohomed, Microsoft Research (USA) Sung Hyon Myaeng, Korea Advanced Institute of Sci. and Tech. (Korea) Yanwei Pang, Tianjin University (China) Wen-Chih Peng, National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) Kazutoshi Sumiya, University of Hyogo (Japan) Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong) Nenghai Yu, University of Science and Technology of China (China) Yang Yue, Wuhan University (China)

Contact Information
For enquiries and further information, please contact:
Xing Xie (xingx at microsoft.com)
Xiaofang Zhou (zxf at itee.uq.edu.au)
Gang Guan (gguan at Microsoft.com)



Dear Madam/Sir,
On 22-23 November in Warsaw the Ministry of Regional Development of Poland will hold a debate on the future of European territory in a long term and global perspective, which will be an opportunity to exchange views and good practice on conducting development policy.
We have a great pleasure to invite you to the conference Territorial development challenges – visions of Europe & Poland, which will be an attempt of confronting the Participants with the development challenges in Europe and Poland.
The conference will be organized in cinema hall in the Ministry of Regional Development of Poland, 2/4 Wspólna Street.
The main objective of the conference is to initiate an exchange of views and opinions on the challenges and visions of territorial development in Europe. Speakers will touch upon issues related to the future of European territory in a long term and global perspective, in four thematic sessions:
Changes in European space in the XXI century,
Visions of the spatial and socio-economic development of
Central-Eastern Europe,
Territorial Cohesion challenges,
Future of the European territory – ET2050 and  inspiration of other
ESPON Projects.
We would be honored if you accept the invitation to the conference.
Please find attached an invitation and detailed AGENDA of the meeting.
Please also be informed that we have pre-booked rooms for participants (accommodation on 21/22 and 22/23 - depends on how you prefer, participants cover the costs on their own) in Mercury Grand Hotel, Krucza 28 Street, Warsaw - at a distance of 200 meter to the Ministry. To make a room reservation please contact with the Hotel - rooms are pre-booked on code:
22-23 November - Conference in the Ministry of Regional Development.
We would appreciate if you could confirm your participation till 16 November.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Wiktoria Palion
Ministry of Regional Development
Department of Structural Policy Coordination Territorial Development Unit
Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego
Departament Koordynacji Polityki Strukturalnej Wydział Rozwoju Terytorialnego
ul. Wspólna 2/4
00-926 Warszawa
tel./phone 48 22 461 35 05
faks/fax: 48 22 461 32 63


QUeST 2009

Call for Papers

1st SIGSPATIAL ACM GIS International Workshop on Querying and Mining Uncertain Spatio-Temporal Data November 3, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA



Please see attached file for more details

icon  1st SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Uncertain Data (39.97 kB) 

Dear Colleague,

We cordially invite you to submit a paper to and participate in the upcoming International Symposium on Geography (GEOMED2013), to be held from 10-13 June 2013, in Antalya, Turkey.

The purpose of this symposium is to share your experience, knowledge and research on all aspects of geography, ecology, environment and culture in general.

Call for abstracts and papers is now open. Abstracts of maximum 300 words should be submitted by January 15, 2013.

Attached herewith please find the first announcement of GEOMED2013. For more information and updates about the symposium; please visit the Symposium website at: http://web.deu.edu.tr/geomed Looking forward to welcome you to Antalya, Turkey during 10-13 June 2013.

We shall feel indebted if you can circulate this announcement among your interested friends and colleagues.

For any questions or enquiries do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards.

Prof.Dr.Recep Efe

Symposium Co-chair

On Behalf of the Organizing Committee-GEOMED2013


The European Institute of Retailing and Service Studies (EIRASS)

July 2-5, 2010.

Istanbul, Turkey,


If you are not familiar with our conference, it may be of interest to you if

(1) you are interested in cross-disciplinary research in retailing and consumer services

(2) are interested in a truly international conference (we typically have delegates from 25-30 different countries)

(3) wish to have flexibility (we consider completed work and work in progress)

(4) appreciate a personal approach (same team has been organising this conference for many years)

(5) appreciate a relaxed, high quality environment to discuss your work and expand your network of contacts.


The call for papers and a template for abstracts are attached. When submitting an abstract, please make sure it is the same as the example in terms of font (sizes), order of information and layout.


For more details see attached files:

icon EIRASS_CfP (118.38 kB) 

icon EIRASS abstract example (84.5 kB) 


Invitation from the Conference Co-chairs

It is with great pleasure that we extend you this invitation to attend the 23rd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition in Melbourne, Australia, to be held from August 11th to 14th, 2013. The event will be jointly hosted by ASEG and PESA.

The theme for the conference is “The Eureka Moment” – capturing ASEG’s and PESA’s quest for discovery, insight and learning, but also with a sub-contextual nod to the golden riches of Victoria’s past.

This ASEG-PESA hosted conference is a recognised industry forum in which to present and learn about the newest geophysical techniques and practices. All delegates are invited to submit abstracts for posters and presentations in the five concurrent technical streams that we will be running over the three days of the conference. As always, case histories will be well received. We are lining up a number of terrific national and international key-note speakers to kick off the technical sessions. Several workshops and courses are being developed to serve the training needs of members of both host societies.

We are very proud of the venue for the conference and exhibition. The Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) was only recently constructed and will provide a stunning venue on the southern bank of the Yarra River in the heart of Melbourne. The exhibition hall will be located on the same level as, and immediately next to, the technical session meeting rooms, thus fully meshing the exhibition with the conference, and maximising exhibitor- delegate interaction. With more than 100 exhibitor booths, the exhibition hall is the perfect place to get up-to-date on the latest geophysical technologies.

The conference is the largest exploration geophysical conference in the southern hemisphere, attracting geophysicists from minerals and hydrocarbon exploration in equal numbers. Preparations for the conference are advancing at a rapid pace. In particular, tailored sponsorship packages are currently being developed for companies willing to support the conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne for the 23rd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition!

Asbjorn Norlund Christensen
Fugro Airborne Surveys
Co-chair (Minerals)

Jarrod Dunne
MEO Australia
Co-chair (Petroleum)

If you would like more information on the 23rd International Geophysical Conference & Exhibition 2013, please visit our website: www.aseg-pesa2013.com.au


GI_Forum 2010 First Call for Papers


icon GI Forum 2010 CFP (40.39 kB) 

The Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg (GI_Forum) is scheduled for July 6-9, 2010, at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

Audience. GI_Forum focuses on an international audience that shares an interest in Applied Geoinformatics. This Call for Papers aims at researchers who design, develop and apply advanced methods and techniques of Geoinformatics to a broad range of application domains.

Themes & Application Fields. GI_Forum solicits contributions on emerging topics and research outcomes related to current Geoinformatics methodology, and especially wishes to attract submissions pertaining to the following topics:
• Advances in Geovisualization and Cartography (in cooperation with InterCarto-InterGIS)
• Spatial Data Infrastructure
• Mobile GIS and Location Based Services
• Digital Terrain Representation and Analysis
• Digital Cities and Urban Sustainability Digital Cities are meant to provide a collaborative platform based on modelling of existing and planned urban infrastructure. This concept supports applications of a wide scale range, from the whole city, a city quarter, or a group of buildings down to a single building. We welcome contributions focused on applications as well as conceptual views.
• Global Change: Monitoring and Modelling “Global change” – a short formula for a multitude of anticipated shifts in societal and environmental domains due to strong global drivers such as climate change – calls for monitoring and modelling techniques to better understand regional implications and potential dynamics of such changes in a geospatial manner. International programmes and visions (GEO, GMES, SEIS, …) envisage unified systems based on quality standards for data, products and services to establish optimized observation and forecasting capacity within Europe, and globally.
• Vulnerability: Spatial Assessment and Analysis This topic is expected to highlight different developed and currently investigated methodologies to spatially assess vulnerability. It will specifically address the issue of vulnerability assessment, independent from conceptual discussions. The focus will be on the review and discussion of different methods of GIScience employed to assess, quantify and represent vulnerability as integrated spatial phenomena. Within a workshop session, current achievements and future research challenges will be identified and formulated.
• Learning with Geoinformation We encourage contributions discussing various issues related to geoinformation in education. In 2010 a special focus is put on the concept of 'Spatial Citizenship' and the role of GI-based learning in developing the relevant competences. The bilingual conference on Learning with Geoinformation will host such contributions in sessions partially shared with GI_Forum. Please refer to the separate CFP (www.gi-forum.org/learning). These contributions will be published in separate proceedings.

Submission: Types & Deadlines. GI_Forum 2010 gives authors choices about the type of submission they want to make in order to accommodate a variety of interdisciplinary contributions. Submissions are expected in English language according to the formatting guidelines published on the conference website.
• Deadline for submission of full papers for oral presentation and publication in the conference proceedings; and extended abstracts for discussion sessions: February 1, 2010.
• Late deadline for submission of extended abstracts for poster presentation: June 7, 2010.
We will accept online submissions only, starting from December 2009 at http://www.gi-forum.org/

Publication. Accepted full paper submissions will be published by Wichmann Verlag as a book. Extended abstracts for discussion sessions will be acknowledged in the proceedings.

We are looking forward to your contribution!
Conference Chair: Josef Strobl
Programme Chair: Adrijana Car
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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