Elisabete Martins

The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is accepting applications for 2 PhD scholarships for 3 years, for classes starting September 2013. The yearly amount of the stipend is 15.000€. The scholarships are funded by the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and the University of Barcelona (UB).


We are looking for students who have graduated after 2009 and who aim at enrolling on the PhD program in Economics (University of Barcelona). The candidates must have a Master in Economics completed by summer 2013 and fulfill the admission requirements of the PhD program in Economics, University of Barcelona ( http://www.ub.edu/ubeconomics/phd-in-economics/). A very good academic record and good English are also required for the position.


The successful candidates will develop their research under the supervision of IEB researchers belonging to the Research Programs “Fiscal Federalism”, “Cities and Innovation” and “Infrastructure and Transport” (www.ieb.ub.edu). We expect candidates to be interested in the research topics covered by these programs: Fiscal Federalism, Political Economy, Economics of Taxation, Public Economics, Urban Economics, Economics of Innovation, Economics of Infrastructures and Transport Economics. Successful candidates will have teaching duties in applied economics at either undergraduate or graduate level within the department of Public Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business (UB).


Only complete applications will be considered. Candidates must provide the following attachments:
1. Academic transcript
2. Statement of purpose
3. Curriculum vitae
4. 2 letters of reference


Applications should be submitted to the following address before May 30th (at the latest) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating in the title of the message ‘Application to PhD Scholarship’. You will be informed of the committee’s decision by the end of the second week of June.


Elise Turquin, Doctorante au sein de l’UMR PACTE,  nous annonce qu’en association avec les réseaux de professionnel-le-s et centres de ressources œuvrant pour le développement territorial urbain et rural, l’Union nationale des acteurs et des structures du développement local (UNADEL), l’Inter-réseau du développement social urbain (IRDSU) et le Collectif Ville Campagne organisent, un congrès national dédié aux professionnels du développement territorial, ruraux, périurbains et urbains, les 3 et 4 juillet 2013, à Valence.


Pour vous inscrire, allez sur la page : www.congres-developpeurs-territoriaux.fr



Prof. Dr. Gündüz Atalık died at his home in Istanbul on April, 30, 2013. He was the Founder and President of the Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International and a professor emeritus of urban and regional planning at Istanbul Technical University. 50 years of his academic and professional life, started in 1963 at the Regional   Planning  Department, Ministry of Housing and Construction and continued at Istanbul Technical University until 2013, was dedicated to regional science.

Professor Atalık was a prominent member of the regional science international community, fully devoted to the development of regional science in Turkey and within European Regional Science Association. Following the first and the second National Regional Science Congress in 1987 and 1989, he organized the 30th ERSA Congress in 1990 in Istanbul that has been one of the ever best organized ERSA Congress still a good memory in the minds of our regional science colleagues. He founded the Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International in 1991 and he organized 12 National Congress of Regional Science between 1987 and 2010 that contributed a lot to the institutionalization of regional science in Turkey. He also established the Master Programme of Regional Planning at the international standards at Istanbul Technical University and he played a pioneering role in the development of regional studies in Turkey.

The RSAI owes much to him for his dedicated efforts to establish and develop the Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International as well as for integrating it in large international networks.  We all are thankful to him. His loss will be strongly felt by all the RSAI community and his long and substantial contribution and close friendship will be missed by all of us.

Prof.Dr. Tüzin BAYCAN

Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International

Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University


Condolences presented to family, friends, and colleagues of Professor Gunduz Atalik

It is with great sadness that we learned that Prof. Dr. Gunduz Atalik passed away a few days ago at his home in Istanbul. Professor Atalik has been one of the key leaders of the Regional Science community in Turkey, the European space, and worldwide. He will be remembered as a tireless organizer, and intellectual leader, and as a scholar in urban and regional studies and planning of international stature. Professor Atalik was the founder and President of Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International. He regularly participated in international conferences in Regional Science and served as representative of the Turkish Section on the Board of the European Regional Science Association. In 1990, he made another significant contribution to Regional Science by taking on the organization of the European Regional Science Congress in Istanbul. This was a major event that has left many positive memories in the minds of our regional science colleagues. Professor Dr. Atalik will be missed by all of us for his long, substantial and broad intellectual contribution and the close friendship many of us have had with him. On behalf of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), I present to Prof. Dr. Atalik’s family and his friends and colleagues at the Istanbul Technical University our condolences in the trying moment and we thank you for your support throughout the year.

Jean-Claude Thill

President, Regional Science Association International

Knight Distinguished Professor of Public Policy, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA


On behalf of the Greek section we would like to express our deepest condolences for the lost of Prefessor Atalik.

Apart from an exceptional scholar Professor Atalik was a close friend and a pilar for the establishment of a very fruitful collaboration between Turkish and Greek sections.

It is important to maintain a fruitful collaboration and scientific exchange which Professor Atalic had contributed in our subregion. The promotion of the ideas in Regional Science and collaboration is a legacy that will drive our actions in the future.

Please express our sincere condolences to all colleagues and his family.

Yannis Psycharis

President of the Greek Section


On behalf of Baltic Region Researchers Association (hopefully Lithuania Section of the European Regional Science Association) please accept our sincere condolences for the lost of Professor Atalik.

Please express our sincere condolences to all colleagues and his family.

Kind regards,

Diana Cibulskiene


On behalf of the Romanian Regional Science Association I express the sadness for the passing away of Professor Gunduz Atalik, a prominent member of the regional science international community. Over the years a high esteem was bestow on Professor Atalik  for his dedicated efforts to establish and develop the Turkish Section of the Regional Science Association International as well as for integrating it in large international networks. The ERSA Congress in 1990, the ERSA Summer Institute in 2000 remain wonderful expressions of his deep involvement in the organizing of memorable events, which many of us benefited from. We have the full trust that his younger colleagues and collaborators will keep the Turkish Regional Science Association closely connected to ERSA and RSAI and will continue Professor Atalik’s enthusiastic work. We ask his family and colleagues to accept our sincere condolences and assure them that Professor Atalik will remain with us, in our souls and minds. 


Daniela Constantin

President of the Romanian Section


Such news never comes at a right moment and it is always saddening. Please accept our condolences and pass them to prof. Atalik's family, friends and colleagues who are active in the Turkish Section of RSA. 

Maciej Turala

Secretary of European Regional Science Association


On behalf of the Israeli Section of the European Regional Science Association and myself, please accept our sincere condolences.

With kind regards,

Amnon Frenkel


On behalf of Croatian Section of the European Regional Science Association and myself, please accept our sincere condolences!

Professor Gunduz Atalik, was a remarkable colleague, fully devoted to development of regional science in Turkey and within European Regional Science Association. I met him for the first time many years ago during the ERSA Congress in Krakow and every meeting with him was pleasant and friendly. Unforgettable is his contribution in organization of ERSA Congress in Istanbul as well as his active engagement in ERSA Council activities for many years.

He was living in a spirit of real researcher, what means readiness to assist young colleagues and readiness for cooperation on local and international level. Croatian colleagues will remember him as unique professional, kind person and remarkable personality. Please proceed our condolences to his family, too.

Kind regards,

Zlatan Fröhlich

President of the Croatian Section of ERSA


Very sad to hear of the news of Prof. Atalik

On behalf of ERSA, I send our condolences to the family and friends of Prof Atalik

I have posted the information on the ERSA home page and will briefly mention this in our newsletter

Best regards,

Richard KELLY

Executive Director

European Regional Science Association (ERSA)


This is a very sad new. I wish you all our kind regards and our support.

Best regards,

André Torre


Walter Isard left us some time ago, António Simões Lopes the founder of the Portuguese Association died in last December, now we received the sad notice that Pro. Gunduz Atalik, founder of the Turkish section of RSAI also passed away. It is moment of sadness but also a time of gratitude. Many thanks for being with us and for creating for us.

Best regards,

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

President of the Portuguese Section of RSAI


I first met Professor Gunduz Atalik at the ERSA congress in Istanbul in 1990 and since then it has been a pleasure for me to friendly chat with him at least once a year at various conferences and to be presented by him to various younger and valid Turkish scholars. I also participated to the ERSA Summer Institute which he organized in 2000 and from which he published together with Manfred Fischer an important book by Springer, where various interesting international contributions on “Regional Development” where integrated. Professor Atalik strongly believed in European Integration and also on the need to cooperate between the researchers in South Europe, as the cities and regions of the Mediterranean basin share many historical linkages and have common characteristics and problems. On behalf of the colleagues of the Italian Association of Regional Science I really regret that we have lost a good friend and hope to continue the collaborations with his many students and colleagues in Turkey.
Riccardo Cappellin
Professor of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
President of the Italian Association of Regional Science


As a president of the Spanish Regional Science Association, We wonder to add to all the colleagues that are giving you their condolence. During the last years, it's clear that the Turkish regional Science Association and their researchers have done an excelent job, and specially the relationships with Spanish team have increased a lot

Again our major condolences to all his family!

Jordi Suriñach

President of the Spanish Regional Science Association

André Torre, editor of the Journal Revue d’Économie Régionale et Urbaine, Journal of the Association de Science Régionale De Langue Française, informs us of the publication of the issue 1-2013 entitled "Territory, identity and quality" (from the conference d'Aoste).


The IEB (Barcelona Institute of Economics) invites applications for 2 PhD Scholarships, for a period of 3 years, starting from September 2013.

The yearly amount of the salary is 15.000€. The scholarships are funded by the Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) and the University of Barcelona (UB). We are looking for students who graduated after 2009 and who aim at enrolling in the PhD program in Economics (University of Barcelona).

The candidates must have a Master in Economics completed by summer 2013 and fulfil the admission requirements of the PhD program in Economics at University of Barcelona ( http://www.ub.edu/ubeconomics/phd-i...). A very good academic record and a good English level are also required for the position.

Applications should be submitted before May 30th (at the latest) toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating in the title of the message ‘Application to PhD Scholarship’.

For further information, please visit  http://www.ieb.ub.edu.

3rd ERSA International Workshop

Collaboration with Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS)

Call for Papers


Hosted by the Niederrhein Institute for Regional and Structural Research (NIERS)


“Higher Education Institutions and Regional Development”


Hochschule Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences Mönchengladbach, Germany on the 14 – 15 October 2013


Further details can be found in the PDF

60th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International

Atlanta, Georgia, November 13-16, 2013



In conjunction with the 2013 NARSC meetings, one day of workshops and tutorials will be held on Wednesday, November 13th.


Workshops should provide a platform for presenting and discussing ideas in a less-formal and more open way than is possible in a conference setting. Thus, they should provide an excellent opportunity for researchers to present work in progress and obtain detailed feedback, and should have ample time allocated for discussion and participation by all attendees. Workshops are welcome in all topics of interest to NARSC attendees, with the proviso that new and emerging areas of research are especially welcome.

Workshop proposals should be less than 1500 words, and must include the following:

* Title of the workshop

* Description of topics to be covered

* Scope and novelty of the workshop

* Workshop organizer(s) and their qualifications

* Format of workshop (1/2 day, 1 day)

* Highlights (e.g. keynotes, panels, other modes of discussion)

* Expected number of participants

* Details of any previous related workshops


Tutorials are an innovative way of covering a single topic in detail, to cover a Regional Science topic in depth or introduce emerging research area. A tutorial should last either a full (two sessions of three hours) or half (one session of three hours) day.  Tutorials may include activities or exercises for participants.

Tutorial proposals should be less than 2000 words, and must address all of the following issues:

* Title of the tutorial

* Description of topics and relevance to NARSC community

* Tutorial organizer(s) and their qualifications

* Format of tutorial (1/2 day, 1 day)

* Tutorial outline, indicating overall learning objectives and individual course elements

* Intended audience (introductory, advanced) and any background knowledge or skills required

* Required materials (e.g. will you need internet access, lab access, specific software installed?)

* Expected number of participants


All workshops and tutorial proposals should be submitted by e-mail to Neil Reid (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by April 26, 2013. All proposals will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Successful proposals will be notified by May 8, 2013. Please note that workshops or tutorials which receive do not achieve sufficient enrollment will be canceled.


WRSA's 53rd Annual Meeting will be held in San Diego, California February 16-19, 2014 at theParadise Point Resort and Spa.  The paper submission deadline is October 15, 2013.  WRSA requiresfull papers, not abstracts or presentation slides, in order to be considered for inclusion in the meeting program.

More details:  http://www.wrsa.info/

The registration and paper/session submission portals for the 60th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI) are now open. This year's hosts are the Southern Regional Science Association (SRSA). The conference will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 13-16, 2013.


About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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