At the annual convocation of the Royal Institute of Technology last November, John Quigley was awarded an honorary doctor’s degree. Two others received honorary degrees at the same time, including Hans Blix (who was Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the early 1990s).
The citation states that “John Quigley is regarded as the world’s eminent researcher in the fields of regional and urban economics, as well as in areas related to public economics and infrastructure investment.” RSAI congratulates John on a great achievement.
Recently, Professor Manas Chatterji and Professor Walter Isard organized two Regional Science Meetings in Kolkata and Mumbai. Professor Chatterji instituted an indian section prize 'Manas
Chatterji Award for excellence in research in Regional Science' and an Annual Distinguished Walter Isard Lecture in Regional Science.
RSAI is delighted to announce the winners of the Fellow awards for 2008. Our congratulations to one and all!! We look forward to presenting these awards at various RSAI conferences throughout 2008. The new fellows are (in alphabetical order)
T.R. Lakshmanan
Daniel McMillen
John McDonald
Jan Oosterhaven
Harry W. Richardson
Roger Stough
Takatoshi Tabuchi
April 29, 2008
Pair elected to National Academy of Sciences
Two Arizona State University professors – Edward Prescott, Regents’ Professor and Nobel Laureate, and Luc Anselin, founding director of the School of Geographical Sciences – have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. They join 10 other ASU faculty members in the Academy, a Washington, D.C.-based organization that advises the federal government on matters of science or technology.
Prescott, who joined ASU in 2003 and is the W. P. Carey Chair of Economics in the W. P. Carey School of Business, is a senior monetary advisor at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. He was awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in economic sciences, being lauded for a lifetime of original thinking that has addressed some of the most important long-standing questions in macroeconomics. He shared the prize with Finn Kydland.
Prescott’s work on business cycles has recast the way economists think about economic fluctuations, arguing that they represent the optimal response of the economy to various shocks. He also is known for his seminal work in policy analysis, economic development, general equilibrium theory and finance.
“I am honored to be elected to the National Academy of Science. I think it is an indicator of the success that ASU economics is having,” says Prescott. “It is a pleasure to work with the students here, including not only the graduate students, but the honors undergraduates I teach as well. I owe my election to my students who I have learned so much from, and to a number of collaborators.”
Anselin, who joined ASU last July, is one of the principal developers of the field of spatial econometrics and is best known for his book “Spatial Econometrics” and his development of the applications SpaceStat and GeoDa.
Anselin also serves as director of the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, a 4/29/08 7:50 PM Pair elected to National Academy of Sciences | ASU News Page 2 of 2
Anselin also serves as director of the GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation, a new research unit in ASU’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences devoted to the development,
mplementation and application of state-of-the-art methods of geospatial analysis to policy issues in the social and environmental sciences.
“I think this is fantastic and an important recognition of the contribution of spatial thinking and spatial analysis to science. It also means that the School of Geographical Sciences becomes one of the very few geography units in the U.S. where there are two members of NAS among the faculty,” Anselin says. NAS member Billie Lee Turner, a national leader in sustainability science, recently joined ASU as the Gilbert F. White Chair in Environment and Society in the School of Geographical Sciences.
"On behalf of the entire ASU community I congratulate Professors Luc Anselin and Ed Prescott on this greatly deserved honor," says ASU President Michael M. Crow. "The scholarship of ASU's faculty and students has been repeatedly recognized by honors, awards, fellowships and grants. Election to the National Academy of Sciences is one of the greatest distinctions that any scholar can achieve."
Prescott and Anselin were among 72 new members who were elected April 29 to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Those new members bring the total number of active members to 2,041.
Other ASU faculty members who are NAS members include Charles Arntzen, Jane Buikstra, Roy Curtiss, Bert Hoelldobler, Elinor Ostrom, John Rowell, Rustum Roy, V. Kerry Smith and Hoyt Tillman.
Carol Hughes, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The votes have now been counted and the final result is
190 for the changes - 6 against the changes
The constitutional changes are therefore approved.
Thank you all for your votes (and comments).
The 6 against were mainly concerned with the wording regarding the section's option of which Supra Regional Organization it would belong to. The intent of the wording was to enable a section to self determine what and how many Supra Regionals it would join. We are initiating discussions to address the issue and try to clarify the wording.
Best wishes
Graham Clarke
Roger Stough
Roberta Capello
Professor Antoine (Tony) Bailly is one of the most diverse Founder’s Medal recipients to date having achieved excellence in scholarship and research but also in such arenas as institution building, international relations, teaching, leadership and in several hobbies including alpine skiing, mountain climbing and cycling. As such he serves as an exemplar of human achievement and a model for all of his RSAI colleagues. We pay tribute to his long and distinguished career as a fellow regional scientist and the leadership he has provided in bestowing the Founder’s Medal of the RSAI on him.
Tony’s scholarly contributions have first been recognized in the 70’s and 80’s in the francophone world. His textbooks in geography and regional science were best sellers with translations in Italian and Spanish. His pionnier works in behavioural geography, geography of well being and spatial medicometry found a broad recognition. Tony has published in English and other languages in the 90’s and there can be no mistake that his 300 hundred journal articles and 32 books are a testament to a life of intense, serious and creative scholarship that has contributed broadly and deeply to regional science but also to geography, planning, philosophy of sciences and medical analytical methodology. At the same time Tony made many and rich contributions in the form of service to these fields, various universities and other organizations in the form of institution building and capacity expansion. He chaired the Social Sciences section of the University of Geneva and became president of the University Council. In regional science Tony chaired 3 associations and RSAI to promote the concept of “universal membership”. He was also active in many planning institutions in Switzerland, France, and European Union.
Thus it is with great honor and fondness that we recognize our colleague Antoine Bailly with the 2008 award of the Founder’s Medal.
A brief listing of a selection of his achievements follows:
Selected University Positions and Related Associations
Professor of Geography, University of Geneva, INRS Montréal, School of Architecture Paris
President, University of Geneva Council
President, University of Geneva Association of University Professors
President, Association of Swiss University Professors
Honarary Doctorate: Docteur Honoris Causa University of Québec
Selected National and International Recognition (Past or Present)
Past and Honorary President of French Speaking Regional Science Association
President, Western Regional Science Association
Vice President of ERSA and chair of the Long Range Planning Committee
President, Regional Science Association International
President, Swiss National Committee of the International Geographic Union (IGU)
President of the IGU Applied Geography Commission
Beaulieu Prize for Medicometric Research (Switzerland)
Chevalier (Knight) dans l’Ordre Nationoal du Mérite (France)
Foreign member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Italian Geographic Society
Past Scientific Director of the International Festival in Geography (France)
Selected Editorial Boards (Past or Present)
L’ Espace Geographique
La Revued’ Economie Régionale et Urbaine
La Revue de Géographie Alpine
Progress in Geography
La Revue canadienne de Science Régionale
Papers in Regional Science
Annals of Regional Science
Geographia Helvetica
RSAI members are invited to nominate distinguished scholars for consideration to become 2010 Fellows of RSAI. The nomination process can be initiated by any member of RSAI and consists of a letter of nomination, detailing the scientific merit and contribution of the nominee and an up to date curriculum vitae. Current Fellows are not allowed to submit nominations. To ensure full consideration by the committee, these materials should be provided in electronic format (pdf preferred) by January 31, 2010 to Geoffrey Hewings, Chair 2010 Fellows Election Committee at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The RSAI is dellighted to announce the new Fellows for 2009. Congratulations to all on this marvellous achievement. The presentations will take place at the three Supra-regional meetings later this year.
Here is the list in alphabetical order:
Antoine Bailly
Richard Church
Bernard Fingleton
Reginald Golledge
Peter Gordon
Daniel Griffith
Keith Ihlanfeldt
James LeSage
Janice Madden
Piet Rietveld
Anthony Venables
RSAI has the great pleasure to announce that the jury of the Martin Beckmann Prizehas chosen the paper "Good governance, trade and agglomeration (nr.4, p 483-504) by Fabien Candau (Université de Pau) as the best paper published in 2008 in PiRs and thus as the winner of the Martin Beckmann Prize 2009. Many congratulations to Fabien.
Elizabeth Mack, Indiana University, Selected to Receive the Tenth Annual Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship in Regional Science
Elizabeth Mack, a doctoral student in geography at the Indiana University has been selected as the winner of the Tenth Annual Benjamin H. Stevens Graduate Fellowship in Regional Science. The Fellowship will provide a $28,000, one-year stipend to support Mack in her research entitled, “The Impact of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) on Knowledge Intensive Firm Location.” Mack’s research is a multi-scalar empirical evaluation of the relative importance of ICTs to firms in knowledge industries, with a focus on broadband technologies. The research will provide an understanding of how future innovations in space-time shrinking technologies, like broadband Internet connections, impact the locational advantages of regional economies and their subsequent future prospects for growth and development. Her research is supervised by Assistant Professor Tony H. Grubesic of the IU Department of Geography.
The Fellowship is awarded in memory of Dr. Benjamin H. Stevens, an intellectual leader whose selfless devotion to graduate students as teacher, advisor, mentor, and friend continues to have a profound impact on the field of regional science. Fundraising efforts to increase the Fellowship’s endowment are ongoing. Donations should be sent to: The Stevens Fellowship Fund, Busey Wealth Management, P. O. Box 260, Champaign, IL 61824-0260 USA. Checks should be drawn to The Stevens Fellowship Fund.
The 2009-10 Stevens Fellowship competition was judged by a Selection Committee composed of: Edward Feser, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, chair; Brigitte Waldorf, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University; Edward Coulson, Economics, Penn State University; Cynthia Rogers, Economics, University of Oklahoma; and Lawrence Brown, Geography, Ohio State University. The Stevens Fellowship is administered by a committee on behalf of the North American Regional Science Council; David Boyce serves as Secretary and Michael Lahr as Treasurer.
The Committee thanks all students who entered the competition this year, as well as their thesis supervisors. Faculty at all North American Ph.D. programs are asked to encourage their best students to apply for the Eleventh Annual Stevens Graduate Fellowship, which will support the winning student’s thesis research in the field of Regional Science for the 2010-2011 year with a one-year stipend of $29,000. The application deadline is February 15, 2010. Full submission guidelines are posted at
April 25, 2009
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.