
Elisabete Martins

2019.12.19 Rhegion immagine promozionaleDear all,
the Call is open - deadline January 15th - to send papers to Rhegion UN 2020 - 2030.
Because Rhegion is partner of New Metropolitan Perspectives Simposium and for reasons of publication, the Call follows the procedure of New Metropolitan Perspectives - registration, upload of the paper and then, after peer review, publication with Springer Editor- specifying that the paper is for Rhegion and making a choice priority among the 5 thematic areas (as proposed in the draft of the Program that will be defined in the next months):

1 - History and Nature draw the Landscape

Chair: Heritage, Architecture and Urban Planning Department - PAU 

2 - Environmental Resources, Sustainability, Technology

Chair: Civil Engineering, Energy, Environment and Materials Department - DICEAM, and Department of Information Engineering, Infrastructures and Sustainable Energy - DIIES

3 - The Forms of Sustainability

Chair: Architecture and Territory Department - dArTe

4 - Nature Resources and Anthropic Processes

Chair: Agricultural Department, Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, Food - Agraria

5 - Ethics, Aestetich, and Rights of Environment

Chair: Department of Law, Economics and Human Sciences - DiGiES

Each will be managed by a department of the University, having incorporated the two Engineering departments, which, however, if they are available, a further session can be created.

The links for it are

The link for the Workshop Call is

A few months before the Event, a phase of diffusion in the city schools of the topics covered is foreseen.
Furthermore, the recognition of CFU for students will be required and, with the involvement of professional associations, of professional ones.

The Italian Ministry of the Environment for the protection of the territory and the sea, prof. Mark Catridge - President of the International Regional Science Association, prof. Andrè Torre - President of the European Regional Association, Vincent Kitio - Arch, PhD. | Chief, Urban Energy Unit |Urban Basic Services Branch | United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat | Nairobi, Kenya, Wang Xin - Doctor, Vice Dean, Associate Professor - TONGJI Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development, (IESD),  MOE Joint Lab for International Cooperation on Eco-Urban Design, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, Legambiente, the National Council of Engineers - CNI, and the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers, Conservators - CNAPPC, already have confirmed their presence.
Emeritus prof Federico Butera of the Polytechnic of Milano will participate.
And the two days of Rhegion Event, May 25 -26 and the Workshop, June 1-5, will probably be included among the events of the Sustainable Development Festival promoted by ASviS - of which we have patronage and participation - that takes place from May 20 to June 5, 2020, throughout Italy.
We are awaiting confirmation of Jeremy Rifkin. It is possible that the urban sociologist Saskia Sassen will also participate.

Rhegion United Nations 2020-2030: Territories And Cities, Material And Immaterial Heritage, Resilience And Ttransformation in the perspective of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to change the world" is promoted by the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Department Heritage, Architecture, Urban Planning - PAU, the International PhD Programme in Architecture of the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, with the participation of New Metropolitan Perspectives and TREnD Project, the patronage of Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea - MATTM, National Union of Municipalities and Community of Mountain Authorities - UNCEM, Regional Science Association International - RSAI,  International Society of City and Regional Planners - ISOCARP, National Institute of Urban Planning - INU, Society of Italian Townplanners - SIU, Society of Territorialists - SdT, Italian Regional Science Association - AISRe, Legambiente, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development - ASviS, National Council of Engineers - CNI, National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers, Conservationists - CNAPPC, National Institute of Bio-architecture - INBAr, Dwelling on Earth - Abitare La Terra, Aldo Della Rocca Foundation, Research Center for the Aesthetics of Law - CRED,  European Higher Institute of Political Studies - ISESP, Research Team for Mediterranean Entrepreneurship and Startups - RETMES,Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers, Conservationists of Reggio Calabria Province, Confindustria Reggio Calabria, Touring Club Reggio Calabria.

We are waiting for the patronage of the European Regional Science Association - ERSA and other international as well as national bodies.

This initiative intends to propose Reggio Calabria as a cultural, scientific and operational reference, on a large scale, for the subjects covered by the UN 2020 - 2030 Agenda.

PS The Workshop Call is "in progress" due to the addition of the patronages that are continuing to arrive as well as that of Rhegion. The International Society of City and Regional Planners - ISOCARP and the Higher Institute for the Protection and Environmental Research - ISPRA are about to give their patronage and will partecipate in the works. 

Thank You very much.

For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best regards.

Stefano Aragona

Eng., Ph.D., Researcher in Urban Planning
Master of Science in the Economy & Policy Planning
Department of Heritage, Architecture, Urban Planning
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Salita Melissari
89124 Reggio Calabria - Italy
Tel. +39 0965.1696402
Mobile 320.2347796
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Friday, 20 December 2019 08:33

Reminder I-O-Workshop Germany, Osnabrück


Please be reminded for abstract submission for the 11th Input-Output Workshop in Germany, Osnabrück.

The date of the Workshop has changed to March 12th – 13th 2020.

Deadline for submission is December 31st, 2019.

Participants without abstracts are also welcome.

Please send your abstract and /or your interest in participation by Email to Anke Mönnig (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Season greetings and happy New Year!


Anke Mönnig

Thursday, 19 December 2019 08:31

Winner 2019 of Czamanski Dissertation Award

Haotian Zhong

Haotian Zhong is the 2019 Czamanski Dissertation Award for his dissertation entitled "Autonomous vehicles and urban form". He was supervised by Wei Li from Texas A&M University.


jim new 1Professor James LeSage, from Department of Finance and Economics, Texas State University, received the RSAI Jean Paelinck Award 2019.

The Jean Paelinck Award recognizes and honors the truly outstanding scholarly achievement of a senior and internationally recognized regional scientist in the field of Regional Science Methods and it is awarded with the nomination of five RSAI Fellows, with the selection of the Jury and with the approval by the RSAI Council.

Mingshu WangIn 2019 the winner of the RSAI dissertation prize was Mingshu Wang for his Thesis entitled “Polycentric Urban Development in China”. He was supervised by Professor Marguerite Madden from University of Georgia. Congratulations!

Call for Papers: Review of Regional Studies 50th Anniversary Issue
The Review of Regional Studies will publish its 50th issue in 2020. To celebrate this milestone, the third issue of 2020 will be an Anniversary Issue. Papers included in the special issue will analyze previous Presidential and Fellows Addresses. Many of these addresses have considered the state of regional science, making suggestions of how to proceed going forward. This special issue will look at these addresses to see how things have changed since then, what has been accomplished, and what still needs to be done.
All Fellows Addresses can be found at:
All Presidential Addresses can be found at:
Special Sessions for this issue will be organized for the 2020 SRSA Conference in Savannah, GA. If you want to be included in the SRSA session, please submit an abstract to Amanda Ross, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by January 15th. Presentation at the SRSA conference is not required to be included in the special issue.
Submissions for consideration in the Special Issue should be uploaded to the RRS website by April 30th. Please include in your cover letter your desire to be included in this Special Issue.

The Review of Regional Studies
The Journal of the Southern Regional Science Association

narsc 00

North American Regional Science Council

Student Travel Grants for 2020 RSAI World Congress in Marrakesh, Morocco

The North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) supports the next generation of regional scientists in North America. In support of this goal, NARSC will make 5 travel grants ($750 each) available to students based in Canada and the United States who will attend the World Congress of RSAI in Marrakesh, Morocco, June 2-5, 2020. The Congress web page includes details for submissions and participation.

Eligibility conditions:

  1. Have presented a paper at one of the following conferences in either 2018 or 2019 – NARSC, WRSA, SRSA, or MCRSA.
  2. Have submitted a paper for presentation to the World Congress;
  3. Affiliation with a North American research organization and North American residence at the time of the application and at the time of the Congress;
  4. In case of joint research, only one author can apply for travel support;
  5. Must be a student at the time of the World Congress.

Applications will be reviewed by the NARSC Executive Committee. All decisions are final.

Please submit application package via email in Adobe Acrobat format to Dr. Neil Reid, NARSC Executive Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The pdf file should be named after your last and first names (e.g., LastName-FirstName.pdf).

The deadline for grant application is February 3, 2020. Awards will be announced by February 21, 2020.

Applicant package should include the following items:

  1. Name, professional status, affiliation, and contact information;
  2. Title, author names, and affiliations of the submitted paper(s);
  3. Abstract of the submitted paper(s);
  4. Estimated itemized travel budget to attend the 2020 RSAI World Congress;
  5. Other sources of funding and amount;
  6. Statement from applicant why attending the 2020 RSAI World Congress will be beneficial to their future careers as regional scientists. This statement should be no longer than 500 words;
  7. Letter of support from academic advisor.

Please note that checks will be issued to recipients after the World Congress.


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.



Rob Atkinson: The Small Towns conundrum:  What do we do about them?

János Rechnitzer – Judit Berkes – Bálint Filep: The most important city development initiatives of Hungary

Dávid Fekete – Szabolcs Morvay: Creative cities in Central and Eastern Europe –  Examining the position of Győr from the creative and cultural aspects of this macro-region

Duco De Vos – Evert Meijers: Population, diversity, and restaurants: trends in the geography of cuisine variety in the Netherlands

Attila Béres – György Jablonszky – Tamás Laposa – Györgyi Nyikos: Spatial econometrics: transport infrastructure development and real estate values in Budapest

Jose Maria Fernandez-Crehuet – Jorge Rosales-Salas – Gonzalo Galindo Barragán: Construction and validation of an international reputation index: the European case

Hanna Dudek – Gülşah Sedefoğlu: Modelling severe material deprivation rates in EU regions using fractional response regression

Kenichi Shimamoto: Empirical analysis of the distribution of urban parks in Japan

Ramazan Magomedovich Magomedov–Khadzhimurad Arturovich Israpilov – Anatoliy Vasilevich Zolotaryuk – Svetlana Magomedovna Doguchaeva – Olga Yuryevna Gorodetskaia – Olga Nikolaevna Tsvetkova: Regional taxable capacity measurement methodology based on factors that determine tax gaps based on the example of the Republic of Dagestan

Kateryna Serhiivna Akbash – Natalia Оleksiivna Pasichnyk – Renat Yaroszlavovich Rizhniak: Adaptation of the UN’s gender inequality index to Ukraine’s regions

Tamás Szabó: Public service as an indicator of competitiveness

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9781788970013Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories

Revised and Extended Second Edition
Edited by Roberta Capello, Professor of Regional and Urban Economics, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Peter Nijkamp, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands and the Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași, Iași, Romania
Regional economics – an established discipline for several decades – has undergone a period of rapid change in the last ten years resulting in the emergence of several new perspectives. At the same time the methodology of regional economics has also experienced some surprising developments. This fully revised and updated Handbook brings together contributions looking at new pathways in regional economics, written by many well-known international scholars. The aim is to present the most cutting-edge theories explaining regional growth and local development. The authors highlight the recent advances in theories, the normative potentialities of these theories and the cross-fertilization of ideas between regional and mainstream economists. It will be an essential source of reference and information for both scholars and students in the field.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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