
Wednesday, 06 May 2020 07:17

Invitation Special Issue in Economia Journal on "Applications and Methods for Spatial Economic Data"

Special Issues

Applications and Methods for Spatial Economic Data

Over the last decades, the georeferenced socio-economic datasets to individual level). Also, recent advances and developments in computer programming, geographic information systems and spatial econometric softwares provide the tools for handling this complex information. Spatial data add important contextual and locational information given the opportunity to estimate externalities, social interactions, spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity in regression models. Techniques to analyze spatial Geography, Urban and Regional Planning and Development, Real Estate Studies, among others. This Special Issue aims to gather papers that include techniques in Spatial Statistics and Spatial Science. Topics include, but are not limited to: spatial regression model, exploratory spatial data analysis, spatial panel data models, regressions, spatial nonparametric methods, computational techniques in large spatial data sets. Both theoretical and empirical studies are welcome. All submitted articles will undergo rigorous peer review, and in the event of acceptance, are ensured rapid publication and high visibility.

Guest Editor:
Dr. Marcos Herrera. CONICET-IELDE, National University of Salta, Argentina. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
15 August 2020

Suggested links:
To make a submission, please follow this link and select the corresponding Issue.
To download this announcement PDF version, please click here

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