Dear Colleagues,
Attached, please find the call for papers for the next EU REAL meeting that will be hold in Warsaw on September 3-4 2020.
This is the week following the ERSA conference, so it could be a good reason to extend your stay in Europe if you already plan to attend the ERSA.
Hope to meet you all in Warsaw!
Bart Rokicki
Dear NECTAR colleagues,
Silvio Nocera (Università IUAV di Venezia, Italy) and Maria Attard (University of Malta, Malta) are launching a Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Active Travel and Mobility Management.
This is linked to the NECTAR Joint Meeting of Cluster 2: Policy and Environment and Cluster 7: Social and Health Issues, to be held in Venice, Italy, 26-27 March 2020. However, Guests Editors welcome papers not necessarily presented at the Meeting.
Best wishes
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR Secretary
To ensure full consideration by the committee, these materials should be provided in electronic format (pdf preferred) by April 6, 2020 to Kieran Donaghy (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Chair 2020 Fellows Election Committee and cc to Andrea Caragliu (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Executive Director of RSAI.
Dear RSAI members,
I hope this email finds you all well.
This year many exciting events are expected in our Association. In a few months (June 2-5) we will celebrate the 13th World Congress of the RSAI. Submissions have passed the 600 threshold and represent authors from 58 Countries, with 39 special sessions submitted from some of the best regional scientists worldwide. Thank you! We all look forward to seeing many of you at the congress venue.
I am also writing you to elicit candidatures (as well as self-nominations) for the 2020 edition of the prestigious RSAI Founder’s Medal. As you probably know, this is among the most importand prizes awarded by the Association, and is bestowed every four years to outstanding regional scientists for outstanding contributions to our discipline. More information on the prize can be found here:
Nominations should be sent within March 27 to the RSAI Executive Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Candidatures will then be screened by a committee appointed by the RSAI Council, which consists of Mark Partridge (President); Philip Mc Cann; Lily Kiminami; Andrés Rodrigues Pose; and Dan McMillen. The announcement of the recipient will take place during the next RSAI World Congress in Marrakech.
A written nomination/self-nomination of a candidate for consideration for the RSAI Founder’s Medal should articulate the merit of the nominee for receiving the Founder’s Medal. It must include a detailed statement of the nature of the lifetime contribution a candidate has made to RSAI. The nomination/self-nomination must explain how and why that contribution of the nominee meets the criteria of the RSAI Founder’s Medal outlined below:
Thank you all in advance for your participation in the process,
Kind regards,
-- -- Andrea CaragliuExecutive Director, Regional Science Association InternationalAssociate Professor of Regional and Urban EconomicsPolitecnico di MilanoABC DepartmentPiazza Leonardo da Vinci, 3220133 Milan (MI)Italy
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will host the 13th annual Midwest Graduate Student Summit on Applied Economics, Regional and Urban Studies (AERUS) on April 24th – 26th, 2020.
In addition to giving participants the occasion to present their research and receive feedback, this year’s meeting will feature 2 workshops targeted to graduate students, 2 faculty panels on system dynamics and 2 keynote speakers on regional economic systems.
Keynote speakers:
Faculty panel:
The summit is designed to initiate intellectual dialogue on wide array of research areas and spur future research collaborations among participating young scholars. Work at any stage will be accepted, including completed research, research in progress, and research idea/proposal.
Conference presentations address a variety of areas of growing importance to regional scientists, economists, planners, and geographers. Participants are encouraged to submit a proposal on subjects related to the conference themes: Regional Science, Urban Economics, Labor Economics, Economic Geography, Environmental Economics, Resource Geography, Energy Economics, Health Economics, Housing and Real Estate, Development Economics, Spatial Econometric, Computable General Equilibrium, Agent-Based Modeling, Input-Output Analysis.
Participants have to send their abstracts (300 words max), by March 15th, 2020.
For register and submitting abstracts please visit
Registration fee will be $60, includes 2 workshops, 2 breakfast, 2 coffee-breaks, 2 lunches and a dinner Saturday night.
Please direct your questions or concerns to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking forward seeing you here!
Local organizing committee
AERUS 2020
Special Issue on Latin American issues
Carlos Azzoni, Patricio Aroca
The territorial fiscal gap in Colombia
The decision on unconstitutionality of earmarking and its impact on the housing access: Evidence from São Paulo State, Brazil
Regional funding and regional inequalities in the Brazilian Northeast
Regional inequality and labour precariousness: An empirical regional analysis for Brazil, Mexico and Equador
Effects of a cash transfer programme on origin–destination migration flows
Related variety and employment growth: a spatial dynamic model for Brazilian microregions
Natural Disasters and Informality: Are local labor markets impacted after an earthquake?
A spatial estimation of the impacts of sanitation on education
A proposal to redesign the map of the regions of Brazil: Agglomerating neighbouring and socioeconomically homogeneous municipalities
Spatial distribution of logistics services in Brazil: A potential market analysis
Dear NECTAR colleagues,
NECTAR Cluster 6 (Accessibility) and Cluster 4 (Travel, Migration, Housing and Labour Markets), together with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission are organizing a joint workshop. The meeting will take place in Seville, Spain (1- 2 October 2020) and will be dealing with the topic of “Challenges for Transport and Accessibility Policy: New Data Sources and Mobility Options”.
More information in the attached call for papers
Best regards,
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR Secretary
The deadline for registration for the International Workshop/Competition Rhegion UN 2020 - 2030 has been postponed to March 31, 2020.
I attach you can find the Call for the International Workshop/Competition.
RSPP Call for Paper
Regional development in Central-Eastern Europe
Regional development of Central-Eastern Europe follows its trajectory, which results from natural, historical, political and social factors. World and European challenges are translated into local actions. Regional policy in Central-European Europe profits from already implemented solutions in other regions, as well as promotes its own policy innovations.
Goal of the special issue on “Regional development in Central-Eastern Europe” is to analyse regional development and policy in wider context. The contributions include, beyond others, policy efficiency, transformation of regions, infrastructure and mobility, living and well-being, aging and silver economy, smart cities, urban and rural development, challenges of environment and natural resources.
Interested scholars are encouraged to submit an article in the platform of Regional Science Policy and Practice until July 31, 2020. The papers will be on-line after accepted by a blind peer review process. The accepted paper will be compiled in a special issue in 2021.
Editors: Katarzyna Kopczewska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.