Foreword from the President

We hope that you are well.
This crisis is a challenge for everybody. Our association and staff have to reinvent their methods.
We are happy to officially announce the organisation of our Web Conference replacing our Annual Congress.
The central topic ' Spatial challenges for the New World' will be a great opportunity to reflect on the future and exchange on fresh researches ongoing by our community.
Considering the difficult times, we have fixed symbolic prices for presenters and attendees!
We wish you all a relax summer, with more freedom to move and to continue to keep safe.
André Torre
ERSA President

Programme Structure and Highlights
Over 3 days, our scholars and experts from the academic sector, research institutes and public sector institutions will share their knowledge during the online programme including:
- Keynote Speeches
- Roundtable on Covid-19 with proven scholars and experts
- Parallel Sessions : Special Session topics, General topics
- Young Scientists' Sessions
- Online Networking breaks
- more opportunities
An extraordinary Speakers' Line up including Pierre-Alexandre Balland, Simin Davoudi, Mafini Dosso, Raquel Ortega-Argilès, Daniel M. Sturm and Hans Westlund more

- Detailed programme available by July 15th
- Registration for attendees to start on July 20th