
Elisabete Martins

Call for papers - extended deadline

The 17th PRSCO Summer Institute

Online meeting, 11-13 August 2021, hosted by RMIT University Vietnam

The deadline for full paper submission is extended by 21 June 2021.

Please find an attached file.

Best regards,

Hiroyuki Shibusawa

PRSCO Executive Secretary

Tuesday, 04 May 2021 09:34

ERSA Monthly E-news - April 2021

3 May 2021 - Nr 3
Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,
We are happy to report that our Call for Abstracts and Papers for the ERSA2021 Congress resulted in an acknowledged success: 839 submissions received from 54 countries around the world! Preparations for the Congress are ongoing, the review process is about to start, a very attractive line-up of keynote speakers is currently being confirmed. As for the format of the event, live or digital, the decision will be taken by mid-May at the latest. One thing is sure, it will be another very rich and attractive programme.
Submitters will be personally informed of the decision and we post it on the Congress website as well.
With best wishes,
André Torre
ERSA President
Internal Communication
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS to the European Organising Committee
Dear Colleagues,
By the end of this year, five terms of office at the EOC will come to an end. 
In order to fill up these vacancies, ERSA is looking for candidates who are eager to be involved and committed to the development of the association.
A balanced geographical representation, as well as representativeness in terms of professional experience and gender composition, will be taken into consideration. It is a 5-year renewable term.
Interested? Please contact the RSAI-ERSA Section(s) with which you are registered.
Looking forward to the applications.
André Torre, President and Rosella Nicolini, Secretary
Hot news
ERSA Turkish Section reports on its Online Webinar 2021 of 28th April featuring " From The Perspectives Of Different Disciplines New Approaches In Regional Development: New Regionalism / Changing Regional Boundaries" It was aimed to discuss new regionalism approaches and country practices in the axis of the relationship between regional development and policy. An interdisciplinary participatory platform consisting of Urban and Regional Planning, Economics, Political Science and Public Administration Departments has been established. 
The video on this webinar is available on Bölge Bilimi Türk Milli Komitesi - YouTube Channel .
2021 RSAI World Congress​
Smart regions - Opportunities for sustainable development in the digital era,
25-28 May 2021│ Online
Due to the current pandemic, the Congress will be fully organised online.
Primary Programme to be issued shortly.
20th Turkish Regional Science Association Congress
20-22 May 2021 │ Online
The congress will be hosted by the Department of Geography and Urban and Regional Research Center of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University. The aim of the congress is to create a multidisciplinary plentiful platform that researchers can present, discuss, and getting feedback on their researches. Due to the outbreak, the congress will be online.
Territorial Inequality: a Challenge or a Driver of Development
23-25 June 2021, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Registration and submission deadline: 10 June, 2021
In partnership with ERSA, Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ural State University of Economics (USUE).
XIIIth RRSA International Conference
Spatial Planning, Territorial Cohesion and Cooperation in South-East Europe
4-6 November 2021 │ Online
1st announcement: The Romanian Regional Science Association will organise its XIIIth International Conference online.
On this occasion, the 20th anniversary of the Romanian RSA will be celebrated as well.
Keynote speakers include: Corina Cretu, Eduardo Haddad, Peter Nijkamp and André Torre.
There will also be a plenary round table dedicated to the main topic of the conference with Section representatives including: Tuzin Baycan – Turkish Section; Vinko Mustra – Croatian Section; Yannis Psycharis – Greek Section; Kosyo Stoychev – Bulgarian Section; Daniela Constantin – Romanian Section and chaired by Rosella Nicolini, ERSA Secretary.
The Call for Papers will be launched in the due course and will be posted on both Romanian RSA and ERSA websites.
Full cities, empty territories
24-26 November 2021, Madrid, Spain
Call for Abstract deadline: 1 June 2021
RSAI-ERSA Journals
RSSP Volume 13, Issue 2
Pages: 207-435
April 2021
Issue Edited by: 
  • Eveline S. van Leeuwen,
  • Solmaria Halleck Vega
ERSA YouTube Channel -
new videos
Joint ERSA-JRC Winter School 2021 lectures
Frank van Oort, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Roberta Rabellotti, Università di Pavia, Italy
ERSA Forum on Coronavirus
Roberto Antonietti, Università degli Studi di Padova; Giulia De Masi, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE; Giorgio Ricchiuti, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
ERSA Members Publish
Regional Science Perspectives on Tourism and Hospitality
Edited by:
Mauro Ferrante, University of Palermo, Italy
Oliver Fritz, Austrian Institute of Economic Research in Vienna, Austria
Özge Öner, University of Cambridge, UK
Springer, January 2021
Upcoming Events
>>> On ERSA Agenda
60th ERSA Congress
Territorial Futures - Vision and scenarios for a resilient Europe
24 - 27 August 2021
34th ERSA Summer School
Spatial Analysis of Regional Inequality
27 June - 2 July 2021│Online
Territorial Inequality: a Challenge or a Driver of Development
23-25 June 2021, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
19th European Week of Regions and Cities
11-14 October 2021│Online
University Sessions
The broad themes of this edition are: Green development, Cohesion, Citizens, Digital assessment
4th online International Conference
Rethinking Clusters
Sustainable And Technological Transitions In A Network Society
22-23 September 2021│Online
Submission deadline: 10 June 2021
>>> On ERSA Sections Agendas
Spanish Section: Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya - LIVE Conference
The cost of living in the autonomous communities, urban areas and cities of Spain
11 May 2021, 6 pm to 7.30 pm│Online
Greek Section: Annual Conference 2021
Regional Science in times of the pandemic, economic crisis and uncertainty
25-26 June 2021│Athens, Greece

German-speaking Section: 11th Summer Conference in Regional Science
Structural change in rural and urban economies
1-2 July 2021│Braunschweig, Germany
Italian Section: 2nd AISRE Summer School
The sources of regional productivity: agglomeration, institutions and technology
6-9 July 2021 University of Padua, Italy
French-speaking Section: 57th ASRDLF Congress
1-3 September 2021│Avignon University, France
Italian Section: XLII AISRe Annual Scientific Conference
Local Sustainable Development and Relaunch: What Role for Tradition and Innovation?
8-10 September 2021│Lecce, Italy
Portuguese Section: XLII AISRe Annual Scientific Conference
Green and inclusive transitions in Southern European regions: what can we do better? 
16-17 September 2021, Vila Real, Portugal
Special Session proposals deadline: 14 June 2021
Abstracts submissions deadline: 5 July 2021
IX Conference on Regional Science
Regional economy in times of crisis
14-15 October, 2021 │ Online
XIIIth RRSA International Conference
Spatial Planning, Territorial Cohesion and Cooperation in South-East Europe
4-6 November 2021 │ Online
Full cities, empty territories
24-26 November 2021, Madrid, Spain
Bulgarian Section: 2021 Annual Conference
Just transition plans and regional resilience in Bulgaria
26-28 November 2021, Bulgaria
>>> Other events
3rd European Rural Geographies Conference
Rural Geographies in Transition
22-24 June 2021, Groningen, The Netherlands
Cooperatives in transitions facing crisis
7-9 July, 2021 │ Online
This event is powered by ERSA
Abstract submission deadline: 7 May 2021
Summer School
Tourism and crisis
21-25 June 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland
Looking for opportunities to boost your career?
Fellow in Urban Planning and Geography, LSE, London (UK)
Application deadline: 4th May 2021
To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda,
visit our upcoming events page on our website.

Call for abstracts: Financing Urban Resilience through Land Value Capture

All those who wish to submit abstracts must first register (free of charge) for the conference.

We invite abstract submissions for the IHS Financing Urban Resilience through Land Value Capture Conference. IHS invites you to review the collection of themes below and submit your abstract to your preferred theme. Any contribution is welcome, including abstracts of case studies, research, or opinion pieces.

Submission details should include:

  • Title of the theme the abstract is submitted to
  • Parallel session (1 or 2) the abstract is submitted to
  • Title of the abstract
  • Name(s) and affiliation(s)
  • Contact details of the presenter
  • Abstract of max. 200 words
  • List of max. 5 keywords

Important! Abstracts should be submitted by 15th May 2021, in English. Please submit your abstract to Ms. Francesca Vanelli (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
IHS will review all submissions and will notify on acceptance of abstracts by the end of May. Please note that the conference will be hosted online.

More details at:

Cover Image

Regional Science Policy & Practice
Volume 13, Issue 2
Voting and the rise of populism: Spatial perspectives and applications across Europe

Pages: 207-435

April 2021

Issue Edited by: Eveline S. van Leeuwen, Solmaria Halleck Vega


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 207-208 | First Published: 23 April 2021


Open Access

Voting and the rise of populism: Spatial perspectives and applications across Europe

Eveline S. van Leeuwen, Solmaria Halleck Vega

Pages: 209-219 | First Published: 02 April 2021

Open Access

Places that don't matter or people that don't matter? A multilevel modelling approach to the analysis of the geographies of discontent

Luise Koeppen, Dimitris Ballas, Arjen Edzes, Sierdjan Koster

Pages: 221-245 | First Published: 17 December 2020

Voting with your feet or voting for Brexit: The tale of those stuck behind

Annie Tubadji, Thomas Colwill, Don Webber

Pages: 247-277 | First Published: 28 December 2020

Open Access

Does population decline lead to a “populist voting mark‐up”? A case study of the Netherlands

Eveline S. van Leeuwen, Solmaria Halleck Vega, Vera Hogenboom

Pages: 279-301 | First Published: 16 October 2020

EU integration, regional development problems and the rise of the new radical right in Slovakia

Štefan Rehák, Oliver Rafaj, Tomáš Černěnko

Pages: 303-321 | First Published: 23 December 2020

Determinants of regional distribution of AKP votes: Analysis of post‐2002 parliamentary elections

Pinar Deniz, Burhan Can Karahasan, Mehmet Pinar

Pages: 323-352 | First Published: 11 December 2020

The role of economic and cultural changes in the rise of far‐right in Greece: A regional analysis

Panagiotis Artelaris, George Mavrommatis

Pages: 353-369 | First Published: 24 January 2021

Italian discontent and right‐wing populism: determinants, geographies, patterns

Dante Di Matteo, Ilaria Mariotti

Pages: 371-396 | First Published: 15 September 2020

One country, two populist parties: Voting patterns of the 2018 Italian elections and their determinants

Alessandra Faggian, Marco Modica, Félix Modrego, Giulia Urso

Pages: 397-413 | First Published: 05 January 2021

From Chianti to the Apennines: The fall of the left‐wing parties' predominance in Tuscany

Francesco G. Truglia, Alessandro Zeli

Pages: 415-435 | First Published: 15 September 2020

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for The Annals of Regional Science. Volume 66, Issue 2 is now available online.


In this issue


Original Paper


US immigration policy and brain waste

Ayoung Kim, Brigitte S. Waldorf, Natasha T. Duncan

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Using the Moran’s I to detect bid rigging in Brazilian procurement auctions

Ricardo Carvalho Lima, Guilherme Mendes Resende

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Spatial distribution and dissemination of education in Brazilian municipalities

Laura Desirée Vernier Fujita, Izete Pengo Bagolin, Adelar Fochezatto

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


A regional decomposition of US housing prices and volume: market dynamics and Portfolio diversification

Nikolaos Antonakakis, Ioannis Chatziantoniou, David Gabauer

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Internalization of knowledge spillovers by regions: a measure based on self-citation patents

Beatriz Pereira Almeida, Eduardo Gonçalves, André Suriane Silva, Raquel Coelho Reis

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Effects of human capital and regional context on entrepreneurial survival

Begoña Cueto, Patricia Suárez, Matías Mayor

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper

Open Access

Migration patterns and job satisfaction: evidence from European doctorate holders

Sarah Jewell, Pantelis Kazakis

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


China’s regional public safety efficiency: a data envelopment analysis approach

Yongguang Zou, Yuemei He, Weiling Lin, Sha Fang

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Geographic concentration of industries in Jiangsu, China: a spatial point pattern analysis using micro-geographic data

Xiaoxiang Zhang, Jing Yao, Katarzyna Sila-Nowicka, Chonghui Song

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Original Paper


Spatial drivers of firm entry in Iran

Iman Cheratian, Saleh Goltabar, Carla Daniela Calá

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


Do you want to publish your article in this journal?

Please visit the homepage of The Annals of Regional Science for full details on:

·         aims and scope

·         editorial policy

·         article submission

Check out the journal metrics to help you decide that this journal is right for your research. Impact Factor: 1.750 (2019)

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to visit the website of the XLVI International Conference on Regional Science. To send and manage abstracts, you must register in advance (link). If you were already registered from previous years, it is not necessary for you to register again, but it is necessary that you enter with your email and password in this link. If you do not remember your email and password, put your email here and you will receive a message to recover your password.

In this link you can find the models of: normal abstract, expanded abstract, paper and poster.

You can now incorporate your documents, the deadline is june, 1st.

We are looking forward to see you in Madrid.

Organizing Committee

The OECD has opened a renewable 2-year position to work on cities and urbanisation in Africa. The position is targeted at recent PhD graduates in economics, geography or related disciplines with expertise on cities in developing countries.

The closing date for the position is April 29. Interested candidates find more information and can apply online at

Cover Image

Papers in Regional Science
Volume 100, Issue 2

Pages: 303-602

April 2021


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 303-304 | First Published: 06 April 2021


Spatial shift‐share analysis: Some new developments

Claudia V. Montanía, Miguel A. Márquez, Teresa Fernández‐Núñez, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings

Pages: 305-325 | First Published: 15 September 2020

Does EU regional policy promote local TFP growth? Evidence from the Italian Mezzogiorno

Giuseppe Albanese, Guido de Blasio, Andrea Locatelli

Pages: 327-348 | First Published: 02 September 2020

Collaboration networks, geography and innovation: Local and national embeddedness

Pablo Galaso, Jaromír Kovářík

Pages: 349-377 | First Published: 30 September 2020

Open Access

The contribution of statistical network models to the study of clusters and their evolution

Frans Hermans

Pages: 379-403 | First Published: 10 October 2020

Immigration and Native Employment. Evidence from Italian Provinces in the Aftermath of the Great Recession

Stefano Fusaro, Enrique López‐Bazo

Pages: 405-428 | First Published: 17 October 2020

Infant mortality in Turkey: Causes and effects in a regional context

Firat Bilgel

Pages: 429-453 | First Published: 19 September 2020

Open Access

Doubly constrained gravity models for interregional trade estimation

Mattia Cai

Pages: 455-474 | First Published: 30 October 2020

E‐commerce development and urban‐rural income gap: Evidence from Zhejiang Province, China

Lili Li, Yiwu Zeng, Zi Ye, Hongdong Guo

Pages: 475-494 | First Published: 26 August 2020

Tolerant or segregated? Immigration and electoral outcomes in urban areas

Carlo Devillanova

Pages: 495-515 | First Published: 03 November 2020

An assessment of the impacts of large‐scale urban projects on land values: The case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Renan Almeida, Marcelo Brandão, Ramon Torres, Pedro Patrício, Pedro Amaral

Pages: 517-559 | First Published: 31 August 2020

Juvenile curfew and crime reduction: Evidence from Brazil

Luís Carazza, Raul da Mota Silveira Neto, Lucas Emanuel

Pages: 561-579 | First Published: 01 September 2020

The natural resource curse: Evidence from the Colombian municipalities

Jhorland Ayala‐García, Sandy Dall'erba

Pages: 581-602 | First Published: 29 September 2020


The Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy in Rutgers University, New Brunswick, invites applications for the position of Executive Director of Urban and Public Policy Analytics and Health Informatics Program. This is a full-time non-tenured Associate Professor or Professor of Practice position in the School, for a period of three years, with the possibility of renewal, subject to availability of funding. Applicants with significant professional experience are encouraged to apply.

Rutgers New Brunswick is a Big 10 university and a member of AAU. The school has several highly ranked programs in the areas of city and regional planning, public policy, health administration, undergraduate public health, and related areas. A new academic area is Public Informatics, with a current focus on Urban Planning and Public Policy, and a degree focus on Urban Analytics, but with plans to expand to new areas over the next few years.

Our research centers are focused on transportation, workforce development, the built and natural environments, urban and civic informatics, survey research, and other areas. The school also has cross-cutting research clusters on Upstream Determinants of Health and the Future of Cities, Society, Work and Health.

We seek to appoint a senior practitioner who will administer our current programs in the Informatics area, including the Master of Public Informatics, a Graduate Certificate in Urban and Public Informatics, and a soon-to-be offered online Master of Public Informatics, and to recruit students into and grow those programs. We further expect that working with other faculty, and instructional technology developers, the successful candidate will establish new academic programs, including online programs, certificate programs that are targeted to mid career professionals, as well as programs in new areas of specialization. Based on our Strategic Plan, expected areas of growth include Health Analytics and Public Policy Analytics, and related areas.

The candidate will teach graduate-level courses on some of the following topics: data science, machine learning, GIScience, and other analytics; programming; optimization techniques; network analysis; domain-specific technology and tools-oriented courses; project management; technology strategy; and support student projects and independent learning. The ideal candidate will extend the school’s already extensive government and industry engagement in the technology and analytics space, and will establish student internship and research programs in these areas.

All information at:

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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