
Elisabete Martins

Conference on Diversity and Development 21 and 22 August 2021

Special Session on Writing for Journals - Day 1 (Saturday): 21 August 2021

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 995 8872 2828

Passcode: 163488

RSPP Programme Schedule Conference on Diversity and Development

Full programme schedule for the Conference on Diversity and Development to be held on 21 and 22 August 2021 attached.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021 11:00

ERSA2021 Agenda is out!

About the Central Topic

ERSA2021 Agenda


ERSA2021 Programme is out!

ERSA2021 Programme at a glance

> 7 prestigious Keynote lectures

> 3 outstanding round tables (with EU, OECD, POLIMI)

> 100 Special Sessions, 89 General Themes Sessions

> 9 Young Scientists' Sessions and Epainos Paper election

> 676 Presentations from over 50 countries around the world

>> 7 Keynote lectures with

Daniela Jacobs, Tom Brökel, Cesar A. Hidalgo,

Laura Resmini, Andrés Rogríguez-Pose, Rosella Nicolini and Juan R. Cuadrado Roura (ERSA Prize 2021 Winner)

more about the keynote lectures

>> 3 outstanding Round Tables with

·     ERSA – JRC Round Table "Multi-faceted innovation for territorial post-COVID response"

·     OECD Round Table "Green transitions in regions: From COVID-19 to a green and sustainable future"

·     POLIMI Round Table "Justifications and objectives of regional policy under new circumstances: Policy, politics and trade-offs"

more about the Round Tables

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Join us as an Attendee: ERSA Congress is open to anyone interested in attending.

·     ERSA Annual congress is the largest event of regional scientists and practitioners from across the globe!

·     ERSA Congress is a unique platform to share, network, and learn.

·     Benefits of attending include access to the recording of all sessions (Replay after the event)

read more

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Follow the event and start networking with fellow participants from around the world on twitter #ersa2021

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visit our upcoming events page on our website.


3rd Annual Conference on Regional Science (ACRS 3) 2021


Regional Development at the Time of Uncertainty

Conference Theme

Any development decision needs to consider uncertainty of future events which may impact implementation of development plans. With globalization, nations are interconnected now. Problems in one region has its domino effect on other regions. The ongoing pandemic makes it amply clear. The development planners are confronted with an uphill task of choosing a path to development because of increasing uncertainty in future due to unprecedented and unanticipated problems with different magnitudes. Covid-19 or extreme events induced by climate change are examples. Researchers need to devise ways and means to address such problems in a systematic and realistic manner. Against this backdrop, Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA) and the Canter for Regional Development Studies (CRDS), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) are organizing the 3rd Annual Conference on Regional Science (ACRS 3) and inviting paper for presentation at the virtual conference.

Young researchers (below 30 years of age) are especially encouraged to submit papers for a special session for young researchers.

The focus of the conference is regional development in the time of uncertainty. To address this multi-faceted theme of the conference, papers are expected in the following areas:

Sub-Themes of the Conference

  • Regional Development and Public Health
  • Climate Change, Disaster Management and Regional Development
  • Regional Transportation
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Urban and Regional Economy
  • Migration, Rural – Urban Linkage
  • Impact of Mega-Infrastructure in Regional Development
  • Agriculture and Rural Economics
  • Innovation and Impact of Information Technology
  • Politics and Governance in Regional Development
  • Gender and Social Issues in Regional Development
  • Cities in uncertain time

In addition, there would be three workshops addressing the need of young researcher and two keynote speech on burning issues on Regional Development at home and abroad.

Workshops for Young Researchers

  • Tools and Methods for Regional Scientists
  • Publishing in Regional Science Journals
  • Regional Science in Development Planning

Important Dates

Last Date of Submission of Abstract – 22nd August 2021

Announcement of Acceptance of Abstract – 30th August 2021

Last Date of Full Paper Submission – 30th September 2021

Date of Conference -- 21-23rd October 2021

Submission Portal:


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.



Viktor Pál – Gábor Lados– Zsófia Ilcsikné Makra – Lajos Boros – Annamária Uzzoli – Szabolcs Fabula – Concentration and inequality in the geographic distribution of physicians in the European Union, 2006–2018

Györgyi Nyikos – Bettina Soha – Attila Béres – Entrepreneurial resilience and firm performance during the COVID-19 crisis – Evidence from Hungary

Nándor Zagyi – Róbert Kuszinger – Zoltán Wilhelm – Characteristics of recent urbanisation in India in light of the divergent development paths of metropolises

Rūta Ubarevičienė – Vaida Tretjakova – Gintarė Pociūtė-Sereikienė – The effects of individual and regional factors on adolescent fertility rates: The case of Lithuania

Rahma Fitriani – Zerlita F. Pusdiktasari – Herman C. Diartho – Growth interdependence in the presence of spatial outliers: Implementation of an average difference algorithm on East Java regional economic growth, 2011–2016

Wahyu Wibowo – Brodjol Sutijo Suprih Ulama – Tiodora Hadumaon Siagian – Taly Purwa – Regina Niken Wilantari – Impact of earthquakes on the number of airline passenger arrivals and departures: A case study of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

Tibor Elekes – Ferenc Szilágyi Changes in the population and ethnic structure in the towns of Székely Land between 1910 and 2011

Bulcsú Remenyik – Attila Barcza – János Csapó – Barna Szabó – Gyula Fodor – Lóránt Dénes Dávid – Overtourism in Budapest: Analysis of spatial process and suggested solutions

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West Virginia University is requesting applications for the position of Director of the Regional Research Institute. 

The Regional Research Institute, established in 1965, is an internationally prominent center for the advancement of regional science, an interdisciplinary field that links economics, resource management, geography, planning, and other social sciences. The Institute serves as a center for regional-level social science research at West Virginia University and creates learning and research opportunities for faculty research associates from six colleges, outstanding students, and an extensive national and international network of scholars. It takes a leadership role in conducting and promoting multidisciplinary research on the theory, history, economics, and politics of regional development, and evaluating public policy using qualitative and quantitative methods as they relate to Appalachia, elsewhere in the U.S., and abroad. Priority research interests will support the Institute’s ongoing mission, focusing on economic development of lagging regions, and emphasizing topics related to sustainability, energy, environment, and public health. 

The Institute Director is a full-time position reporting to the Assistant Vice President for Creative and Scholarly Activity. The Director is expected to: 

  • • Provide intellectual leadership to WVU faculty and students engaged in basic and applied regional research, 
  • • Foster a stimulating environment that supports interdisciplinary research, 
  • • Develop internal and external support for research and other scholarly activities that advance the mission of the Institute, 
  • • Conduct high-quality scholarly research that maintains WVU's standing as an internationally recognized center of excellence for regional research, 
  • • Obtain competitively funded external support for his/her personal research and publish regularly in leading regional research journals of regional research. 

Additional detail on this position and online application instructions can be found here

The review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until a director has been named. The position will be available January 1, 2022. To receive full consideration, applications should be received by August 30, 2021.

Scientific Conference: 19-21 November 2021

participatory LAB - Laboratory of Spatial, Urban and Environmental Participatory Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

The project "participatory LAB" is funded by the Green Fund under Priority Axis 3: Citizen Participation "Innovative actions with citizens" of the funding program "Natural Environment & Innovative Actions 2020".

Scientific Conference: 19-21 November 2021

Participatory Design: City, Environment and Climate Change.

Experiences, Challenges and Potentials

Access to decision-making processes for planning and policies regarding the environment, cities and space has been at the forefront of the public discourse in recent years. Ranging from international organizations and academic research to local governments the notions of participation, transparency, and engagement of citizens have been gradually identified as essential for addressing today’s societal, economic, and environmental challenges. In New Urban Agenda (2016), and specifically in article 13, it is described the vision for cities that are “are participatory […] prioritize safe, inclusive, accessible, green and quality public spaces”. The Paris Agreement (2019), which is an important roadmap bidding governments to adopt measures to tackle the climate crisis, states that “adaptation action should follow a country-driven, gender-responsive, participatory and fully transparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems”. The report of the European Committee of the Regions (2016) focuses on the need to strengthen the participatory decision-making process to improve quality and transparency at the local, national and European level so that citizens own the policies and planning adopted. At the local level, Municipalities are gradually beginning to integrate participatory processes into all aspects of city governance. From the design of public space and the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to the financial planning and budget of the Municipalities. Along with these "top-down" transformations, social movements and groups of citizens are pressing for more "bottom-up" approaches, demanding their active participation in the governance of cities and challenging urban boosterism agendas and policymaking. In Europe, the last years, numerous are the case of inclusive design and participatory design processes in different scales of design and governance.

In Greece, participation in decision-making processes around spatial planning or policy-making issues remains limited. Despite the changes of recent years, the dozens of groups dealing with empowerment issues, the concept of "participation" has remained a process with limited institutionalization.

In the context of spatial and environmental planning, a number of studies have been done, in which institutional participatory procedures are found. (eg. Regional Climate Change Adaption Plans, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans). The concept of participatory planning is articulated, but its effective integration has not been sufficiently implemented. The use of participatory methodologies has remained insufficient or optional and other existing participation tools (eg. local referendums) are often bypassed.

The scientific conference “Participatory Planning: City, Environment and Climate Change” attempts to initiate a dialog regarding societal access to decisions through the planning and policy-making process for space and environment. The objective of the conference is to transfer international and European knowledge and past experiences, to showcase initiatives and good practices both in terms of citizens, groups-movements and of local governments. To study theories and methodologies of participatory design. To present and discuss the institutional initiatives of recent years, to see how they are evaluated. To highlight international and local (Greek) good practices and actions etc.

Call for Papers -

Dear Colleagues,

The aim of Regional Science Policy and Practice (Regional Science Policy & Practice - RSPP) is to promote and diffuse the understanding of human interaction in space, based on sound, rigorous and up-to-date methodologies, and focusing on real and urgent issues for peoples and places that require adequate policy responses.

China is currently experiencing a rapid and dramatic urbanisation process, with significant population movements between rural and urban areas, and between semi-urban, urban, and metropolitan areas. These migratory movements have in turn affected institutional reforms, urban housing and labour markets, and generated social tensions, often heightened by policy changes and social constraints.

This special issue aims to highlight new research on the topic of internal migration in China, including the drivers of migration, outcomes for migrants and non-migrants, inequalities arising from migration processes, and the impact of migration on housing, labour markets, access to services and welfare, as well as economic growth in both urban and rural areas. Of particular interest are papers using innovative qualitative or quantitative research methods, new data sets, comparative case studies, and those discussing policy experimentation at the national, regional or city scale.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract by the 1st November 2021 to Maria Abreu (, with cc to Joseph Zhao (, special issue editors, with full papers expected by 31st March 2022, and publication expected in the autumn of 2022, following the peer review process.

Coordinators of this Special Issue:

Maria Abreu (

Joseph Hongsheng Zhao (

Postdoctoral position in




The University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) opens a call for one (1) Research Grant for PhD students, in Behaviour Sciences or similar, in the frame of the R&D unit Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development, funded by UIDP/ 04011/2020.

Application deadline: August 10, 2021 | Start of the position: September 13, 2021

We offer a 28-months postdoctoral position to work in the development of the DATA4LOWDENSity COLab, a smart living lab aiming at co-creating place-based territorial intelligence to support low-density territories’ smart sustainable transitions.

Admission requirements:

The candidate must hold a PhD degree (completed within the last five years) in Behaviour Sciences or a related field and must have demonstrable skills in designing and estimating behaviour and decision-making models through the gathering or the mobilisation of large-scale data sets on individual intention and willingness towards sustainable choices.

Key responsibilities and main tasks

The postdoctoral research fellow will lead the data collection and analysis to support co-creation of place-based territorial intelligence, including: a) mapping macro-trends of food consumers and tourists relevant to the low density territories; b) identifying the key variables, and how they interact, to know what is the individual’s (citizens, managers, politicians, among other) understanding on fair green and digital transitions and on how their behaviour and choices influence it.

Salary and other benefits

  • The monthly value of the grant is 1646 euros (values are annually established by the FCT, I.P.
  • Funds to present a research paper in two international conferences per year, in a total of four funded participations (funding includes registration fees, traveling and accommodation expenses).
  • Office space and personal computer for work use

How to apply (follow the instruction in the link)



Postdoctoral position in social sciences-Participatory approaches




The University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) opens a call for one (1) Research Grant for PhD students, in Social Sciences, in the frame of the R&D unit Center for Transdisciplinary Studies for Development, funded by UIDP/ 04011/2020.

Application deadline: August 11, 2021 | Start of the position: September 13, 2021

We offer a 28-months postdoctoral position to work in the development of the DATA4LOWDENSity COLab, a smart living lab aiming at co-creating place-based territorial intelligence to support low-density territories’ smart sustainable transitions.

Admission requirements:

The candidate must hold a PhD (completed within the last three years) in Social Sciences and must have demonstrable advanced skills in planning, organising and implementing participatory methods and approaches with different actors and stakeholders.

Key responsibilities and main tasks

The postdoctoral research fellow will lead the development of the living lab component of the  DATA4LOWDENSity COLab supported by his/her senior researchers supervisors.

Salary and other benefits

  • The monthly value of the grant is 1646 euros (values are annually established by the FCT, I.P.
  • Funds to present a research paper in two international conferences, held in the Europe, per year, in a total of four funded participation’s (funding includes registration fees, traveling and accommodation expenses).
  • Office space and personal computer for work use

How to apply (follow the instruction in the link)




Position Details

Recruitment/Posting Title Post-doctoral Associate (Project Manager; Assistant Director of Rutgers Economic Advisory Service)
Department BSPPP - Dean's Office
Salary Commensurate With Experience
Posting Summary
This is intended to be a renewable appointment with the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy’s Rutgers Economic Advisory Service (R/ECON™). The successful candidate will work with a team of researchers from R/ECON™ in coordination with other groups within the Bloustein School and across Rutgers Universities campuses on various research projects in the area of regional economic impact analysis. The position is being made possible through the funding of the Rutgers New Jersey State Policy Lab. R/ECON has promised to deliver weekly blogs, bi-weekly policy briefs, and bi-monthly policy reports as part of its contribution to the Lab. The candidate will be a key contributor to the Lab’s deliverables. S/he also will be required to maintain client contact and, hence, communicate with excellence in English, in both written and oral formats.
Prior to being hired candidates shall have completed all requirements for a Ph.D. degree in economics, public policy, planning, geography, agricultural economics, applied economics, or a related field prior to hiring. Proven skill in the implementation of systems econometric time-series models and/or input-output models is key. Being able to design and run applied computable general equilibrium (CGE) models would be a plus. Demonstrated experience in publishing academic articles and public reports is desired.
Posting Number 21FA0861
Minimum Education and Experience
Completion of Ph.D. degree requirements in economics, public policy, planning, geography, agricultural economics, applied economics, or a related field prior to hiring.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Basic ability in MS Excel is required. A demonstrated ability to run/produce systems econometric time-series models and/or use input-output models. The ability to write extremely well in English with a sense of how regional economies operate and how public finance can be used to nudge such state and local economies. It will help if candidates know basic of Stata and EViews software. It is even better if the candidate knows one of the following computer languages: Matlab, R, Python, and/or Octave.

Completion of Ph.D. requirements signal an ability to work independently. The universal dissertation/thesis requirement of this degree also displays the candidate’s ability to write cogently.
Special Instructions to Applicants  
Quick Link to Posting
Campus Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Home Location Campus Downtown New Brunswick
Location Details  

Posting Specific Questions

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Applicant Documents

Required Documents
  1. Resume/CV
  2. Cover Letter/Letter of Application
  3. Writing Sample 1
  4. List of Professional References (contact Info)
  5. Writing Sample 2
Optional Documents
  1. Teaching Philosophy

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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