Copenhagen Executive Seminar
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Venue: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
H.C. Andersens Boulevard 35
Copenhagen, Denmark
Please hold the date for our first Copenhagen Executive Seminar! The theme for the seminar is The Next Big Thing.
We will focus on key areas such as digital solutions, open access and data policy, while reflecting on the challenges and opportunities for associations in today’s rapidly changing society. The seminar is also a great opportunity to meet with European and Scandinavian society representatives to share experiences across similar and different fields.
We are developing the full agenda and will provide more details of sessions and speakers shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to reserve your placefor this complimentary, invitation-only event as soon as possible, using the online registration form link below. Please note that this link is for your personal use only; if you would like to nominate someone else from your organization to attend as well or instead of you, please contact Lena Jacobsen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to request an additional invitation.
Please register for this event by completing the online registration form:
We will be in touch again soon with more details but, in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Lena Jacobsen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you have any questions.
We hope to see you in January!
The Wiley Journals Team
2015 International Work-Conference on Time Series (ITISE 2015)
1st-3rd July, 2015. Granada (SPAIN)
It is our great pleasure to remind you the International Work-Conference on Time Series (ITISE 2015), which will take place in Granada (Spain) in July, 2015. Details and instructions for the conference can be found at the conference web site ( The ITISE 2015 (International work-conference on Time Series) seeks to provide a discussion forum for scientists, engineers, educators and students about the latest ideas and realizations in the foundations, theory, models and applications for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research encompassing disciplines of computer science, mathematics, statistics, forecaster, econometric, etc, in the field of time series analysis and forecasting.
We encourage you to submit paper focused on interesting, relevant and original works that are related to these subjects. We also admit the submission of short abstracts, which must be extended to full paper in case of being accepted. You could also be interested in organizing a special session for this conference. These are some important and final dates for the submission.
Submission of Special Session proposals: January 15th, 2015.
Submission of abstracts by authors: January 15th, 2015.
Submission of papers by authors: February 8th, 2015.
Notification of provisional acceptance: April 28th, 2015.
Submission of final papers: May 10th, 2015.
Registration of final papers: May 18th, 2015.
Early registration (special rates): May 18th, 2015.
ITISE CONFERENCE: July 1st-3rd, 2015.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1.-Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
Nonparametric and functional methods
Forecasting with Many Models. Model integration
Econometric models, etc.
2.- Advanced method and on-Line Learning in time series.
Adaptivity for stochastic models
Time series analysis with computational intelligence, etc.
3.- High Dimension and Complex/Big Data.
Techniques for dimension reduction
Forecasting Complex/Big data, etc.
4.- Forecasting in real problem.
Real time macroeconomic monitoring and forecasting
Applications in: energy, finance, transportation, networks, meteorology, health, research and environment, etc.
Paper publication:
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under both ISBN and ISSN references. Contributions will be indexed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Thomson Reuters) and the DBLP database.
Special issues:
A list of papers with very high quality will be selected to be extended and submitted in different special issues.
It will be a pleasure if you can actively participate in ITISE 2015 conference. Thanks for your attention, and we hope to see you in Granada, during the ITISE 2015 event. Please, feel free to contact us for any further question or remark.
Sincerely yours.
ITISE 2015. Conference chairs.
International Work-Conference on Time Series- ITISE 2015. 1st-3rd July, 2015. Granada, Spain
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,
TransportNET is hostinga Course on Research Methodologies in Natural and Social Sciencesfrom 6-13 December 2014 at University of Lisbon – Instituto Superior Tecnico, in Lisbon (Portugal). This course is open to academic researchers (professors, senior researchers, PhD students) and professionals (from industry and public authorities) from all kinds of backgrounds, research fields and interests, holding at least a Master’s degree or equivalent, on a first come first served basis.
The aim of the course is to provide transport researchers, PhD students and young professionals with and understanding of key concepts on:
a) differentiating between the different fundamental research methods and understanding their strengths and weaknesses when applied to real world problems;
b) system thinking framework, process and compositional approaches for research design, including identification of research questions and formulation of hypothesis;
c) utilization of multi-methodologies to approach complex problems with quantitative and qualitative methods;
d) effective and rigorous communication of scientific results to skilled and non-skilled audiences
Furthermore, the course provides students with the technical skills to:
a) organize a research process;
b) choose the adequate method for the research envisaged;
c) analyse real world problems and develop formulations and solutions supported by scientific methods.
The lectures is composed of the following main topics:
• Start organizing your research
• Start assembling your method
• How to publish – Scientific Communication
Course participants will get an attendance certificate and a credit certificate upon successful completion of the evaluation. For doctoral programs, the whole course corresponds to 6 ECTS credits. One assignment only can be taken, valuing 4.5 credits upon successful completion.
Full information, tariffs and registration possibilities are available through the Lisbon Research Methodology course page.
The course is open to participants on a first come-first served basis. The maximum number of attendants is limited.
Economy of Region (ISSN 2072-6414), is a peer-reviewed research economic journal and is indexed in the Scopus, EBSCO, RePEC, NEICON, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and the Russian Science Citation Index. Research areas of the journal include:
• New paradigms and concepts of regional development
• Transformations of economic space and regional dynamic
• State regulation of regional development
• Economic security and sustainable regional development
• Social and economic regional development
• Models for regional economy
• Intersectorial regional complexes
• Municipal economy
• Foreign experience of regional development
Our prime publishing criteria are discovery, innovation, usefulness, and quality – in equal measure. All submissions are subject to peer review.
There are no fees associated with publication of contributions. Authors will not be asked to contribute to costs of processing, formatting, or storing publications.
Use the online submission form at
Click on for the journal web site.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information.
We hope for effective collaboration and we will be glad to see you among our authors!
Best regards,
Dr. Alexander Kuklin, Executive Editor
The Department of Geography ( at Michigan State University invites applications for a full-time, academic-year (nine-month) tenure-system Assistant or Associate Professor to begin in Fall of 2015. We seek an outstanding Economic Geographer whose primary research and teaching interests are in applied and theoretical aspects of the field (for example but not limited to, market analysis, transportation, entrepreneurship, or economic development). A Ph.D. in Geography or related field is required. Corporate or governmental experience is also desirable. We are currently expanding our program in Economic Geography and especially seek candidates who will play a central role in our new Bachelor of Science degree in that subfield. We also welcome applicants who can teach related spatial modeling and quantitative methods. Faculty members are expected to be effective teachers, develop a record of significant scholarship, seek external funding for their research, and provide meaningful service.
All applications should include a curriculum vitae, statement of interest, and the names of three references. Questions may be directed to Professor Bruce Pigozzi, Chair of the Search Committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). All applications must be submitted through the MSU Applicant Page website at posting 0310
Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled.
For more information about the MSU Department of Geography, please visit our website at: MSU is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The University actively encourages applications of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.
La revue Approches inductives est à la recherche de rédacteurs de "notes de lecture" à publier sur son site web (et non sur Érudit comme c'est le cas pour les articles scientifiques).
Les notes de lecture sont parfois nommées «comptes rendus critiques» dans d'autres revues. Il s'agit d'un texte de 5 000 à 10 000 signes, espaces compris, qui fait la recension d'un ouvrage.
Les personnes intéressées sont invitées à le mentionner à la direction de la revue en envoyant un courriel à l'adresse: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nous avons déjà un premier livre à faire recenser: «Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes» qui vient tout juste de paraître aux PUQ :
Le livre inclut notamment un chapitre portant sur les approches inductives.
Si quelqu'un est intéressé à faire la recension de ce livre, merci de communiquer avec nous rapidement. Nous vous en prêterons un exemplaire.
Merci de diffuser ce message aux personnes éventuellement intéressées.
Si vous voulez que votre adresse soit retirée de notre liste d'envoi, vous n'avez qu'à le signifier en envoyant un courriel à : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Si quelqu'un veut que son adresse soit ajoutée à notre liste d'envoi, il n'a qu'à le signifier en envoyant un courriel à : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Marie-Josée Berthiaume
Adjointe à la direction
Revue Approches inductives
Courriel: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Site web:
Dear colleague,
I hope this e-mail finds you well! Currently, I am in the process of editing a forthcoming book publication entitled Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit a chapter proposal for consideration in this book.
The recomended topics are :
• Public policies to promote entrepreneurship (Public Policies and public programs with a regional impact in promoting entrepreneurship)
• Entrepreneurship and social innovation (innovative projects and programs of public or private social entrepreneurship with a regional impact)
• Higher education, knowledge transfer and business creation (programs, higher education impacts on the regions; initiatives and stimulate the entrepreneurship education and knowledge transfer in higher education for the region)
• Entrepreneurship, innovation and creation of regional value (Cases sectors/ companies with regional impact - industry, services, agriculture - encompassed by level of technology, business size, industry structure, property type)
• Entrepreneurship and internationalization (Cases of internationalization/ FDI to regional impacts)
• Entrepreneurial ecosystems (infrastructures; networks; business incubation; clusters)
I am certain that your contribution on this topic and/or other related research areas would make an excellent addition to this book.
Please visit for more details regarding this publication and to submit your chapter proposal. A full chapter submission will not be expected until your proposal has been formally accepted. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Best wishes,
Luísa Carvalho
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development
In the framework of the recently released call for the OECD Young Professionals Programme, the Environment Directorate (ENV) of OECD is seeking to hire an outstanding professional to join the Empirical Policy Analysis Unit.
The job description can be found right below.
Land use and achieving economic and environmental objectives [ref: ENV 12]
Land-use patterns affect the quality of the environment. Regulations, taxation and planning affect land-use. How should these instruments be deployed to ensure land-use aligns with preservation of the environment, while also contributing to economic growth and development? The absence of a coherent approach to land-use and spatial planning weighs not only on the preservation of the environment, but also holds back investment decisions and impedes economic opportunities. At the same time, traditional planning controls may not always be the most economically efficient way of tackling environmental challenges for which they are prescribed, or they may be undermined by competing policy approaches. This project will examine empirically the impact of land-use and spatial planning instruments on environmental and economic outcomes. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide recommendations to policy makers on how to design policies and regulations that affect land use in order to support green growth and the transition to a low carbon economy.
As a core member of the empirical analysis team in the Environment and Economy Integration Division, you will contribute actively to all aspects of the above project. You will be involved in undertaking literature reviews of spatial and land use planning frameworks in OECD member and non-member countries, contribute to developing a typology of land use and spatial planning instruments, and in undertaking empirical analysis to 8
examine the environmental and economic consequences of such instruments. You will also examine the linkages between spatial and land use planning and policies to improve urban air quality.
We would like to invite dynamic candidates with a sound background in Econometrics and Environmental and/or Urban Economics from your Department to submit their application for this position [ref: ENV 12] by following this link.
Please note that the closing date for this vacancy is Wednesday 25 November 2014, midnight, Paris time.
2014 Conference on Investment and Risk Management (IRM 2014)
December 24-26, 2014 | Suzhou, China
It is our great pleasure to inform you that the final submission date of 2014 Conference on Investment and Risk Management (IRM 2014) is November 4, 2014. IRM 2014 will be held from December 24 to 26, 2014 in Suzhou, China. This conference will cover issues on Investment and Risk Management, including the following topics (but not limited to ):
• Investment decision-making and risk management
• Private equity and venture capital
• Engineering and project management
• Research on urban development and real estate economy
• Investment and economic development
• Decision-making and forecasting
• Financial engineering
• Financial informatization
• Financial security
If you have unpublished papers in hand, please submit your manuscripts to this conference through paper submission system without hesitation. To be considered for an oral presentation, you may simply submit an abstract. These are some important dates for the submission:
• Submission Due: November 4, 2014
• Conference: December 24-26, 2014
Conference One-day Tour
Suzhou, with its mild climate, fertile landscape and abundance of produce, is praised as the 'Oriental Venice' and 'paradise on earth'. After the conference, you will have a One-day Tour to enjoy yourself in Zhouzhuang, one of the most popular water towns in China and a must-see attraction in Suzhou. In this ancient town, your eyes will feast with various architectures characterized by the styles of Ming, Qing or Yuan Dynasty. Besides, you will enjoy the sight of Quanfu Buddhist Temple or South Lake Garden as well.
Thank you very much for your attention and best regards,
IRM Organizing Committee
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +86 - 150 7134 3477
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.