
Elisabete Martins

Dear RSAI Members


Please read the following important information regarding the governance of RSAI and provide feedback as you see fit. This is a call for nominations for the position of Vice-President and President-Elect of RSAI.


1)      RSAI Bylaw 5 describes the selection of the Vice-President of RSAI as follows:


a. The RSAI President shall be elected by the Council for a two-year-term and confirmed by a vote of the entire active membership of the Association. To canvass suitable candidates for nomination, the Council establishes a “Nomination Committee” comprising the RSAI President, the RSAI Immediate Past-President, three members of RSAI Council (one each from among the council members who are appointees of the three superregional organizations), and two members of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) recommended by the LRPC itself.

 b. Criteria of the nominees. The nominees should satisfy the following criteria: a) financial resources sufficient to cover travel costs to perform RSAI duties; b) support from candidate’s institution including release of duties to enable President to travel as needed to conduct RSAI business; c) RSAI Council experience (Council member experience) and/or other service to the regional science community (e.g., superregional and/or other sections, editor of one of the regional science journals, etc.).

 c. The President Elect nomination committee shall be formed no later than the first year of the two-year term of the President and make a recommendation to Council at the second Council meeting of this same year. Upon receiving this recommendation, Council will select a nominee, who shall be confirmed by a vote of RSAI members no later than the end of the calendar year. The President-Elect and Vice-President shall start his/her appointment at the start of the next calendar year (i.e. the second year of the current President’s term).


2)    Duties and responsibilities of the RSAI President and Vice-President are defined as follows in the RSAI Constitution:


a. President. The President of RSAI represents the Association and is responsible for its business. The President is a regular, voting, and working member of the Council. The presidency is not a ceremonial position. The President shall serve a two-year term of office, succeeding to the position immediately upon completion of a term of office as Vice-President and President-Elect. The President shall provide active and aggressive leadership in the areas of program and policy development. During the initial year of implementation of this Constitution, the existing President of the Regional Science Association shall assume the duties of President of RSAI and shall subsequently succeed to the position of Immediate Past-President, as specified in paragraph c below.

b. Vice-President and President-Elect. The President-Elect of RSAI acts as the Vice President. He/she is a regular, voting, and working member of the Council. The President-Elect shall serve a one-year term of office, which shall be followed immediately by a two-year term as President. The Vice-President and President-Elect shall act for the President in the President's absence.

The President is expected to take a leadership role in establishing new sections of RSAI around the world and nurturing regional science scholarship and institutions around the globe in consultation with its constituting associations and organizations. The candidate must therefore be prepared to travel extensively around the world.



3)      A Nomination Committee was formed by RSAI Council at the Saint Petersburg, Russia meeting (August 2014). This Committee is composed of Jean-Claude Thill (Chair), Yoshiro Higano, Roberta Capello, Bob Stimson, Jouke Van Dijk, Yuzuru Miyata, and Eduardo Haddad. The Committee is now soliciting nominations for the position of Vice-President and President-Elect from all current RSAI members. Nominations will be accepted until October 5, 2014;


4)      From the list of nominees suggested by any RSAI members, the Nominations Committee will make a recommendation to RSAI Council at its Washington DC meetings on November 14, 2014.


5)      The President-Elect will serve as Vice-President of RSAI in 2016, and will become President of RSAI on January 1, 2017 for a two-year term.


6)    It has been a tradition of RSAI to rotate the Presidency between the three super-regions, namely the Pacific, the Americas, and Europe. Continuing this tradition, we will be looking to appoint a regional scientist affiliated with the PRSCO and be based in one of the countries of the Pacific Rim to succeed Andres Rodriguez-Pose, United Kingdom.


7)     Those who want to nominate a candidate should do so by sending an email message to Jean-Claude Thill, RSAI President and Chair of the Nomination Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  before October 5, 2014. The nomination should consist of a single Word document or PDF including a brief justification and statement of the nominee’s credentials and qualifications, the RSAI section and contact information of the nominee. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Nomination emails should have “Nomination to RSAI VP” in the subject line.

Tuesday, 09 September 2014 13:53

AESOP Newsletter 7/2014 - September 08

AESOP News Autumn 2014

Published at: 7 September 2014

Francesco Lo Piccolo started his Presidency (2014-2016)    

Francesco Lo Piccolo (University of Palermo) started his Presidency after AESOP Congress in Utrecht in July 2014. He replaced Gert de Roo (University of Groningen) who will remain AESOP Vice-President till the end of the AESOP Congress in 2015 in Prague. After July 2015 Gert de Roo will remain AESOP Official responsible for selected AESOP projects.

In his introductory speech Francesco Lo Piccolo revealed main slogan of his Presidency: Values for Our Future.

He stressed that when we look outside AESOP, cooperation and collective work are often not the priority. In times of crises, there is the risk of becoming ‘selfish’.

This is why the challenge is to maintain and improve the very nature of AESOP: which is embedded incooperation and solidarity, together with intellectual freedompassionethics.

Francesco Lo Piccolo imagined the future:

1. The future of AESOP: new generations of academics

2. The future of our schools: diversity and plurality.

3. The future of our research: achieving good standards, together.

4. The future of our discipline: professional recognition, a hard task today

5. The future of our European identity

Paulo Pinho elected as AESOP Secretary General 2015-2019   

Paulo Pinho (University of Porto) will replace Izabela Mironowicz (Wrocław University of Technology) as AESOP Secretary General after the AESOP Congress in 2015 in Prague. Until then he will be working for AESOP as Vice-Secretary General preparing himself for his terms of office. After July 2015 Izabela Mironowicz will remain AESOP Official responsible for selected AESOP projects.


Technical University of Madrid (UPM), School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUyOT) will be hosting AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting in 2015. The provisional dates are 12-15 March 2015.  The final confirmation of the dates will be shortly available on AESOP website.

AESOP community would like to express the word of gratitude to Technical University of Madrid School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUyOT) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, School of Spatial Planning And Development for their outstanding applications for hosting AESOP Heads of School Meeting 2015.

New AESOP members

AESOP is delighted to welcome three new members:

Nürtingen-Geislingen University 
Faculty for Landscape ArchitectureEnvironmental and Urban Planning, GERMANY (Full Member);

International University of Catalonia 
Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planing, SPAIN (Associate Member);

University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS (Associate Member,).

Dear Colleagues,

DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT 15th September 2014

The 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled persons will be held in Lisbon, Jul28-31, 2015. This Conference has not been organised in Europe since 1998and we expect to stimulate a high number of participants from all over the world.

The conference is hosted by IST (Técnico) ( and counts with the support of several official entities. The conference premise will be Gulbenkian Foundation (

As you can see from the conference web page ( the program hosts very challenging topics and subtopics and offers the opportunity of engaging in rewarding networking with academics, practitioners and citizens coming from all over the world.

Registrations are open and you can submit your contribution in the TRANSED web site.

We look forward to see you in Lisbon

Best regards

Rosário Macário

Chair of Transed 2015


Conference theme:

“Aim and manage to implement inclusive access for all”


The conference is organized in two streams of intervention, being:

Science and Technology

Practice and Experience

All conference topics are very open and can be approached from any of the two referred streams. For each topic a number of sub-topics are open from the outset but others can be created. In addition, special sessions can also be envisaged and participants interested in organizing it should contact the Conference Chair for that purpose.

Topic A: Policy approaches for mobility needs and solutions for the ageing and disabled population

The demographic evolution of Society enables to foresee next decades with a substantial increase of ageing population with different degrees of disabilities. In addition, changes in patterns of living and more monoparental families are formed which represent users of temporary restrictions. Cities and regions must reflect in these changes and adjust their policies accordingly so that user needs are satisfied 

A1 - Meeting the needs of people with disabilities in light of changing demographics; 
A2- The economic and social implications of living and coping with disabilities; 
A3- Cases in policy actions: turning legislation into action.

Topic B: Restricted accessibility as an integrated part of mobility management.

Restricted accessibility or reduced mobility (different parts of the world use different designations) should not be managed as an isolated segment. This approach has led to exclusion of these groups of users despite providing them with increase quality of service. This approach must be changed towards a full integration of restricted accessibility in mobility management enabling citizens with temporary or permanent mobility to benefit from a complete inclusion in society. Mobility and accessibility are instruments for that inclusion.

B1 - Defining and measuring accessibility; 
B2 - Creating accessible urban environments; 
B3 – Restricted accessibility in urban transport: success stories; 
B4 - Rural accessibility issues; 
B5 – Transport contribution for inclusive tourism;  

B6 - Ensuring joined approach to planning and delivery for door to door mobility; 
B7 - Designing and delivering accessibility for major events (e.g. Olympics etc.).

Topic C - Finding solutions through innovation

Innovation is a wide encompassing concept with an extensive meaning that can go from organization of processes to invention of new technology. Today a major challenge in mobility management is to bridge from mass transit to the capillary needs of the different segments of users. Innovation is required to create new and flexible services that can complement the regular public transport and provide an effective seamless mobility chains for all users, with and without disabilities.

C1 - New technologies and tools; 
C2 - Engaging with users for flexible mobility solutions;   
C3 - Case studies of innovative approaches to restricted accessibility; 
C4 - New impairment realities (e.g. young families, monoparental families, ageing impairment, etc)



Boosting Academic Entrepreneurship

10 - 12 December 2014 Enschede, the Netherlands


The Technopolicy Network is proud to announce its 12th annual academic entrepreneurship conference and awards in Enschede, the Netherlands. This conference will be organized in collaboration with Kennispark Twente.


Since 2002 The Technopolicy Network has organized its annual conference on science based incubation in many countries. This year’s theme is ‘Joint regional and national strategies for universities, incubators and business partners’. RSAI is one of the partners for this event.


The conference will be held in the innovative region of Twente which houses the most entrepreneurial university of the Netherlands, the University of Twente, where VentureLab International, the 2013 winner in the award category “fastest growth”, is located. The University of Twente embedded regional development in the university strategy and  offers the right environment to extend the subject of the annual science based incubation conference into a broader focus on “Boosting academic entrepreneurship”. The conference will be chaired by Frans van Vught, innovation advisor to the President of the European Commission. 


Check our website for more information.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA, Department of Geography, invites applications for a tenure-track, open rank position in Human Geography.  We seek a scholar who has made foundational contributions to the domains of urban, economic, hazards/adaptation, or health geography, or to any other domains of human geography that link to or complement the department’s existing topical strengths, as well as its method strengths in spatial modeling, optimization, simulation, human-subjects experimentation, structured surveys, and GIScience. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to attract and manage a robust extramurally funded research program. Current human geography faculty members are active participants in the Broom Center for Demography, the Center for Spatial Studies, the Big Data and Network Science IGERT and graduate emphases in Cognitive Science, Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, and Environment and Society as well, as systemwide initiatives such as the University of California Transportation Center (UCTC), the UC Global Health Institute, and Multicampus Research Program Initiatives on Modeling and Simulation. We welcome candidates who are willing to collaborate with departmental faculty in spatial science and physical geography, and with faculty from other research units and departments across campus. To learn more about the department, visit our website at The application deadline is October 20, 2014; the effective date is July 1, 2015.


To apply, please log in to to submit your cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, and names of three referees with their contact information. For more information, please contact the search committee co-chairs Dr. Stuart Sweeney (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Dr. Richard Church (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching, and service. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or any other characteristic protected by law including protected Veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Monday, 08 September 2014 10:59

CUPUM 2015 | Call for Conference Submissions

We are pleased to announce and invite you to participate in the 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM) which will be held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, July 7-10, 2015. This call and additional conference information are available online at:

Monday, 08 September 2014 10:57

Novedades AECR 05/09/2014

Novedades 05/09/2014

Asocia ción Española de Ciencia Regional
C/ Viladomat, 321 entresuelo
08029 Barcelona
Tel/Fax: + 34 933101112
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The European Policies Research Centre, in the School of Government & Public Policy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant or Research Associate to contribute to the comparative European policy research undertaken in the Centre. The appointee would participate in academic and policy research programmes on regional development, particularly with respect to  the design and regulation of national regional policies, EU Competition policy and regional aid, and the implementation of  European Structural and Investment Funds. The post would suit an applicant with a relevant first degree and subsequent work experience on regional development or potentially a post-doctoral researcher in a relevant discipline. Applicants will need to be completely fluent in both English and French. Knowledge of another European language would also be desirable. The post would be for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of renewal thereafter.

Further information:

Application deadline: 5 October 2014

The ERSA conference (August 2014) in Saint Petersburg was another highlight in the rich history of RSAI. This venue featured also the baptizing of a new book on ‘Regional Science Matters’, devoted to commemorate the seminal scientific contributions of the late Walter Isard to regional science. The editors (Adam Rose, Peter Nijkamp and Karima Kourtit) brought together in this volume a series of original studies of various scholars all over the world, whose work has been decisively influenced by Walter Isard. The volume contains also an article by Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman. For more details see: 

Thursday, 04 September 2014 11:22

Job announcement - Post Doc Forestry Economics

The Chair of Forestry Economics and Planning at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany (Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel) is seeking a PostDoctoral Researcher in Forestry Economics, Risk Analysis and Planning.


Beginning October 1st, 2014 or the earliest date thereafter. The position is full-time, remunerated under state salary scheme TV-L E13 and limited to a term of five years.  The research of the chair focuses on the following topics: (1) economics of multifunctional forestry; (2) forestry economics and Global Change; (3) uncertainty and risk of forest management; (4) forest planning/strategic planning



cutting-edge research in one of the chairs research areas publication of research results in international peer-reviewed journals and presentation at international conferences teaching in Master (and if applicable Bachelor) courses, supervision of students theses, writing of research proposals


Ideal profile:

PhD in forestry with emphasis on forestry economics or planning or another relevant field keen research motivation in one the chairs research fields excellent method-based competence and experience preferably in one or more of the following research areas:

forestry economics (incl. economic modelling), risk-analysis and modelling, operations research, multi-criteria decision making, econometrics, strategic planning under uncertainty ability and willingness for interdisciplinary cooperation very good English language proficiency, German language proficiency is an asset independence, reliability and good communication skills


We offer:

collaboration within an interdisciplinary and internationally successful team at one of the most renowned and attractive universities of Europe support for building your own independent scientific career (networking, mentoring, projects, habilitation, leading a junior research group, etc. )


Further information: or


Questions to: Roderich von Detten +49 (0)761 2033686, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Marc Hanewinkel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please send your application until 1st Oct.2014 (including cover letter,  CV, transcripts, list of publications/conference presentations, names and contact information of three academic references, short description of research interests) as one single (!) pdf via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Screening of application begins 1st of September 2014.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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