Elisabete Martins

Wednesday, 15 October 2014 10:40

Recherche de rédacteurs de Notes de lecture


La revue Approches inductives est à la recherche de rédacteurs de "notes de lecture" à publier sur son site web (et non sur Érudit comme c'est le cas pour les articles scientifiques).

Les notes de lecture sont parfois nommées «comptes rendus critiques» dans d'autres revues. Il s'agit d'un texte de 5 000 à 10 000 signes, espaces compris, qui fait la recension d'un ouvrage.

Les personnes intéressées sont invitées à le mentionner à la direction de la revue en envoyant un courriel à l'adresse: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nous avons déjà un premier livre à faire recenser: «Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes» qui vient tout juste de paraître aux PUQ :


Le livre inclut notamment un chapitre portant sur les approches inductives.

Si quelqu'un est intéressé à faire la recension de ce livre, merci de communiquer avec nous rapidement. Nous vous en prêterons un exemplaire.

Merci de diffuser ce message aux personnes éventuellement intéressées.

Si vous voulez que votre adresse soit retirée de notre liste d'envoi, vous n'avez qu'à le signifier en envoyant un courriel à : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Si quelqu'un veut que son adresse soit ajoutée à notre liste d'envoi, il n'a qu'à le signifier en envoyant un courriel à : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Marie-Josée Berthiaume

Adjointe à la direction

Revue Approches inductives                                            

Courriel: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                  

Site web: http://www.uqtr.ca/revueai

Dear colleague,


I hope this e-mail finds you well! Currently, I am in the process of editing a forthcoming book publication entitled Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development, to be published by IGI Global, an international publisher of progressive academic research. I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to submit a chapter proposal for consideration in this book.


The recomended topics are :

•       Public policies to promote entrepreneurship (Public Policies and public programs with a regional impact in promoting entrepreneurship)

•       Entrepreneurship and social innovation (innovative projects and programs of public or private social entrepreneurship with a regional impact)

•       Higher education, knowledge transfer and business creation (programs, higher education impacts on the regions; initiatives and stimulate the entrepreneurship education and knowledge transfer in higher education for the region)

•       Entrepreneurship, innovation and creation of regional value (Cases sectors/ companies with regional impact - industry, services, agriculture - encompassed by level of technology, business size, industry structure, property type)

•       Entrepreneurship and internationalization (Cases of internationalization/ FDI to regional impacts)

•       Entrepreneurial ecosystems (infrastructures; networks; business incubation; clusters)


I am certain that your contribution on this topic and/or other related research areas would make an excellent addition to this book.


Please visit http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/1506 for more details regarding this publication and to submit your chapter proposal. A full chapter submission will not be expected until your proposal has been formally accepted. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thank you very much for your consideration of this invitation, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Best wishes,
Luísa Carvalho
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurial Success and its Impact on Regional Development

In the framework of the recently released call for the OECD Young Professionals Programme, the Environment Directorate (ENV) of OECD is seeking to hire an outstanding professional to join the Empirical Policy Analysis Unit.


The job description can be found right below.


Land use and achieving economic and environmental objectives [ref: ENV 12]

Land-use patterns affect the quality of the environment. Regulations, taxation and planning affect land-use. How should these instruments be deployed to ensure land-use aligns with preservation of the environment, while also contributing to economic growth and development? The absence of a coherent approach to land-use and spatial planning weighs not only on the preservation of the environment, but also holds back investment decisions and impedes economic opportunities. At the same time, traditional planning controls may not always be the most economically efficient way of tackling environmental challenges for which they are prescribed, or they may be undermined by competing policy approaches. This project will examine empirically the impact of land-use and spatial planning instruments on environmental and economic outcomes. The ultimate goal of the project is to provide recommendations to policy makers on how to design policies and regulations that affect land use in order to support green growth and the transition to a low carbon economy.


As a core member of the empirical analysis team in the Environment and Economy Integration Division, you will contribute actively to all aspects of the above project. You will be involved in undertaking literature reviews of spatial and land use planning frameworks in OECD member and non-member countries, contribute to developing a typology of land use and spatial planning instruments, and in undertaking empirical analysis to 8

examine the environmental and economic consequences of such instruments. You will also examine the linkages between spatial and land use planning and policies to improve urban air quality.


We would like to invite dynamic candidates with a sound background in Econometrics and Environmental and/or Urban Economics from your Department to submit their application for this position [ref: ENV 12]  by following this link.


Please note that the closing date for this vacancy is Wednesday 25 November 2014, midnight, Paris time.

2014 Conference on Investment and Risk Management (IRM 2014)

December 24-26, 2014 | Suzhou, China


It is our great pleasure to inform you that the final submission date of 2014 Conference on Investment and Risk Management (IRM 2014) is November 4, 2014. IRM 2014 will be held from December 24 to 26, 2014 in Suzhou, China. This conference will cover issues on Investment and Risk Management, including the following topics (but not limited to ):

• Investment decision-making and risk management

• Private equity and venture capital

• Engineering and project management

• Research on urban development and real estate economy

• Investment and economic development

• Decision-making and forecasting

• Financial engineering

• Financial informatization

• Financial security

If you have unpublished papers in hand, please submit your manuscripts to this conference through paper submission system without hesitation. To be considered for an oral presentation, you may simply submit an abstract. These are some important dates for the submission:

• Submission Due: November 4, 2014

• Conference: December 24-26, 2014

Conference One-day Tour

Suzhou, with its mild climate, fertile landscape and abundance of produce, is praised as the 'Oriental Venice' and 'paradise on earth'. After the conference, you will have a One-day Tour to enjoy yourself in Zhouzhuang, one of the most popular water towns in China and a must-see attraction in Suzhou. In this ancient town, your eyes will feast with various architectures characterized by the styles of Ming, Qing or Yuan Dynasty. Besides, you will enjoy the sight of Quanfu Buddhist Temple or South Lake Garden as well.

Thank you very much for your attention and best regards,

IRM Organizing Committee

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +86 - 150 7134 3477

Full Professor of Regional Science
(Ref.no 2668-95)
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is currently inviting applications for the position of a Full Professor of Regional Science at the Department of Socioeconomics.

WU is the largest business university in the European Union and is centrally located at the heart of Europe. The University maintains an excellent position as a center for research and teaching and attracts an international group of students and faculty. It offers a broad range of subjects in all areas of economics and business administration. WU is one of only four universities in the German-speaking world to have been awarded the full five-year EQUIS accreditation and is striving to achieve a top position among the leading European business universities. For details, please see www.wu.ac.at

Applicants should have: a) a high level academic qualification (e.g. PhD, habilitation) in Regional Science, Spatial Economics, Economic Geography or related disciplines; b) an outstanding publication record in Regional Science; c) a strong record in attracting research funding; d) demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching and teaching experience in the field of interest; and e) proven leadership qualities. Preference will be given to candidates with an international reputation in the regional science community and a background in socioeconomics.

Applicants preferably conduct research in applied spatial analysis and/or spatial econometrics. Their key strength is analyzing socioeconomic phenomena and processes in space at the interface between economics and geography. Their empirical work is informed by theory and connects to other disciplines. The successful candidate is expected to teach courses in the field of interest at the bachelor, master and PhD levels, especially in the two Masters’ Programs offered by the Department. Teaching experience in English is required. Non-German-speaking candidates will be expected to acquire proficiency in German over a certain period of time.

Within the context of the Department of Socioeconomics, applicants will meet the challenge of interdisciplinary work, both in research and teaching. They are expected to cultivate an environment of collaboration and should be capable of linking to the Department’s core research areas dealing with a range of socioeconomic issues and global challenges relevant to modern societies, as well as actively supporting the science-society interface. The new professor is also expected to take an active role in the University’s self-governance.

For details on required qualifications and other information, please see www.wu.ac.at/jobs. Applications must be submitted 19th November 2014.

Faculty Position in Transportation Planning and Policy

The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking to fill a full-time tenure-track faculty position in transportation planning and policy. Areas of interest include: transportation planning methods; urban modeling and simulation; decision and planning support systems; travel behavior and forecasting; transportation and land use interactions; non-motorized transportation; public transit; transportation economics; transportation risk and security; planning for freight, ports, and airports; international transportation planning, especially in developing countries. The position may be at the assistant, associate or full professor level.

Applicants must be doctoral graduates of accredited colleges/universities, and we prefer that they have their Ph.D. by January 1, 2015. Ph.D’s may be in any field relevant to transportation planning  (e.g. urban planning, engineering, geography, economics). The standard teaching assignment is two  courses each semester, including both undergraduate and graduate courses. The successful applicant  will have classroom teaching experience and should take an expansive view of transportation policy,  planning, and implications for cities and regions.

The Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy offers undergraduate degrees in Planning and Public Policy, Public Policy, Public Health, and anticipates soon having three  additional undergraduate degrees in Public Health Administration, City Planning and Design, and  Urban Studies; master’s degrees in Urban Planning and Policy Development and in Public Policy; the Ph.D. in Planning and Public Policy; and joint degrees in public health with the Rutgers New Jersey  Medical School. We offer two graduate certificate programs in transportation: transportation studies; and transportation management: vulnerability, risk and security. The Bloustein School has  18 research centers and institutes and annually attracts approximately $20 million in external  funding. The School has three existing transportation centers, with over 40 research staff, and the  new faculty member is expected to contribute to their efforts. For further information, visit the Bloustein School web site at http://www.policy.rutgers.edu.

Applicants must apply via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Attach a letter of  application, a curriculum vita, a writing sample, and the names and contact information of three professional references. Review of applications will begin on November 15,  2014. Members of the search committee will be attending the ACSP conference in Philadelphia and 

can arrange a time to meet with potential applicants. Rutgers University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer committed to expanding the  educational diversity of its faculty and students and encourages applications from a broad variety of candidates.




School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Assistant Professor

Regional Economics

The University of Washington Tacoma (UW Tacoma) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor (0116) in Regional Economics in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.  This is a full-time, mulit-year position with a nine-month service period. We seek a broadly-trained individual with a range of interests and excellent teaching and research potential.  The successful candidate will bring an expertise in applied microeconomics, quantitative methods, and applied policy analysis. We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in issues of poverty, urbanization, land use, and regionally-based strategies for economic development. Proficiency with GIS is also preferred. The successful candidate will be expected to develop research projects in the region, with the potential for innovative field-based coursework in collaboration with local policy makers. 

The position will mainly contribute to two majors: 1) Law and Policy, and 2) Politics, Philosophy and Economics. It will also contribute to other interdisciplinary majors in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and the UW Tacoma campus.  The position begins September 16, 2015, and requires a Ph.D. (or foreign equivalent) in economics, geography, or a related field.  

The Tacoma campus of the University of Washington was founded in 1990 with an interdisciplinary approach at its foundation.  It has evolved into a thriving downtown campus that serves students of a wide variety of ages and backgrounds in the South Puget Sound.  Faculty have access to the resources of a major research university, including an extensive library system, but work and teach within a small campus setting.  Our campus provides a unique environment for the development of creative teaching, research and community collaborations. The campus commitment to diversity is central to maintaining an atmosphere where students, staff, and faculty find abundant opportunities for intellectual, personal and professional growth within our campus and broader community. For more information about UW Tacoma, visit http://www.tacoma.washington.edu.

To apply, please submit:

  1. letter delineating your interest in and qualifications for teaching in an interdisciplinary program.  Applicant statements should detail how their teaching, service and/or scholarship has supported the success of students from racial, ethnic, and gender backgrounds that are underrepresented in their academic fields; applicants who have not yet had the opportunity for such experience should note how their work will further UW Tacoma’s commitment to diversity, 
  2. statement describing your research interests,
  3. statement of your teaching philosophy,
  4. curriculum vitae, including a list of courses taught,
  5. an article-length writing sample,
  6. evidence of teaching effectiveness, and
  7. three letters of reference. 

Submit all materials to https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/4236.  Screening of applicants will begin November 1, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled. For further information, contact Mary Hanneman (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete the Equal Employment Opportunity questionnaire that is linked to the confirmation email.  This information will not be shared with the search committee.

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to, among other things, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, status as protected veterans, or status as qualified individuals with disabilities. UW Tacoma faculty engage in teaching, research, and service and generally participate in lower division, upper division, and graduate instruction.

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here


Dear ERSA Members & Colleagues,

The first ERSA/CORE-UCL International Workshop is drawing near.

The main idea of this workshop is to discuss the interactions between the local, national, and why not, supra-national levels to conduct policies fostering local growth and employment.

Sessions and Roundtable HIGHLIGHT

3 recognised researchers & Individual presentations:

  • The reform of the Belgian Labour Market Policies

Bruno van der Linden, Prof., Université Catholique de Louvain, UCL, Belgium

  • The relationship of networks and labour markets

Yves Zenou, Prof., Stockholm University, Sweden

  • The interraction between regional policies and labour market outcomes
    Andres Rodriguez-Pose, London School of Economics, LSE, United Kingdom 

Panel discussion including             

  • Jouke van Dijk, University of Groningen 
  • Alexander Lembcke, Economist/Policy Analyst, OECD
  • Damian Persyn, JRC-IPTS
  • Jorg Peschner, European Commission, DG Employment, Employment Analysis

For more details on the programme and for practical information click HERE


Who should attend?

- Academics and practitioners

- Researchers and representatives from European Institutions

- Organisations active at EU level in the field of labor markets.

- Policy makers at European, national, regional and urban levels

Not yet registered?

Places are limited. Deadline to register: 16th October.

Registration fee: 40 euros  

Register now HERE


Join ERSA on: 

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Friday, 03 October 2014 09:39

NARSC Awards 2014 Nominations Sought

The Honors Committee of the North American Regional Science Council is soliciting nominations for the following awards to be given at this year's annual meeting. Please send your nomination by October 7 to Doug Woodward, Honors Chair, NARSC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1.  Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement in Regional Science

The Walter Isard Award for Scholarly Achievement is named in honor of Professor Walter Isard, father of Regional Science, founder of the Regional Science Association, and a leading scholar in the worldwide Regional Science community. Established in 1994, the award pays tribute to North American regional scientists who have made significant theoretical and methodological contributions to the field of Regional Science throughout their careers.

2.  The Boyce Award for Distinguished Service to Regional Science

This award honors Professor David Boyce, a prominent figure in Regional Science who promoted the Regional Science Association for a number of years and was instrumental in its long term success. The award acknowledges the service contributions that North American members have made to Regional Science organizations.

3.  The Hewings Award for Outstanding Achievement by a "Junior" Faculty

This award is named in honor of Professor Geoffrey J.D. Hewings who over the years introduced numerous graduate students to Regional Science and mentored them as young scholars. The award recognizes distinguished contributions to Regional Science research by North American scholars who have recently completed doctoral studies (within ten years of receiving a Ph.D.).

The list of past awards is posted on the NARSC web site at http://www.narsc.org/newsite/?page_id=30.

Doug Woodward
Chair, NARSC Honors Committee

The 2nd Ibero-American Congress on Regional Development and 12th Congress of the Brazilian Regional Science Association
October 15 – 17, 2014

Hosted by

Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Department of Economics, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte – Brazil


General Organizing Committee
Raul da Mota Silveira Neto (PIMES/UFPE)
Alexandre Alves Porsse (UFPR)
Fernando Salgueiro Perobelli (UFJF)
Eduardo Amaral Haddad (FEA/USP)
Eduardo Simões de Almeida (UFJF)
Edson Paulo Domingues (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Pedro Vasconcelos Maia do Amaral (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)

Local Organizing Committee
Aline Souza Magalhães (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Edson Paulo Domingues (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Flaviane Souza Santiago (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Kenia Barreiro de Souza (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Pedro Vasconcelos Maia do Amaral (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)
Rodrigo Ferreira Simões (CEDEPLAR/UFMG)

Co-convenings Institutions
Argentinean Society of Regional Economics (SAER)
Chilean Society of Regional Studies (SOCHER)
Colombian Association of Regional Studies (ASCER)
Mexican Association of Sciences for Regional Development (AMECIDER)
Portuguese Association for Regional Development (APDR)
Regional Science Association of America (RSAmericas)
Spanish Association of Regional Science (AECR)
Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL)

Sponsor Institutions
The General Organizing Committee and the Local Organizing Committee are very grateful to the support provided by the following institutions.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)
Departamento de Economia da UFMG
Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
Fundação Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica da FEA-USP (FIPE)
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


See attachement for more information.

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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