Call for Papers
Tourism and Sustainable Development
The Indonesian Regional Science Association (IRSA) in collaboration with Udayana University invites scholars, practitioners and graduate students to submit papers to be presented in the 5th IRSA International Institute. The theme of the conference is Tourism And Sustainable Development, and it will be held in Denpasar, Bali, on 3-4 August 2015
Potential topics to be discussed in this conference include, but are not limited to:
* * |
Green Tourism and Environmental Issues Destination Management and Marketing |
* | Public policy, regional and urban planning and regional development |
* | Community-Based Tourism | * | Urban, agriculture and rural development |
* | Consumer Behavioral in Tourism | * | Poverty, inequality and inter-regional disparities |
* * |
Business Strategy in Tourism Development Corporate Social Responsibility in Development |
* | Housing, transportation and other regional infrastructures issues |
* | Role of Accounting in Global Economy | * | Regional/international trade, finance and inflation |
* | Political economy and governance of regional development | * * |
Spatial modelling and simulation Health, education and human capital |
Extended paper abstract of about 250-500 words should be submitted online
via Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, potential contribution to knowledge, and keywords. Abstract should be in English, as also the full paper.
Paper sessions are seminar-style with a discussant for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.
Important dates for conference: | |
□ Abstract submission open □ Abstract submission due □ Early bird registration open □ Abstract acceptance notification: □ Early bird registration due □ Full Paper submission due □ Paper presenter registration due □ Non presenter registration due □ Conference date |
: Dec. 31, 2014 : April 1, 2015 : May 2, 2015 : May 20, 2015 : June 1, 2015 : July 1, 2015 : July 20, 2015 : July 20, 2015 : August 3-4, 2015 |
The conference will be attended by prominent scholars and experienced practitioners. Our Minister of Tourism, Dr. Arief Yahya, will give the opening speech.
All information at: :
Dear Colleagues & Friends,
This is a Reminder!
Call for Abstract submission! Submission deadline 16th of January 2015
2015 Uddevalla Symposium on: “Regional development in an international context - Regional, national, cross border and international factors for growth and development” (Slightly updated with more special sessions)
June 11-13, 2015,
Sönderborg, Denmark.
We invite you to submit an abstract within this theme or within a subtheme (see attached CFP) and meet with more than hundreds of scholars next June in the southern part of Denmark. We can proudly present the host of the 18th Uddevalla Symposium 2015 - University of Southern Denmark, campus Sönderborg! We are really looking forward moving the Uddevalla Symposium to Denmark!
Deadline for Abstract submission is January 16th, 2015.
We are also very proud of presenting our invited Key-note speakers:
Prof. Cristiano Antonelli, University of Torino, Italy
Dr. Georgeanne M. Artz, Iowa State University, USA
Prof. Dan Breznitz, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Johannes Bröcker, Christian-Alberchts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Prof. Cristina Chaminade, CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Yvonne von Friedrichs, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Prof. Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics, UK
Prof. Franz W. Kellermanns, University of North Carolina – Charlotte, USA
Prof. Ram Mudambi, Temple University, USA
Prof. André Torre, National Institute for Agronomic Research, Paris, France
Sorry for any cross-posting!
Best regards,
Iréne Bernhard
On behalf of the organizing committee
Irene Bernhard, Ph.D. & Coordinator Uddevalla Symposia
University West
School of Business, Economics & IT
Se-461 86 Trollhättan, Sweden
Phone +46 520 22 36 78
Mobile +46 733 975102
16th International Conference Rural-Urban Symbiosis
8 – 10 September 2015
Hamburg University of Technology
Hamburg, Germany
Dear Colleague,
We sincerely wish you a happy and successful year 2015. Only a few more months are left till the RAMIRAN conference takes place in September in Hamburg. So far we have received abstracts from 30 countries and would kindly like to remind you of the final deadline for abstract submission, which is approaching soon: 15 January 2015.
RAMIRAN 2015 is focusing on closing the loop linking rural production and urban consumption systems, and on the development of more sustainable solutions for the handling of residues.
Thematic areas
•Fertilizers from residues
•Soils for the future
•Advances in emission prevention
•The bioresource challenge
•Agro-products for the biobased economy
•Smart concepts for rural development
•Towards zero waste settlements
•Rural-urban sustainability cases studies world wide
Abstract submission
We invite you to prepare abstracts according to the information given at:
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the authors will be notified of the decision by 28 February 2015.
For more information, please visit
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg!
Congress Chair
Ina Körner
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Scientific Organisation
Ina Körner, Ralf Otterpohl
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany Institute of Wastewater Management & Water Protection
Network Coordinators
Harald Menzi, Agroscope, Switzerland
Tom Misselbrock, Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom
RAMIRAN 2015 Conference Office
Gerlinde Löbkens
TuTech Innovation GmbH
Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12
21079 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 76629-6551, Fax: +49 40 76629-6559 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Colleague,
Following our previous call for papers for a track session at the IFKAD conference in Bari, Italy, we are sending you the invitation letter for the related Special Issue arranged with the Editorial Team of the journal European Planning Studies. Please have in mind that the deadline for abstract submissions to the track session is 25 January 2015 (see the Call for papers attached).
Author invitation letter
Dear Author:
We are compiling a Special Issue of European Planning Studies on the topic of “Culture and innovation in SMEs and Micro Firms”. The goal of this issue will be to present state-of-the art articles including theoretical approaches, empirical research and case studies related to the role of cultural elements (values, rules, norms and cognitive frameworks) in the innovation dynamics of small firms and micro firms.
We would like to invite you to submit an article to this issue, and we are particularly interested in your work on the innovation dynamics of SMEs.
All the articles submitted to this special issue will be reviewed by the guest editors, and two external referees. Submission to the Special Issue does not automatically guarantee acceptance, all articles will be reviewed in respect to the standards, aims and scope of this Special Issue and the Journal. Copies of the reviewers’ comments will be sent to you in a decision letter, along with any requests they may make for revisions.
Publication of the issue is planned for March 2016, and we need to receive your manuscript for review by 30 June 2015. If revisions are required, the final, accepted version of the article must be received by us by 30 November 2015. Please, let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in submitting to this issue.
Please, see the “Instructions for Authors” tab on the journal’s website (www.tandfonline/ceps) for details on how the manuscript should be presented. Manuscripts should be submitted to European Planning Studies through the ScholarOne manuscript online submission site at:
European Planning Studies is published by Routledge a member of the Taylor and Francis group. Each issue is distributed to the journal subscribers and will be available to a broad readership. The publishers require all contributions to the issue will be accompanied by a signed Author Publishing Agreement.
We hope that you will be interested in submitting an article to this issue, as your interests in this area are well-know, and your submission would make a significant contribution to what we intend to be and exciting and high-quality focused publication.
Previous versions of the papers will be discussed at the 10th International Forum of Knowledge Asset Dynamics IFKAD 2015, in Bari, Italy, 10-12 June 2015 (Special track: “Why bother about culture in SMEs and micro firms? Innovation, culture and entrepreneurial dynamics in regional development”). If you want to participate in this track session, please see the call for papers attached and the conference site (
Authors can receive valuable feedback for their work at this conference, but participation is not a requirement for inclusion in the special issue.
Yours sincerely, the guest editors:
Manuel Fernández-Esquinas, Institute for Advanced Social Studies, Spain
Madelon van Oostrom, Tenerife Science and Technology Park, Spain
Hugo Pinto, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Call for Submissions
Inaugural Award
PRSCO Award for Best Paper by a Young Regional Scientist
The Pacific Regional Science Conference Organisation (PRSCO) is proud to announce that it will, for the first time, present a Best Paper Award in 2015.
The Award will be made for the best submission to the PRSCO Best Paper competition by a young regional scientist, under the age of 33 (on July 1, 2015), who is from a PRSCO-relevant part of the world. The Award rules can be found on the PRSCO web site,
The author of the winning paper will be expected to present their paper at the 2015 PRSCO Conference to be held at Viña del Mar, Chile from August 5th to 8th. The winning paper will be announced by June 5th, 2015. The decision of the selection committee will be final.
Eligible authors who wish to submit a paper to the PRSCO Best Paper competition should email a pdf copy of their paper to the PRSCO Executive Secretary (Hiroyuki SHIBUSAWA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by no later than Friday, March 20, 2015.
Submissions should include a cover page with the paper’s title, the author’s full name, affiliation, and contact details. Award applicants should either: state that the paper is single-authored; or provide the name of the co-author(s), together with evidence that the applicant is the lead author and has contributed over 70 per cent of the paper’s content. The applicant should also affirm that they meet the Award’s age criterion.
Dear NECTAR friends
The deadline for abstract submission for the 2015 NECTAR conference has been extended until January 19, 2015 (see the revised call for papers)
We wish all NECTAR members a Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Ana Condeço-Melhorado
NECTAR secretary
16th International Conference Rural-Urban Symbiosis
8 – 10 September 2015
Hamburg University of Technology
Hamburg, Germany
Dear Colleague,
Due to high interest and many requests, abstract submission has been extended to 15 January 2015.
Agriculture produces bioresources for food and increasingly also for material and energy provision. The majority of agro-products are used in urban areas where they are connected with waste and wastewater generation.
On the one hand, these residues are actually disposed or inefficiently treated, on the other they have value for agricultural production.
RAMIRAN 2015 is focusing on closing the loop linking rural production and urban consumption systems and on the development of more sustainable solutions for the handling of residues.
Thematic areas
•Fertilizers from residues
•Soils for the future
•Advances in emission prevention
•The bioresource challenge
•Agro-products for the biobased economy
•Smart concepts for rural development
•Towards zero waste settlements
•Rural-urban sustainability cases studies world wide
Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 15 January 2015. We invite you to prepare abstracts according to the information given at:
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the authors will be notified of the decision by 28 February 2015.
For more information, please visit
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg!
Congress Chair
Ina Körner
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Scientific Organisation
Ina Körner, Ralf Otterpohl
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany Institute of Wastewater Management & Water Protection
Network Coordinators
Harald Menzi, Agroscope, Switzerland
Tom Misselbrock, Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom
RAMIRAN 2015 Conference Office
Gerlinde Löbkens
TuTech Innovation GmbH
Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12
21079 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 76629-6551, Fax: +49 40 76629-6559 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
International Conference on Population Geographies 2015
The Spatial Dimensions of Population- Call for papers
The call for papers the 8th International Conference on Population Geographies is now open. The Conference will be held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia from 30 June to 3 July 2015.
Abstracts for papers and posters should be around 250 words and include the title, authors, affiliations, and contact email, and be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The conference organisers welcome offers of papers on any aspect of population geography or spatial demography, as well as proposals to organise sessions. The deadline for submissions is Monday 16th February 2015.
Essential details of the conference including themed sessions, conference location, accommodation, and travel are available on the conference website at:
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.