Elisabete Martins

Dear Madam/Sir,

Following the first announcement on the 3rd International Conference on Urban and Regional Economics we highly encourage you to register for the event hosted by University of Economics in Katowice, Poland in cooperation with European Regional Science Association – Polish Section.

Submissions should focus on:

•functional urban areas and relevant policies (conference focus theme) •innovation in cities •regional specialization •interactions in regional development •land use policy for cities and regions •EU regional policy and its impact on cities and regions •urban and metropolitan governance •economic resilience of metropolitan regions and agglomerations •urban and regional regeneration •urban and regional competitiveness and entrepreneurship •urban and regional public services and infrastructure

The conference will be held in Katowice on June 11-12, 2015 and will host keynote speaker - PROF. JULIE LeGALLO from UNIVERSITÉ DE FRANCHE-COMTÉ CRESE.

Should you know young and talented Ph.D. students, do let them know about the ERSA young researcher prize. Two best papers are to be awarded with fee waiver and travel / accommodation refund up to 200 EUR.

For further details see the attached call for papers and submit the registration form to the local organising committee.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further assistance and feel free to distribute the information within your professional and scientific networks.

We look forward to welcoming you to Katowice in June 2015.

Yours sincerely

Local Organizing Committee

Adam Polko, Department of Spatial Economics | University of Economics in Katowice Artur Ochojski, Department of Strategic and Regional Studies | University of Economics in Katowice



Are you ready to relaunching sustainability?



URBE - URban freight and BEhavior change.

Conference to be held in Rome, Italy, October 1 st -2nd, 2015.


A selected number of papers presented will be published in an Special Issue edited by:







We are now inviting submissions for conference presentations. Extended abstracts should contain all relevant information to allow the peer review process, giving an overview of: (1) main objectives and motivations, (2) topics covered and methodology, (3) results obtained/expected and conclusions (max. 2 pages, please follow the instructions on the website).

The deadline for abstract submission is April 1st, 2015.  Abstracts should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and will be assessed by the scientific committee within a double-blind-review.

Please circulate this to anyone who you think may be interested!

We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you on October 1-2, 2015 in Rome, Italy


Local Organizing Committee

 28th ERSA & ERES Summer School

       2-14 July 2015, Vienna (WU), Austria    
Topic: Developers, Planners and the City
Main target: Real Estate researchers as well as to Regional Economists

The programme includes :  

 * Lectures by established researchers  

 * Site and company/public administration visits
 * Presentations by participating students



Places are limited to 30 participants. 

Any question
on the programme or the application requirements, feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

 44th Annual Conference of RSAI -   

    British and Irish Section
       17-18 August 2015, Dublin, Ireland   

Suggested topics include, Regional Growth and productivy, Migration and Regional Labour Markets, European Regional Policy and  more 
Any question? Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8th Annual Summer Conference -  

    German Speaking Section
       2-3 July 2015, Kiel, Germany   


Central Topic: Infrastructure, Trade and Regional Development more

Any question? Contact Hayo Herrmann, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In attached is the call to a professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Development at the Andes University in Colombia. 

Conference information in English / Course information/ Combined course + conference package

Dear Ms,

Dear Sir,



On 11 and 12 May 2015, the Special Interest Group A2 (Ports and Maritime) of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), co-chaired by Prof. Eddy Van de Voorde (Department of Transport and Regional Economics - University of Antwerp / TransportNET) and Prof. Enrico Musso (Department of Quantitative Methods - University of Genova / TransportNET), will host a two-day international conference under the title ‘The Port and Maritime Sector: Key Developments and Challenges’. It will be held at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium.


The draft conference program is now online.


The conference will be open to attendance by any interested academic or business responsible active or interested in the maritime and port field.

This conference is not just a conference, but has a number of specific features.

  • A meeting between scientists and practitioners;
  • Each half day of the conference will feature a thematic top keynote speaker, from academia as well as from the port and maritime industry;
  • Stress on interdisciplinarity, i.e. all disciplines will be treated (engineering, economy, legal, mathematic,…);
  • The subject is about theory and empiry, secondly derived products;
  • New research areas and business opportunities will be dealt with.


Special features :

-          Free walking dinner buffet offered by Port of Antwerp 11 May 2015

-          Free technical visit to Port of Antwerp 13 May 2015

-          Conference fee fixed at €100

-          Free copy of new scientific book ‘Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions’ for all registered participants.

Conference participation amounts to €100 and will include access to all sessions, a technical visit, all public conference catering and library and other facilities.

More practical details on the conference will be communicated upon registration. Registration and payment are due before 30 April 2015!




TransportNET is hostinga Course on Port Economics and Business from 4 till 8 May 2015 at the University of Antwerp – Department of Transport and Regional Economics, linked to the above-mentioned conference. This course is open to academic researchers (professors, senior researchers, PhD students)and professionals (from industry and public authorities) from all kinds of backgrounds, research fields and interests, holding at least a Master’s degree or equivalent, on a first come first served basis.


The aim of the course is to provide participants with advanced training on recent and future developments in seaports and hinterland connections, and have them obtain improved skills and knowledge to advance their careers. Each course topic will be conceptually introduced by TransportNET professors, and subsequently also be illustrated by high-level port business practitioners. Specific topics dealt with during the course week are:

  • Port typology, actors and economic framework
  • Port traffic forecasting
  • Port infrastructure and operations finance
  • Port policy
  • Port innovation strategies
  • Port hinterland strategies


The course will feature a port of Antwerp technical excursion on 6 May in the afternoon, so as to give participants an immediate impression of latest business developments, typical investment projects, green innovation initiatives, etc.


Course participants will get a participation certificate, and also a credit certificate upon successful completion of the paper assignments to be submitted in due time after the course. The course values 6 ECTS credits for doctoral programs for those who combine the course with participation to the SIGA2 conference on 11 and 12 May in Antwerp. For those only completing the paper assignment based on the course days, the course values 3 ECTS credits.


Full information, tariffs and registration possibilities are available through the course page. Registration also involves submitting a CV by 30 April 2015. The maximum number of attendants is limited.


A combined course + conference participation package is offered at a rate of €850. Registration for this package is due through this webpage, indicating that also the course will be followed.

Dear Colleague,


The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), a world association of academics and researchers, organizes its 2nd Annual International Conference on Small Societies-Small Business-Small Cities & Villages, 27-30 July 2015, Athens, Greece. Please submit a 300-word abstract before 6 April 2015, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), addressed to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER & Honorary Professor, University of Stirling, U.K.


Please include with this order: Title of Paper, First Name, Family name of all co-authors, Current Position of all co-authors, Institutional Affiliation (University/Organization) of all co-authors, Country of all co-authors, an email address of all co-authors and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions will be reached within four weeks of your submission.


Should you wish to participate in the Conference without presenting a paper, for example, to chair a session, to evaluate papers which are to be included in the conference proceedings or books, to contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. George Poulos, Vice-President of Research, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).      

The 2nd IMASS Conference will take place in Poznan, Poland, in May 22-23.


The deadline for the submission of the abstract for the 2nd IMASS International Conference:  “People, Goods and Regions in a Globalized World” has been extended until 29th of March. 


We welcome the submission of abstracts to the theme of the conference:

• Geo-computation, Spatial Analysis and Spatial Econometrics

• Economic Growth and Development

• Land use science

• Knowledge Creation and Innovation Activities in Space

• Location, Transportation and Interaction

• Metropolitan Regions and Spatial Agglomerations

• Social Segregation, Poverty and Social Policy

• Regional Cooperation and Competition

• Transitional Economies


For more information about abstracts submissions and registration, please visit the conference website at: http://imass.ca/imass/conference/


Many thanks,

The Organizing Committee

IMASS - Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences
GTA, Ontario | Canada
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://imass.ca/imass

Monday, 23 March 2015 09:39

2015 elected RSAI Fellows

RSAI is pleased to announce the election of the following Fellows in 2015:



Kieran P. Donaghy

Cornell University, USA


Raymond J.G.M. Florax

Purdue University, USA 


Jacques Poot

University of Waikato, NEW ZEALAND

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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