Papers in Regional Science
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library
Issue Information (pages i–ii)
Specialization and diversity as drivers of economic growth: Evidence from High-Tech industries (pages 229–247)
Micro-evidence on the determinants of innovation in the Netherlands: The relative importance of absorptive capacity and agglomeration externalities (pages 249–272)
‘One for all and all for one’: Cluster, employment, and the global economic crisis. Evidence from the German mechanical engineering industry (pages 273–294)
Internal migration and educational outcomes in Italy: Evidence from a cohort of youths (pages 295–316)
Exploring scan methods to test spatial structure with an application to housing prices in Madrid (pages 317–346)
Capitalization of fiscal variables persists over time (pages 347–363)
Using Bayesian posterior model probabilities to identify omitted variables in spatial regression models (pages 365–383)
The tuition fee ‘shock’: Analysing the response of first-year students to a spatially discontinuous policy change in Germany (pages 385–419)
The use of game theory in regional economics: A quantitative retrospective (pages 421–441) |