Wednesday 25 March 2015
Paris University Dauphine
Call for papers for the real estate seminar (one of the partners is our review of regional and urban economics ) , to be held March 25, 2015.
Proposals should be sent before February 15, 2015, to the email of
From 18 to 19 December
Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul
National Regional Science / Regional Planning Congress "Emerging Economies and Regional Policy: Turkey agenda. Further information atıcerik.a...
The European Regional Science Association & the European Real Estate Society are offering the opportunity to participate in the 28th ERSA & ERES Summer School that will be held from 5th July to 15th July, 2015 in Vienna, Austria.
Click HERE for further information
Will your article be the next one?
Don't miss this chance of being published in the ERSA
Call for Papers:
45th Winter Seminar of the Regional Science Association on the 22nd - 28th February 2015 at Igls / Innsbruck
Abstract submission deadline 12/12/2014
The Graduate School in Population Dynamics and Public Policy announces posts for PhD students
The Graduate School in Population Dynamics and Public Policy is a graduate program for PhD students with dissertation projects focusing on population dynamics and/or public policy related to population changes and ageing. The school is part of the interdisciplinary research programme Ageing and Living Conditions (ALC) which has been judged one of the strongest Swedish research environments by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). The school is funded by the Swedish Research Council until June 2016 and focus on PhD students active within economics, ethnology, social and economic geography, epidemiology and public health sciences, psychology, statistics, history, history of ideas, or historical demography. Our aims are to provide PhD students with the best possible conditions in which to profit from high quality education and to enable internationally competitive research. The school actively promotes multinational interaction by encouraging our students to participate in international conferences, workshops and PhD courses at other universities. The school stimulates and substantially improves the opportunities for students to build their own networks at an early stage in their careers.
More information about the aim and focus of the school and ALC can be found at our website and
Who is qualified to apply?
Qualified for applying to the school are already accepted PhD students in either of the above mentioned, or related, subjects. The school does not fund any positions. Applicants must already have financing of doctoral studies secured by their home department. Welcomed to apply are recently accepted PhD students as well as students closer to graduation. The applicant’s research must be within the field of knowledge represented by the school which means that the applicant’s thesis should address social, economic, cultural, ethnical, gendered or medical processes related to such demographic structures as e.g. the labor market, aging, migration, family formation, fertility and health and related public policy. It includes studies in advanced data analysis with applications to various aspects of demographic structure and policy. PhD students with an interest in analysis based on register data are a priority.
What does the school offer me as a PhD student?
Students within the school are offered
What are my duties as a PhD student?
Assessment criteria’s
PhD students with an interest in analysis of register data are a priority.
The application must include the following:
1. A brief description of the applicant’s research project as well as a CV, in which finished papers, articles and chapters are listed, and completed courses within the doctoral program are clearly stated. The CV must be attested by supervisor or head of the doctoral program at the home department.
2. A financial plan stating how studies up to the dissertation and PhD exam will be financed, e.g. by documenting a fully funded position as graduate student “Doktorandtjänst” or research assistant at a university.
3. A certificate, written by either the head of the department or the head of the department’s doctoral program, verifying both that the applicant is registered as a PhD-student at the department and that the department approves of the student applying to the school (electronic signature is sufficient). Neither party is obliged to any commitments by this procedure. A preliminary admission to the school will be followed by a formal agreement between the school and the student’s home department.
Electronic application, in word or pdf, should be sent to (state application graduate school as subject) no later than 2015-01-15. Applications can also be sent to Johan Lundberg, Department of Economics, Umeå University, 901 87 Umeå to arrive 2015-01-15 at the latest. For further information, please contact the director Johan Lundberg, phone +46 (0)90-786 9540 or e-mail
We look forward to receiving your application!
Dear Colleagues & Friends,
Call for Abstract submission!
2015 Uddevalla Symposium on: “Regional development in an international context - Regional, national, cross border and international factors for growth and development”
June 11-13, 2015,
Sönderborg, Denmark.
We invite you to submit an abstract within this theme or within a subtheme (see attached CFP) and meet with more than hundreds of scholars next June in the southern part of Denmark. We can proudly present the host of the 18th Uddevalla Symposium 2015 - University of Southern Denmark, campus Sönderborg! We are really looking forward moving the Uddevalla Symposium to Denmark!
Deadline for Abstract submission is January 16th, 2015.(less than two months ahead)
We are also very proud of presenting our invited Key-note speakers:
Prof. Cristiano Antonelli, University of Torino, Italy
Dr. Georgeanne M. Artz, Iowa State University, USA
Prof. Dan Breznitz, University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Johannes Bröcker, Christian-Alberchts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
Prof. Cristina Chaminade, CIRCLE, Lund University, Sweden
Prof. Yvonne von Friedrichs, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Prof. Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, Denmark
Prof. Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics, UK
Prof. Franz W. Kellermanns, University of North Carolina – Charlotte, USA
Prof. Ram Mudambi, Temple University, USA
Prof. André Torre, National Institute for Agronomic Research, Paris, France
Best regards,
Iréne Bernhard
On behalf of the organizing committee
Académicos y profesionales del área de ciencias políticas y sociales, provenientes de México, Bolivia, Colombia, Argentina y Chile, se darán cita el próximo 25 de noviembre y por primera vez en nuestro país, en el Seminario Internacional ICHEM “Descentralización o recentralización. Nuevos acercamientos a los gobiernos subnacionales de América Latina”.
La actividad, organizada por el Instituto Chileno de Estudios Municipales, ICHEM, de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile, se llevará a cabo en el auditorio de la casa de estudios, sede Providencia (Pedro de Valdivia 641), y contará con la exposición del destacado economista boliviano, ex investigador de CEPAL y hombre clave en materia de descentralización en Latinoamérica durante las últimas dos décadas, Iván Finot.
Además, el seminario contará con otros grandes investigadores y académicos especialistas en esta temática a nivel latinoamericano, como:
Al respecto, el secretario general del ICHEM, Camilo Vial, comento que el evento “se realizará en un momento donde el debate sobre la descentralización está en un punto alto, tras la entrega final del Informe de la Comisión Asesora Presidencial. Traer experiencias extranjeras de países latinoamericanos que ya han pasado por reformas similares, con éxitos y fracasos, nos servirá tremendamente como aportes a nuestro propio proceso”.
En tanto, el investigador del ICHEM y coordinador general de la actividad, José Hernández, indicó que “es necesario recordar que América Latina cuenta con más de 30 años de experiencia en materia de descentralización. Este seminario buscará aprovechar dichas prácticas, con el análisis de connotados expertos en el área, entre ellos, Iván Finot, quien es unode los principales investigadores sobre descentralización en nuestra región”.
Inscripciones (de carácter gratuito) a:
The Department is proud to announce the program for its next Air Transport Colloquium which will take place on Thursday 4 December 2014. This year you can expect many interesting contributions from top-level academics as well as industry stakeholders on the topic “The European Aviation Business in 2014 and beyond: how to turn challenges into opportunities?”
New to the concept of the 2014 colloquium is that two interactive parallel workshops will be organized: one on air cargo and one on the business positioning of airlines. The workshops will stimulate the exchange of knowledge and discussion between participants. Next to the workshops, the program consists of presentations by experts from academia and the aviation industry. The colloquium concludes with a panel discussion.
So register now for the Air Transport Colloquium 2014!
For more information on the colloquium, you can contact Evy Onghena.
We hope to be able to welcome you at this interesting event!
Final conference on retrofitting of ships with green technologies
‘To retrofit or not to retrofit'
Dear Sir or Madam,
The FP7 project RETROFIT has developed methods and tools to assist ship owners throughout their decision making process. On January 20th, 2015 project RETROFIT results will be presented in a final conference with workshops. During this event simulation tools for technical and economic evaluation of retrofitting will be demonstrated:
- Voyage and energy systems simulation
- Technology choices and options
- Process support: reverse technology and process simulation
- Economic aspects of green retrofitting
The conference/workshops will further include interactive parallel sessions with small groups, testimonies from real practice and a moderated session and panel discussion.
Retrofitting ships with green technologies is an actual challenge for ship owners having to comply amongst others with new emission regulations, for example the January 1st 2015 SECA regulation. The choice of suitable green technologies, the resulting energy and emission performance and the expected costs versus the benefits are important issues for the ship owner decision.
09.00 hrs. Registration
09.15 hrs. Plenary session
09.30 hrs. Start parallel presentations
12.00 hrs. Lunch
13.00 hrs. Plenary session
13.30 hrs. Start workshops
Presentation of workshops results
Panel discussion
17.00 hrs. Closing remarks
The conference is free of charge. Subscribe here.
Participation is limited to the first sixty registrations
Travel information
Flights arriving at Schiphol Airport
Flights arriving at Rotterdam-The Hague Airport
By train/bus/metro/tram
By car
After registration you will receive more information about venue, hotels and travel possibilities.
More information
For more information about RETROFIT click here or contact Annemarie Labee, Innovation Project Assistant Netherlands Maritime Technology, via T +31 (0) 10 44 44 333 or E
Kind Regards,
Marnix Krikke
Innovation Director
Netherlands Maritime Technology
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.