Elisabete Martins

The School of Social Ecology and the Metropolitan Futures Initiative (MFI) seek applications to fill a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow position in the urban social sciences.  Funding is available for up to two years, to be reviewed after the first year.  The position is expected to begin sometime early 2015.  This postdoctoral position is part of the interdisciplinary MFI project (http://socialecology.uci.edu/mfi) directed by Professor John Hipp. Candidates are required to have a PhD in such fields as criminology, urban planning, geography, sociology, or other fields related to urban/regional studies. 

We seek a self-driven, creative thinker with strong quantitative and interpersonal skills to help accomplish an important and interesting set of research tasks.  The successful candidate will supervise a team of graduate and undergraduate students working on a coordinated set of urban research projects that will manage large data sources on characteristics of the region, work on various spatial techniques in addition to traditional social science quantitative methods, and collaborate on grant writing and publications.  While training in spatial analysis skills is not essential, the ability to either learn or work with others who possess such skills is.  A working knowledge of the literature related to urban/regional studies (regardless of the specific discipline) is not required but desired; an intellectual interest in interdisciplinary study is essential. 

The postdoctoral position also entails a leadership role in the Metropolitan Futures Initiative (MFI). As part of this role, the successful candidate will take the lead in organizing the intellectual work that is the MFI Regional Progress Report, a report released every other year.  In addition, this position will allow collaborating with the faculty leadership of MFI on original research projects. 

Overall, it is expected that the postdoc will engage in high level research and be involved in analysis and publication on projects currently underway at the University of California Irvine.  The candidate would also be encouraged to maintain an independent set of research interests.  The role will be supported by a vast array of resources at the University of California, Irvine.

Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with experience and is benefits-eligible.  Applicants will need to submit a dossier including: (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a cover letter of interest, and (3) arrange to have three letters of recommendation uploaded electronically.

The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy. A recipient of an NSF ADVANCE award for gender equity, UCI is responsive to the needs of dual career couples, supports work-life balance through an array of family-friendly policies, and is dedicated to broadening participation in higher education.

To ensure your application is given full consideration, files should be completed by December 31, 2014. Priority will be given to applications received by this date; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please direct questions about this position to Professor John Hipp at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications must be uploaded electronically.

 The recruit link for this position is:   https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF02664

Tuesday, 18 November 2014 09:13

RSAI Newsletter November 2014 is now online!

Dear all,

 The new RSAI Newsletter November 2014 can now be found under


Monday, 17 November 2014 12:15

AESOP Newsletter 9/2014 - November 16


Latest News from AESOP

Browse all AESOP News of 2014

Call for hosting AESOP Congress in 2017

Published at: 13 November 2014

The call for hosting the AESOP Congress which will take place in 2017 is now open.

All institutional AESOP Members are warmly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for the submission of the bids is 31st January 2015.

The decision will be made by the Council of Representatives at the meeting which will take place in March 2015 in Madrid.

Call for hosting AESOP PhD Workshop in 2016

Published at: 13 November 2014

The call for hosting the AESOP PhD Workshop which will take place in 2016 is now open.

All institutional AESOP Members are warmly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for the submission of the bids is 31st January 2015.

In 2016 there is no AESOP Congress in Europe. Instead AESOP Members are warmly invited to attend 5th World Planning Schools Congress "Global Crisis, Planning, and Challenges to Spatial Justice in the North and in the South", which will take place in Rio de Janeiro.

The PhD Workshop, traditionally linked to AESOP Congress, will however remain located in Europe.

This is why AESOP members are invited to apply for organising exclusively PhD Workshop.

Acknowledgment to Warsaw University of Technology

Published at: 8 November 2014

 AESOP and ERSA communities are greatly indebted to the Warsaw  University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture for hosting the Series of Lectures "(Re)Discovering Modernity in Town Planning;... the Never Ending Story?" within the framework AESOP-ERSA Lecture Series.


Call for hosting 6th European Urban Summer School (EUSS) 2015

Published at: 12 October 2014

Call for hosting 6th European Urban Summer School (EUSS) 2015

Joint event of AESOP | ECTP-CEU | IFHP | ISOCARP

The call for hosting the 6th European Urban Summer School (EUSS) which will take place in 2015 is now open. We encourage all institutional AESOP Members to apply.

Application deadline: 18th January 2015


Latest News from Members

Browse all Members News of 2014

Student Competition on the Urban Landscape of Bucharest

Published at: 12 November 2014

** Meet the challenge – take part in the International Student Competition of the LE:NOTRE Institute Landscape Forum!**

Hosted by the University...

Student Competition on the Urban Landscape of Bucharest

Sustainable Development Symposium 2015 - CfP

Published at: 7 November 2014

Sustainable Development Symposium 2015

5th annual European postgraduate symposium | Lisbon 15th to 17th June 2015

The Sustainable Development...

Fellowships for non-EU academics: Erasmus Mundus Masters programme PLANET Europe

Published at: 31 October 2014

We welcome applications from scholars from universities outside the EU to contribute to our Erasmus Mundus Masters programme 'PLANET Europe:...

Apples and Oranges - Colloquium on International Comparative Urban Research

Published at: 20 October 2014

Comparing Apples and Oranges?
A Colloquium on International Comparative Urban Research in Stuttgart, Germany, January 15th and 16th 2015.


Planning, Law and Property Rights Conference 2015-Call for abstracts deadline extension

Published at: 15 October 2014

25-27 February 2015, Volos, Greece


The International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) attracts...

14th International Conference on Computing in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM)

Published at: 5 September 2014

The 14th International Conference on Computing in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM) will be held at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts USA...

27 Cartographic Conference

Published at: 30 August 2014

We cordially invite you to participate in the ICC 2015 which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 23 to 28 August 2015.Second...

Latest Activities from Members

Browse all Members Activities of 2014

IX International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation: Strategies for the Environment: Evaluating and Planning for Extreme Events

Published at: 28 October 2014

**IX International Workshop on Planning and Evaluation

Strategies for the Environment: Evaluating and Planning for Extreme Events**


IX AESOP Young Academics conference, Palermo, March 23-26, 2015

Published at: 18 September 2014

Differences and Connections:
Beyond Universal Theories in Planning, Urban, and Heritage Studies
IX YA conference, 2015. Palermo. March 23-26,...

Proportions, (Dis)Harmonies and Identities - PHI - Calls for Papers

Published at: 18 September 2014

Proportions, (Dis)Harmonies and Identities - PHI

International Multidisciplinary Congress - 19th-20th March 2015

The Faculty of Architecture at...

Latest Job Postings from Members

Browse all Members Job Postings of 2014

Lecturer in Planning & Environmental Policy, University College Dublin

Published at: 14 November 2014

**University College Dublin, School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Policy

Lecturer in Planning & Environmental Policy (Permanent...

Researcher Technical Universität Dortmund

Published at: 6 November 2014

TU Dortmund University has a position available at the Faculty of Spatial Planning, Chair of European Planning Cultures for a
Scientific Assistant...

PhD vacancy 'Rescaling spatial planning', Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Published at: 31 October 2014

PhD candidate ‘Rescaling spatial planning' (1,0 fte)

Nijmegen School of Management
Vacancy number: 27.03.14
Application deadline: 14 December...

Rosalind Franklin Fellowship University of Groningen

Published at: 20 October 2014


A tenure track position is available at the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment, University of Groningen, in the so-called...

Assistant Professor of Transportation Planning

Published at: 24 September 2014

The School of City and Regional Planning (SCaRP) at Georgia Tech invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professorship with an expected...

Tenure-Track Positions in Urban and Regional Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Published at: 10 September 2014

Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Tenure-Track Positions in Urban and Regional Planning

Latest Journals from Members

Browse all Members Journals of 2014


Published at: 25 October 2014


Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva, Institute of Geography and Spatial...


Call for Papers: TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment – Volume 8 - 2015

Published at: 17 October 2014

TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, invites scholars and practitioners to submit articles on the general topic of urban and...

Latest Educational news from Members

Browse all Members Educational news of 2014

Master's and Doctoral Programmes in Urbanism - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon

Published at: 26 August 2014

Welcome to our Programmes in Urbanism
At the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon!

Just follow our links:

Information on the Master’s...

Master's and Doctoral Programmes in Urbanism - Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon

Winter School „Towards Sustainable Land Management“

Published at: 25 August 2014

Winter School „Towards Sustainable Land Management“17th – 20th November 2014, Berlin
Theme and Objectives
The Winter School will provide a forum...

Latest Books from Members

Browse all Members Books of 2014

Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe (2014) Edited by Ali Madanipour, Sabine Knierbein and Aglaée Degros. New York/London: Routledge

Published at: 3 November 2014

European cities are changing rapidly in part due to the process of de-industrialization, European integration and economic globalization. Within...

Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe (2014) Edited by Ali Madanipour, Sabine Knierbein and Aglaée Degros. New York/London: Routledge

Public Space and Relational Perspectives. New Challenges for Architecture and Planning (2015) Edited by Chiara Tornaghi and Sabine Knierbein. New York/London: Routledge.

Published at: 3 November 2014

Traditional approaches to understand space tend to view public space mainly as a shell or container, focussing on its morphological structures and...

Public Space and Relational Perspectives. New Challenges for Architecture and Planning (2015) Edited by Chiara Tornaghi and Sabine Knierbein. New York/London: Routledge.

From Flux to Frame

Published at: 30 September 2014

Daily traffic jams, discussions whenever a new infrastructure project is launched, the health debate about car emissions … The tense relationship...

From Flux to Frame

The European Territory by Jacques Robert

Published at: 5 September 2014

The European Territory

From Historical Roots to Global Challenges

By Jacques Robert

Foreword by Klaus Kunzmann

The European Territory by Jacques Robert

Airport Urbanism

Published at: 18 July 2014


Airport Urbanism. Aeroporti low-cost e nuovi paesaggi


by Laura Cipriani

Aracne - Rome - 2012 - 404 pages - ISBN 978-88-548-5263-1...

Airport Urbanism

Fiscal Austerity and Innovation in Local Governance in Europe

Published at: 16 June 2014

Carlos Nunes Silva & Ján Buček (Eds.) (2014). Fiscal Austerity and Innovation in Local Governance in Europe. Ashgate...

Fiscal Austerity and Innovation in Local Governance in Europe

Latest Blog posts from Members

Browse all Members Blog posts of 2014


14th meeting: Complexity and Urban & Regional Governance

Published at: 1 November 2014

Call for papers
14th AESOP Complexity and Planning Thematic Group Meeting
24th-26th June 2015, Dublin, Ireland

For our 14th  meeting we will team up with the American Society for Public Administration’s (ASPA) Section on Complexity and Network Studies (SCNS) and COST Action TU1204 network. A tree-day conference is organised with the theme ‘Complexity, Governance and Networks in Action: Theory to practice and back again’. Contributes are asked to address issues of urban and/or regional governance issues in the light of complexity theories, methods and/or practices.

The AESOP Thematic Group, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures “Becoming Local Paris” Meeting’s program is available online! Come and join us!…

Published at: 16 October 2014



The Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie of La Villette School of Architecture organizes a three-day workshop for the AESOP thematic group of “Public Spaces and Urban Cultures”. The Parisian meeting will be the fourth to take place under the ‘Becoming Local’ theme following Istanbul (November 2013), Bucharest (June 2014) and Vienna (August 2014). The aim of the ‘Becoming Local’ series is to discuss and share international, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary perspectives in the study of public spaces and urban cultures. (For more information about the previous meetings, visit:  http://www.becominglocalistanbul.org / http://becominglocalbucharest.ro)

The AESOP Thematic Group, Public Spaces and Urban Cultures “Becoming Local Paris” Meeting’s program is available online! Come and join us!…

This email has been sent automatically by our website. Please do not answer to it. For any clarification, please refer to the contact details below.

Izabela Mironowicz
AESOP Secretary General

Wrocław University of Technology | Faculty of Architecture
53/55 Bolesława Prusa Street, 50-317 Wrocław, Poland
Fax: +48 71 321 00 91, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skype: AESOP.SG, Website:www.aesop-planning.eu

I do support bone marrow donation. Learn more.

Content is copyright of AESOP, 2014. All rights reserved



16th International Conference Rural-Urban Symbiosis

8 – 10 September 2015

Hamburg University of Technology

Hamburg, Germany

Dear Colleague,

Agriculture produces bioresources for food and increasingly also for material and energy provision. The majority of agro-products are used in urban areas where they are connected with waste and wastewater generation.

On the one hand, these residues are actually disposed or inefficiently treated, on the other they have value for agricultural production.

RAMIRAN 2015 is focusing on closing the loop linking rural production and urban consumption systems and on the development of more sustainable solutions for the handling of residues.


•Fertilizers from residues

•Soils for the future

•Advances in emission prevention

•The bioresource challenge

•Agro-products for the biobased economy

•Smart concepts for rural development

•Towards zero waste settlements

•Rural-urban sustainability cases studies world wide

Abstract submission

Deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2014. We invite you to prepare abstracts according to the information given at:


All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committe and the authors will be notified of the decision by 28 February 2015.

For more information, please visit http://ramiran2015.de

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg!


Congress Chair

Ina Körner

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany

Scientific Organisation

Ina Körner, Ralf Otterpohl

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany Institute of Wastewater Management & Water Protection

Network Coordinators

Harald Menzi, Agroscope, Switzerland

Tom Misselbrock, Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom

RAMIRAN 2015 conference office

Gerlinde Löbkens

TuTech Innovation GmbH

Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12

21079 Hamburg, Germany

Tel.: +49 40 76629-6551, Fax: +49 40 76629-6559 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. www.RAMIRAN2015.de

Managing Director: Martin Mahn

Handelsregister: HRB 51682 Hamburg

USt.-ID-Nr.: DE 811 481 083



On 11 and 12 May 2015, the Special Interest Group A2 (Ports and Maritime) of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), co-chaired by Prof. Eddy Van de Voorde (Department of Transport and Regional Economics - University of Antwerp / TransportNET) and Prof. Enrico Musso (Department of Quantitative Methods - University of Genova / TransportNET), will host a two-day international conference under the title ‘The Port and Maritime Sector: Key Developments and Challenges’. It will be held at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium.


New features :

-          Draft program structure online

-          Free walking dinner buffet offered by Port of Antwerp 11 May 2015

-          Free technical visit to Port of Antwerp 13 May 2015

-          Conference fee fixed at €100

-          Free copy of new scientific book ‘Port Business: Market Challenges and Management Actions’ for all participants.

Abstract submission is possible through the abstract submission page till 15 November 2014.

The conference will be open to free submissions of any interested academic or business responsible active in the maritime and port field. Abstracts should be about one page long, according to a fixed online template, including full affiliation and should deal with a topic that can be considered to be at current a key development in the port and maritime business, either at management, operational or policy level. Specific topics can be either in the field of maritime, port or hinterland economics, environmental issues, maritime engineering, investment and finance, cost optimisation, chain optimisation, human resources and employment and legal issues. From the conference, a selection of papers will be made for joint publication in a number of scientific journals.

This conference is therefore not just a conference, but has a number of specific features.

  • Finished research and as well ‘research in process’ can be presented and discussed;
  • A meeting between scientists and practitioners;
  • Stress on interdisciplinarity, i.e. all disciplines will be treated (engineering, economy, legal, mathematic,…);
  • The subject is about theory and empiry, secondly derived products;
  • New research areas and business opportunities will be dealt with.

As compared to the two previous editions, the conference has five additional features:

  • Explicit attention will be devoted to PhD researchers, who will get the chance to have their presentations in dedicated sessions with specific academic support;
  • Dedicated scientific discussants will be selected for each paper;
  • Each half day of the conference will feature a thematic top keynote speaker, from academia as well as from the port and maritime industry;
  • A selection of scientific papers will be made for dedicated journal special issues.
  • A dedicated international scientific committee supervises the scientific conference preparation


The schedule of the conference is the following:

  • Abstract: November 20, 2014
  • Decision concerning abstract: January 20, 2015
  • Full paper (if willing to be considered for journal publication): April 15, 2015

More practical details on the conference will be communicated upon registrationfirst half 2015. Conference participation amounts to €100 and will include access to all sessions, a technical visit, all public conference catering and library and other facilities.

Thursday, 13 November 2014 14:37

Extended Deadlines ESARS'2015

International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles  – ESARS 2015

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I'm pleased to inform you new deadline for full provisional paper submission is now December, 15th 2014. Details for paper submission and authors information and are reported on the http://www.esars2015.org.


- Provisional full – papers (regular paper): 15th December 2014

- Provisional full – papers  (special sessions): 30th December 2014

- Notification of acceptance: 7th January 2015

- Final submissions due: 21th January 2015

All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore on‐line digital library database. For this edition, at most 20% of the best papers presented at the Conference could be eligible for review and publication on the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications Society.

Technical co-sponsorship of:

Industry Applications Soc. (IEEE-IAS)

Power Electronics Soc. (IEEE-PELS)

Power & Energy Soc. (IEEE-PES) 

For more information and regular updates please visit the ESARS’15 website: http://www.esars2015.org

We look forward to meeting you in beautiful Aachen in March 2015!

The ESARS'15 Organizing Committee

General Chairman

Prof. An tonello Monti

RWTH Aachen University

ESARS Secretariat

University of Trieste

Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Via A. Valerio, 10, 34127 Trieste

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +39 040 5587976

web: www.esars2015.org

Dear Professors

Members of the IMASS Scientific Committee,

We are happy to announce the new dates for the next IMASS courses in Advanced Management (page).

24-28 November 2014

Maritime Clusters and Coastal Areas (page);

1-6 December 2014

Management of Science and Technological Parks (page);

12-17 January 2015

Town Management and Socioeconomic Development (page); 

26-31 January 2015

Management of Human Resources (page).

As member of our Scientific Council, we would appreciate if you could pass on this information about our next e-courses along your students and colleagues, as we believe that IMASS offers a valuable learning experience for researchers and students alike.  

Thank you very much for your support.

For further questions please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best regards,


IMASS - Methods and Analyses in Social Sciences

GTA, Ontario | Canada       

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web: http://imass.ca/imass/


Cover image for Vol. 93 Issue 4

Papers in Regional Science


Volume 93, Issue 4 Pages 703 - 890, November 2014

The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library



The geography of innovation in a small metropolitan region: An intra-regional approach in Luxembourg (pages 703–725)
Vincent Dautel and Olivier Walther
Article first published online: 27 FEB 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12019


The sources of the urban wage premium by worker skills: Spatial sorting or agglomeration economies? (pages 727–747)
Martin Andersson, Johan Klaesson and Johan P Larsson
Article first published online: 26 APR 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12025


Spatial patterns and determinants of skilled internal migration in China, 2000–2005 (pages 749–771)
Ye Liu and Jianfa Shen
Article first published online: 4 APR 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12014


Finite sample properties of Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelation in tobit models (pages 773–781)
Pedro V. Amaral and Luc Anselin
Article first published online: 14 MAY 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12034


The great asymmetric divide: An empirical investigation of the link between indigenous and non-indigenous economic systems in Northern Australia (pages 783–801)
Natalie Stoeckl, Michelle Esparon, Marina Farr, Aurélie Delisle and Owen Stanley
Article first published online: 26 MAY 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12028


Agglomeration and relocation: Manufacturing plant relocation in Korea (pages 803–818)
Sung Hyo Hong
Article first published online: 26 MAY 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12029


Modelling regional labour market dynamics in space and time (pages 819–841)
Solmaria Halleck Vega and J. Paul Elhorst
Article first published online: 4 APR 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12018


Urban sprawl and municipal budgets in Spain: A dynamic panel data analysis (pages 843–864)
Miriam Hortas-Rico
Article first published online: 26 MAY 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12022


Economically valuing nature resources to promote conservation: An empirical application to Chile's national system of protected areas (pages 865–888)
Eugenio Figueroa and Roberto Pasten
Article first published online: 16 MAY 2013 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12036

Acknowledgement to Referees


Acknowledgement to referees (pages 889–890)
Article first published online: 7 NOV 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12135

The 2014 special issue (number 29) of the journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) Investigaciones Regionales is already available both on line (www.investigacionesregionales.com) and printable version. This special issue is an international compilation, coordinated by Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. This issue contains 10 interesting scientific-academic papers on Rhomolo and other methodologies to assess the European Cohesion Policy.

After the introduction to the special issue by Lopez-Rodriguez and Faiña, Brandsma, Di Comite, Diukanova, Kancs, López-Rodríguez, Persyn and Potters analyse the possible impact of Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, putting together the investments supported by EU funding in all NUTS2 regions and running a set of simulations. They make use of RHOMOLO, a spatial CGE model tailored for economic analysis at the subnational level. Di Comite and Potters propose a model of knowledge creation building upon the multiregional spatial CGE model RHOMOLO to allow for endogenous knowledge production and investment decisions at the regional level. The innovation process is modelled through the interaction between researchers, investors and final good producers. Persyn, Torfs and Kancs outline how regional labour market adjustments to macroeconomic and policy shocks are modelled in RHOMOLO through participation, employment and migration decisions of workers. Diukanova and Lopez-Rodriguez apply a dynamic spatial computable general equilibrium model RHOMOLO to evaluate the ex-ante short and long run economic impacts of 2014-2020 non-R&D innovation subsidies allocated to the EU27 NUTS2 regions. The results of computer simulations show that the most notable welfare improvements were observed in the Eastern EU regions that receive the largest share of funding. Ramajo, Márquez and De Miguel firstly estimate the economic impact of the European Union structural and cohesion funds received by Extremadura during the programming period 2007-2013 providing a multipliers analysis based on a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of Extremadura for the year 2000. Secondly, the paper compare the returns obtained in terms of output and employment by the European funds received in Extremadura during the periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013. Alvarez-Martinez reviews the few regional studies on the impact of European Structural funds in Spain using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Models and concludes avoiding any accounting of exogenous shocks in final demand of non-affected sectors by more-realistically splitting investment into various capital goods and evaluating the short-run effects of increasing investment in them. Maza, Villaverde and Hierro assess the link between patents (as a proxy for R&D) and economic growth across the Spanish provinces (NUTS3) over the period 1995-2010 and, then, test for the presence of spatial spillovers, and to assess if the effect of patents on economic growth depends on the development degree of provinces. Fratesi and Perucca assess the role of specific territorial conditions on the efficient implementation of cohesion policies in CEE NUTS3 regions pointing out the mechanisms through which the endowment of specific territorial assets affects the outcome of Cohesion policies. Dogaru, Burger, van Oort and Karreman analyse location decisions of FDI investments in the period 2003-2010. They find that the most important location factors for FDI are market accessibility, strategic assets, institutional quality and agglomeration, in the post-crisis era even more than before. Finally, Romero and Fernandez-Serrano discuss the significance, trends and achievements of the entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprise policy in Andalusia developed with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Monday, 10 November 2014 14:23

ERSA E-News - November Issue No. 2

Latest e-News from ERSA

November - Issue 2

ERSA Sections News - November

Baltic Section

14th Annual Ernestas Galvanauskas' International Scientific Conference

Rethinking Regional Competitiveness

27-28 November, 2014, SIAULIAI ARENA, Lithuania   More  

Dutch Section

RSA autumn day in 2014 (in collaboration PBL) - Foreign knowledge workers in the Netherlands

Further information HERE

18th November 2014, from 15.00 - 17.00 hr.
Kivi Niria, Prinsessegracht 23, 2514 AP Den Haag.

French Speaking Section

Series of Seminars, related to MOBILITAS ( Labor mobility issues related assets). The first meeting will be 20th November, 2014 with the theme " Mobility and professional worlds changing". It will take place at IFSTTAR in Champs-sur-Marne
(Welcome Building) near Paris from 9:30 to 17h.


German Speaking Section

Call for Papers:

45th Winter Seminar of the Regional Science Associationon on the 22nd - 28th February 2015 at Igls / Innsbruck

Deadlines : 12/12/2014
Abstract submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Hungarian Section

12th Annual meeting with the topic  "Local Development"

27-28 November 2014,


Moroccan Section

Check the latest news on the newest Section of ERSA


Polish Section

Check the latest news from the Polish Section website


Portuguese Section

21st Workshop of the APDR on
"Strategies, infrastructure and entrepreneurial networks for regional development"

Date: 27th November 2014


Spanish Section

The 2014 special issue (number 29) of the journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) Investigaciones Regionales is already available both on line (www.investigacionesregionales.com and printable version. This special issue is an international compilation, coordinated by Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. This issue contains 10 interesting scientific-academic papers on Rhomolo and other methodologies to assess the European Cohesion Policy.

The Spanish Section of ERSA is hosting an International Conference on

"Financing and the role of the regions and towns in the economic recovery"

To be held in Zaragoza, Spain.

Further information HERE

Turkish Section

National Regional Science / Regional Planning Congress on 18-19 December "Emerging Economies and Regional Policy: Turkey Agenda" will be hosted by the Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul.

You actively participate in the reconstruction period of the first congress and we are happy for your contribution.

For further information HERE

Other Events

EIB Institute

The EIB Institute just held in Madrid the Final event of the 2014 Edition of the Social Innovation Tournament.

This year's edition took place in Madrid in cooperation with the IE Business School.

Further information HERE

ERSA Congress 2015 Lisbon!

The Local Organizing Committee of Lisbon & the ERSA Office are working on the website information for next years Congress.
Keep checking the ERSA website and reading our newsletters, in the coming weeks.....

AESOP-ERSA Lectures Series, a great success!


Another great success for AESOP - ERSA with this Lecture Series. ERSA would like to thank prof. Peter Batey a key note speaker from ERSA and our members who attended this event. This lecture series has been recorded and we made available soon, on both websites of AESOP and ERSA.

What Europe is saying relating to planning....

News abstracts from the European Commission websites

  1. Improved urban planning helps adaptation to climate change

ec.europa.eu ' European Commission ' Regional Policy ' Projects

May 5, 2014 - European Commission - Regional Policy - Inforegio : Project examples ... Appropriate strategic spatial planning and urban design are able to ...

  1. Urban development - European Commission - Europa

ec.europa.eu ' ... ' Regional Policy ' Fields of activity

Jul 22, 2014 - More than two thirds of Europe's population live in cities and towns and this share continues to grow. That's why urban development - economic ...

  1. Helping Europe's cities save resources through better urban ...


Jan 20, 2014 - According to the European Union (EU)-funded research project SUME ... Help city authorities find smart solutions to mesh urban planning, and ...

All sources are from the European Commission 

Follow us on Twitter    What the twitters are saying...on Town Planning.....

All Sources are from the ERSA Twitter Account

Full Professor in Regional Science. WU Wien

For details click HERE  -  Application deadline is 19th November 2014.   

TWO Rosalind Franklin Fellow Positions At the University of Groningen, Faculty of Spatial Sciences.....
Deadline for application is December 1, 2014. - For more information click HERE

From the French Speaking Section of ERSA

Post- doc in "territorial industrial ecology and urban metabolism" for the urban future LABEX .
PDF in French POST DOC

ERSA New Online Journal - REGION

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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