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Tuesday, 10 February 2015 16:31

Application for AESOP PhD Workshop 2015 is open

The 2015 AESOP PhD workshop is going to be organised by SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of the EU and Institute of Management of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in association with the AESOP Young Academics and will be held from Monday 6th to Saturday 11th July 2015 in Congress Centre Academia, Stara Lesna.  PHD workshop is part of the annual AESOP Congress that will be held from 13 to 17 July in Prague.


The topic of the workshop is corresponding with the topic of the Annual AESOP Congress 2015 „Fuzzy Responsibility - Multi-actors Decision Making under Uncertainty and Global Changes”, in particular focused on:

  • Spatio-structural, temporal, functional and conceptual dimensions of softness and fuzziness in spatial development
  • Growing uncertainty in decision making
  • Multi actors decision making
  • Governance as a cultural phenomenon (diverse)
  • Perspective  for fuzzy soft polycentric  governance for soft and fuzzy spaces


Doctoral candidates are invited to share their ideas and experiences during the PhD workshop. The workshop will be structured from intensive study modules in small groups together with plenary sessions and presentations from academic mentors from the team collaborating with the team of Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom.


Active participation of PhD students, including presentations of their research issues related to the theses, is required, as the workshop is going to be organised in the form of in-depth workshops in small groups, tutors interventions focused on current challenges in thematic orientation of the workshop, optimisation of research methodology including experiments and other research methods, data gathering and analyses techniques. A field trip on Saturday will be the part of the workshop on July 11th.


The student who attended an AESOP PhD workshop in the past would not be eligible to attend for the second time.

Visit PhD Workshop website to uplaod the application form!

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The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

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