Elisabete Martins

Monday, 29 September 2014 10:58

[SOCHER] Información VI Encuentro

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Junto con saludarlos, les hacemos llegar información sobre logística para que no tengan problemas a la hora de arribar a Puerto Montt, como también, información referente a los workshops y el programa del encuentro.
En primer lugar, el día lunes 29 de septiembre desde las 13:30 hrs. hasta las 14:00 hrs., la Universidad de los Lagos pondrá a disposición un bus que los trasladará desde el Aeropuerto Tepual (Puerto Montt) hacia la Universidad (campus Chiquihue), en donde se llevarán a cabo los Workshops. Recuerden que los Workshops comenzarán a las 14:30 hrs., en el mismo campus.
Se les pide a las personas que asistan a los workshops llevar su computador personal, con la información de los Workshops ya descargada. Es decir, es necesario que ya tengan descargado e instalado los programas solicitados, como también el material. La información sobre los workshops está disponible en la página oficial del encuentro http://socher.ulagos.cl
Al término de los Workshops, la organización dispondrá de locomoción desde el campus hacia Frutillar desde las 18:30 hrs. De igual forma, las personas que desean trasladarse antes hacia el complejo Los Volcanes de Frutillar lo pueden hacer el mismo día 29 de septiembre desde las 15:00 hrs. Por tanto, si usted no asiste a los workshops y desea dirigirse de manera inmediata al complejo, deberá trasladarse desde el Aeropuerto Tepual hasta el terminal de buses de Puerto Montt. Luego, deberá tomar un bus hasta Frutillar y desde ahí solicitar un taxi hasta el complejo.
También, le informamos que el programa del encuentro ya está disponible en la página oficial y puede ser descargado desde aquí http://socher.ulagos.cl/images/doc/Programa%20Oficial%20web%20PDF.pdf Cualquier problema con el programa no dude en contactarse con la organización.
De la misma forma, cualquier duda sobre la logística del encuentro pueden hacerla llegar al comité organizador local. Ellos son:
   Luz María Ferrada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 64 233 3202
   Claudio Mancilla, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 64 2333205
   Virginia Montaña, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 64 23333214
Esperando verlos pronto en Frutillar, se despide atentamente


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Dear NECTAR friends,

Please find enclosed the call for abstracts for the next NECTAR Cluster 1 (Networks) Workshop on "Enhancing the network efficiency: air transport and sustainability"

The workshop will be held during the 7th and 8th of May 2015, in Cranfield, United Kingdom.

Abstracts and further inquiries about this meeting should be forward to the Organizing Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The deadline for receiving abstracts is Tuesday, 1st December 2014.

Kind regards

Ana Condeço-Melhorado

NECTAR secretary



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European Projects Awards 2014

Dear Partner,

European Projects Association cordially invites you to attend the European Projects Awards 2014 and the political debate on the Impact of EU regional strategies in South East Europe hosted by Member of the European Parliament Mr. Ivan Jakovčić, a Member of the Committee on Regional Development.

The event will be held: 

on Wednesday 8th of October 2014 

from 1pm to 2.30pm 

at the European Parliament (Room PHS 5B001) in Brussels.

The highlight of the program are the fourth in line European Projects Awards that this year feature 12 examples of excellence in European Projects and reward personalities that contributed to the development of the European Union in the programming period 2007-2013.

The event is listed as side event of Open Days 2014 – Festival of European Cities and Regions and organized in collaboration with Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA).

The panelists are members of European Parliament Mrs. Iskra Mihaylova - Chair of the Committee on Regional Development and Mr. Jozo Radoš - Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the President of the Region of Istria Mr. Valter Flego, the Governor of Carinthia Dr. Peter Kaiser, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton Mr. Muhammad Kozadra and Chair of the Single Market Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee Mrs. Anna Maria Darmanin.


We would kindly ask you to register before Friday, 3rd October 2014

by filling in the registration form online, where you will find the agenda and additional information on the event.

Please feel free to circulate this information among any colleagues that may be interested.

We are looking forward to seeing you on 8th of October in the European Parliament!

Kind regards,

Katarina Sipic

Secretary General


European Projects Association

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Visit us: www.europeanprojects.org



Monday, 22 September 2014 14:58

ERSA-CORE/UCL International Workshop

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Dear ERSA Members & Colleagues,

We're excited to announce our joint workshop with the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE) at Université catholique de Louvain

Aim and Structure

The idea of the workshop is to gather together three recognised researchers who will make individual presentations on a policy relevant topic, and to make them then interact with policy-makers from international and Belgian institutions during a roundtable. We want to discuss the interactions between the local, national, and why not, supra-national levels to conduct policies fostering local growth and employment. Further information HERE


Invited Guests


Philippe Chevalier (CORE & IMMAQ President)

Jouke van Dijk (ERSA President)

Bruno van der Linden (IRES/UCL)

Andres Rodriguez-Pose (LSE)

Jacques Thisse - Chair of the Workshop (CORE/UCL)

Yves Zenou (Stockholm University)

And others...

Alexander Lembcke (OECD)

Damiaan Persyn (JRC-IPTS)

Jorg Peschner (DG Employment)

Who is it for?

The main audience will be composed of both academics and practitioners, researchers and representatives from European Institutions and organisations that are active at EU level in the field of labor markets. Also policy makers at European, national, regional and urban levels that are interested in this topic and the reasons behind the labour markets are more than welcome.

For the FULL Program click



Practical Information

When and Where

The ERSA-CORE:UCL International Workshop will take place on the 21st October 2014 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium and is hosted by the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics at Université catholique de Louvain (UCL).

Registration - click HERE

Deadline to register is the 16th October at 14h00.

The participation fee is 40 euro for the full day.
The participation fee includes workshop material, welcome tea/coffee, lunch, and tea/coffee breaks. 


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Monday, 22 September 2014 10:57


Dear Professor / Dr./ Sir/ Madam,

“Interregional Trade, Competitiveness and The Role of Small Businesses Towards ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015”

Department of Economics, Universitas Brawijaya in collaboration with the ASEAN Consortium on Department of Economics (Konsorsium Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi tingkat ASEAN) which consists of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Universiti Teknologi Mara, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Airlangga, and× Trisakti proudly announce the 3rd ASEAN Consortium on× Department of Economics Conference (ACDEC) 2014.

The 3rd ACDEC 2014 will invite keynote speakers from different backgrounds. First, we will invite scholar and academician from our collaboration university that mastering issue on interregional trade and competitiveness toward ASEAN Economic Community. Second, we expect to gain in-depth point of view from the actor of small businesses about their challenges and opportunities to compete in ASEAN Economic Community. Last, we also invite the policy makers from Ministry of Trade about position of Indonesia’s Trade and competitiveness toward ASEAN Economic Community 2015. The combination of these invited speakers will give more insightful discussion on the issue of interregional trade and competitiveness in Southeast Asia.

The 3rd ACDEC 2014 will take place from 4th – 6th December 2014 in Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. We welcome scholars, policy makers, government officers, business groups, non-governmental organizations, and students to send their manuscripts and join our 3rd ACDEC 2014. See you in Malang!

Papers are welcome based on the following themes:

  • Challenges of regional cooperation in trade and finance
  • Economic competitiveness, sustainable growth, and development
  • The role of small business in globalization
  • Issues in regional labor market dynamics
  • Governance, public sector and bureaucratic reforms
  • Economic integration and Asian regionalism
  • Finance, banking structures and development of capital markets
  • Regional case of trade liberalization and globalization
  • Islamic Economic

 Important Dates



Deadline for Submission of Abstracts

5th October 2014

List of Abstract Accepted

10th October 2014

Full Paper Submission

10 st Oktober – 5th November 2014

Final Decision on Paper

15th November 2014

Conference Date

4th – 6th December 2014

Pre-submission Inquiries:

Researchers may request informal feedback from our conference research support team regarding manuscript submission procedure: 

Aji Purba Trapsila


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Yenney Kornitasari


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Inquiries related to the conference may kindly be addressed to the conference secretary:

Ajeng Kartika Galuh


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ERSA UCL CORE International Workshop

One-day International Workshop on "Theoretical and empirical analysis of labour markets"

21st October 2014,  
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium 

Aim and structure, target group and much more...


Baltic Section

14th Annual Ernestas Galvanauskas' International Scientific Conference

Rethinking Regional Competitiveness

27-28 November, 2014, SIAULIAI ARENA, Lithuania   More  

Hungarian Section

12th Annual meeting with the topic  "Local Development"

27-28 November 2014,


Israeli Section

The Israeli Section upcoming event will focus on "Human Capital, Innovation and Regional Development"

10 February 2015, Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning,Technion, Israel


Spanish Section

The Spanish Section of ERSA is hosting an International Conference on

"Financing and the role of the regions and towns in the economic recovery"

To be held in Zaragoza, Spain.
Further information HERE

Dear Colleagues,

"The 54th ERSA Congress has been a vibrant success and it is a great pleasure for me to start my presidency with such a positive note. On behalf of ERSA and RSAI, my grateful thanks to the Local Organising Committee for such a high-level scientific gathering and great organisation!." Says Jouke van Dijk, the new ERSA President.

A great programme and participation

822 Participants from 49 countries around the world.

Over 800  presentations scheduled in 212 sessions including

 6  Keynote Sessions
Refereed Young Scientists' Sessions

24 Refereed Sessions

76 Special Sessions

102 Ordinary sessions

"With the EOC members and André Torre as Vice-President, I am very enthusiastic to move forward ERSA activities and enhance the excellence and efficiency of regional research everywhere. "continues Jouke van Dijk 


  EIB-ERSA Winner 2014

The EIB-ERSA Prize in Regional Science recognizes the outstanding contributions of scholars to the advancement in regional science and in related spatial area studies.

This year the Prize goes to Raymond J.G.M. Florax, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University; Dept. of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute

'Regional science has always been and continues to be an exciting mix of methods, fundamental work and policy-oriented applications. ERSA and EIB teaming up to jointly promote and support these diverse aspects of our work in the spatial sciences is of critical importance.' says Raymond Florax

During the Closing Ceremony, Raymond Florax was invited to made a presentation. His presentation Marginalia on Spatial Econometrics and Meta-Analysis  is available on the congress website

ERSA logo           

Epainos Prize Winner 2014

Tobias Ketterer,Post-Doc Researcher, London School of Economics is the 2014 Epainos Prize Winner with his paper on '"Institutions vs. geography - What drives economic growth in Europe's NUTS-2 regions?"

'The EPAINOS sessions were a unique experience and the comments received will help me to make the paper even stronger'

Keynote Presentations

  A high-level panel of Speakers


Zoltan Acs, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Konstantin Aksenov, GS Group, Russia

Aleksei Novikov, Thomson Reuters

Kevin Stolarick,Director, India Institute for Competitiveness,Toronto, Canada 

Michael Storper, UCLA (Los Angeles), LSE (London), Sciences Po (Paris)
Natalya Zubarevich, Moscow State University and Independent Institute for Social Policy,Moscow
Tanja Sinozic and Gunther Maier

The Russian school of Regional Science with the presentations of

Sergey Nikolaevich Leonov,Chief researcher of the Economic Research Institute,Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Khabarovsk, Russia)

E. Kolomak (Siberian region)

Tatarkin Alexander Ivanovich member of RAS

Vladimir V.Okrepilov /S.Kuznetsov

The keynote powerpoint presentations are available on the website here

With the authors' agreement, the papers presented during the Congress will be posted on RePEc is the coming weeks

ERSA New Online Journal - REGION

This year the Congress venue was also the place to officially present the benefits of the ERSA online Journal - REGION.

This ERSA new initiative raised a lot of enthusiasm among the participants, and in particular by the promising young scientists selected for the Epainos Sessions, who are undoubtedly an important target of the Journal.

The editorial Team is pleased and proud to announce that the first article has now been published:  

Climate Change in Lebanon: Higher-order Regional Impacts from Agriculture 

Eduardo A. Haddad, Nadim Farajalla, Marina Camargo, Ricardo L. Lopes, Flavio V. Vieira

Will your article be the next one? Don't miss this change of being published in REGION

ERSA Office


34 Voie du Roman Pays, L1.03.01

1348 Louvain-la-Neuve


Tel: +32 (0)10 47 43 62

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Wednesday, 17 September 2014 15:52

Romanian Section Report - 2014


2014 REPORT to the ERSA


arsr-logoAt present the Romanian RSA (RRSA) counts 70 members, who have paid both the RRSA and RSAI individual membership fees in 2013. The 250 euro collective membership fee to the ERSA for 2014 has been already paid by the RRSA in April. Also, the collection of the RSAI individual membership - 2014 is in an advanced phase (more than 50 members have already paid it). The RRSA is enlarging with new members who, according to the Romanian RSA Constitution, have demonstrated a deep, mature and constant interest in regional science as well as in the RRSA activities.

The international conference of the RRSA is organised every two years. The next one – the 10th - is scheduled for 8-9 May 2015 and will be hosted by the “Stephan the Great” University of Suceava, located in the wonderful Bucovina area of the North-East region. The Call for Papers will be launched at the beginning of October 2014.

The members of the Romanian RSA have been involved in many national and international projects in regional science field and have authored quality books and articles published in Romania and abroad. For example, a special session at the ERSA Congress in Sankt Petersburg is dedicated to “Regional Regeneration in the EU New Member States” (chair: Daniela Constantin) and contains four papers presenting the results obtained by the authors (all members of the Romanian RSA) within the FP7 project “Growth-Innovation-Competitiveness: Fostering Cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe (GRINCOH)”, in which Bucharest University of Economic Studies is one of the 12 partners.

Also, the RRSA representatives are members in the Consulting Committee for Territorial Cohesion and the Consulting Committee for Regional Operational Programme set up by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration in the context of the preparations for the 2014-2020 programme period.  In addition, the Romanian RSA has close collaboration relationships – materialised in joint seminars, workshops, etc. - with Regional Development Agencies and other organisations interested in a scientific view on the territorial dimension of the Cohesion Policy in Romania.

The Romanian Journal of Regional Science has released in 2014 its 8th volume, with two issues per year. In 2013 each of the two issues was accompanied by a special issue. The journal has a large international participation, more than half of the articles being authored by foreign scholars. It is indexed in many international databases (e.g. RePEc-Ideas, EBSCO, DOAJ, Cabell’s) and the articles have a large number of citations in other journals. The RJRS is an online journal, all articles being downloadable from www.rrsa.ro/rjrs

Dear Colleagues,

NEW DATES - Due to many requests, there is a


15 Nov 2015. Please see the web page

The 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled persons will be held in Lisbon, Jul28-31, 2015. This Conference has not been organised in Europe since 1998and we expect to stimulate a high number of participants from all over the world.

The conference is hosted by IST (Técnico) (http://www.ist.eu) and counts with the support of several official entities. The conference premise will be Gulbenkian Foundation (http://www.gulbenkian.pt).

As you can see from the conference web page (http://www.transed2015.com) the program hosts very challenging topics and subtopics and offers the opportunity of engaging in rewarding networking with academics, practitioners and citizens coming from all over the world.

Registrations are open and you can submit your contribution in the TRANSED web site.

We look forward to see you in Lisbon

Best regards

Rosário Macário

Chair of Transed 2015


Conference theme:

“Aim and manage to implement inclusive access for all”


The conference is organized in two streams of intervention, being:

Science and Technology

Practice and Experience

All conference topics are very open and can be approached from any of the two referred streams. For each topic a number of sub-topics are open from the outset but others can be created. In addition, special sessions can also be envisaged and participants interested in organizing it should contact the Conference Chair for that purpose.

Topic A: Policy approaches for mobility needs and solutions for the ageing and disabled population

The demographic evolution of Society enables to foresee next decades with a substantial increase of ageing population with different degrees of disabilities. In addition, changes in patterns of living and more monoparental families are formed which represent users of temporary restrictions. Cities and regions must reflect in these changes and adjust their policies accordingly so that user needs are satisfied 

A1 - Meeting the needs of people with disabilities in light of changing demographics; 
A2- The economic and social implications of living and coping with disabilities; 
A3- Cases in policy actions: turning legislation into action.

Topic B: Restricted accessibility as an integrated part of mobility management.

Restricted accessibility or reduced mobility (different parts of the world use different designations) should not be managed as an isolated segment. This approach has led to exclusion of these groups of users despite providing them with increase quality of service. This approach must be changed towards a full integration of restricted accessibility in mobility management enabling citizens with temporary or permanent mobility to benefit from a complete inclusion in society. Mobility and accessibility are instruments for that inclusion.

B1 - Defining and measuring accessibility; 
B2 - Creating accessible urban environments; 
B3 – Restricted accessibility in urban transport: success stories; 
B4 - Rural accessibility issues; 
B5 – Transport contribution for inclusive tourism;  

B6 - Ensuring joined approach to planning and delivery for door to door mobility; 
B7 - Designing and delivering accessibility for major events (e.g. Olympics etc.).

Topic C - Finding solutions through innovation

Innovation is a wide encompassing concept with an extensive meaning that can go from organization of processes to invention of new technology. Today a major challenge in mobility management is to bridge from mass transit to the capillary needs of the different segments of users. Innovation is required to create new and flexible services that can complement the regular public transport and provide an effective seamless mobility chains for all users, with and without disabilities.

C1 - New technologies and tools; 
C2 - Engaging with users for flexible mobility solutions;   
C3 - Case studies of innovative approaches to restricted accessibility; 
C4 - New impairment realities (e.g. young families, monoparental families, ageing impairment, etc)

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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