Asocia ción Española de Ciencia Regional
C/ Viladomat, 321 entresuelo
08029 Barcelona
Tel/Fax: + 34 933101112
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The European Policies Research Centre, in the School of Government & Public Policy, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant or Research Associate to contribute to the comparative European policy research undertaken in the Centre. The appointee would participate in academic and policy research programmes on regional development, particularly with respect to the design and regulation of national regional policies, EU Competition policy and regional aid, and the implementation of European Structural and Investment Funds. The post would suit an applicant with a relevant first degree and subsequent work experience on regional development or potentially a post-doctoral researcher in a relevant discipline. Applicants will need to be completely fluent in both English and French. Knowledge of another European language would also be desirable. The post would be for two years in the first instance, with the possibility of renewal thereafter.
Further information:
Application deadline: 5 October 2014
The ERSA conference (August 2014) in Saint Petersburg was another highlight in the rich history of RSAI. This venue featured also the baptizing of a new book on ‘Regional Science Matters’, devoted to commemorate the seminal scientific contributions of the late Walter Isard to regional science. The editors (Adam Rose, Peter Nijkamp and Karima Kourtit) brought together in this volume a series of original studies of various scholars all over the world, whose work has been decisively influenced by Walter Isard. The volume contains also an article by Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman. For more details see:
The Chair of Forestry Economics and Planning at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany (Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel) is seeking a PostDoctoral Researcher in Forestry Economics, Risk Analysis and Planning.
Beginning October 1st, 2014 or the earliest date thereafter. The position is full-time, remunerated under state salary scheme TV-L E13 and limited to a term of five years. The research of the chair focuses on the following topics: (1) economics of multifunctional forestry; (2) forestry economics and Global Change; (3) uncertainty and risk of forest management; (4) forest planning/strategic planning
cutting-edge research in one of the chairs research areas publication of research results in international peer-reviewed journals and presentation at international conferences teaching in Master (and if applicable Bachelor) courses, supervision of students theses, writing of research proposals
Ideal profile:
PhD in forestry with emphasis on forestry economics or planning or another relevant field keen research motivation in one the chairs research fields excellent method-based competence and experience preferably in one or more of the following research areas:
forestry economics (incl. economic modelling), risk-analysis and modelling, operations research, multi-criteria decision making, econometrics, strategic planning under uncertainty ability and willingness for interdisciplinary cooperation very good English language proficiency, German language proficiency is an asset independence, reliability and good communication skills
We offer:
collaboration within an interdisciplinary and internationally successful team at one of the most renowned and attractive universities of Europe support for building your own independent scientific career (networking, mentoring, projects, habilitation, leading a junior research group, etc. )
Further information: or
Questions to: Roderich von Detten +49 (0)761 2033686, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Marc Hanewinkel This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please send your application until 1st Oct.2014 (including cover letter, CV, transcripts, list of publications/conference presentations, names and contact information of three academic references, short description of research interests) as one single (!) pdf via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Screening of application begins 1st of September 2014.
The latest issue of Papers in Regional Science is available on Wiley Online Library |
Regional Science Policy & Practice© RSAI |
The latest issue of Regional Science Policy & Practice is available on Wiley Online Library |
Issue Information |
This article has been retracted and is available online only |
To whom it may concern
I'm writing to inform you that Professor Henk Folmer has recently been appointed academic dean at the College of Economics and Management, Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University, Yangling, China. Henk Folmer is also renowned Overseas Scholar under the Chinese Ministry of Education. In June, 2014, Professor Folmer was elected board member of the Chinese Economic Society.
16th International Conference Rural-Urban Symbiosis
8 – 10 September 2015
Hamburg, Germany
Dear Colleague,
Agriculture produces bioresources for food and increasingly also for material and energy provision. The majority of agro-products are used in urban areas where they are connected with waste and wastewater generation. On the one hand, these residues are actually disposed or inefficiently treated, on the other they have value for agricultural production.
RAMIRAN 2015 is focusing on closing the loop linking rural production and urban consumption systems and on the development of more sustainable solutions for the handling of residues.
•Fertilizers from residues
•Soils for the future
•Advances in emission prevention
•The bioresource challenge
•Agro-products for the biobased economy
•Smart concepts for rural development
•Towards zero waste settlements
•Rural-urban sustainability cases studies world wide
Abstract submission
Deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2014. We invite you to prepare abstracts according to the information given at:
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committe and the authors will be notified of the decision by 28 February 2015.
For more information, please visit
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Hamburg!
Congress Chair
Ina Körner
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
Scientific Organisation
Ina Körner, Ralf Otterpohl
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany Institute of Wastewater Management & Water Protection
Network Coordinators
Harald Menzi, Agroscope, Switzerland
Tom Misselbrock, Rothamsted REsearch, United Kingdom
RAMIRAN 2015 conference office
Gerlinde Löbkens
TuTech Innovation GmbH
Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12
21079 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 76629-6551, Fax: +49 40 76629-6559
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir / Madam,
This email serves as an invitation for you to participate in the '4th International Conference on Tourism Research' that will be held on 9-11 December 2014 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 4ICTR, as it is known, is an indexed conference whereas selected case studies and research papers presented in this conference will be published in SHS Web of Conferences which is indexed by Thomson Reuters (Web of Science). With respect to that circumstance, we have received more than 100 articles to be presented in this 3-day programme. A number of participants from South Korea, Japan, South Africa, Australia, India, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, United Kingdom and United States of America have confirmed their attendances. In fact, there are also presenters from Russia, Brazil, Germany, Jordan and Czech Republic who keen to attend this beneficial conference.
Basically, we will close the acceptance of full papers by 1st September 2014. Submitted full papers after that date will only be included in conference proceedings. Currently, we are looking forward to receive and open this conference for normal attendees (non-presenters) only. We believe that this academic conference will give novel input and enhance your knowledge in tourism and hospitality realms. For more information regarding this conference, you may refer to the enclosed documents or surf our official website, For international participants, a charge of RM 1,350.00 (general) or RM 950.00 (student) will be imposed while for Malaysians, they have to pay RM 1,100.00 (general) or RM 750.00
(student) to join this programme. Registration fees include F&B (coffee/tea break and lunch during conference), '4ICTR Conference Kit' and '1-Day Excursion to Kinabalu Park to celebrate International Mountain Day'
If you are interested to join this conference, kindly fill-up the registration form attached and make the payment accordingly since the deadline for registration is on 15 September 2014. Thus, we urge you to consider this golden opportunity to widen your network among academicians, industry players and policymakers. It is a hope if could assist us to disseminate this latest information to your own network.
Indeed, we wish to meet you in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah this coming December during 4ICTR. Your cooperation and solicitude towards this matter are highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Warmest regards,
Tania Maria Tangit
| 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR) in
| conjunction
with International Mountain Day | Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysian-Borneo |
9-11 December 2014 |
Jean Claude Thill, President of the Regional Science Association International, had a meeting at the ERSA Conference in Saint Petersburg with Pali Lehohla from the Centre for Regional and Urban Innovation and Statistical Exploration having the opportunity to discuss the re-launch of a regional science association in South Africa.
The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.