
Elisabete Martins

Conference on SMEs and the Urban Fabric

15-16 April 2019  Trento, Italy    

Organised by the OECD Trento Centre for Local Development in collaboration with the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Sweden and the Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy

What makes a liveable place? What makes a place a thriving hub of entrepreneurship and growth?

These two questions might have the same answer. SMEs and entrepreneurs can benefit from well-functioning, well-designed and well-planned cities, the same way these cities and their neighbourhoods can benefit from local entrepreneurs and SMEs that create jobs, but also authenticity, charm, social integration and social connections.

But the ecosystem for entrepreneurs and SMEs is not guaranteed given, as not all urban environments are conducive to having a dynamic business community. It is therefore crucial to understand what economic policies, business regulation, land use and urban planning can help leverage the benefits that SMEs and entrepreneurs can provide to create liveable places.

What will be discussed?

The two-day OECD conference on SMEs and the Urban Fabric will help assess how far we can go in answering two questions: “What can SMEs do for their cities?” and “What can cities do for their SMEs?”.

This conference brings together speakers that tackle the questions at different scales, such as cities, clusters, or neighbourhoods, and from different backgrounds, that take an economic, planning or social lens when considering the complex interplay between SMEs and the city.

For more information, please visit the conference website -

Cover image


Papers in Regional Science
April 2019



Pages: 599-600


Nomination and Selection Protocol of RSAI Fellows

  1. Each RSAI member - except RSAI fellows – is entitled to nominate candidates for the RSAI fellowship, but self-nominations are not allowed. Each nomination has to be done through a standard concise nomination form that follows a systematic template.
  2. A nominee has to be RSAI member (or a member of any section recognized by the RSAI) and to meet the qualifications mentioned in Annex A.
  3. The selection of new RSAI fellows takes place only once a year, but nominations can be sent in at any time and will be considered for a given selection round, if they have been received before a given deadline. A nomination has a maximum life of two years.
  4. All nominations will be put on a list supplemented with non-elected candidates for the RSAI fellowship who were on the short list from the previous year.
  5. The short list will be screened by the RSAI fellows selection committee (in consultation with the RSAI director). This committee comprises 3 RSAI fellows appointed by the RSAI Council for a period of staggered 3-year terms. The selection committee has to seriously consider all available information on the candidates and can remove candidates (unanimous vote) who do not qualify.
  6. The selection committee can also decide to reduce the list of nominated RSAI members to a manageable number, so that candidates can be selected with a qualified majority. This short list should normally not contain more than 10 to 12 names.
  7. The short list is next circulated to all RSAI fellows, who have the exclusive right to vote for (a maximum of) 3 candidate-fellows. No ranking of candidates is allowed.
  8. The selection committee can put an upper ceiling on the maximum number of candidates to be selected in a given year, if circumstances dictate so.
  9. A vote of at least 1/3 will normally mean election, unless that would exceed the ceiling.
  10. The selection committee informs the RSAI Director of the final selection results, who will communicate these results to the selected RSAI fellows, the RSAI Council, and the home institutions of the newly appointed fellows.

Standard Nomination Form for RSAI Fellows

  1. Factual bio-data on candidate, including a proof for RSAI membership
  2. Professional career of candidate (max. 100 words)
  3. Substantive contribution to regional science (max. 200 words)
  4. Path-breaking publications on regional science (max. 5)
  5. Signs of international scientific recognition (max. 50 words)
  6. Reasons for nominating the candidate (max. 50 words)

To ensure full consideration by the committee, these materials should be provided in electronic format (pdf preferred) by April 17, 2019 to Takatoshi Tabuchi, Chair 2019 Fellows Election Committee This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The 5th Ibero-American Congress on Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology - CIEEMAT is a forum for discussion and creation of synergies among different students, professors, researchers and professionals to favor the development of Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology.

The challenges of higher education for the 21st century, such as the centralization of educational procedures in the student, and the sharing of experiences between institutions at the level of international cooperation, double graduation, and cooperation with the community, are also discussion topics in this conference.

All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference, and the best papers will be suggested for publication in a special edition of an international journal and in international scientific journals.

The organising committee welcomes you to CIEEMAT2019, we will be delighted to welcome you in our beautiful city.

Best Regards,
The Organising Committee

The 2nd Bioenergy International Conference will be held from 11th to 13th September 2019 in PORTALEGRE (Portugal).

This congress is organised by researchers of the C3i/IPP (Portalegre, Portugal), and AreanaTejo, Energy Agency (Portugal) with the objective to join academics, researchers and companies in an international forum to discuss matters related to bioenergy technologies, economic and policy aspects.

We believe that we must rethink, personally, institutionally and corporately, the management that we make of the waste we generate and the energy that we have available. That’s why we have created this congress and exhibition, that we hope can be part of our contribution for a more efficient use of these resources.

All papers will be published in the congress E-book. The feasibility of publishing special issue(s) of reputed scientific journals will be confirmed shortly.All papers will be published in the congress E-book. The feasibility of publishing special issue(s) of reputed scientific journals will be confirmed shortly.

For more information, please visit the website of the conference on

Please submit your abstract by the 15th of June 2019, and you can find the instructions for authors and the template to prepare your abstract on

You can submit your work on the following link:

If you have any question about this conference, please contact the organising committee on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best wishes,

Paulo Brito, PhD.


2nd Bioenergy International Conference


RIDITA2019 International Congress

October 9-11, 2019, Faculty of Engineering, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã (Portugal)
Deadline: April 7, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you about the launch of the Call for Papers for the VII RIDITA – International Congress of the Iberoamerican Air Transportation Research Society 2019, organized by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Beira Interior, on October 9-11, 2019

Submissions of well-developed abstracts should be made by the online platform that you can find in the website of the Congress (, by April 7, 2019.

Notification of acceptance is expected by May 5, 2019.

For further information please find attached the Call for Papers.

We would appreciate if you could spread this message among your contacts and encourage people from your Institutions to apply.

Yours sincerely,

Organizing Committee

Tuesday, 02 April 2019 10:42

AESOP Newsletter 03/2019 - March 31


The Call for the position of AESOP President is open.

The new AESOP President has to be elected in July 2019.

The deadline for applications is 31st May 2019.

Ackowledgements to the University of Ljubljana

AESOP would like to thank the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering and the Biotechnical Faculty and express our most gratitude for the excellent organization of the 14th AESOP Heads of Schools.

The date coincided with the 100th anniversary of the University of Ljubljana and the topic of ‘Planning and the Disciplinarity Question’ was chosen to celebrate the contribution of planning disciplines to the challenges of transition of the academia towards ‘Xdisciplinarity’.

Continuing AESOP-ACSP Special Session: Morsels of hope: Migration and urban planning

Published at: 7 March 2019

Continuing AESOP-ACSP Special Session

Morsels of hope: Migration and urban planning

Co-Chairs: Ben Davy (President AESOP), Weiping Wu (President, ACSP) and Gerardo F. Sandoval (Conference Chair, ACSP)

Greenville (South Carolina - U.S.A.)

Abstracts are due June 15th, 2019.


Published at: 4 March 2019





The Department of Architecture of the University of Florence with the contribution of the ASSOCIAZIONE DI FONDAZIONI E CASSE DI RISPARMIO ITALIANE SpA (ACRI)

In the frame of the Association of European Schools of Planning – AESOP,  AESOP Young Academics - AESOP Thematic Group on Regional Design

Deadline for applications postponed to 31st MARCH 2019

4th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, Volos, 2019

Published at: 28 March 2019

Call for Papers, Cases, Doctoral Posters and Artwork

4th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA)

Department of Planning and Regional Development,

University of Thessaly, Volos (Greece)

27-29 November 2019

Deadline for submission: 5 May 2019

NEW BOOK: The New Arab Urban, edited by Harvey Molotch and Davide Ponzini

Published at: 27 March 2019

The New Arab Urban

Gulf Cities of Wealth, Ambition, and Distress

by Harvey Molotch and Davide Ponzini

© 2019 – NYU Press

Master of City Design - University of Illinois - Chicago - Application Deadline

Published at: 27 March 2019

Please share information on this 1-year degree programme with students in your institutions, particularly those graduating with design background (architecture, landscape architecture, spatial / physical planning).

TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITION in Land Use and Transport Planning

Published at: 21 March 2019

Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Built Environment

Deadline for Applications: May 7th, 2019

Spatial Strategies at the Land-Sea Interface: Rethinking Maritime Spatial Planning - Call for papers is open!

Published at: 18 March 2019

Spatial Strategies at the Land-Sea Interface: Rethinking Maritime Spatial Planning

11-13th September 2019, University of Hamburg, Institute for Geography



To contribute a paper please a submit a proposed title and an abstract of max. 400 words to Dr. Cormac Walsh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15.07.2019. We intend to publish a selection of papers from this work in the form of a journal special issue. Further details will be provided at a later date.

To register for this workshop (required should you wish to present a paper or not), please email Sarah Topfstädt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, affiliation and any special dietary requirements. The deadline for registration is 15.07.2019. Please note that places are limited and preference may be given to those who are actively engaged with the specific topic of the workshop in their own research / practice. There is no registration fee. We may be in a position to subsidise travel costs for early career researchers who will present a paper and do not have access travel funding. Do let us know if this applies to you.


Published at: 15 March 2019

International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)

Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2019

Editor-in-Chief: Carlos Nunes Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

EcoSummit 2020 - Building a sustainable and desirable future: Adapting to a changing land and sea-scape
Join mailing list
Supporting publications

Save the date!

EcoSummit 2020
Building a sustainable and desirable future:
Adapting to a changing land and sea-scape
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
SAVE THE DATE: 21-25 June 2020

The 6th International EcoSummit Congress, EcoSummit 2020 - Building a sustainable and desirable future: Adapting to a changing land and sea-scape, will take place at The Gold Coast Convention Centre, Gold Coast, Australia, from 21st – 25th June 2020.

This conference series was founded in 1996 in Copenhagen, as a forum for scientists, practioners, and policy-makers working across disciplines to solve the integrated environmental, social, and economic problems facing the world today. Since 1996, EcoSummits have occurred around the world (Canada, China, USA and Europe), with EcoSummit 2016 hosting 1400 participants from 87 countries in Montpellier, France.

EcoSummit 2020 will have a focus on coastal and marine ecosystems including adjacent terrestrial ecosystems and all habitats that are integrated within those ecosystems, including river networks, wetlands and catchments. We expect all aspects of environmental modelling, engineering, science, and policy to be covered under the focus of climate adaptation and the need for developing socio-economic and environmental resilience and sustainable prosperity around the world. Further focus will be placed on fragile systems that are more likely to suffer the consequences of climate change and anthropogenic pressure such as islands, coastal communities and arid landscapes.

In the current context of an increasing world population, in particular in coastal regions, it is evident that building sustainable cities and using resources sustainably is inevitable. It is envisaged that the Summit will produce a declaration encompassing its vision and policy recommendations.

The topics covered in EcoSummit 2020 will include, but are not limited to:

  • Coastal development and engineering
  • Beaches
  • Coral reef stressors
  • Coastal conservation
  • Fisheries and aquacultures
  • Oceanography
  • Coastal marine habitats
  • Marine ecology
  • Rivers, catchments and wetlands
  • Sea level rise and ocean warming
  • Pacific Island Resilience
  • Ecosystem services
  • Environmental policies and frameworks
  • Citizen Science and local actors (NGOs)
  • Ecotourism
  • Aboriginal rights and land use
  • Ecosystem creation and restoration
  • Ecological economics
  • Biological invasions
  • Anthropogenic pressure
  • Sustainability and resilience
  • Integrating socio-economics and ecology
  • Climate adaptation and mitigation
  • Fragile ecosystems and hotspot management
  • Ecosystem health
  • Ecological indicators
  • Ecological modelling
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Biodiversity and biological conservation
  • Disturbance ecology
  • Ecological complexity
  • Scaling from genomes to ecosystems
  • Innovative technology for ecological sustainability

Call for Session and Side Event Proposals opening soon
>> Sign up for email updates

We welcome your participation and look forward to seeing you at EcoSummit 2020!

EcoSummit 2020 Co-Chairs
Robert CostanzaCrawford School of Public Policy at Australian National University, Australia
Bai-Lian (Larry) LiUniversity of California, Riverside, USA
Jan-Olaf MeyneckeGriffith University, Australia

Visit the EcoSummit 2020 website:

Organised by
Elsevier The EcoSummit Foundation  
Supported by
Tourism and Events Queensland


We are pleased to inform you that a new issue of the Regional Statistics has been released and now it’s avaiable online.



Donatello Caruso – Francesco Conto: Private capital in the rural development programme: the case of the Apulia Region, Southern Italy

Gergely Tagai – Josef Bernard – Martin Simon – Bálint Koós: Two faces of peripherality: labour markets, poverty, and population dynamics in Hungary and Czechia

Vidmantas Daugirdas – Gintarė Pociūtė-Sereikienė: Depopulation tendencies and territorial development in Lithuania

Melinda Nagy-Molnár – Lendvay Endre: New method to support decision making process in the local economic development of Hungary

Mátyás Szabó – Orsolya Pap-Szuromi – Róbert Romvári: Preliminary results of a farmstead survey of the Great Hungarian Plain –

Tibor Kóti: Spatial differences regarding the chance to leave supported public employment in Hungary’s rural periphery

Barbara Konecka-Szydłowska – András Trócsányi – Gábor Pirisi: Urbanisation in a formal way? The different characteristics of the ‘newest towns’ in Poland and Hungary

Lyudmila Grigorievna Matveeva –  Ol’ga Anatolievna Chernova – Natal’ya Alexeevna Kosolapova – Alexey Evgenievich Kosolapov: Assessment of water resources use efficiency based on the Russian Federation’s gross regional product water intensity indicator

K.S. Akbash – N.О. Pasichnyk – R.Ya.Rizhniak: Generalization of calculation methods for gender indices in demographic and social statistics


Ladislav Novotný – Loránt Pregi: Visualization of migration using spatial interpolation method

Join us to our social networking sites:

Cover Image

Regional Science Policy & Practice

Volume 11, Issue 1

Pages: 1-209

March 2019



Issue Information

Pages: 1-2 | First Published: 28 March 2019


Spatial and social justice

Budy P. Resosudarmo, Ari Kuncoro, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings

Pages: 3-4 | First Published: 28 March 2019

Open Access

Household characteristics at the bottom, the typical, and the top of the 2016 income distribution in South Korea: A quantile regression analysis

Yuri Mansury, Jae Beum Cho

Pages: 5-21 | First Published: 18 January 2019

Gender inequality among urban households in South Korea

Yuri Mansury, Kyung‐Heun Baek

Pages: 23-38 | First Published: 12 March 2019

Open Access

Interprovincial differences in labour force distribution and utilization based on educational attainment in Indonesia, 2002–2015

Mitsuhiko Kataoka

Pages: 39-54 | First Published: 29 November 2018

Education and expenditure inequality in Myanmar: An analysis with the 2006 and 2012 Household Income and Expenditure Survey in an urban and rural setting

Aye Thu Zar Thein, Takahiro Akita

Pages: 55-70 | First Published: 12 March 2019

Inequality of opportunity, a matter of space?

Jesus Perez‐Mayo

Pages: 71-87 | First Published: 12 February 2019

Open Access

Are poor provinces catching‐up the rich provinces in Indonesia?

Hengky Kurniawan, Henri L. F. de Groot, Peter Mulder

Pages: 89-108 | First Published: 29 January 2019

In search of spatial justice. Towards a conceptual and operative framework for the analysis of inter‐ and intra‐urban inequalities using a geo‐demographic approach. The case of Italy

Giovanni A. Barbieri, Federico Benassi, Marianna Mantuano, M. Rosaria Prisco

Pages: 109-121 | First Published: 20 November 2018

Open Access

A sectoral growth‐income inequality nexus in Indonesia

Iván González Gordón, Budy P. Resosudarmo

Pages: 123-139 | First Published: 20 June 2018


Interpreting and understanding territorial identity

Roberta Capello

Pages: 141-158 | First Published: 07 December 2018

Differential demographic transitions for Women of different ethnicities in Gauteng, South Africa, 1996–2011

Hermanus Stephanus Geyer, Nhlapo Mosidi

Pages: 159-171 | First Published: 07 January 2019

Fiscal Decentralization – A Cautious Tale

Yizhou Zhang, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings

Pages: 173-187 | First Published: 09 January 2019

Do light rail transit investments increase employment opportunities? The case of Charlotte, North Carolina

Kristine Laura Canales, Isabelle Nilsson, Elizabeth Delmelle

Pages: 189-202 | First Published: 27 February 2019


Advanced Introduction to National Innovation Systems, Cristina Chaminade, Bengt‐Åke Lundvall, Shagufa Hanneef, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2018

Roberta Capello

Pages: 203-204 | First Published: 28 August 2018

The square and the tower: Networks and power, from the Freemasons to Facebook

Gordon F. Mulligan

Pages: 204-207 | First Published: 15 October 2018

The Cost–Benefit Revolution. Cass R. Sunstein

Amitrajeet A. Batabyal

Pages: 207-209 | First Published: 22 November 2018


About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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