
Elisabete Martins

The Annals of Regional Science cover imageThe Annals of Regional Science. Volume 70, Issue 1 is now available online.

Spotlight on the Region

In this issue

Special Issue Editorial

Spotlight on the region analytical contributions on regional development

Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, Mehmet Güney Celbiş

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Roger Stough: his contribution to regional science

Robert Stimson, Kingsley Haynes, Patricio A. Aroca

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Industrial transformations and regional inequalities in Europe

Roberta Capello, Silvia Cerisola

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Economic vulnerability in US metropolitan areas

Gordon F. Mulligan

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Open Access

Quality of life, quality of business, and destinations of recent graduates: fields of study matter

Arthur Grimes, Shaan Badenhorst, David C. Maré, Jacques Poot, Isabelle Sin

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Will the economic growth benefit public health? Health vulnerability, urbanization and COVID-19 in the USA

Ye Fan, Ming Fang, Xin Zhang, Yongda Yu

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The global digital platform economy and the region

Zoltan J. Acs

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Open Access

The role of collaboration and external knowledge for innovation in small food firms

Sofia Wixe, Pia Nilsson, Lucia Naldi, Hans Westlund

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Correction to: The role of collaboration and external knowledge for innovation in small food firms

Sofia Wixe, Pia Nilsson, Lucia Naldi, Hans Westlund

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How regional economic structure matters in the era of COVID-19: resilience capacity of U.S. states

Ayoung Kim, Jaewon Lim, Aaron Colletta

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Piped water supply and usage and the question of services of general interest: a spatial panel data analysis

Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Zizi Goschin, Cristina Serbanica

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Regional poverty and infection disease: early exploratory evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic

Abu Bakkar Siddique, Kingsley E. Haynes, Rajendra Kulkarni, Meng-Hao Li

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Land-cover/land-use change dynamics modeling based on land change modeler

Meryem Qacami, Abdellatif Khattabi, Said Lahssini, Nabil Rifai, Modeste Meliho

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF

Open Access

Quantitative performance assessment of Asian stellar cities by a DEA cascade system: a capability interpretation

Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, Soushi Suzuki

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Entrepreneurship in China’s peripheral regions

Fenjie Long, Longfei Zheng, Haifeng Qian

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF

Threshold effect of tourism density on urban livability: a modeling study on Chinese cities

Jingjing Liu, Jamie M. Chen, Peter Nijkamp, James F. Petrick

» Abstract    » Full text HTML    » Full text PDF


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"The 1st International Conference on
Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia"
(Ryskulov Readings - 2023)
Dear Colleagues!

This year, on May 11 and 12, Narxoz University , together with The Regional Science Association International , is holding an international conference on sustainable development in Central Asia "The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Regional Development in Central Asia" (Ryskulov Readings - 2023).

RSAI is the publisher of the Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) - Q2 journal in the Scopus database. According to our agreement, all abstracts approved for presentation by the scientific committee of the conference will be considered by the editors of the journal for publication in the format of an article absolutely free of charge. All other papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

The conference is also dedicated to a significant date - the 60th anniversary of Narxoz University. The university, established in 1963, has trained more than 140,000 graduates for the economy of Kazakhstan, and in 2023 Narxoz draws a jubilee line under its past and reveals grandiose plans for the future.

Dear members,

The deadline for abstract submission for our annual conference, taking place in Newcastle on 4-6 July 2023, has now been extended to February 10. The conference is being hosted by CURDS at Newcastle University, and organised by Rachel Franklin. 

More details on our website. Please submit your abstract via this link:

We hope to communicate decisions by end-February. If you need an early decision for visa purposes, please let us know by writing to Richard Rijnks, RSAI-BIS Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Tasos Kitsos (Membership Secretary), on behalf of RSAI-BIS

4th AISRe Summer School

Resilience of territories and firms: theories, measures and applications

27-30 June 2023, Palermo


University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy

Objectives and themes

Over the last decades the world has experienced several shocks of different nature, e.g., economic, pandemic, and natural, at both global and local level. These events have stressed the resilient capacities of territories and firms inducing governments to plan extraordinary actions to sustain the economy. The Summer School will focus, from both theoretical and empirical standpoint, on the concept of resilience at different scale of analysis, i.e., regional and firm-level, and exploring shocks of different nature. The goal is to provide young researchers with an overview of theories, measures and applications through a wide range of topics. These include:

  • Regional-level resilience to socio-economic shocks
  • Firm-level resilience to socio-economic shocks
  • Regional-level resilience to environmental shocks
  • Regional-level resilience to energy shock

Structure of the Program

Each topic will be developed via lectures and data analysis laboratory (using the software STATA) with the following daily timetable:

  • 9.30-11.30 Lectures
  • 12.00-14-00 Data analysis laboratory
  • 15.30-17.30 Students’ presentations

Confirmed senior scholars with high reputation on the topics of the Summer School will deliver lectures, while experts will conduct data analysis sessions. All presentations will be in English.


  • Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to socio-economic shocks: Fabio Mazzola (University of Palermo). Laboratory data analysis: Pietro Pizzuto (University of Palermo);
  • Theories and measures of firm-level resilience to socio-economic shocks: Maksim Belitski (University of Reading). Laboratory data analysis: Martina Aronica (University of Palermo);
  • Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to environmental shocks: Marco Modica (Gran Sasso Science Institute). Laboratory data analysis: Laura Ciucci (Gran Sasso Science Institute);
  • Theories and measures of regional-level resilience to energy shock: Alessandro Sapio (University of Naples “Parthenope”). Laboratory data analysis: Rita De Siano (University of Naples “Parthenope”).

Local Organizing Committee

Davide Piacentino (Coordinator), University of Palermo; Fabio Mazzola, University of Palermo; Vincenzo Provenzano, University of Palermo; Pietro Pizzuto, University of Palermo; Martina Aronica, University of Palermo.

Scientific Committee

Domenico Scalera (Università del Sannio); Camilla Lenzi (Politecnico di Milano); Augusto Cerqua (Università di Roma Sapienza); Maria Rosaria Agostino (Università della Calabria); Cristina Bernini (Università di Bologna); Roberta Capello (Politecnico di Milano); Cristina Brasili (Università di Bologna); Marusca De Castris (Università degli Studi Roma Tre); Silvia Emili (Università di Bologna); Valeria Fedeli (Politecnico di Milano); Marco Mariani (IRPET); Ilaria Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano); Marco Modica (GSSI); Davide Piacentino (Università di Palermo); Elena Ragazzi (IRCrES – CNR); Laura Resmini (Università di Milano Bicocca); Daniela Storti (CREA); Fabio Mazzola (Università di Palermo); Vincenzo Provenzano (Università di Palermo); Pietro Pizzuto (Università di Palermo); Martina Aronica (Università di Palermo).

How to participate

Postgraduate students and early career researchers with less than 5 years of postdoctoral experience, from universities and research centres can apply to this call. Candidates must send their CV (Europass format, maximum 5 pages), an abstract of a research project/paper on which they are currently working (maximum 2,000 words) and a reference letter. The selection committee will evaluate the applications based on the documentation submitted.

Candidates have to send application by 24 March 2023, to the following email address:. In the object of the email, please specify “NAME OF THE CANDIDATE – Application to the AISRe summer school”. For further information you can contact Prof. Davide Piacentino This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A maximum of 30 candidates will be selected for participation, and they will receive an email notification by 2 April 2023.

The participation fee is 120 euros, reduced to 80 euros for young researchers (aged under 35 years, doctoral students and post-doc researchers). Coffee breaks and lunches are included in the participation fee. 

Participants are required to be individual members of AISRe. Individual membership has a cost of 130 Euros, reduced to 65 Euros for young researchers (aged under 35 years, doctoral students and post-doc researchers). AISRe membership also includes:

  • a subscription to Scienze Regionali (Italian Journal of Regional Science) for the following calendar year (;
  • the volumes of the Regional Science Series (FrancoAngeli) published during the business year;
  • the registration to the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), which includes an online subscription to the journals Papers in Regional Science and Regional Science Policy & Practice for the following calendar year;
  • the opportunity to pay a reduced fee at the annual conferences of the international associations: European Regional Science Association (ERSA) ( and Regional Science Association International (RSAI) (

At the end of the event, those who will have attended all the days of the summer school will receive a certificate of attendance.

Cities and territories in the developing world facing the challenges of ecological and digital transitions. A South-North perspective

28-29 April 2023 | Hammamet-Tunisia


The Regional Science Association International (RSAI) and the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax (University of Sfax) are organising the first international conference on sustainable regional development in cities and territories in the developing world. The conference aims to bring together leading scientists, researchers and academics to exchange and share their expertise and knowledge on all aspects of sustainable development at the scale of cities and territories. It also serves as an interdisciplinary platform to discuss existing trends and challenges and responses adapted to the context of developing countries.

Call for papers

At the dawn of the 21st century, cities are at the forefront of the development race. They are home to more than half of the world's population. While urbanisation is a widespread phenomenon, it is in the developing world that cities are growing most rapidly[1] and sometimes abruptly. It is estimated that by 2030, around 5 billion people will be living in cities, over 80% of them in developing countries. Such urban dynamics can only produce strong interactions with the major changes affecting the world today, particularly with regard to environmental and social transitions. These interactions bring with them new challenges for socio-economic development policies and territorial planning, which are called upon to be renewed in depth in both the North and the South, regardless of the specific situations that may be encountered on either side[2].
Given that urbanisation goes hand in hand with economic growth[3], it is legitimate to ask whether or not this urban transformation offers the countries of the South a new development opportunity and the promise of a better quality of life. In reality, it can be assumed that this will depend on how the South conceives, governs and manages its cities and territories. 
In the South, the particularly rapid growth of cities - which is accompanied by a massive flow of goods, people and information, both tangible and intangible - poses major challenges related to global health, economic, social, ecological and climate issues, especially for city dwellers who live mainly in informal settlements and for people who have migrated from rural areas.
The growth of cities is not just a demographic phenomenon. It is also a fundamental transformation in the nature and scale of economic production, social structures, patterns of interaction and land use, city-nature relationships[4], etc. Such a transformation has profound impacts on resource, capacity and governance requirements. The densification of cities increases the need for complex systems for water and energy supply, natural environment protection, health, safety, waste management and related infrastructure.
In response to these environmental and societal challenges, cities and territories must reinvent themselves to seize the opportunities that arise. These challenges are expressed in terms of economic development, well-being[5] and social and institutional change. As a result, new narratives and new specific and contextualised solutions are being expressed in both the North and the South. New ways are emerging to define 'imagined' cities that are more functional, more attractive, more inclusive, more cooperative, more respectful of their environment, less selective and less enclave. The question then arises as to how to reconcile the functioning of an "ordinary" economy (capable of meeting basic social and local needs) with the rise of an "extraordinary" economy (technological, innovative, competitive, etc.).
Thinking about sustainability in the cities and territories of developing countries implies broadening our field of investigation and reflection. It is a question of trying to produce development models and alternatives adapted to the socio-economic and environmental epistemology of the cities of the South by relying on their potentialities and their resilience capacities. Fortunatly, the economic literature and public policies on innovation have abandoned a restricted vision centred on the technical dimension alone, which is well suited to the countries of the North. Considering innovation and the policies dedicated to it under a broader prism is a promising path for the sustainable development of cities and territories in the South. Whether technological, organisational, societal or institutional, in the North as in the South[6], innovation becomes the major element that 'forges the territory', fuels local socio-economic development and makes it possible to overcome traditional disciplinary modes, which produce massive nuisances and individual and collective malaise. This suggests - as Pugh (2013)[7], Barthel and Monkid (2011)[8] and many others point out - that, against the tide of supposed global convergence, the countries of the South need to invent their own sustainable development systems while drawing on the models, policies and tools of the pioneering sustainability cities.
The aim of this conference is to understand the trends that affect the strong urbanisation of cities in the developing world and to identify the appropriate responses to invent the sustainable city of tomorrow. The various dimensions of transition (economic, social, ecological, digital, institutional, spatial, cultural) will be studied through the prism of innovation in order to understand how it can reorient territorial development trajectories in a context of increased uncertainty and acute inter-territorial competition[9]. While the primary objective of this conference is to better understand the challenges of urban transition in the South, it is also expected that contributions will address the dynamics of transition in the cities of the North and the responses to global challenges (environmental, climatic and societal) that are being made there.
This general theme can be approached from many angles, including but not limited to :
  1. Ecological and digital transitions, innovations and the city of the future
  2. Entrepreneurship and sustainable urban development
  3. Sustainable transport and logistics
  4. Local policies, social economy and social innovation 
  5. Institutional innovations and urban governance
  6. Transformation of city-nature relations
  7. Industrial and territorial ecology
  8. Finance and regional development
  9. Climate change and resilience
  10. Migration and development of cities in the South
  11. Econometric and spatial modelling and city growth
  12. Health, education, food security and urban growth
Writing guidelines
Authors are asked to provide the following:
  1. Contact details of the author(s) (surname, first name, title, affiliation, e-mail).
  2. The title of the proposal
  3.  An 800 word abstract describing the purpose of the paper, the context, the method used and the expected results.
  4. A list of 5 key words
  5. Ten or so bibliographical references
 Paper proposals should be submitted by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[1] Pugh C (2013), Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries. London, Routledge
[2] Lejardins X (2021), l’aménagement du territoire. Armand Collin.
[3] Banque mondiale (2008)
[4] Carrière et al. (2021), Faire nature en ville. L’Harmattan.
[5] Bourdeau-Lepage (2022), Révéler les aspirations des citadins pour des villes amènes. L’outil Tell_Me, in Urbanisme du bien-être. Des initiatives à partager.
[6] wd Barthel P-A et Zaki L (2011), Expérimenter la ville durable au sud de la Méditerranée. Chercheurs et professionnels en dialogue, Coll. Villes et Territoires, Edition de l’Aube, La Tour-d’Aigues.
[7] Pugh C (2013), Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries. London, Routledge
[8] Barthel P.A et Monqid S. (2011), Introduction. Cairo and sustainability: a provocative issue? Égypte/Monde arabe, 8/2011, document 8, Online since 01 September 2012.
[9]   Hamdouch A., Depret M.-H. et Tanguy C. (Eds.), Mondialisation et résilience des territoires. Trajectoires, dynamiques d’acteurs et expériences, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Québec, 2012, 292 p.

Cover Image

Papers in Regional Science
Volume 101, Issue 6

Pages: 1243-1472

December 2022


Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 1243-1244 | First Published: 17 January 2023


Cultural participation in Cultural and Creative Cities: Positive regional outcomes and potential congestion concerns

Silvia Cerisola, Elisa Panzera

Pages: 1245-1261 | First Published: 16 December 2022

The effect of cultural and creative production on human capital: Evidence from European regions

Filippo Berti Mecocci, Amir Maghssudipour, Marco Bellandi

Pages: 1263-1287 | First Published: 02 November 2022

Productivity advantage of large cities for creative industries

Chun-Yu Ho, Yue Sheng

Pages: 1289-1306 | First Published: 04 December 2022

Open Access

Beyond productivity slowdown: Quality, pricing and resource reallocation in regional competitiveness

Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Giovanni Perucca

Pages: 1307-1330 | First Published: 31 August 2022

Open Access

Tourism and territorial growth determinants in insular regions: A comparison with mainland regions for some European countries (2008–2019)

Fabio Mazzola, Pietro Pizzuto, Giovanni Ruggieri

Pages: 1331-1382 | First Published: 05 September 2022

Roads and intra‐national trade: Evidence from Italian regions

Marta Santagata

Pages: 1383-1409 | First Published: 11 January 2023

Open Access

FDI and the growing wage gap in Mexican municipalities

Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose

Pages: 1411-1439 | First Published: 29 November 2022

São Francisco River Transposition Project: Socio‐economic impacts in Brazilian Northeast semi‐arid region

Edson Ramos de Medeiros, Terciane Sabadini Carvalho, Kênia Barreiro de Souza

Pages: 1441-1468 | First Published: 23 November 2022


New frontiers of policy evaluation in regional science. Edited by Yoshiro Higano N |Lily Kiminami | Kenichi Ishibashi. Volume 52. Series: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. 412 pp. ISBN 978–981–16–4500–6; ISBN 978–981–16–4501–3 (eBook).

Cristina Bernini

Pages: 1469-1470 | First Published: 04 November 2022


Acknowledgement to referees

Pages: 1471-1472 | First Published: 17 January 2023


The scientific journal Regional Science Policy and Practice belongs to Regional Science Association International and it is committed to promote the development of Regional Science across the globe specifically through the promotion of special issues on nurtured by workshops.

The main purpose of this first workshop is to mobilize and nurture talents across the Western Balkans, publish a special issue of the journal on Sustainable Regional Development and European Integration in Western Balkans and support RSAI in the creation of regional science sections in Western Balkans.

The workshop seeks to enhance participants understanding of recent developments and methodologies that could be useful for spatial and regional analysis facilitating the European integration and implementation of sustainable development goals in the Western Balkan region. Spatial assessment is more important to our understanding of economic and geographical problems, the workshop will develop the skillsets and knowledge of regional scientist to be able to analyse and understand complex spatial problems and to apply these tools in developing innovative research, in policy making and further expanding research capacities in the Western Balkan region.

Through this workshop, participants will be able to learn and apply spatial econometric models, geographic data, agglomeration and movement of labour and capital to make informed policy decisions that can facilitate the European integration process. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research and receive constructive feedback from peers and senior scholars.

Dear NECTAR colleagues, 

Cluster 4 is organising a workshop on Active Micro-Mobility – Modeling Spatial Behaviour of Cyclists and Pedestrians, 16-17 March 2023. The workshop is organized by LAET-ENTPE (University of Lyon), Lyon, France.  

If you are interested to participate in this workshop, please submit an abstract (about 500 words) before 13 February 2023. See the call for papers for details attached.

Best regards

Ana Condeço-Melhorado

NECTAR Secretary

Training on Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Analysis and Computer General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling For Development and Planning


(Open from 1 Feb 2023, Close on 1 March 2023)

Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) and the Asian Vision Institute (AVI—Cambodia-based independent think tank), supported by the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), are conducting free academic training for young academics in Asia and the Pacific. The training will be at Angkor Paradise Hotel, in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from 12 till 14 June 2023.


The purpose of this training is to provide adequate knowledge on Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) analysis and Computable General Equilibrium Modelling for development planning, focusing on achieving the sustainable development goals (SGDs). This training is also to stimulate interactions and network development among participants as well as with senior academics in the region. Not only that will they be equipped with well-defined analytical methods on development planning, after graduating from this training, participants would also be provided with more knowledge about methods within regional science.


Participants are expected to attend a set of 3-day activities as follows.

1. The one-and-a-half-day pre-conference training:

a. 12 June 2023, 08:00am – 5:00 pm

b. 13 June 2023, 08:00am – 12:00pm

2. The one-and-a-half-day conference: The 18th PRSCO Summer Institute

a. 13 June 2023, 02:00pm – 06:00pm

b. 14 June 2023, 08:00pm – 05:00pm

NB: Attending only some of the above activities is not permitted.

Subjects Covered in the Training:

  • Poverty and inequality: Concepts and measurements
  • Sustainable development
  • Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for development planning
  • Introduction to the concept of computable general equilibrium (CGE)
  • Implementing a CGE using GAMS software
  • CGE for Development Planning


  • Professor Budy P. Resosudarmo of the Australian National University (
  • Associate Professor Yuri Mansury of the Illinois Institute of Technology ( .

Supports for the Training:

All accepted participants will receive the training and its material for free. Four-night accommodation and lunch during the pre-conference training and conference will be provided. Registration fee to attend the conference will also be waived.

All accepted participants, however, should cover all other costs to participate in this training and conference, such as costs of transportation to and from Siem Reap, dinner and personal spending during the training and conference.

All accepted participants should bring their own laptop to the training. No computer facilities will be provided.

Who can apply?

All early- and mid-career academics receiving their Master’s or PhD degree after 2015 are invited to apply. Female academics and those located in the lower Mekong countries are encouraged to apply. A total of 20 successful applicants will be selected to join the training program.

How to Apply:

Application form can be downloaded over here ( Deadline for application submission is on 1 March 2023.

At the end of the program, a training certificate will be given by the Asian Vision Institute.

In Partnership with

Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) Summer Institute

Supported by

Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

Asian Vision Institute (AVI)


The 18th PRSCO Summer Institute Feb 1, 2023: Abstract submission opening

Mar 1, 2023: Abstract submission deadline

The Conference will be hosted by the Asian Vision Institute, with the Regional Science Association International, at Angkor Paradise Hotel, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13-14 June 2023. The overall theme  of the conference is: “Economic and Social Transformation Amidst the Multi-Pronged Global Crisis”. The programme committee invites contributed papers on topics in regional science for presentation at the conference.

The committee will welcome papers on any aspect of regional science, and would particularly welcome papers reporting research or case studies on the following themes:

  1. Regional economics and development
  2. Income inequality and regional disparities
  3. Infrastructure, basic utilities and regional management
  4. Public services and human development
  5. Trade, investment and economic growth
  6. Decentralization and regional fiscal policies
  7. Regional macro and financial policies
  8. Local government innovation and governance
  9. Economic shocks and social safety nets
  10. nflation and exchange rate policies
  11. Culture, land and village development

Extended paper abstract of about 500 words should be submitted online via by 1 March 2023.

Abstract should consist of background, data and methodology, potential contributions, and keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Paper sessions are seminar-style for each paper and ample time for discussion and for participants to provide constructive feedback to authors. Paper presentations will be in English.

Important dates:

Feb 1, 2023: Abstract submission opening

Mar 1, 2023: Abstract submission deadline

Apr 1, 2023: Early bird registration open

Apr 1, 2023: Notification of abstract acceptance

May 1, 2023: Early bird registration end

May 22, 2023: Paper presenter registration deadline

Jun 5, 2023: Non-presenter registration deadline

Jun 12 – 13, 2023: Pre-conference training

Jun 13 – 14, 2023: Conference date

In Partnership with

Pacific Regional Science Conference Organization (PRSCO) Summer Institute

Supported by

Regional Science Association International (RSAI)

Asian Vision Institute (AVI)

About Us

The Regional Science Association International (RSAI), founded in 1954, is an international community of scholars interested in the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change.

Get In Touch

Regional Science Association International
University of Azores, Oficce 155-156, Rua Capitão João D'Ávila, 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, Portugal

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